Idol アイドル

Yui Mizuno | Happy 21st Birthday | BABYMETAL | 水野由結

Yui Mizuno | Happy 21st Birthday | BABYMETAL | 水野由結



  1. I miss Yui! IMO, as much as I think the world of Su and Moa, Yui was easily 50% of the charismatic front of BABYMETAL. She was the best dancer! She was the best expressionist. She simply had a natural ability that neither her two founding sisters could match, nor the Avengers… not by a wide margin.

  2. Nice video! However, it's like watching old footage of a daughter who passed away there a certain longing to know she is happy and still smiling. I know cultures are different and it will probally be revealed in time and I will sound selfish when we know the truth but I am angry that I don't know how she is doing!? Is she recovering well or is she in pain, to know this would be enough for me.

  3. I pray earnestly, that Yui is happy wherever she is and whatever she's doing now.
    Anata ga daisuki Yui chan.🍅🍅🍅🎊

  4. Všechno nejlepší Yui-san k 21. narozeninám. Chybíš mi a je mi líto, že už Tě neuvidím na koncertech… Ale milujeme Tě a myslíme na Tě, doufám, že jsi na tom už lépe.

  5. This is the best thing i've see today.
    Nevermind her birthday is in the same month as mine 🙂 ❣❣❣❣❣

  6. 水野ゆいちゃんおめでとう!!

  7. I hope she is recovering well and finding whatever it is that makes her happy.

  8. もしも あの時 妊娠していたなら
    そして 出産していたならば
    お子さんは 2歳になられて 母親が少し離れても なんとかなる
    2020年 年末には 電撃復帰されますかね

  9. また今日も見いってしまった。編集ありがとう。ありがとう水野由結さん。

  10. La evolución tanto artística como corporal es evidente. Es una mujer absolutamente hermosa! Y dueña de un talento único. Lo mejor para su vida.

  11. 突然の脱退、コメントは本当に本人からのかもわからず。のちの消息が全くというほど出てこない、自殺とかしてないよね…?

  12. また見てしまった、、、

  13. Actually where is she now? Why is none news about her? married or something none knows. Lets we go JAPAN and find her anywhere 🙂

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