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December 13th, 2023 We visit the ferry terminal to go to Macau. There is a ticket office on the 3rd floor. to Macau Economy HKD175 Bought Is it possible to leave the country using only this procedure? That was fast. That’s very easy. I arrived safely in Macau. From here we will take a bus.

For the first day we will stay on the island with the old town, not on the island of Taipa where the ferry terminal is. We will stay on the island with the old town on the first day, not on the island of Taipa where the ferry terminal is. We take the bus.

A nice man told me I could get there by taking the bus to Grand Lisboa. A nice man told me I could get there by taking the bus to Grand Lisboa. There doesn’t seem to be a bus that goes to the city. We could not find a public bus.

It is wiser to use the free shuttle of the hotel. to Hotel Grand Lisboa (10 min) Theme Park Interesting! It’s like Disneyland The whole city is a theme park I like entertainment. we visited the historic center of macau Macao was ruled by Portugal for 400 years. Many old Western style buildings still remain.

Macau… Because all the tourist attractions are in one place. It’s easy to go sightseeing I mean, the whole old town is a world heritage site. Listed as a World Heritage Site for the fusion of Chinese and Western culture This place is like Europe. This is great! big 17th century Portuguese church

Ruins of St. Paul’s Cathedral Due to the fire, only the facade remains. The ruins of St. Paul’s have a connection to the Japanese. The ruins of St. Paul’s have a connection to the Japanese. What? There are Japanese involved in the construction. Christians were oppressed during the Edo period and some fled Japan.

Christians were oppressed during the Edo period and some fled Japan. Japanese who fled to Macau are involved in the construction. Mary tramples the devil The face of the demon seems to be Tokugawa Ieyasu Really? Whether you believe it or not is up to you

Whether you believe it or not is up to you Photo spot: Path next to the church This is a recommended photo spot. I think this is another famous spot. But while there are many people in the square, there are no people here.

But while there are many people in the square, there are no people here. Monte’s fort Cannons used for defense in the past Now aim at the Grand Lisboa Hotel Grand Lisboa The target is wide and easy to hit If I hit the target, I’ll get 100 points. Fire! Macau…

There are many old cities. It’s like going back in time. A street that looks Chinese An old street with hundreds of years of history Good smell Traditional Macau sweets: almond biscuits I got it freshly made Thank you Very tasty Taste of almond jelly Very tasty Freshly made A shop built in 1959

It tastes like almond jelly It’s baked hard. Crispy Tasty Hong Kong and Macau sweets are delicious. The cookies were delicious. I ate them for the first time. Margaret cafe e nata Macau-style egg tarts with grill marks Egg tarts are delicious The pie crust has a salty taste

It’s delicious with the sweetness of the egg Near here… There’s delicious Portuguese food… Lucky dragon A cafe where you can eat cheap and delicious Portuguese food Stew? Portuguese stew? And it’s cheap. (And it’s about 1,000 JPY for the whole set. Like beef stew? Like a tomato-based beef stew. Very easy to eat

Very easy to eat Delicious What is the meat? Is it organ meat? Is it cartilage meat? My favorite meat Curry doria? 100 points for appearance Is that rice down there? delicious Best cheese curry ever Unbelievable It’s so concentrated in flavor. Spicy? The rice is yellow The rice has taste.

It is long and thin and a little dry. Similar to Thai rice This rice goes well with curry. Portuguese pudding♡ This is Senado Square There are still buildings from the Portuguese colonial period. Colonial style suitable for Christmas Very good Christmas lights Beautiful St. Dominic’s Church birth of christ The sky is purple

Does Macau even change the color of the sky? Grand Lisboa… You have a bounce in one’s step because you are going to the casino. That’s not true. Don’t lie to me. Sempai, could it be… Are you a (casino) beginner? Follow me. You’ve never been to a casino either. Let’s go! You’re getting too excited TOKYO gambler stand in Macau

Let’s take a peek at the Casino in Lisboa Photography is not allowed inside the casino. Let’s take a little peek inside. But… I don’t gamble much…. I mean, I’ve never gambled…. Are you scared? Well, let’s go back to the hotel… But I’m looking forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow is IR (integrated resort)

Let’s make your gambling debut. I will not gamble tomorrow. (stubbornly refuses) It’s an entertainment district, right? It’s fun Cab to Venetian Hotel London. Cotai district lined with casino resorts The center of Macau casino Magic? Look and see! Venetian interesting! That’s great! I got an area map. It’s too big…

How to get to the room Do you understand? Venetian Macau Resort An integrated resort that includes a casino and a shopping mall. Venice! A gondola goes along the river inside the hotel This is the elegant city of Venice itself.

This is the most amazing Saizeriya (Saizeriya is a Japanese chain of family-style Italian restaurants). Saizeriya Venice Is this a normal room? This is a suite All rooms in this hotel are suites This is the cheapest room in the hotel. Let’s take a walk around the hotel.

This hotel seems to be connected to London and Paris This hotel seems to be connected to London and Paris Like we’re in a theme park. It’s so big. Eating egg tart This restaurant is as famous as the one where I ate my egg tart yesterday!

This restaurant is as famous as the one where I ate my egg tart yesterday! Macau’s two top shops How many egg tarts can you eat? I can eat a lot of them. Not too sweet I love egg tarts♡ MUST TRY! Amazing! The letters are interesting! Not many customers. Everybody likes casinos!

Japanese digital content company Digital art room created by Team Lab Super nature The feeling of entering the world of art It’s a strange experience I made it rain The sea! It’s the ocean! Look A flower is blooming Life from the matcha! Gold experience The flowers have scattered I like Team Lab’s world view.

