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@Mai Shiraishi 白石麻衣

白石麻衣 My Heart Will Go On



  1. Hi my beautiful angel mai shiraishi so your heart will go on are you telling me we are finish you are leaving me I remember telling you I would wait until January because you made it Appear to me you would come to Louisiana the beginning of December I think if we really love each other we could work things out if we were together but it will never happen if we are over a thousand miles away from each other we can't really see what is going on but if you don't love me anymore it's finish right I left you some new messages if you haven't found them please read them I wish you would trust me I think people around us is being deceitful to it is A shame we let little things come in between us we had such hope of being happy and being a Support for each other and now I see it just Disappearing little by little I still love you and at one time you really love me. But you let disbelief stop you from loving me with all your heart .

  2. Hi my beautiful angel mai shiraishi I hope you are not trying To deceive me And then rip my heart out I think we have hurt each other enough but if you are not Satisfied yet then go ahead and hurt me as much as you want because I Never intentionally hurt you. but things look Different at long distance you can't see things Clearly as you can up close .

  3. Hi my beautiful angel mai shiraishi am Vulnerable to you because I love you so please forgive me if i'am saying the wrong thing here but some people don't forgive they hate more to they get even with someone that hurt them that is why I say this if you do leave me I will always love you remember I told you about my sweetheart at 17 years old well you are that same sweetheart now so you will never find anyone that loves you as much as I do . that is not Bragging that is telling the truth.

  4. "Beautiful" 若さに燃える金曜日です。楽しい幸せな夜の時間を過ごしてください🕴🥰😘🥰🙏✨🍁🌈⚘🙆🏻‍♂️

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