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Takahashi Juri「高橋朱里」【AKB48】- Graduation stage & Handshake event

Takahashi Juri「高橋朱里」【AKB48】- Graduation stage & Handshake event

“No distance is too far, no time is too long, and no one can keep we apart…”

The journey to graduation stage [190502] and last handshake event [190506]


I appreciate to saw every nationalities fans work together like a teamwork.
Everyone made it from love in member.
It’s a good thing that I found after join the handshake event.


To be continued…

Thank you original theme song:


  1. JURI is always a AKB48. It's not a farewell now she's on another level to ba a K-IDOL and J-IDOL !! 😀 Let's support JURI and her Group (Rocket Punch) and also (IZ*ONE)

  2. 저 절하는 팬 !! 진정성과 절실함이 전해지네.. 한국팬들도 지지않도록 열심히 응원하고 지켜줘야지

  3. i went here to watch juri graduation but then one of my most favorite japanese songs started playing and my heart melted

  4. ここに至るまでの過程はクローズアップされないのは分かっていても悲しいかな。

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