Actress 女優

Ariana Grande Is SCARY SKINNY 💀😱

Ariana Grande Is SCARY SKINNY 💀😱

Ariana Grande Is SCARY SKINNY 💀😱

In this video, we’re going to discuss the current trend of skinny shaming celebrities and what it means for body image.
Ariana Grande is the latest celebrity to be the target of skinny shaming, and in this video we’re going to discuss what skinny shaming is and why it’s so harmful. We’ll also discuss the impact skinny shaming has on body image and how it fuels the cycle of dieting and unhealthy eating.

#shorts #arianagrande #fitness #skinny #celebrity #weightloss #celebritynews #celebrities #body #bodypositive


  1. Body positivity became fat positivity awhile ago, if only the movement was for people who couldnt change their imperfections like people with burns, amputees etc but instead fat people

  2. I am pretty sure Ariana mentioned that she feels way better in this size and her normal size before didn’t make her feel good ,I think people should just leave her alone and let her live a happy life.❤

  3. I can't say anything about their lifestyles… based on their bodies if I were to rank off which looks healthiest:
    1. Selina- her's looks like it's around a good midpoint, being mindful she was on medication which factors into how she looks.
    2. Ariana- I think being too skinny would come with more health issues or risks than a midpoint.
    3. Lizzo- I strongly believe this is the most unhealthy body to have, as someone who's lost a fair share of weight (still chubby though), you'd feel much better if you're lighter than obese.

  4. They do that because they are intimidated by the skinny person and pity the fat person, they dont like feeking threatened by someone who takes care of themself😭

  5. Body positivity was meant for war veterans and disabled people to make them feel included
    Fuck knows when and how a bunch of people who worship gluttony made it about themselves to get extra large plane seats and clothes

  6. 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t believe and body shaming no one that’s their body their life but also i don’t think Hollywood star or big music star should be praise for getting super super skinny I’m not saying ppl should be Lizzo big or Ariana Grande skinny but a good middle ground that’s perfect i personally prefer my women whit some thickness but each their own !!

  7. Ariana and Lizzo are both grown ass women who know how being either extreme can impact their health so let them live. If kids get influenced by them, their parents need to ring their asses in bc adult celebs shouldn't parent kids. Body shaming doesn't do shit and ppl who do it for either women do it to feel better about themselves.

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