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Whether the two are twin lay or not. That’s what some people say. What do you actually think? ? 0x00 father since the beginning of the New Year quite happy As usual. The annual festival of hot news reports is It’s a festival. There’s a lot going on, isn’t there? We’ve had many reports of marriages. Like HIKAKIN. It’s like it happened a long time ago. Recently, it’s been Nakamaru-san and others. I was surprised. Who among them are you interested in AYANE-wise? Since the end of last year It was a hot topic. I’ve been on social media quite a bit since the end of the year. It was a hot topic. The New Year’s Day wedding report. I was thinking that there might be They were the two people you’ve always told me about. Basically, everyone announces on New Year’s Day. There’s a day for every single grain of rice. So I’m a little concerned about that. I’ve been waiting. I was wondering why there was no news coverage on New Year’s Day. It’s called a serious relationship. I’m curious about the two of you. There’s also talk about whether or not they’re twin-rays. In the press. What do you actually think? No, sir. regret resolutely With Minami Tanaka HAL’s causality He may not remember anymore. TBS program. There was Sunday Japon, wasn’t there? Me, anyway. We’re a former Sanjapo family. In San Japo. When I was doing the first one. Minami Tanaka is a member of the She is the successor to Yuko Aoki. When it was coming out. They were pretty loud in the dressing room. I have a memory. Look, look, look." You mean, "Look at me." Usually when you meet someone for the first time… Like, "Nice to meet you, I’m Minami Tanaka." You have a greeting. Did you come without it? There isn’t. He came darting in and said, "Look, look, look, look. I’m already in a very bad mood. Taizo, you were there. Sugimura-kun was at the same time. No, no, no, Mr. HAL. I’m the next face of TBS." Say something like, "Do it." You’re extraordinarily pissed off by this. He said, "You ain’t gonna see it either." It was a long time ago. Long time ago. That’s what happened. I never saw it either. Every time I go to the field. There was a lot of cisis. I was a bit pointy myself. Like, "You should at least say hi." I wouldn’t do that now. But then. I thought we’d never see each other again. She didn’t seem to dislike me. On some show. He nominated me again for the program. You were there with Atsuko Maeda. So many things there. I’m on location. Like telling fortunes again. I did it for you. at that time Atsuko Maeda when the cameras are rolling. I think of her as "Minami when the cameras aren’t rolling" and "Minami when the cameras aren’t rolling". It just happened to have something to do with the shooting. We talked for almost two hours. The part that isn’t on TV. The part that can’t be on the air. So that was the majority. in addition Couldn’t get on the air. Content? Contents. Even if the content is good. Because of her character. He’s a man of quite high ideals. You are a stoic. You see it and you think it. for men With such high ideals. Even Kamenashi-kun. I don’t know if it’s possible. The rest is simple. When I saw the chemistry and fortune between the two of you. I feel that the peak has passed. Already? We’ve probably been dating since before that already. Now on the contrary, it’s more like… And the controversy is about to start. Kamenashi-kun is having worse luck right now. I’m in the middle of a bad situation. in that sense Regarding my work It’s a time when I’m trying so hard to be desperate. therefore I’m a little bit of a quirky person. You too, Minami. He was making a lot of noise. I think it’s starting to crack a little bit. I have a feeling. With Kazuya Kamenashi Impression of Minami Tanaka You’re like the ideal type of woman. Minami seems to fit the bill. That’s what I see. Mr. Kamenashi. I also chose Minami Tanaka. He says it like it makes sense. I have a fan. My impression of Kamenashi is It’s very good. He’s a nice guy. We’ve never met. I don’t have one, but I have an image of him as a nice guy. Do you think through the TV screen? Yes, sir. Or "kame-kame-kame." That’s all I’ve ever seen. You can feel it, can’t you? The feeling of coming in is I have a feeling he’s a nice guy. therefore in that way If that’s what Kamenashi-kun thinks. conversely You make me want to cheer for you. There may be cracks in it, but… A crack the size of a turtle’s shell. Isn’t that pretty dangerous? It’s a little rough, though. So maybe that’s Minami, too. Minami, you are more mature than before. there on the contrary Can we follow each other? Minami Tanaka? I felt like a very smart and intelligent person. I’m not old enough. Maybe when I was meeting with HAL… I think I was a little younger. It’s a completely different time to be standing even now. After Yuko Aoki After Yuko Aoki I’ve been in the press and everything. He’s finished with the variety, too. Maybe they were desperate? Maybe. I see it through TV and stuff. To a really awesome wife. I think it’s going to be. I hope it works out for you. Serious is serious. I think it’s insanely serious. I think people are serious. That’s what I’m talking about when I talk with you. I thought you were serious. I thought… I’m talking about the part where you have high ideals. The ideal remains high, doesn’t it? But I’m sure… I’m old enough now. Kamenashi-kun may be Maybe it’s inclusive. gently Kamekamekame… That’s all I have. I have an image now. Kamenashi’s image is. There’s also the image of baseball. You’re a good baseball player. When I look at it, I think… The same janitors also I know a lot of them. He’s tremendous. I feel like I’m a nice young man. Then, in addition to being a nice young man, he is also a good man. steadily We just need to build relationships. He has that kind of strength. I hope it works out for you in that sense. I found out today. That’s a lot of personal stuff. Might be quite a few. I just thought of that. Yes, it is. Maybe in HAL’s case. Personal. Because everything comes in a certain way. People are normal Some things the general public doesn’t understand. I’ll take it all in and feel it. We all have our good points and our bad points. But I’ll try not to see the negative. If you think of it that way. Minami-san is serious. I think it’s very serious. He’s a good man. (esp. of men) one’s prime (approx. age 30) think (something) very much of it Sorry. I may have overstepped the mark a bit. I have too strong an image of the first one. Maybe you don’t remember. You and Dave Spector were loud. Dave still has it. Dave was persistent. I know. On the contrary, you care. You know, Mr. Dave and all. Mr. Dave was persistent. in advance They ask me through my manager. "What do you want me to do?" He said. I said, "No," and suddenly he came. Why not!" And then. But he’s an American. I used to be a TV producer. You might have sensed something about me, though. So at that time. When I didn’t like it when people were too noisy. Maybe it was bad timing. Minami Tanaka I’ll support you then. however What I said earlier. In their relationship, the two I’m looking at this as a professional, so I’ll tell you. I think there’s a little crack in it. There. as I thought human beings You’ll grow to love it. There was a peak. It’s in the drop. But it’s not like they’re going to fall off. We’ll go back up. In that sense, it’s a little bit right now. I’m wondering if it’s a little too close to call. Kamenashi and two people If you want to talk like this with me again All right. 3rd If it’s the third time, it’s the third time. I give you a huge compliment. I’ve been a puppy owner. Minami-san is also very much The way you love them. But maybe I’m growing up. More so than before. We all do when we’re young. When I was young. Wish you both the best of luck! If you two are here together. I’ll do it. It’s just that it’s not a twin lay, but it’s still a twin lay. It’s not a twin ray. There are many couples who are not twin lay. I’m here. Most are not twin lays. You can depend on it What is a twin ray anyway? I know many of you are concerned about this. I took it up just in case.



