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Announcer 女子アナ美人



Welcome to Leo Channel. Thank you for watching. In January 2021, a brutal abuse incident against a stray dog ​​occurred in Irkutsk Oblast, Russia. On that day, a woman who was enjoying gardening in her garden noticed the sound of a dog barking and headed

In that direction. When she turned her eyes, she saw an unbelievably horrifying sight. Several men had surrounded the dog to prevent it from escaping, and were pointing fireworks at the dog . When she told the men that she would call the police, the men apparently ran away from the scene.The

Dog was injured, and the woman, who wanted to help her, went to her hometown of Angarsk. I contacted the animal protection organization MV38 for help. MV38’s rescue staff arrived a short time later and were surprised to see the dog.

The dog must have been in pain and fear after being so abused by humans. However, instead of being afraid of the staff, the rescue staff approached the dog and greeted them.

After the rescue staff contacted the woman, they thanked the woman who had been keeping an eye on the dog until they arrived and put her in the car, where she continued to support the organization’s activities. In the car on the way to the hospital, the

Boy’s dog, named “Banzai”, arrived at the Pride Clinic. As soon as he arrived at the Pride Clinic, he was given painkillers and taken to the veterinarian. A detailed examination by the medical staff has begun.During the examination, Banzai never resisted and entrusted himself to me, as if he knew that he would help me.The

MV38 staff saw this. Of course, the veterinarians and medical staff who were present at the scene also said that they felt uncontrollable anger towards the person who had injured the dog. Unfortunately, as a result of the examination, Banzai’s left eye was already blind and there was no choice but to remove it

. After that, the eye and surrounding wound were thoroughly cleaned and medicine was applied, followed by antibiotics to suppress the inflammation and an intravenous drip to rehydrate the boy. Banzai had many other injuries all over his body, so he was hospitalized for

Several days and had to undergo surgery to have his eyes removed. There is no trauma in his heart towards humans, only the deep love that he originally had.This story was spread on the social media of the protection group MV38, and received many reactions from many people

. A lot of donations were received for Banzai, who never forgot his love, and it is said that it was enough to cover most of the expenses such as hospitalization and subsequent care. Apparently, they received many inquiries from people who wanted to take him home.A

Few days after he was rescued, the surgery to remove Banzai’s left eye, which lasted several hours, was successful.The surgery was successful.We visited him the next day. When Banzai saw the MV38 staff visiting him, he immediately ran up to him and asked to be petted with a very cute smile

. Banzai has now been safely discharged from the hospital and is now in his forever home with his loving new owner. I am living a wonderful second life. Thank you for watching until the end. If you subscribe to the channel, it will be very encouraging . Thank you.




If you subscribe to the channel, it will be encouraging.
Thank you very much.


・July Flowers written by Anonyment
・向日葵 written by 田中芳典
・山茶花~サザンカ~ written by 田中芳典(News)
・千歳の如く written by すもち
・さよなら水平線 written by もっぴーさうんど
・夢見る世界(Dreaming world) written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・Pray~星の祈り written by 畑中ゆう
・tears… written by JoMa
・すてきなオルゴール written by クラウンジ
・やわらかな時間(MILD TIME) written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・雨の静寂 written by shimtone
・今日の日に、おやすみ (Good Night,… written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・悲しい過去 written by kinono
・悲しみの大海 written by Ryo Lion
・コスモス written by もっぴーさうんど
・悲哀の響き(Echo with sorrow) written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・セピアの影絵 written by shimtone
・ひとりの部屋 written by shimtone
・雨の日 written by kinono
・影写す頃 written by shimtone
・永別の花 written by shimtone
・欠けた写真 written by shimtone
・枯葉色 written by shimtone
・散花 written by shimtone
・止まった時間 written by shimtone
・惜別 written by shimtone
・切ない風に吹かれて…(Blowing in th… written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・悲しい過去 written by Hupple
・悲しみに包まれて written by alaki paca
・悲雨 written by Notzan ACT
・悲壮 written by 石屋
・閉ざした心 written by KK
・夢雨 written by shimtone
・流れる青 written by いまたく
・涙雨 written by shimtone
・Happy Holiday written by Make a field Music
・Suddenly written by Anonyment
・いいこといっぱい! written by クラウンジ
・希望への旅立ち written by Motoyuki
・散歩に連れてって! written by クラウンジ
・前を向こう written by ゆうり
・Cry more written by 佐土原隼人
・memories written by Yukiko Kamata
・穏やかな時間 written by ゆうきわたる
・希望への旅立ち written by Motoyuki
・別れと笑顔 written by Motoyuki
・あの日への手紙 written by すもち
・ハッピーエンド written by チョコミント
・雪空 written by もっぴーさうんど
・木漏れ日の歌 written by すもち (1)
・ひとりぼっちの妖精 written by ゆうり
・フレッシュ太陽の光 written by MAKOOTO
・洗濯日和 written by Make a field Music
・きょうはいい天気 written by Make a field Music
・雫ノ詩 written by shimtone
・雫 written by のる
・陽光の射す部屋 written by MATSU
・花散ル風(Wind,falling down flower… written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・いつかきっと written by ISAo
・傷跡 written by オオヒラセイジ
・悲しい記憶 written by OK-Sounds
・game_image17 written by UG
・手紙のさよなら written by もっぴーさうんど
・SAD written by オオヒラセイジ
・回想 written by shimtone
・ideal(悲しい曲) written by shimtone
・手紙 written by スエノブ
・Reminiscence written by MFP【Marron Fields Production】
・Luculia written by まんぼう二等兵
・ツユクサの丘 written by まんぼう二等兵
・また逢いましょう written by 松浦洋介
・KANADE written by のる
・爽やかな空の下で(Under the pleasa… written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・月へ続く道 written by すもち
・beautiful sky written by のる
・Ayakumo written by FLASH☆BEAT
・Eternal Melody written by FLASH☆BEAT
・Everyday Moments written by MFP【Marron Fields Production】
・Good Morning Sunshine written by modus
・Hard Rain written by Make a field Music
・Hill Cowboy written by いまたく
・July Flowers written by Anonyment
・Last Farewell written by Anonyment
・LET IT GO written by Low
・Never Again written by MFP【Marron Fields Production】
・Prosit! written by のる
・カモメと旅をする written by ネコト
・星空のエメラルド written by FLASH☆BEAT
・逃走 written by lei
・幻想花 written by Notzan ACT
・我が告解 written by 秦暁
・造花の百合 written by 松浦洋介
・July Flowers written by Anonyment
・River flow written by すもち
・雨上がりの公園 written by 山本リョーマ
・波間にゆれる written by しんさんわーくす
・ある冬の朝、君の右隣 written by しんさんわーくす
・アイスレイン written by shimtone
・Sad rain written by Kyaai
・月 written by スエノブ
・十字架 written by スエノブ
・聖なる夜の悲劇 written by ハヤシユウ
・罪を共に分かち合い生きる written by alaki paca
・ムスカリの花 written by MATSU
・If You Love Me. written by HRK
・IN THE AIR written by 伊藤ケイスケ
・今日はとっても上機嫌 written by こばっと
・キラキラ桜吹雪 written by すもち
・センチメンタル 20XX written by K’z Art Storage
【4K】無料CG背景素材 10秒ループ動画 ニュース番組の背景CG【Aftereffects】

