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家でも出せるプロのギターサウンド!【多機能小型ギターアンプ Hotone PULZE徹底レビュー】

家でも出せるプロのギターサウンド!【多機能小型ギターアンプ Hotone PULZE徹底レビュー】

Hello, and welcome. The performance you just heard was entirely produced by this small amplifier, including the guitar and the backing track. All the sounds came from this small amp. The audio you’re hearing is from these stereo speakers, recorded to capture the actual listening experience using a condenser microphone.

It’s a really natural and great sound, isn’t it? Typical guitar amps show their true value at high volumes, but it’s quite challenging to play loudly at home. For example, cranking up a Marshall amp in your living room or bedroom is just a nuisance to others.

It would be problematic, even if it does sound good. It’s great to be able to play with good sound at low volumes. It can handle music from smartphones, or sounds from Netflix and YouTube videos beautifully, and it’s easy to operate. An amp this convenient would be fantastic.

What makes this possible is the Hotone multifunction amp, Pulse, that I’m introducing today. Let’s first take a look at the various preset sounds of Pulse. Clean, crunch, high gain, and some effective sounds will be demonstrated.

In addition to the controls on the unit, using the dedicated Pulse app allows for even more detailed settings. The connection can be easily made via Bluetooth. Let’s take a look. Let’s go into the app. Like this, you can adjust the sound settings, such as changing the gain on the amp,

Or editing the presence and sound here. You can also choose different effects for the amp’s pre. There are options like overdrive, auto wah, booster, distortion, fuzz, etc. You can select dynamics, gate, noise gate, comp, boost, and more. There are also many types of amps included.

There are models similar to Rectifier, Mesa sounds, and many others, all with high-quality modeling. 29 –> 00:06:53.496 I was quite impressed with the precision of the modeling. That was personally quite surprising to me. And then, there are the cabinets. The cabinet section has a wide variety, from 4×12 to 1×10,

And 1×12, among others. In addition to the built-in cabinet simulations, there are also options for bass. It includes bass cabinet models, and the renowned Celestion digital, which has Celestion digital IRs built-in. You can choose these based on your preference. There’s also acoustic; it has IRs for acoustic guitars,

So you can make an electric sound like an acoustic here. Very convenient. This is handy. Incredible. Also, user IR; if you have your favorite IRs, you can load them here and use them. That’s for the cabinet. Also, this is the equalizer. The equalizer has various types,

And you can choose many options for guitar, bass, and more. FX1 typically includes effects like delay. There are many types of delay, but besides delay, there are also effects like auto-wah, and many others, including pitch and octaver. Incredible, like detune and tremolo. This is probably in the FX1 section,

and as pre-effects, I think there are also similar options. Anyway, there are a lot of options, like octave and pitch. So you can choose your favorite ones, and not just limited to boosters in the pre, you can choose chorus and others as well. It’s very well thought out.

And in the FX2 section, reverb is currently selected, including hall, plate, spring, shimmer, and many others. There are also delays here, so it’s not that FX2 is only for reverb and FX1 for delay, you can mix and match as you like. You can even change the order of effects.

Like this, you can rearrange them. You can do things like this. The app’s usability is very important, and the Pulze app is very well-developed and stable. So, while you can do general operations on the unit itself, for more detailed settings, it’s best to use the app.

Also, with app controls, it’s common to tap with a finger, and you move it up like this. Then you might not see the controls, but here, the numbers appear, which is great. This is incredibly convenient. Pulze is like a guitar amp with a built-in multi-effects unit,

And the speaker performance is also quite good. The piece I played at the beginning of this video was also like that, not just the guitar sound, but the entire backing track came out in stereo from this Pulze. I streamed the sound from a smartphone, and it’s easy to play back.

You can stream audio from YouTube, Netflix, and other video sources, just the audio if you like. However, Bluetooth inevitably has a slight delay, so if the delay between video and audio bothers you, it’s better to use a wired connection with the AUX input. Furthermore, there’s this Space Enchance Technology,

Which makes the sound spread wider than the physical dimensions of the stereo body. I’ll play it now and see how it sounds. In the settings, there’s an option called ‘Space Plus’, I’ll stream it now. It’s currently off. When I turn it on, I’ll switch it on and off to show you. Like this,

It creates a feeling of the sound spreading out. This, well, it’s like, in a recording studio with monitor speakers, this kind of spread isn’t really sought after, but for a home listening experience, I think it’s quite comfortable. Such a sound with its positioning, phase, and so on, putting aside the technical aspects,

The feeling of the sound filling up the room is, in my opinion, a correct listening experience. Yes. Pulze is, multifunctional and compact, offering high-quality sound, making it especially suitable for home use. As I mentioned earlier, playing a large guitar amp at high volumes, while it has great power and sound,

Is quite challenging in a regular household. Therefore, an amp that sounds good even at moderate volumes is very important, I believe. Also,for those who listen to music using their smartphone speakers, this is really convenient with Bluetooth, easily connecting and allowing you to enjoy good sound,

So using such a speaker to enjoy music is an important experience, I think. For more detailed information, please check the site of the domestic importer, All Access International Inc. The URL is in the description box. Thank you for watching till the end. If you liked the video, please subscribe to the channel.

