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[グッズ開封]女神ですか?! モーニング娘。’23 譜久村聖の卒コングッズ!Neverending Shine Show ~聖域~Sanctuary

[グッズ開封]女神ですか?! モーニング娘。'23 譜久村聖の卒コングッズ!Neverending Shine Show ~聖域~Sanctuary

[グッズ開封]女神ですか?! モーニング娘。’23 譜久村聖の卒コングッズ!Neverending Shine Show ~聖域~Sanctuary

[Unboxing Mizuki Fukumura Grad Merch] J: Ohh! This is where it gets exciting J: Mizuki Fukumura’s graduation merch! Y: Aah! Finally! Y: This is the one you waited in line for 3.5 hours and gave up, right? J: Yes yes J: So this is Fuku-chan’s

J: concert outfit. I love this outfit so much. It’s so cute. Y: When was this worn? J: Remember in the beginning . of the show, they wore plaid dresses. J: So underneath that is this outfit. Y: Ohhh I see. J: I got this one because it’s sweet.

J: It’s an A4 photo. Pretty big. Probably the same size as pinposu (pinup posters). Y: Yea looks like it. J: Pinposu size. J: And it has a message from Fuku-chan. Y: Beautiful. J: Yes she is. Y: Now that she graduated, I wonder what she’s doing now

J: On the radio they said she’s taking her dog, Claire, on walks J: And here’s a group shot. Y: Cute! Everyone is in pink. J: I know right. J: Mizuki Fukumura Graduation Memorial Photo Book. Y: I actually like these photo books.

Y: So pretty! J: Apparently she worked hard on her diet. J: She cut back sugar. Y: There’s not a single pore on her. J: Idols don’t have pores. J: She really looks good in hot pink. Y: Amazing. J: There’s another one. J: Another graduation photo book Produced by Mayu Matsuoka.

J: A known actress who loves Morning Musume. Y: Didn’t know she was involved in this. J: Yea, she really loves them. Y: Cute~ Beautiful~ J: I like this glowy vibe. J: Wooooo~ Wow. Y: Is she a goddess? J: She’s hardly wearing any makeup. Y: Yea, she looks beautiful.

Y: She has no bangs, so cute! Y: Oh wow this kind huh. J: The shoulder reveal. J: So awesome. J: This is nice. Thank you, Mayu Matsuoka for producing this. Y: She must really love Morning Musume. J: Yeah, it’s a good thing! Y: Oh! You bought that! J: S CAWAII magazine.

J: Of course I would. Everyone’s super cute! Y: They’re featuring in it right? J: Yes yes. J: Sub-leaders. Omg! This is cute too! Y: Wow, it’s like a regular fashion magazine. J: Yea yea. J: So cute! Sakura looks good. I like how you can see everyone’s different style.

Y: Omg! Chel! J: Look at that visual. J: Look at Maria. Y: Her visual and her half-closed eyes! Y: Her expression is so gentle. As expected, Maria’s a pro model. J: She’s on a different level. Y: Whole different. J: Here she is, On-chan! Y: Onn Onn

J: Wow, she barely has make up on! Y: Yea no make up. J: Rairii’s a natural beauty. Y: Too cute, I can’t even. J: Omg, cute. Y: Too cute and no make up. Y: The tear bags are really cute. Makes your eyes look bigger. J: Yea yea yea.

J: I wonder why. Tear bag make up is a thing. Oda-chan does it too. J: Oh yes! HomaMei. J: Ugh, so cute. Y: Dressing HomaMei in fluffy clothes is a crime. J: Wow, I’ve never seen Meichi like this before. Y: She’s like a panda.

J: She’s wearing a dancer-like outfit. Y: Yea yea yea. J: So cute. Y: Seems like there’s a lot of pages of Homamei. J: Yeah, huh lol. J: Ooo 17th gen! Wow, they look different. Y: Haru-san’s pose is exactly the same. [Lol]

Y: At least with Ako-chan, her pose is this and this. Y: But Haru-san is just this and this lolol. Y: But, I like Haru-san’s amateurish vibe. J: Yea yea. J: Like the ponytail attack incident lol.

J: She’s gonna level up. Y: Yeah, seeing how she grows is the fun part. J: Oh, Eripon. She finally appeared. J: Oooh, sexy Fuku-chan. J: So pretty. Looks like this magazine is entirely dedicated to Morning Musume. Y: Yeah, I thought so too.

Y: I didn’t know. J: This is awesome. J: Oh what. Y: Oh, they have Beyooooods pages too Tsubaki as well Y: and Juice=Juice. J: Oh! Omg! Oh, oh, OCHA NORMA came out! J: OCHA NORMA suddenly came out. Y: Omg Oh! Wow, and it’s these two! J: Omg these two?!

Y: By the way, it’s Kirara and Momo. The two amazing visuals. J: Yeah. J: S CAWAII, that was great. J: Next is… J: Ta-da! Y: Here it is J: Neverending Shine Show J: Sanctuary Graduation Concert special T-shirt! Y: Here it is.

Y: jenjen wanted to wear this to the concert but couldn’t. J: Right. Y: Oh, it has glitter! J: Yea, it’s glittery. Y: Cute~ J: I don’t think you can see it from here, but… Y: It’s glittery. Pink glitter. J: and all member names are on the back.

J: Yea, so here’s one for you. Y: What, you’re giving one to me?! J: Yeah, it’s cute! J: Actually, when I first saw the logo for J: Neverending Shine Show I was like, eh. J: But the logo has some meaning to it. Y: Right right.

J: Mizuki has this fan community called Mizukingdom. Y: Uh huh J: Mizukingdom is a world between Mizuki and her fans. So there’s a castle and Pegasus… Y: What does this mean? J: In Japanese, it’s “Seiiki.” J: In English, it’s Sanctuary. Y: Sanctuary. I see.

