Actress 女優

【しくじり芸能人の運命】悪魔の回収に勝った芸能人が この中に1名います!伝説のユタが緊急霊視!

【しくじり芸能人の運命】悪魔の回収に勝った芸能人が この中に1名います!伝説のユタが緊急霊視!

【しくじり芸能人の運命】悪魔の回収に勝った芸能人が この中に1名います!伝説のユタが緊急霊視!

Entertainers. They are all souls to the devil. You sold it. I’m trying to recoup what I sold my soul for. I think it’s happening right now. In terms of fortune. I wonder if the actor will ever finish. But he might be

The life of your true self. I think I might have found it. father Mariko Shinoda is a member of the They’ve been talking about appearing in dramas and stuff. Talent who have had scandals in the past. I’m just trying to make a comeback. Just as your father remembers it. Ken Watanabe Masahiro Higashide

Erika Sawajiri. That’s kind of become a character. You mean is there a resurgence? But in terms of the four people I just mentioned. Ken Watanabe-kun is back on YouTube already, right? I know people in the industry, don’t I? I overheard something. Rumor has it that he’s making a fair amount of money.

I’m not back on TV. Television is still about compliance. After all, there are sponsors There is a sponsor for the TV side. I get the feeling that it might be difficult. YouTube is a good place to do that. I saw a glimpse of it, too. He was fine. Bright. What about Shinoda-san?

Originally, it became a topic of conversation because of the allegations of infidelity. Then he played an adulterous wife and got a lot of attention. That’s not good television. I wonder if he dared to guess. That’s such a terrible thing to do. You’re gonna do it. The recipient is also Eggy.

Maybe he’s shaken it off. That’s a little egregious. Like a role in a pretty intense affair. I haven’t seen it for a bit either. Now in Japan The so-called statistics are. Statistics done by think tanks. You’d get all kinds of statistics. Among them. They say 40% of people have had affairs. Men.

If you think of it that way… What is adultery in the first place? What is married life? What a place to be. It’s an argument. I think Shinoda-san’s problem this time is I think Shinoda-san’s problem this time is Because I got a TV show. Isn’t that bad? Drama.

But I knew that part, and I did it. Doesn’t that sound flaming? TV. Of course, that’s the kind of image that’s attached to them. If it comes out, I’ll watch it. And the people on the receiving end. On the other hand, the part where you say, “Let’s get on board.

I know a lot of you are from AKB. Otherwise, it’s fine while you’re in AKB. I knew it would slip out. The character will become weak. I have one. I guess I don’t have a bit of sympathy. You’re going to be fine. Is there a resurgence from that? Yes, sir.

She’s not lucky at all, so… I’m not worried. I think they know what they’re doing. I guess you could say that. We’re splitting it up. Masahiro Higashide’s fortune and About hunting life in a mountain lodge Because this year and next year are a little bit not so good.

I’m not sure if I’m worried about it. What kind of person is he? You mentioned it earlier. I’m only on YouTube too. I haven’t seen it, but… In the mountains in the middle of nowhere. I heard they were living and stuff. Maybe 30 years ago. Forty years ago in the entertainment industry.

I think it would have been unacceptable. The responsible actor. What the hell are you doing? Abandon your workplace. It’s a new form. It’s more of a documentary thing. He is not staged. I think they really do. I didn’t want to, so I went to a secluded place. But there it is.

I had something I felt. Started living there. therefore Do you have any friends? By all kinds of connections. We were offered the land and other things free of charge. I’m going to get a hunting license there, too. Gratitude for the living. I’m telling them those things, too. Have you always been an actor?

Originally an actor In terms of fortune. I wonder if the actor will ever finish. But he might be The life of your true self. I think I might have found it. Just like that. On the contrary, he looked very good. Impression. On the contrary, I am an actor.

From a fortune standpoint, it’s a tough one. new Like how to deal with the masses. Like a popular way of life. And it’s a good way to do it. After all, we live in the world. When you’re in the middle of a lot of them. Some people say it’s hard to live with.

Those people dare. Go where no one else is. But that’s the kind of place I’m talking about. That there is a way of life. You don’t have to live in the city. On the contrary, the power of civilization. You don’t have to borrow that much. that you can do it.

Why not be an example? Was it on YouTube? You said so yourself. The people here in the village are Self. Celebrities and actors. Because not a single person looks at me that way. How many views on YouTube?

*As of March 4, 2024 The corresponding video of Masahiro Higashide has received a total of 4.17 million views. About 2.8 million views The world is a very different place. Doesn’t that mean you’re paying attention? I applaud you for that, on the contrary. Bad events are unintentional on your part.