Also, for those struggling with guitar sound, I highly recommend my Guitar Sound Lab. Please check it out. See you in the next video. Goodbye.


▼Hotone PULZEの詳細はこちら

00:00 オープニングデモ演奏
02:02 動画の概要〜小さくても音が良いアンプ
05:47 アプリで詳細エディット
09:29 アプリの完成度は大事
10:08 ハイクオリティなステレオスピーカー
11:05 ステレオを超えた広がり
12:27 PULZE総評
13:25 エンディング〜デモ演奏

🎵 オンラインサロン「鈴木健治のギターサウンドラボ」
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📧 お問い合わせ・演奏、動画制作、公演、セミナー等ビジネスのご相談


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Twitter: / yuzumikan_krnk

ワイヤレスマイク SYNCO G2A2PRO
Yamaha Music Japan
IK Mulutimedia


Erykah Badu,宇多田ヒカル,MISIA,EXILE,SMAP,V6,倖田來未,安室奈美恵,BoA、Kinki Kids、坂本真綾,ケツメイシ、東方神起、mink、島谷ひとみ,w-inds,柴咲コウ,MAX,SPEED,中森明菜、NEWS,華原朋美、島袋寛子、酒井法子、東野純直、KATSUMI、染谷俊、和田アキ子、内田有紀 … 他沢山のアーティストのレコーディングやライブに参加。



愛知万博にてグラミー賞シンガー Erykah Baduのライブサポート。


華原朋美「あなたがいれば」 レコード大賞編曲部門金賞受賞。
MAX 「Grace of my herat」 作曲、ギター オリコンシングルチャート2位記録。
作編曲したV6の「ONE」、編曲した「Feel your breeze」ではオリコンシングルチャート1位記録。
作編曲した「Star of Muse」 KONOMI Guitar freaks(ゲーム)に収録。

2005年フュージョンロックインストバンド K.R.B(Kenji’s Ring Band)を結成 

☆2011/7/13 オリジナルソロアルバム “Gray World”世界同時リリース。



ギター、ベースレッスンアプリ PhraseStock サウンドデザイン、音楽機能監修。
( iOS有料音楽アプリ1位獲得)

「鈴木健治のギターレコーディングマスタークラス」「Helixサウンドメイキング応用編&覚えておきたいHelix 5 Tips by 鈴木健治」「Line 6 Variax × Helix ~無限の創造性 by 鈴木健治」
Line6 JapanオフィシャルYouTubeにて公開


「ギタリスト 鈴木健治のギターアンプの音作り」

「鈴木健治直伝! ギター宅録メソッド 〜ギターレコーディング匠の技とEDIT法〜 [DVD]」発売中

Ovaltoneのディストーションペダル、OD-Five 2 Extream, KS-1サウンド面の全面的監修。

#hotone #pulze#ギターアンプ


  1. 中国のメーカーでなければ購入の候補になりますが、

  2. これはいいですね。これ系、何か欲しかったんですが、使ってみたいですね。いつも動画、ありがとうございます。エフェクターは要らないんですよね、AMPとCAB特化だけで1万円で売ってほしいですw

  3. 欲しいけどメチャクチャ多機能なだけあって結構いい値段…💦

  4. Hotoneの現行1番上のAmpero2STOMPの使い方動画を出して欲しいです、、、。
    初めてまともにマルチを触り、、。音はいいのですが、amp preamp cabなど使い方があってるのか、、効果的な使い方なども是非ケンジさんに教えて頂きたいです!!!!

  5. こう次々と新作が出ると言う事は安価帯のデジタル機材は進化も早くて、陳腐化も早いのだろうか😅

  6. positive gridの方が良いです🥹コレも?YAMAHA同様に低音弱そう💦好みでしょうが🫣

  7. 最近のこれ系機材でよく思うのが、ここまで音質良くなってきて音が作り込めるなら、家練習だけでなくそのままライブで使いたいからライン出力つけて欲しいですね。内臓スピーカーは自分用のモニターにできるし。ライブ用に別の機材でまた一から音作りする時間と手間と費用が…


    「スピーカー付きマルチエフェクター」あるいはKatana headのように「スピーカー付き多機能ヘッド」みたいな考え方をメーカーが持ってもらえるとより嬉しいと思いました

  8. 技術がないと、どんな良い機材だろうが宝の持ち腐れと感じた。素晴らしい機材というのは理解できました。

  9. 中華アプリは、情報抜かれるから選択肢としてはないなぁ。

  10. ナチュラルで素晴らしいサウンドですね!コスパも高く、部屋用アンプとしてはトップレベルかなと感じました!


  11. HotoneのAmpero2使ってますが、アンプもでたんですね! ほんと音良い 

  12. 相変わらずの演奏と、わかりやすいレビューで(笑)

    アンプの方は、THR-II+ZOOM G1 FOUR/G2 FOURみたいな構成なのですね。(プチ)DTM系の人は、特にスピーカー出力音が良いと、こういうアンプで全て済んでしまうので、凄く便利そう。







  13. 素晴らしいギターから聞こえてくるアンプは最高のですね👏

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