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Sakura Gakuin 2010 Nendo Test (さくら学院 学年末テスト2010) (60fps)

Sakura Gakuin 2010 Nendo Test (さくら学院 学年末テスト2010) (60fps)

Source: DVD Sakura Gakuin 2010 Nendo ~message~ “Sa” version
Album: Sakura Gakuin 2010 Nendo ~message~
Release date: 2011-04-27

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  1. 三吉さんって最初気の強いイケイケギャルかと思ったら

  2. なんかもあちゃんはわざと可愛いアピールしてるけどゆいちゃんは何もしなくても可愛い❤

  3. No matter how many times I watch this , I keep a smile through the whole video. I know the answers and the order they win but I still love to watch this video and the others as well. I very much miss these girls. I wish they would have a ten year reunion with all original students. And I wish we knew more about Yui , I think I miss her most of all , 😔

  4. Wow in glorious 60fps. 1st time i watched this, the quality wasn't so good plus the subs were inaccurate (the one with pink subs). Good times haha

  5. 2010年3月29日からテレビ東京系列で平日朝6時45分に始まったおはスタの後番組としては、新番組ですか?

  6. 佐藤日向ってあのなんかtiktokとかyoutubeやってる子?

  7. 小5で7点って歴代見ても高い方だよね

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