J: And the kanji for “Sei” is the same as Mizuki’s kanji. Y: Oh, right, it is. J: So this logo is Mizukingdom! Y: Need to be careful when washing this. Don’t want the glitter to come off.

J: Just wash it in cold water and don’t put it in the dryer. J: Let’s wear this. Y: Should we? J: Yea, let’s wear it. Y: Oh! Cute! J: Oh, it’s not showing, it’s not showing. J: Yay! Y: Cute! J: Nice~ cute.

Y: Let’s go with this outfit. J: Lol. You always say that. lol Y: This is cute. J: Cute, right? We’ll wear this until the next shirt comes out. J: And, I got another one of the same, but in white.

Y: Oh, you got the white version too. J: Yeah, this also has glitter. Y: It does! J: Next! Y: Here it is! J: Neverending Shine Show Sanctuary blanket! Y: Isn’t this the same as the Kaede blanket? J: Yeah J: Fuku-chan version!

J: Wee Wow Y: It’s so cute! J: It is. Y: Is everyone on here? J: Yea they are. Y: Oh yeah. J: 17th gen on hear too. Y: This blanket feels nice too. J: Sorry, Kaedii. Y: Sorry, Kaedii. J: Next is Mizuki’s era. Y: It’s Mizuki’s era now.

J: Okay, next… Y: T-shirt is cute J: is this J: DVD magazine Y: Here it is. You love those DVD magazines. J: It’s Fuku-chan’s graduation memorial DVD. They’re probably playing games and stuff together. J: And next is

Y: Wow, you have a lot of Fukuchan’s grad merch. J: Yeah, bought a lot. J: They’re so cute, though. Like, really cute! J: There’s something about the merch being in pink color Y: Your drawn to it? J: Yea, made me want it all Y: Wow! J: Microfiber towel.

J: Here it is. Y: You need to display this. J: Isn’t she beautiful? Y: Yeah, just as you said. It’s cute because it’s pink. J: Right? Y: I get it. J: And the pink makes Fuku-chan look cuter. Y: Right. J: Look at her from the front Y: Cute!

Y: Is she a mannequin? J: Like a goddess. J: Put this on top. Y: Ooooh. Y: Nice Nice. J: And… J: Neverending Shine Show aluminum sticker. Y: Isn’t that the one from earlier? J: This is Sanctuary. J: Fuku-chan’s graduation version so the color is different from the other one.

Y: There’s a photo included. Oh, and a postcard too! J: Yes. Y: Ohh cute pink. J: Here’s a pink one and a Sanctuary one. Y: Cute. J: I bought 3 of these, so you get one. Y: Thank you so much~

Y: Let’s put this on our car, yea? J: Sure! Next we have left is… Y: We’re getting towards the end, huh? J: Ready? [Pinposu] J: Bam! Y: Whoa! Y: Wait, this is a lot! Y: It’s not even the same thickness as the other ones J: 25 posters

J: The most ever. Y: Oh my gahhh. J: Probably the most I’ve ever bought. J: Neverending Shine Show Sanctuary Mizuki Fukumura Graduation Special Pinup poster J: Yay! I’m looking forward to this one. Definitely cute. Y: You’ve splurged quite a lot on this. J: Yea, I went all out.

J: The good thing about buying (pinpos) online is you can buy as much as you want. J: There’s a limit, though, I think up to 30 posters. Y: Oh, really? J: If you buy these on site, it’s hard to buy a lot

J: because it gets heavy, you know. Y: Definitely be heavy. J: So, buying online was the right choice. Y: Just this already is like, over 100 posters. J: And finally, Y: Wow! Wait, how is this different from the last one?

J: This is the 2 shot collection of Neverending Shine Show Sanctuary Y: This one is a lot too. J: I bought 25 of these too. Y: So, with this and this together is 50 pieces. J: Yup! I seriously want everyone.

J: With 25 of these, my chances of getting all members will be higher. 14 right? 14 members. Y: Yes J: Looking forward to open these Y: Seriously, I always think, the amount of pinposu you buy is extreme Y: There’s probably like 200 of posters here.

Y: So crazy. J: Yea, this is a lot. [Overwhelmed] Y: We should open these next time, yea? J: Yes, let’s. Y: We can do a live stream. J: Yeah. It’ll be a 5 hour live stream lol Y: No one’s gonna watch that lol.

J: Okay, wrapping up. Y: Oh, that’s it?! J: That’s it, no more. J: No merch left. Y: Seriously, your love for Hello! Project is amazing. Y: Amazing. I love them too but you’re hardcore. J: I work for this lol Y: But there’s always someone above, you know? J: Right.

Y: More hardcore collectors. J: Yea, what I have is not comparable. Y: Yeah, not even. J: They would have more. Y: They probably have all members acrylic stands. J: Ah, I want to do that! Y: Even though there’s a limit to buy pinposu, they probably get 100-200 posters easily.

J: Yeah, it’s crazy. Like, when the group releases a single, J: Fans will literally buy boxes of their CDs. Y: Really?! J: Yeah, because there are handshake tickets inside the CD. Y: Ah, I see, I see. J: That’s why they buy so much.

Y: Right. When I went to a CD shop in Akihabara, there aren’t any tickets inside. Y: Fans bulk buy for the handshake tickets and sells the CDs. J: Ah, right. Y: It’s really amazing. J: Even then, you don’t get 100% money back. Y: Yet, it’s worth it. J: Yeah.

J: It’s love, you know, love. Y: So, with that said, we will unbox these next time. J: Yes. Y: Please look forward to it. J: Thank you for watching! J: See you again. Y: Bye bye.


#モーニング娘 #開封 #unboxing

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