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Actress 女優




For oh honey sugaring call why col a why col why oh honey bunny suar love o why col white col white col such A your heart doesn’t shock the wi Suar fling white color white color white color white oh honey bunny suar in white color white color white color white a white color she’s probably asleep a white color she doesn’t me oh white call she’s probably [Applause] Asleep [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] When I wake up on a weekend when I’m not missed up what a shame you only my name a your C I don’t know why get [Applause] Frustrated L was on your mind last night with the fire time oh you can’t deny I bet you wishes you and I I can see that us to try your sweet dream time F by and you still look so dump getting bed too soon off your new hun don’t even Know I get frustrated all up was on your mind last night we F by out side oh you can’t deny I bet you wish it’s you and I I can see that used to try sweet dream but only in your memory only in your memory by sight it’s you and

Me only in your memory you wish it’s only you and me I really need to get some sleep you Sly it’s you and me Are trying so hard to find all the weaknesses inside but but it’s going to spill oh can we take a minute turning face the critics let’s put put flowers in our head like we don’t care and there some Village clown nobody stopping our groove oh that’s good it’s just you and

Me and making me clap with your moves a stoping i grw that’s good it’s just you with me cl till morning’s here but when opinions start to guide us we won’t let them Define us no we’ll play it by ear I know that you’re shy but we keep

CL around tonight uhh you know the circus leaves down it’s and We keep seeing the eyeballs to us on the sidewalk but that look could kill oh they are trying so hard to find



【10分 若返り】エステいらずの究極舌トレーニング!【見た目年齢 ー5歳】









#人中短縮 #鼻の下を短くする方法 #顔トレ


  1. 口をすぼめてからこアヒル口が😅難しい。できても口の周りにシワができてしまいます。ほうれい線や、マリオネットラインに。手で補助してシワよらなくする方が良いですか?

  2. 少しでも「一緒にできたよー✋♪」という方はコメント&グッドボタン👍で教えてね🧡

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