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「星に願いを」Cover / 武藤彩未

「星に願いを」Cover / 武藤彩未

Happy Marry X’mas!!

Official Twitter :

\Sing By Ayami Muto
\Instrumental By EGNE.


  1. 宇多田みたいにDTMシンガーソングライターへ進むのは良いアプローチだ

  2. 欲を言えば、英語の勉強の成果も聞いてみたかったかな。でも、やっぱり彩未ちゃんの日本語ってすごくきれいに聞こえてくるんだよね…..幸せ。
    "Soon the bells will start,
    And the thing that will make them ring
    Is the carol that you sing
    Right within your heart"
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Ayami!!! Two cover songs! What a great surprise!

    I was simply happy reading your Tweets every once and a while, but this is even better! I have been listening to your CDs a lot this holiday season, and to be able to hear something new from you is the best treat ever!

    I hope you are doing well and enjoying life! We will support you always! Merry Christmas, Ayami. <3

  4. やっぱり上手だなぁ、、、

  5. 最高です。歌も良いし、アレンジも最高。こんな音を待っていました。もっともっと聴きたいです。よろしくお願いします。

  6. 1番日本語、2番英語とか、してくれると、もっともっといろんな人達も楽しめると思うよ~

  7. babymetalからさくらを知った口だけど、今ここに武藤彩未ファンになったことを宣言します!素晴らしい80年代テイストのサウンドと歌唱センス。

  8. 最高のプレゼントで新年に最高の予感をありがとう☆ I wish your merry christmas, and Happy new year !

  9. 素敵なプレゼントありがとう!!

  10. 綺麗な声、そしてサプライズプレゼント、その健在ぶりとさらに進化したような気もして、いい意味で鳥肌が立ち、目頭が熱くなりました。 Merry Chiristmas!! Thank you!!!

  11. メリークリスマス彩未 ありがとうございます for the 2 new songs. I hope you will return to us soon.

  12. Thanks for giving us these songs for Christmas.
    I was also happy to see that your album "Re:Birth – 19th Birthday Live at Shibuya Koukaidou" is on Apple's iTunes in the USA.
    I'm listening to it now! Happy Holidays.

  13. She has an amazing voice and I can't help but want to hear her do "When You Wish Upon a Star" now

  14. BABYMETAL さくら学院 可憐Girls 武藤彩未とたどり着きました
    あとさくら学院OGでパフォ観てみたい 森先生脚本のコントも🎵

  15. Oh Ayami-chan! I just discovered this today. I miss you so much. The
    past three months I have been taking care of my Father, who had cancer.
    He died last weekend. It has been so sad and difficult. Hearing your
    voice soothes me and I am so happy I found this.

    I hope that you're happy and healthy, but i want you to know I
    selfishly hope you return to a career in music and entertaining. Not
    everyone is born with your incredible gift. I truly believe you to be
    one of the most talented and gifted idols of all time. You could become
    a legend. You already are to me. Please come back, when you're ready.

    Love & Peace from America.

  16. ついにこの日が来ましたね!あと数時間でまた彩未ちゃんの歌が聴けると思うと楽しみで仕方ありません!

  17. 彩未ちゃん、ありがとう。

  18. メリークリスマスとハッピーニューイヤーあやみ!あなたの音楽はいつも私を笑顔にします! ♫꒰・‿・๑꒱♡

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