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Actress 女優



Let’s take a quick look at three star actresses who captured the public’s attention during the year-end and New Year holidays and get up to speed on the latest developments that will be interesting in 2024.  The first is Masumi Arimura, who was found to be in love with Kaito

Takahashi of the idol group “King & Prince,” who is six years younger than her.  The two co-starred as sister and brother in the 20-year-old serial drama “My Sister’s Lover,” reported by “NEWS POST SEVEN” last December 18. After that, they developed a close relationship. It has been 10 years since a photo of them

Kissing was leaked in the summer of 2001, when they appeared in the NHK morning drama “Amachan.  JUMP. “The shock was great because there had been no scandal since then.  The two are already “semi-living together” in the same apartment. They have been spotted going to see live concerts together.

It was a surprise that they had been dating in secret for three years and that their agencies did not deny their relationship. This would have been unthinkable in the days of the old Johnny’s Office.  Entertainment critic Takeshi Misugi pointed out the following. “Arimura is now one of the top actresses at her agency.

The fact that the agency has admitted that they are dating is probably because she is that serious about it. Arimura, who had said she would get married around the age of 30, will turn 31 this year, so the timing is perfect. The timing is perfect.  However, when it comes to marriage,

The hurdles seem to be high. One after another, members of “Kimpuri” have left the group, and now there are only two members, Takahashi and Ren Nagase. The hurdles to marriage are quite high. The situation is the same for Arimura, and he is probably searching for a place to

Settle down, including with his office.  In February, she will release her first photo book “sou. We can’t take our eyes off of Arimura’s movements, as well as her love life.

The first is Masumi Arimura, who was found to be in love with Kaito Takahashi of the idol group “King & Prince,” who is six years younger than her.
 The two co-starred as sister and brother in the 20-year-old serial drama “My Sister’s Lover,” reported by “NEWS POST SEVEN” last December 18. After that, they developed a close relationship.
It has been 10 years since a photo of them kissing was leaked in the summer of 2001, when they appeared in the NHK morning drama “Amachan.
#杉本宏之 #高橋海人 #有村架純 #深田恭子 #破局
#J-POPアーティスト#中島 #女性MC #女優 #女性歌手



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