Idol アイドル

[Becoming a NiziU member was not easy – Ayaka Cut/Highlights] – w/ English subs [ アヤカの旅 | ハイライト]

[Becoming a NiziU member was not easy – Ayaka Cut/Highlights] – w/ English subs [ アヤカの旅 | ハイライト]

In this video features the journey of Arai Ayaka throughout Nizi Project. Starting from the auditions to the final member announcement for the assembling of the new JYP girl group NiziU.

Nizi Project was made with the joint of Korean and Japanese project between JYP and Sony Music. It’s purpose is to find talent in Japan, searching in 10 different cities. Auditions were held in each city to look for girls with potential talent. They will be then sent to Tokyo camp for a few days to tackle some various tests. Those participants who passes or earn cubes will likely to be chosen to join the camp going to South Korea. The selected trainees will then travel to So. Korea and will undergo intense training for 6 months. They will then go through missions where they will be evaluated and the chance to be selected to debut and be part of the new girl group (NiziU).

#NiziProject #Ayaka #NiziU #WithU

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these videos. No copyright intended. The video was edited by me and for entertainment purposes only.

Thanks for watching!
Please don’t forget to subscribe for more NiziU stuff in the future 🙂
Also give it a fat finger👍 if you like the video!


  1. アヤカとリクは素人から努力とセンスで最後まで残って選ばれて

  2. アヤカちゃんは自分の武器を

  3. 単にパークはアヤカがタイプなんだと思う 別に変な意味じゃなくね

  4. 『なんか応援したくなる』ってアイドルになるには一番の資質やね。

  5. 返事が食い気味なの本当にカワイイwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  6. 10:15からレベル高いこと言ってて

  7. アヤカはフワッとしているイメージだけど、地頭は良くてメンタル強いと思います。

  8. アヤカは犬みたいにかわいい。何しててもかわいい〜ってなる

  9. Nizi Projet映像をもう一度見ると、ayakaの 目が パフォーマンスが上手な友人の後ろ姿をいつも「X-Rey 精密スキャン」していることがわかります。

  10. 何がすごいって実力がない状態でも

  11. アヤカをミイヒとリマと同じグループにしてSuzyのVery Very Veryのパフォーマンスをさせるほど、JYPはアヤカに入れ込んでいたのだと思います。それにしてもアヤカは可愛いね。

  12. 彩花ちゃんは他人よりも何倍もどりょくしてNiziUとしてデビューしたんだよね

  13. 久々観に来ました。そんなアヤカ様も今ではダンスも揃ってるし身長高いから手足長いからダンスも1番目にとまる!みんな可愛いから変わらずこのまま突き進んで欲しいな!

  14. I finally checked back and found Suzy Bae's first appearance on TV with season 1 (2009) of "Superstar K" and her audition tape for JYP from shortly after. Suzy was 15 going on 16, Ayaka first appearance on Nizi Project (2020) was 16 going on 17. It is amazing how so much alike they looked at the beginning of their careers

  15. 日本で行ってた高校もなかなかいいところだし、オーディション始まってから韓国語勉強して、韓国合宿のときだいぶわかるようになってたし、頭はほんとにいいと思う。実力不足はわかってて、ノムノムの時はかなり辛いと思いながらも萎縮しないって自分で意識してやっていたし、心が強くて大人。安心感がある。虹の向こうへの時のウインク最高です。

  16. またまた、見に来てしまいました💦😅💕

  17. @12:11 Ayaka is really prrtyy, but look at her sister 😳 Even prettier than her, they have really extraordinary genes

  18. was not supposed to debut rn in my opinion… she didn’t even have trainee days and her vocal skills sound kinda annoying to me, also her dancing skills are not that good compared to another participants..

  19. 顔立ちが綺麗で最高のスタイルなのに、【天然】だけどコツコツ吸収して素晴らしいエンターテイメントに、育ちました。

  20. I really love Ayaka, during Nizi project I didn't pay much attention to her till the very end when finally I was win over by her relentless efforts to become better day by day. Now that I watch NiziU perform I can say that other than improve still she has a grace when she perform that is unmatched

  21. アヤカちゃん今ではダンスも歌も上手くてほんと受かってくれて良かった🥺🤍

  22. 歌が上手い、踊りが上手い色んな要素が必要なんだと思うけど、アイドルは人を笑顔にする事が出来るかが1番の必要な素質だと思う。

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