7 月 18 日(火)配信リリース
iTunes・Apple musicほか各配信サイトで配信中
「琉球 HAL」で検索!

琉球 HAL「星に願いを – EP」…


ゆいがーる 2nd配信シングル


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琉球 HALがエネルギーを注入します。

受付時間 10時~22時
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受付時間 10時~22時
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行ってきた琉球ユタ HALによる


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00:00 東京セッションのお知らせ
00:11 亀梨和也と田中みな実はツインレイなのか?
01:17 田中みな実さんとHALの因縁
04:15  亀梨和也さんと田中みな実さんの印象
09:01 オンラインサロン開設のお知らせ
09:04 HAL公式HPリニューアルのお知らせ
09:08 カスタマイズパワーストーン制作のお知らせ
09:10 ミニアルバム「星に願いを」発売のお知らせ
09:13 あいのうた〜なんくるないさ〜発売のお知らせ

Official HP:
公式LINEアカウント:アカウント名 琉球HAL友達検索ID:@819nbpsq

Official HP:




  1. ハルさん、亀梨和也君の事取り上げて頂きありがと御座います。私はSnowMan推しですがYouTubeで、めめ、舘様の回を観て、とてもファンになったので、田中みなみさんの件、ショック受けてる方多いみたいです。なので、コメント頂き嬉しかったです。ショックな人も、少し、ホッとしつつ、亀梨君の幸せを祈ってる人もホッとする話でした。ありがとう御座いました。

  2. 田中みな実さんCM発表会見元気ないないつもと違うなと感じてました理想高いなら仕方ないですね

  3. ハルさん!

  4. 昔の田中みな実は確かにうるさかった。痛いキャラだったからその頃の田中みな実なら常識無さそう。言い過ぎではないと思います

  5. へぇー みなみさんはテレビそのまんまの印象だったんですね〜


  6. しばらくテレビ見てないから

  7. 田中みな実さんは、あの年齢であの美貌は、向上心の高さと努力の賜物だと思います☺みな実さん、最近は凄く女性にも人気がありますよね❤亀梨さん&みな実さんは、美男美女カップル💑でお似合いだと思います✨ツインレイだと過酷な試練が待ち受けているで、ツインレイでなくて、良かったと思います🎉

  8. 亀梨くんと付き合えるの羨ましいんじゃなくて、30代後半でも彼氏が出来るのが羨ましいのです。しかもイケメン。

  9. 亀梨さんのツインレイはやっぱり深キョンかな思う

  10. 自分にも他人にも厳しい人故にお眼鏡にかなう人がいないってやつよね。

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