Announcer 女子アナ美人

新井恵理那の “髪型チェンジ “が「産休から復帰した戦略的な一手」と言われる理由

新井恵理那の “髪型チェンジ “が「産休から復帰した戦略的な一手」と言われる理由

On the evening of June 8, freelance announcer Erina Arai revealed on her Instagram page a “haircut makeover” in which she cut off her long hair. She announced her marriage and pregnancy in April this year,
She said, “It’s almost summer, the wedding and reception are over, and I decided to have a haircut to start a new chapter in my life.
 She revealed the circumstances behind her bold makeover.
 I can only work for a few more days, but I will do my best! and wrote of her enthusiasm in anticipation of her maternity leave.
 Arai appeared live on “Good Morning” on the morning of the following day, the 9th! Morning” on the morning of the 9th. Many on social networking sites praised Arai, saying, “She looks great in this dress.
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