It’s reassuring. It’s a very trippy feeling I feel like I haven’t come back to reality yet…. We can go to the Parisian like this. Parisian is also interesting You could go around the world in Macau, right? And then there’s London. And the sky in Paris, the clouds are moving. It is amazing

Do you have any other clever comments? French cuisine When in Paris, eat French food! I hear it’s a good deal for lunch We can’t spend any more money. No problem, Sempai! We should win in the casino! If you win, it’s all good! Give me a shrimp Shrimp delicious! Looks delicious. Gravy

French food in the real Paris is extraordinary! French food in the real Paris is extraordinary! You can choose three cheeses Is there a high percentage of mold? It is very dense! Try it. I can’t… I’ll take my dessert… I’ll have a tart. I prefer this one. It’s night. Macau is awake beautiful

Do you want to go to the fountain? Let’s go see the fountain. I think there’s a show going on. Macau at night It’s the Wynn Palace Hotel. Free fountain show every 30 minutes at night


🇯🇵 J A P A N

聖ポール天主堂跡 大三巴牌坊
モンテの砦 大炮台
Lucky Dragon Portuguese Steak Cafe
Margaret’s cafe e Nata (瑪嘉烈蛋撻店)
The Venetian at Macau 澳門威尼斯人
Lord Stow’s Bakery (Cotai)
Brasserie (French cuisine)
チームラボ スーパーネイチャー マカオ 澳門teamLab超自然空間
ウィン パレス 永利皇宮





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Twin Musicom の We Wish You a Merry Christmas は、クリエイティブ・コモンズ – 著作権表示必須 4.0 ライセンスに基づいて使用が許諾されます。


#maibaru #旅行 #マカオ


  1. 撮影されている日に僕もマカオをウロウロ歩き回っていました。いや~下手から上手に画面を横切りたかったー。秀逸なコメント、素晴らしい映像、毎回拝見していてとても楽しいです。

  2. 私はマカオ出身で、またマカオに来ることを楽しみにしています。マカオのエッグタルトと言えば、正式名称をポルトガルエッグタルトと言い、表面の黒い斑点は焼成時に加えた粉砂糖によるものです。本当に美味しいです👍

  3. マカオって綺麗で不思議なところやねー❗️

  4. マカオに行ったことがないのですが本当にテーマパークのようで楽しそうで行きたくなりました。まいちゃんの解説もわかりやすくて良かったです。エッグタルト美味しそうで食べたいです。

  5. 懐かしい27年前位に行ったので随分変わりましたねぇ~😃コロナになる前は毎年香港には行っていたのですがマカオまた行きたく成りました😄👍

  6. まいばるさんこんばんは😊
    この前TVで日本に来た外国人観光客が答えてたんですけど👀「日本って夜行く所無いよね!」って言ってましたよ(^ー^) 確かに当たってますね!

  7. 我是香港人,笫一次看妳片,因見有中文字,太好了。香港和澳門都很美麗,直得再去!日本我去過冲繩,當地人很熱情😊😊

  8. 私はマカオ人です。マカオを美しいく面白く紹介してくれてありがとうございました。マカオ旅行を楽しんでいただけますように。一般的に澳門の人は日本 人が好きです。またマカオにいらっしゃいますよう。

  9. Thank you for take a beautiful Macao in the video. Behind the Ruins of Saint Paul's, there are place call 茨林圍. Many Japanese Catholics lived there after had run away from Japan

  10. マカオがこれ程迄に綺麗だとは知りませんでした😊

  11. 昔のポルトガルは、農民の家畜の肉を兵士の食料にするために持ち去られてしまい、残った内臓を食べる工夫をしました。それが九州に伝わりモツ鍋等に変化しました。

  12. マカオがラスベガスの様に進化していて驚きました‼️

  13. マカオ❤️❤️❤️

  14. 10年前、何回も澳門に通いました。何回か行くうちに澳門は観光巡りで宿泊は珠海の酒店というパターンになり、いつの間にか珠海が目的になった。とても楽しかった。

  15. マカオってすごいんですね〜✨✨✨カジノのマイちゃん見てみたかったです〜🤭次はどこかな〜🎶

  16. マカオの街並み面白い!

  17. Thank you for visiting Macau.I am glad that you guys enjoy the foods in Macau. Macau still have lots of beatiful site and foods that you can visit next time. この動画は面白いです。ありがとう!私は日本が大好きです!😊

  18. マカオって完全に興味の外側だったんだけど、すごく素敵ですね🤩行きたい所が増えちゃったわ😅

  19. コロナ前に頻繁に香港・澳門に行ってました。

  20. Wow Macau seemed great place to visit, all the places apart from Venice been to with living in the UK but 240 miles from Big Ben my son lived outside London but due to illness we haven't been to London for a few years, only stayed in hotel suites where in Toronto and Niagra falls, our son lived in New York for 4 years. So did some traveling my wife unable to fly now, so it is great watching you do your vlogs, keep up the good work.all our best two oldies.👴👵🙏👍👍

  21. さすが、カジノの街♣綺羅びやかで良いですね!! 異国情緒に溢れて素敵ですね☺行ってみたい!!

  22. こんな素晴らしい動画、マカオにも行きたくなるじゃないか。博才無い私でもカジノしてみたくなる。

  23. 澳門に女の子の友達二人いるけど…1人はカジノとかそういう…(ちょっと皆までは言えない)お店で働いててめちゃめちゃ稼いでました

  24. I live in Macau! Your video is so interesting and funny to watch!! Thanks for your coming and welcome to visit Macau again!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻😃🥰

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