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Actress 女優

綾瀬はるか “ヘルシー”な魅力の秘訣は「物事のいい面を見ること」【メイキング&インタビュー】

綾瀬はるか “ヘルシー”な魅力の秘訣は「物事のいい面を見ること」【メイキング&インタビュー】

#綾瀬はるか さんが出演する、アパレルメーカーの新CMが届いた。3月24日に、38歳の誕生日を迎えた綾瀬さん。透明感のある、はじける笑顔に注目だ。



1 Comment

  1. Mr. Ayase Haruka is beautiful inside and outside. Immaculate. Beautiful from every point of view. Beautiful and graceful. Angels are famous all over the world, unmatched. Many men or women are very attracted to you. Very charming. No matter what angle you look at it, he is not bored. He is honest and doesn't pretend like other Japanese stars who act like children. But you Ayase Haruka is naturally beautiful without any decorations. He is a smart person who is smart in all aspects, beautiful and cute, all in one person.❤️

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