Idol アイドル



Hello everyone, today I’d like to introduce you to something that I came across yesterday when I was walking around the shopping mall.This is a figure.Do you know what character this is?This is PreCure, etc.If you think about the original story, I think

They often sell figurines of characters made by the same creator without the original source material.This one is a type of figure called Maytree.I came across it . Here’s a video of the moment.I’m at Terminal 21 right now, and I found a really cute figurine.It’s cute, it’s cute, it’s this quality.It’s random, isn’t it?

The artist just tried out the eyeliner. That’s why it’s like this.It looks like it’s a constellation.It’s super cute.I should buy this one, but this one is a cat.This one is also cute.The Libra girl is super cute.She has a sparkle in the back, and her clothes are made of cloth. I

Can’t put shoes on this one , I can sit it down because it has joints. It also comes with accessories and the color gradation of the hair is really cute. What should I buy? I’ll have to buy this one too. I’ll get 4 random boxes. I want the scent of a bull.

It looks like it has a cow face. I’m going to buy some of this. Well, I’ll let you choose it. I ‘ll let Tony choose it. There are four blue boxes . Well, it’s early, so let’s go with that. Okay, this is the luck of children, so I’ll buy it. Well, please. I

Bought it. I bought it. Hey, should I buy this? What is this? This is so cute. It’s cute, it’s not really cute, it’s really cute, what’s this, what’s what, what’s the character, what’s the motif, this is that, it’s sweets, it’s a Frappuccino, it’s really really cute No, what

Is this? A jelly A cola from something that looks like a jelly drink It’s funny. This cat is cute. It’s a cute cat. It’s just a coincidence . It’s cute. That ‘s cute. No, everything is cute. That rain is so cute. This one is cute too. This is good.Which

One is the target?Is it cola?Cola is good.It’s transparent.I like everything.The design is like this.The texture is good.This is a mess.It’s smooth and heavy.I should buy it.I like it.I like it.This is it.This is it.Soft pa.This is it. Instead of

This, I’m going to go with this, this, this, this.Oh, I’m going there.Only adults are buying one, so I asked Tony to get one too, and he unexpectedly chose the Katsushikaku car.That ‘s good.Yes, then let’s buy this.Here. I’m

Having a lot of fun playing with the square track. It’s amazing. It has a gimmick to open it. I’ll open it. Yes, the box is cute and cute. Isn’t this a spoiler? It’s dangerous. It looks like it’s possible. It looks like it contains gummy bears. It’s so cute. So cute. I’ll open it.

I wonder what’s going to come out. Oh, I’m so nervous. Ah, what’s this? It’s a potato chip spot. It’s so cute. It’s so good. I’m going to take a look at it, look at it, and tell it to my dad. What’s this cute? 30g, 917 calories. I’m writing Pocalory High This is complete.

Look at that first one, yes, yes, yes, Perrot. The taste of Pringles is really good. It’s high quality. It’s like the Roddy of Prings, so I see. It’s really good. Do n’t take it, don’t take it Card The card is so cute It looks like it also comes with a mini one This

Looks like a potato-colored potato Wow I want something else too Wow But I like potato chips so it’s good It’s good Potato chips I got excited and bought it because I wanted a cola with it.I have a lot of Nema Eva figures and One Piece figures, but I only

Had the one with the original story. At first, I wondered how I should understand the fact that this creator was making cats.For example, if I did something like this Aka, there would be an original story, and this one wearing a plug suit. I thought it would be fun to think

About how it would look in that scene, or how it would look in that scene, or how it would look if you put it there and put the mass-produced model nearby. But that’s why I was wondering how I could enjoy a figure that doesn’t have an original source,

And I thought it would be good if I could just just look at how cute it is without thinking about it.The one Rio-Nari- kun bought is cute. These legs are shaped like potatoes, and the lid can be taken off or broken.This makes me want to collect them.I can’t go wrong with this one,

But I think it’s best to put some of them up and display them. It’s got even more shine, is n’t it? Is this Pinot Jelly? It’s a kind of Pinot Jelly. It’s a collaboration between Pop Mart and it’s kind of like a collaboration, or it’s being made into a figure.

It’s very shiny and smooth. It’s so cute that I want to touch it for a long time, so I actually bought this one yesterday and opened it.I played this with the vending machine gacha, so it’s really fun not knowing what’s going to come out. But this is a cat

Girl.This one is also cute.Her clothes are really cute.This one is the winner.It’s cute.It’s from Boise.It has a cane, so you can hold it if you feel nervous.It looks like ceramic. The way it’s made is really, really nice. It’s not ceramic, but it’s smooth.

It’s really cute when you display it. I want to line it up. I guess that’s the moment I bought this figure of this creator. It clicked into place, so I ‘m going to open this one.This one also has a secret one.I saw it on the internet before the secret one, and

This one was really cute with cat ears. However, this is a constellation, but for me, it’s Gemini, Gemini, Aquarius, Sari, Aries, Goat, Pisces, Taurus, everything changes, and I can’t get it out of the way, so I want to open it quickly and do May Tree.

You like people like this, right? Now that you’re in your 40s, you’re drawn to someone even though they’re cute, like you did when you were a kid. What kind of phenomenon is this? I think it’s quite common, right? I’m saying that people are interested in this kind of thing.

