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Hello everyone Continue the tour of Benxi today This is Fenghuang Ridge in the old side ditch scenic spot in Benxi Although it’s a little tiring to board But seeing the beauty in front of you Just think it’s all worth it Continue the tour of Benxi today

Go to the old side ditch scenic area Because I like to enter the scenic spot early in the morning to enjoy the beautiful scenery when there are few people. So decided to live in the scenic area This is the cabin in the scenic spot. The farm inn environment is very beautiful

Got up at six o’clock There’s still morning mist around Prepare to go to the top of the Phoenix here early in the morning. Dengveteran ditch of the phoenix set You can take the traffic bus to the foot of the mountain Now we’re at the mouth of Phoenix Ridge.

It’s very quiet here in the morning There are paths and plank roads. All the way to the top of the mountain There are ringtones everywhere In fact, I was going to watch the sunrise in the sea of clouds this morning. But because it’s cloudy

It is estimated that there will be no sea of clouds and sunrise. But I decided to come here and climb Phoenix Ridge. Come and follow me to see the phoenix tripod in the old side ditch. The plank road here is in very good condition There are many boulders on the mountain

I feel that there is also a little Huangshan feeling here. The red leaves on the mountain are also good. Climb halfway to see what the scenery is outside. Colorful forests all over the mountains it’s so beautiful In fact, along the plank road to climb Difficult is not big

You can climb in about 20 minutes. Personally, I feel that many people come to Laobiangou Scenic Area. All come and go in a hurry Few people come to this Phoenix Top. So today is also specially to climb this phoenix tripod Take a look at this beautiful Phoenix Top

Now to the top of the pavilion Four eyes from here There are many green pines and cypresses on this side. Maybe standing here, I don’t think this mountain is so beautiful. But if you look at it from God’s point of view with a drone It’s really beautiful

Even if there is no sea of clouds today It’s also so beautiful that it’s indescribable. Walk to the other end. There are also many maple trees and maple leaves in the crevices of the rocks. Walking in the mountains The air is particularly good. All kinds of strange pine stone

There are still some morning mist in the mountains. It’s a palette that God knocked over. Now down the hill Personally, I feel that Fenghuang Ridge in this old side ditch is very worth waiting. Whether it’s morning or day. Although it is early morning

But I also feel that there will not be many tourists here during the day. Besides, it is not difficult to reach the top of the Phoenix. So it’s worth a bit of exercise Now take a bus to the main scenic spot of Laobiangou.

Personally, I feel that the maple leaves in the old side ditch are slightly later than those in Guanmen Mountain. In the main scenic area, you still have to take the scenic sightseeing bus first. Sit straight to the finish line And then at the end of the play All the way back slowly

Of course, if you’re tired You can also come back by car. Now to the scenic spot traffic terminal Take a walk forward Although some maple leaves have fallen here But the whole is good Because it’s morning So not many tourists Look at the beautiful scenery Although the leaves are not dense

But it’s very hierarchical very freehand brushwork Prepare to go all the way down the veteran ditch. tell the truth The beauty of the red leaves on this side of Benxi is beyond my imagination. Many people ask me which is the most beautiful scenic spot In fact, between each scenic area are slightly different

Each has its own characteristics Look at these little waterfalls I think it’s really beautiful here. The weather became clear Now to Songcuiping scenic spot I feel that the red leaves here are particularly dense. and a suspension bridge For people living in cities

If there’s a chance to come here and get the upper hand It is a very happy thing There are more and more boulders in this area ahead. The scenery here is also special. particularly beautiful Personally, I still like the old side ditch very much.

Maybe it’s also because there are fewer people in the morning. play very reassuring Every view is perfect. There’s an arch bridge here Take a video on the bridge. As the last picture of today’s tour of the old side ditch

The next stop is Dashi Lake beside the old side ditch in the upper wind.







  1. 早上人少安静,老边沟凤凰顶漫山遍野的彩林在无人机的镜头下真是美得没法用语言形容,主景区的溪流,瀑布,红叶,一幅和谐的大自然画面,美得令人赞叹!感谢分享!❤🌹😊

  2. 我覺得依達地方風景是非常好靚的。我覺得依達地方所有花朵是非常好靚的。我覺得依達地方環境是非常好優雅的。我覺得依達地方空氣是非常好清新的。我希望能夠有時間或者有機會去依達地方旅行。👍👃👂❤️😮‍💨😄😄😃

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