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[Becoming a NiziU member was not easy – Mayuka Cut/Highlights] – w/ English subs [ マユカの旅 | ハイライト]

[Becoming a NiziU member was not easy – Mayuka Cut/Highlights] – w/ English subs [ マユカの旅 | ハイライト]

In this video features the journey of Ogou Mayuka throughout Nizi Project. Starting from the auditions to the final member announcement for the assembling of the new JYP girl group NiziU.

Nizi Project was made with the joint of Korean and Japanese project between JYP and Sony Music. It’s purpose is to find talent in Japan, searching in 10 different cities. Auditions were held in each city to look for girls with potential talent. They will be then sent to Tokyo camp for a few days to tackle some various tests. Those participants who passes or earn cubes will likely to be chosen to join the camp going to South Korea. The selected trainees will then travel to So. Korea and will undergo intense training for 6 months. They will then go through missions where they will be evaluated and the chance to be selected to debut and be part of the new girl group (NiziU).

#NiziProject #Mayuka #NiziU #WithU

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these videos. No copyright intended. The video was edited by me and for entertainment purposes only.

Thanks for watching!
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Also give it a fat finger👍 if you like the video!


  1. 最初の個人課題は皆心細かったんだろうな、1人の課題が最初じゃなかったらもうちょっと違ってたと思うけど、マユカのやった曲すごくMVが素敵だったからまたいつか改めてカバーして欲しい

  2. 本当に勝つ人は、どんな状況でも諦めず努力し続ける人なんだなぁと、感動しました。

  3. マユカは本当にチームだとめちゃ輝くよなぁ。人を活かし自分も活かせる縁の下の力持ちって感じ。あと日本語ラップがかなり良いってい力が発揮されたのもめっちゃ良かった…heartbeat好きすぎて何回も見てる

  4. Mayuka is the definition of hard work. She's never give up! She deserve to be in the group 💜

  5. 『今は0個なんですけど……

  6. マユカとモモの中学校が同じと聞いて、SIXTEENの時はモモが復活当選になってたしマユカは逆転劇だし、凄い運命だなって思った。(語彙力)

  7. 大阪の予選で大阪や兵庫の子が一人くらい入っててもおかしくないんだけど。。。

  8. ジニョンさん、マユカの魅力をよく見抜きましたね。本当に凄い。今となってはとびきりのアイドルです。キテクダサイ。

  9. I always come back and watch this again 😭😭💕💕💕 Mayuka we luv u

  10. Mayuka is like a jack-in-the-box. She goes along steadily then wham, she hits you with a super star performance! When she relaxes and just has fun, her infectious smile makes everyone else smile too! The biggest suprise is her ability to rap so quickly and accurately! The one thing to careful of is when she is teamed with Riku they're like mischief looking for a place to happen!

  11. Its because of her personality at that time that JYP doubted her if she going to make it thats why he advised mayuka to be greedy when it comes to her performance.

  12. When I go back to these individual and EDITED videos I always get very emotional to see them so shaken and happy to get their CUBE segments. JYP is so encouraging for them, I'm happy for their successes. Thanks from all of us INTERNATIONAL FANS for the ENGLISH SUBS and these videos. IT really shows how much hard work they put in just to get to be part of NIZIU ,,, FIGHTING! !!! TWICE and ITZY have VLIVE for thier personal videos, Lets see more VLIVE for NIZIU, PLEASE!

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