It’s a pattern that we’ve made better. There’s often a saying about good luck and bad luck. Among them. From what I’m working on now. When it changes to something different. They say it’s gotten worse. Sometimes we say it the way we say it. but on the contrary

My life up to now and By living a different way of life. Some say it gets better. That’s a good way to go. The devil in exchange for souls. What you get. including Mr. Watanabe and Erika Sawajiri. They are all souls to the devil.

From the point of saying, “You sold it, didn’t you? of the soul you sold your soul for. I’m just wondering if there’s a recovery happening right now. I think it’s a story. How often does that happen in the first place? What would the devil sell his soul for?

The question is whether we are talking about buying something or not. People don’t understand, though. Here’s the thing. You make your fortune, for example. When it’s time to go up People will pay attention. At that moment, “Wow, this guy.” From “Oh, you’re so popular, I envy you.”

It’s going down with a bang, isn’t it? At the moment of the fall. It would make everyone who saw it uneasy. You’re making me fearful. “What if I’m like that next time?” Even with all that success.” Like, “Oh, shit happens.” Impressions happen. This is what the devil is after. in that way

Full of anxiety By doubling the We want to create a place where we can live comfortably. So, on the contrary, it is. Even if you put the uncertainty in the beginning. I don’t have anyone to go there. You’re not going. Because no one wants to go to hell.

I won’t go near it, but… In the one that’s going well. You’re going to have to deal with those incidents and accidents. The person himself. By dropping successful people. Insecurity. Everyone everywhere has insecurities.” I’m scared.” I’m trying to create a situation. It’s the devil’s work. That’s what the devil wants. thereby

What does the devil benefit? You can make your own place. I can create my own magical world. So it’s going to go on and on. I’ll make it work temporarily, but… By succeeding, the next time you drop it. where they say it makes the world uneasy. You’re creating a magical world.

Just because you sold your soul to the devil doesn’t mean As I said a long time ago. Paul McCartney is a member of the And on the contrary, he’s using the devil to his advantage. In the case of Higashide-kun, too. This time the devil was unintentional. He may have been beaten a lot.

Various TVs and stuff. I’m sure the paparazzi were terrific. on the contrary I don’t mean to take advantage of that. Do it your own way. I happened to be in the country. The place where I live. In terms of being found. It’s a pattern that saved your life.

But on the contrary, Mr. Watanabe, too. follow my example I like the idea of going in that direction. He’s also very talkative. I knew it in that sense. I’ve done something juicy. It’s human nature to be indelicate. Such a place is the opposite. That’s how you did it, Watanabe-kun.

On the contrary, the girls are stronger. Girls are still more likely to have scandals at all. try to take shape One of my seniors is Seiko Matsuda. She won’t get hit either. In that sense, yes. also There may be a gender difference. Think of it this way. The power to become popular is

Certainly Though there may be some demonic forces at work. on the contrary It’s the wind nowadays. It’s not a group. The idea is to be popular with many people. As much as it’s not the time anymore. Maybe it’s getting a little gray. I was just wondering if the devil’s recovery was getting grayer.

I have a feeling. Further Higashide-kun’s Interest. I’ll check out YouTube today, though. As a new messenger I’d like to support them.


7 月 18 日(火)配信リリース
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00:00 東京セッション開催のお知らせ
00:21 不祥事から復活を目指すタレントたちの運勢
03:12 東出昌大さんの運勢と山小屋での狩猟生活について
06:12 悪魔は魂と引き換えに何を得ているのか
09:50 オンラインサロン開設のお知らせ
09:53 HAL公式HPリニューアルのお知らせ
09:56 カスタマイズパワーストーン制作のお知らせ
09:59 ミニアルバム「星に願いを」発売のお知らせ
10:02 あいのうた〜なんくるないさ〜発売のお知らせ

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  1. 東出さんは、世捨て人的生き方をしながらも、映画界からは求められていて、ちゃんと映画出演は継続していますし、彼ならではの役柄を演じておられますね(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
    色々な意味で、これまでにはなかった在り方の俳優さんで、『唯一無二』の存在感があるみたいですね♡ 益々楽しみな役者さんだと思います🥰

  2. 矢口真里ちゃん、斎藤さんだぞ!じゃなくて(笑)ゆきさんだって、地上波出てるのに、何で渡部さん🙅なんだよ~。

  3. 芸能人の悪魔の回収はわかりましたが他のジャンルの方、例えばスポーツ選手は無いのでしょうか?一般人はどうでしょうか?

  4. 悪魔に魂を売った人たちは、悪魔に魂を売ったと自覚はあるのですか?何をきっかけに悪魔との契約が成立するのですか?

  5. 不倫してる人周りに多いですが実際どうなんですか?スピリチュアル的に。

  6. 不倫する人は本当に嫌いでならないのですが、東出さんは凄い人だなと最近思いました。

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