Actress 女優

Kaguya by Gucci

Kaguya by Gucci

Under the impetus of the 75th anniversary of the bamboo top-handle bags, the House presents a contemporary retelling of an ancient Japanese story entitled ‘Taketori Monogatari (The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter).’ Makoto Nagahisa stages the plot of finding oneself, along with true love, in a Tokyo betwixt and between reality and a dream. Dressed in looks from the Gucci Love Parade collection, Hikari Mitsushima, Aoi Yamada, and Eita Nagayama star in the story shedding a new light on the Gucci Bamboo 1947 and Gucci Diana Beloved lines.

Creative Concept: Toshihiko Tanabe
Director: Makoto Nagahisa
Music: Keiichiro Shibuya

Original song ‘I come from the Moon’
Composed by Keiichiro Shibuya
Vocal by Android – Alter4
Lyrics by Makoto Nagahisa, Cypher (AI)


  1. Saw this the first time at Shinjuku station and it was incredibly beautiful playing on the huge screens as you walk by

  2. わぁ鳥肌たちました😳着眼点が本当に凄いです!本当に素敵な世界観ですね(*´˘`*)♡

  3. GUCCIのバンブーバックから着想を得たらしいですね、映像が最高すぎて日本人としても嬉しい

  4. 世界観が好きすぎて、何回見ても引き込まれてリピートしちゃう

  5. バーと車の内装が印象的だなって思ってたら、こたつの毛布で彫刻つくる作家さんが担当してたのね。

  6. かぐや様 + GUCCI my two favorites become together 🗼💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮

  7. This was so beautiful honestly words can not describe how I felt watching this

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