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B-LAND発表会2024コンテストメンバー XG/shootingstar

B-LAND発表会2024コンテストメンバー XG/shootingstar

B-LAND発表会2024コンテストメンバー XG/shootingstar

[Music] yeah yeah XG Everything I Do I Do A1 flers make them going s Pon Qui always looking fresh got the Green in my diet head to my toe shining like an Diamond fre for Kus nothing to it going stupid sa we a movement never losing making mov stpp my will it pay off working all the time no days off stars in the dark the stars in the dark make take it off on the ground it’s amazing so this world I’m space now I’m going heading to the Stars Tre on life right R in ring just shining shining shining sh ooh I am looking so ooh it like get a have it big move every day a dream big mov yeah we do we o looking so o I think you can imagine don’t need a sun cuz we cool and Su and booty just for fun you could run up on me I’m you out of this world I got the SP you jumping ready for my lunch I don’t care for my breath I’m just going down I trying to buy your shots but they do it all I watching me I’m going to want to be no touching me I got this energy give it my will it P off all the time dayss in the dark holy STS in the dark take it up ground it’s amazing so this world I’m space No Going heading to the St treaded for another life r r r on so shining shining shining for sure oh I’m looking so lavish o couldn’t what like Get To Heaven B every day like a dream make do R team so L is I bet you can’t imagine oh you rocking with a Dream Team com dropping when we hit the scene oh you rocking with a trans we’re shooting from another galaxy they know we take it all the way life and just how we live don’t get it to just know the ex going sh sh sh everything every que imagine

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LINE ID→b-landryo

#XG #shootingstar

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