・pexels-Andrea Hamilton


  1. 許せないです。女性が助けてくれなければ殺されてだと思います。こんな目に合わせた鬼畜達に天罰が下ります様に。 

  2. 許されん😡



  3. 犬にしたことと同じ罰を与えて欲しい

  4. バンザイを助けてくれてありがとうございます😭

  5. この子と同じ痛い目に合わせやりたいこの子をひどいことした人間にいや人間の顔した悪魔に神様制裁を

  6. バンザイ君を助けてくださった方々ありがとうございます、この虐待犯人に因果応報の天罰が下りますように。

  7. 野良犬だからって何してもいいわけじゃ無いからな。野良犬だって大切な命なんだからな!





  8. どうして悍しい虐待を受けても人間への愛情表現が出来るのでしょうか・・

  9. チャンネル登録してます。

  10. 誰だって大勢に囲まれるだけでも恐怖を感じるはず。火を向けられたら尚更です。物言わぬ者にそういうことをする神経が信じられません。命を軽視しすぎています。

  11. ろくでなしのクズ野郎がすることといったら弱いものをいたぶるしかないんだよね。臆病で卑怯で残忍な小心者ってどれだけ質が悪いんだ❓

  12. 何の抵抗も出来ないバンザイに何人もの大人が花火でそれも面白半分で、抵抗も出来バンザイに大やけどをさせた人間を絶対に許さない‼️そこまでされたバンザイはきっと怖さにパニックだったと思うでも、バンザイはレスキュー隊の人を恐がる事なくバンザイは自分を助けてくれる人達だと分かり、みずから身体を委ね治療を受けてるバンザイに涙💧が出ました。酷い事をされても人間を信じてくれたバンザイにありがとうを言いたいです🐕💖

  13. 強烈なストレスイライラが止まらない😡怒りと憎しみしかない😡この犬の同じ痛み苦しみ以上の罰が待ってる‼やったことに対して吐き気がする👎この子を救ってくれた住民の方達に感謝です🙏🫶

  14. 犯人を逮捕して下さい。救出してくれた方々の行動に、感謝しかありません。人の皮をかぶった邪悪な輩は明るい場所に引きずり出しさらさわなければならない。なぜか❓️繰り返すから

  15. ありがとう助け下さって、なぜ人はこんな恐ろしいことが、できるのでしょう!幸せになってね!

  16. 😭😡🤬何も出来無い動物と知って酷い虐待😡犯人を、捕まえ囲んだ人も同罪🐕️と同じ経験を、すれば、どれだけ酷い事をしたか治療費も支払って欲しいですね‼️しかし運良く女性の人に助けられない🐕️を、レスキューして直ぐに治療され🙏🙏😌🥲

  17. なんと酷いことをするのですかね。💕このワユちゃんは皆と楽しいもうと近いずいたのに目に花火🎇でやけどさして本当に腹がたちます。それでもこのワンちゃんはその人を信じていたの(*`・ω・)ゞね。💕涙💧が出てきます。このワンちゃんは本当に本当に幸せにして欲しいです。

  18. こんな残虐なことするクズ人間🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬まじで許せない…


    助けてくださった方本当にありがとうございます( ; ; )


  19. なんて酷い事を、動物、虐待は犯罪です。加害者から、医療費は徴収するというのはどうですか?慈愛の心を持った女性の方、MVの皆様、感謝申し上げます。バンザイちゃんの方が、慈愛に満ちてますね。酷い人間がいてごめんなさい。貴方は優しい可愛い子、みんなから、好かれますね。リバースおめでとう🎉優しい主さんと共に、お幸せに🎉

  20. バンザイくん、可愛い左目は失ってしまったけどお幸せに🥲

  21. ただでさえ花火の音に怖がる犬を数人で囲んで、花火そのものをあてるなんて、どれ程怖かっただろうと思うと胸が痛みます。バンザイがすぐに新しい家族に迎えられて良かったー。幸せになってほしい。

  22. またロシアで酷い虐待😡

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