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【モノクロ版特報】ゴジラ-1.0/C 閲覧禁止!悲報!浜辺美波さん首筋にアレが…ゴジラマイナスカラー・異様な迫力と緊張感が満載で公開初日も好調!『ゴジラ-1.0/C』も大ヒットか #Godzilla

【モノクロ版特報】ゴジラ-1.0/C 閲覧禁止!悲報!浜辺美波さん首筋にアレが…ゴジラマイナスカラー・異様な迫力と緊張感が満載で公開初日も好調!『ゴジラ-1.0/C』も大ヒットか #Godzilla

“Godzilla” is a monumental monster movie that has fascinated not only Japan but all over the world since its creation in 1954. This work, which is positioned as a commemorative work for the 70th anniversary of the series, is the first “Godzilla” work of the Reiwa era and is a milestone work as it is the 30th live-action version of “Godzilla” produced in Japan.

In Japan, the box office revenue for the 70 days ending January 11 was 5.21 billion yen, and the number of viewers exceeded 3.99 million. In North America, box office revenue exceeded $49.74 million (approximately 7.2 billion yen) in the 41 days ending January 10th, making it the second-highest grossing Japanese film in North America, including anime.

Furthermore, the worldwide box office revenue excluding Japan exceeded 61.1 million dollars (approximately 8.8 billion yen), and the worldwide box office revenue reached 14 billion yen.

[Shinden] Shinden was a local fighter aircraft prototyped by the Japanese Navy at the end of World War II. It had a unique forward wing shape, which is why it was called the “unconventional wing.” Plans were made for a high-speed fighter with a maximum speed of over 400 knots (approximately 740 km/h), and a prototype was completed in June 1945, with test flights taking place in August of the same year, and the war ended. The abbreviation is J7W1.

[Tachiarai Peace Memorial Museum] Chikuzen Town Tachiarai Peace Memorial Museum is a historical museum located in Chikuzen Town, Asakura District, Fukuoka Prefecture. Approximately 1,800 items from the wars (Pacific War, Greater East Asia War) are on display, including the former Japanese Army Type 97 fighter and the former Japanese Navy Type 0 carrier-based fighter.

Rediscovering Fukuoka

1月12日(金)公開!黒と白のコントラスト、カラー版にはない質感で 俳優の表情等など 
新たな発見があります。ゴジラマイナスワンファンは必見です!モノクロ版震電特集➡ 福岡の情報再発見➡

Actors Ryunosuke Kamiki (30) and Minami Hamabe (23) appeared on stage on the 12th at a black-and-white stage greeting to express their gratitude for the blockbuster success of the movie “Godzilla-1.0″ held in Tokyo, announcing that the worldwide box office revenue of the movie was 14 billion yen. reported that it had exceeded the”Godzilla” is a monumental monster movie that has fascinated not only Japan but all over the world since its creation in 1954. This work, which is positioned as a commemorative work for the 70th anniversary of the series, is the first Godzilla work of the Reiwa era, and is a milestone work as it is the 30th live-action Godzilla work produced in Japan.
In Japan, the box office revenue for the 70 days ending January 11 was 5.21 billion yen, and the number of viewers exceeded 3.99 million. In North America, box office revenue exceeded $49.74 million (approximately 7.2 billion yen) in the 41 days ending January 10, making it the second-highest grossing Japanese film in North America, including anime. Furthermore, the worldwide box office revenue excluding Japan exceeded 61.1 million dollars (approximately 8.8 billion yen), and the worldwide box office revenue reached 14 billion yen.

《哥吉拉》是一部不朽的怪獸電影,自 1954 年上映以來,不僅吸引了日本,也吸引了全世界。本作定位為系列70週年紀念作品,是令和時代的第一部哥吉拉作品,也是日本製作的第30部真人哥吉拉作品,具有里程碑意義的作品。






〇ゴジラ海神作戦 震電起用は 是か非か?


〇なぜマイナスワンは アメリカで大ヒット?





  1. 『ゴジラ-1.0』全世界興行収入140億円突破】

     俳優の神木隆之介(30)と浜辺美波(23)が12日、都内で行われた映画『ゴジラ-1.0』大ヒット御礼白黒舞台あいさつに登壇、同映画の全世界興行収入が140億円を突破したことを報告。『ゴジラ』は1954年の誕生以来、日本のみならず世界中を魅了している怪獣映画の金字塔。シリーズ70周年記念作品として位置づけられた本作は、令和初の『ゴジラ』作品日本で制作された実写版『ゴジラ』30作品目という節目の1作になっている。 国内では1月11日までの70日間の興行収入が52.1億円、観客動員数は399万人を突破。北米では1月10日までの41日間で興行収入は4974万ドル(=約72億円)を超え、北米におけるアニメを含めた日本映画の歴代2位を記録。さらに、日本を除く世界興収が6110万ドル(=約88億円)を突破し、全世界興行収が140億円に届いた。

  2. Actors Ryunosuke Kamiki (30) and Minami Hamabe (23) appeared on stage on the 12th at a black-and-white stage greeting to express their gratitude for the blockbuster success of the movie "Godzilla-1.0" held in Tokyo, announcing that the worldwide box office revenue of the movie was 14 billion yen. reported that it had exceeded the"Godzilla" is a monumental monster movie that has fascinated not only Japan but all over the world since its creation in 1954. This work, which is positioned as a commemorative work for the 70th anniversary of the series, is the first Godzilla work of the Reiwa era, and is a milestone work as it is the 30th live-action Godzilla work produced in Japan.

    In Japan, the box office revenue for the 70 days ending January 11 was 5.21 billion yen, and the number of viewers exceeded 3.99 million. In North America, box office revenue exceeded $49.74 million (approximately 7.2 billion yen) in the 41 days ending January 10, making it the second-highest grossing Japanese film in North America, including anime. Furthermore, the worldwide box office revenue excluding Japan exceeded 61.1 million dollars (approximately 8.8 billion yen), and the worldwide box office revenue reached 14 billion yen.

  3. 【震電】震電(しんでん)は、第二次世界大戦末期に日本海軍が試作した局地戦闘機。前翼型の独特な機体形状を持つ、そのため「異端の翼」と呼ばれました。最高速度400ノット(約740km/h)以上の高速戦闘機の計画で、1945年(昭和20年)6月に試作機が完成、同年8月に試験飛行を行い終戦。略符号はJ7W1。

  4. 【大刀洗平和記念館】


  5. 豪華キャストに特撮映画史に残るド迫力!!ホントゴジラの大ヒットは社会現象となるまでに発展しましたね!

  6. これでラストシーンに石坂浩二のナレーション入れれば、完全にウルトラQ。

  7. -C良かったですね。


  8. マイナスカラー観ました、良かったです。ただ一つ気になったことが、敷島家のシーンで奥の棚に人形がありましたが、それがモノクロだと実に不気味で気になってしょうがなかった。

  9. 昨日観てきました。同じ映画なのに何かが違う、戦後直ぐの荒廃の時代だからこそ白黒映像が現実感を深めてると思うし、ゴジラの皮膚の陰影の質感が超リアルに感じた。

  10. 主人公のお二人以外の脇役陣の方たちも、本当に素晴らしい演技です。個人的には吉岡さん、田中さん(堀田艦長)が好きです。

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