It’s one of the biggest figures out there. What the hell is this? Mizunokoya. Wow, this is this girl. I fell in love with this girl. I just bought this. Yes, this girl was on display , so I gave it to her. Wow, I looked at the card too. It

‘s so cute. It looks like a tarot card. This girl also had a card on it. It definitely has a card on it. It’s okay to take a picture next to this card.Ah, it’s a little cold.My shoes are a little cold inside, so I want to help you get dressed quickly.Oh,

It’s so heavy.Look at this beautiful gradation. Her hair is curled up, and the front is bobbed, and only here. She has three braids, so I’m sure she can pull her head off. Here she is. Her hair isn’t like a Sakou Licca-chan doll, it’s her hair. But this kind of smooth material is attractive.

Look at the eyes and mouth. There are stars on it. That’s because the lower half of her body is so solid. Maybe it’s because the skirt is fluffy. Her buttocks are also split. The shoes are cute too. I wear transparent shoes like this. They

Have a cut in the back to make them easier to vomit. I wonder if they sell them in Japan, but I wonder if they sell them somewhere. I wonder if they sell them in China. The other day, I

Went to a toy festival in Thailand, and they were selling a lot of dolls made by creators like this.I wasn’t very awake at that time, so I didn’t buy much, but I was just looking for a Chinese cabbage ticket. I pulled one gacha, but the quality was low. It’s so expensive, it’s

So bright! Look at this skirt! It’s got accessories. The skirt has fluffy feather-like , flower-like fluff on it, and it’s very detailed. It’s also water-filled , so it looks like a swimsuit. I think this is the top. This is it, this is it

, this is it, it’s not a dress, it’s not a skirt, it’s the upper body, this is the skirt, and this is the decoration on the head. I thought it would be a bit too shameless to wear

This in a bra, but this is the head ornament , this is the arm, this is the fluffy part of the arm, and this is the part that goes on the neck.Let’s try it out.First of all, it’s good.It’s

Good.It’s magic. For some reason, there is a QR code on the tag with tape. What happens when you press this QR? It’s cute. Wait a minute. Pants, pants , pants, pants. I’m used to Tony, so I’m good at it. I put on pants, and wow . It’s amazing, it’s

So cute. It’s okay to be shaved. It’s so cute that it’s okay to be shaved. It’s amazing. The joints are spinning. It’s a cactus that rotates so much. It’s amazing. The clothes are

Made of cloth. The hair is made of smooth material, so the clothes are slippery and stick to each other from the beginning. It’s a good place to wear these clothes.If you buy other clothes , you can change them.You can coordinate all kinds of clothes in your own way.I

Brought it all the way to the top.The sleeves are so tight. The shoulders are a little off , and the neck is like this. Should I tie it at the back ? I tied it and put my head in a cute bow. The hair is so cute. Please take a look.

She must be a beautiful and wonderful doll.This doll is an Aquarius, and Tony who pulled it is also an Aquarius synchro rate When he turns around during a big explosion, a flower dress pops out from between his hair . This hairstyle is so cute.I think I’ll try this hairstyle too.The

Decorations are detailed and there are lots of beads.This flower is also made of crunchy beads instead of cloth.Ah, don’t look at me, you’ll turn into stone . So yes, I’ve finished opening the package. I’m going to get hooked on it a little bit more. I definitely

Want it. I definitely want it. It’s too big. In my day, there were n’t any kids with faces like this, so maybe it’s okay. It’s really a variety show right now.

It’s so plentiful that I want it even when I’m an adult.It’s scary, but it’s really a hobby.It’s a video from last time, but I felt happy early in the new year.If I get it, I might open it on a live broadcast or something.

So please take a look. If you like this video, please hit the good button and subscribe to the channel .














  1. あけましておめでとうございます。





  2. 明けましておめでとうございます😀

  3. あけましておめでとうございます🎍✨

  4. 明けましておめでとうございます🎉

  5. 早希ちゃん💖明けましておめでとう❣️☺️昨日発生した能登地方中心とする地震や津波のことは遠く離れたタイにいる早希ちゃんも知ってたんだね❣️😚遠くタイから地震のことを気遣ってくれてありがとう❣️😉今日はタイでクリエイターが作る元ネタなしのフィギュアのメイツリーが可愛いすぎてショッピングモールに買いに行った動画をありがとう❣️😄元ネタがないフィギュアもとっても可愛くてよかったね❣️😊メイツリー以外も可愛いキャラクターばかりでよかったね❣️🥰💖

  6. 明けましておめでとうございます。

  7. あけましておめでとうございます🎍🌅🎉元旦からの災害で恐怖と闘ってる中、早紀ちゃんの動画有難いです🥰私は新潟市ですが5強でしたが、それ以上に感じました。

  8. デザイナーズトイというやつですね!


  9. 明けましておめでとうございます( ^ω^)

  10. 可愛いキヤラクターですね🎵

  11. 私も最近海外のフィギュアにハマっててpinoJerryも買ったばっかりだったのでタイムリーでテンション上がりました!とっても可愛いですよね〜😊しかも出たのがコーラの子だったのでポテトチップスの子隣に飾りたい😂

  12. 早希ちゃん💘明けましておめでとうございます🌅🎍今年も宜しくお願いします💘当たり前の生活が出来る事に感謝ですねぇ👍👌石川県の皆さんには1日も早い復興をお祈りします🙇‍♂️

  13. あけましておめでとうございます!

  14. あけましておめでとうございます🎍

  15. 明けましておめでとう🌅

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