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OCEANS ex.KureiYuki’s with 桜井日奈子 ‘ A Chapter in my life about Happiness ‘ 【Official Video】

OCEANS ex.KureiYuki’s with 桜井日奈子 ‘ A Chapter in my life about Happiness ‘ 【Official Video】

A Chapter in my life about Happiness with Hinako Sakurai
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この楽曲は、2019年にSTORY TELLER PROJECTという覆面バンドとしてリリースをしていた楽曲をリメイクした作品でもある。真船勝博のグルーヴィーなウッドベースとLO-FI BEATの上でクレイ勇輝と桜井日奈子の語りラップ、特徴的なKafu Satoのアコギに、サビはWEAVERのSUGIのキーボード、OAUのMatinのヴァイオリンも入って一気に広がる王道のPOPS。クレイユーキーズのメンバー全員のクリエイティブマインドを集結させた楽曲になってます。

The 11th release for the KureiYuki’s Band will invite famous actress Hinako Sakurai as the guest vocalist.
Actually, this song is a remake of the song that was released as a masked band called “STORY TELLER PROJECT “ in 2019!

“A Chapter in my life about Happiness with Hinako Sakurai”

2014年 「岡山美少女・美人コンテスト」美少女グランプリ受賞。


Follow クレイユーキーズ/KureiYuki’s

作曲 Kafu Satoh
作詞 クレイ勇輝
編曲 OCEANS ex.クレイユーキーズ

Chorus:Kafu Satoh/斎藤アリーナ/上野優華
Guitar:Kafu Satoh
Key Board:杉本雄治[WEAVER]
Video Creator:アオノトウヤ

「A Chapter in my life about Happiness」

今は夜の9時 明日僕は旅に出る
電車が通る度 揺れてた窓
あんなに嫌だったはずが 恋しくなりそう
独りでいる最後の夜 思い出話に花を咲かせて


今は夜の9時 私は明日旅に出る
馴染みの家を離れて 大好きなあなたの元へ
本当はね・・・不安なんだよ あなたの変な癖まで愛せるか
あなたが浮気しないか 部屋を埋め尽くすダンボール
色褪せた写真 色褪せない想い


お父さんお母さん 産まれてから今まで
育ててくれて 本当にありがとうございます
お母さんからは 花嫁の手紙だけはやめてくれと 言われてましたけど
こんな時じゃないと 恥ずかしくて言葉に出来ないから

一度言ったら誰の言葉も聞かない性格は きっとお母さん譲りかな?
そんな自分勝手な私を そっと見守ってくれてありがとう
お父さんは仕事ばかりで 私に全然興味ないものだと思っていたけど
受験の時夜中お腹へって台所にいったら おにぎりが置いてあったの
あれ、お父さんだよね?後からお母さんに聞いた 今更だけどありがとう

二人の気持ちが時に重荷で 雑にあしらった時期もありました
今なら分かるそんな二人の揺るがぬ愛情が 私を作ってくれたと思ってます



「A Chapter in my life about Happiness」

It’s 9 pm now, tomorrow I’m leaving
Waving goodbye to this small apartment
The windows that shook every time the train passed
I hated it so much, but I’m going to miss it
Pebbles on the window, familiar faces outside
A toast gesture with a bag full of booze
Last bachelor night, let the memories bloom

With countless memories
I’m gonna be the happiest person in the world
I love you and love you and love you so much, I can’t help it
Living the rest of this life side by side with you
I cried a life time of tears today
So from tomorrow, sunshine and smile forever, I love you

It’s 9 pm now, tomorrow I’m going on a journey
Leaving behind my home sweet home and to my beloved one
The truth is … I’m worried if I could cope with your weird habits
and of course, that you don’t have an affair with somebody else
From an old photo album, a picture falls
Our first photo together
Faded photo never fading feelings

With countless memories
I’m gonna be the happiest person in the world
I love you and love you and love you so much, I can’t help it
Living the rest of this life side by side with you
I cried a life time of tears today
So from tomorrow, sunshine and smile forever, I love you

Dear dad and mom,
Ever since I was born
Thank you so much for raising me
Mom told me never to write a bride’s letter
But, I wouldn’t have a chance to put it into words unless in such a time
So please hear it out

Sorry for always being selfish and keeping you guys worried
Not listening to anyone’s words once I choose my way
I think that part was inherited from mom…
Anyways, thanks for watching over me
I thought dad was never interested in me at all, always digged into work,
But when I went to the kitchen the night before exams, there was a rice ball made for me.
That was you, right? Mom told me later on, it’s been a while but, thank you

There were times when feeling just became too heavy and pushed you guys away
Now I could understand how much you loved me and that love made me who I am today
Thank you so very much

With countless memories
I’m gonna be the happiest person in the world
I love you and love you and love you so much, I can’t help it
Living the rest of this life side by side with you
I cried a life time of tears today
So from tomorrow, sunshine and smile forever, I love you


  1. Spotifyでランダムに流してたら、クレイユーキーズに出会いました!聞いた瞬間勉強やめて他の曲全部聞いてました笑

  2. I love this soothing sound

    I've been looking for this for a long time but couldn't find it, but I finally found it.


  3. added to my playlist and now im listnin on repeat mode… ❤🥰
    Thankyou for creating such an amazing masterpiece ❤🤗
    Love Love Love from 🇮🇳

  4. You're one of musician that I always happy whenever new song coming , coz i knew its gonna be goood one~ every one of your song is so unique, and this one just so heartwarming <3

  5. Ahhhh what a beatifullll song, i hope more people listen to this and feel what i feel.. nice song~from indonesia .. looking forward for your new songs

  6. I found all of your songs first at spotify because it was on my recommendations (and i like the illustrations tho) and just played it thousand times even I didnt understand the lyrics at all. But today I feel like looking for it on youtube, and dangg the lyrics and the words just … beautiful 😭💖

  7. イオンの管内放送でずっと流れてるんでそこで知りました。shazam様様

  8. Youtube didn't notice me :[
    It feels bad to miss another masterpiece from this band 😥

    BTW This song is really sad 😭

  9. Weirdly, I was about to shed a tear on this one. I don't know, this just hits different, the story, the feeling.. just relatable. I've been looking for a song like this for a long time. Thank you once again, KureiYuki.

  10. This song will forever be special to me, because it was what introduced me to KureiYuki's music.
    I absolutely love it!

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