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GALA concert of the Laureates of the International Nutcracker Competition 2016/18..№ 2.Final plaudit

GALA concert of the Laureates of the International Nutcracker Competition 2016/18..№ 2.Final plaudit

Catalina PRESENTS … パート2。2019年6月12日。サンクトペテルブルクでの国際くるみ割り人形コンクールの受賞者のガラコンサート。 サンクトペテルブルクカペラ交響楽団(アレクサンダーチェルヌシェンコ指揮)が同行する、真に歴史的な舞台のグリンカチャペルホールで、子供たちを演じます-くるみ割り人形国際テレビコンクールの受賞者2016-2018Part 2. June 12, 2019. Gala concert of the Laureates of the International Nutcracker Competition in St. Petersburg. In the Glinka Chapel Hall on a truly historical stage, accompanied by the St. Petersburg Capella Symphony Orchestra (conducted by Alexander Chernushenko ) perform CHILDREN – Laureates of the Nutcracker International Television Competition for Young Musicians 2016-2018 … CONTRACTORS: 2016 Silver Nutcracker holder; violinist Theo Gertler (Slovakia); 2018 Silver Nutcracker winner clarinet player Sofia Mekhonoshin (Russia) and “Golden Nutcracker” in 2018 – a pianist Ivaylo Vasilev (Bulgaria) who plays the euphonium Pyatkov Ivan (Russia) and violinist Natsuhi Murata (Japan). The concert program includes works by F. Mendelssohn, K.M. von Weber, I.S. Bach, O. Boehme, V.A. Mozart.


  1. Un meraviglioso talento, grande musicalità e una tecnica violinistica che tutte insieme dimostrano la profonda maturità concertistica per un'età cosi giovane

  2. Incredibly well done in every detail of shades. Applause to her teacher too.
    Another Midori

  3. Такой концерт надо обязательно послушать каждому!!!!!!!

  4. that one juror in the audition is blown away again. he allready was in the competition. and the russians know how to celebrate. they really give all the well deserved appreciation !

  5. この瞬間、この世には生まれながらにして天才がいることを知った。この事実を知れば多くの人は自分の

  6. BRAVO ბრავო 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💐💐💐💐♥️✌️😎🇬🇪

  7. Какая умничка! Всё исполняет наизусть. Исключительный талант! Такая длинная партия. А малышка серьёзная. Восхищаюсь ею и преклоняюсь пред таким талантливым ребёнком и, конечно, трудолюбивым. Дай бог ей счастья и здоровья. Гордость родителей! Хотелось бы знать имя.

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