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@Minori Chihara 茅原実里

[Official Video] Chihara Minori – Yasashii Boukyaku – 優しい忘却 茅原実里

Audio CD Release Date: February 24, 2010(JAPAN)
Anime “The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (涼宮ハルヒの消失)” Theme Song.

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  1. this version is nice but somehow i like the anime version better…its sadder and captures haruhi and yuki's settings better. this one is a little cheerful..

  2. 2019 Squad reporting in!

    Found myself listening to this again after Violet Evergarden.

  3. 長門有希の優しい忘却と茅原実里の優しい忘却の歌い分けが素晴らしい

  4. 2020年12月27日深夜
    地上波初 ノーカット放送!


  5. Damn, never knew the anime's locations was based on real life premise. But not to include the club room itself is a pity. I'm going to binge-watching the series again and even try as hard to tolerate Endless 8, ending it with the movie.

  6. 茅原実里さんの声がとても優しい…
    落ち着く と同時に涙も出てくる…(><)

  7. 2021 reporting

    Kyon Married Haruhi it was the only way to keep her from destroying both realities

    Reality A Kyon marries Haruhi

    Reality B Kyon marries Yuki (they have a kid)

  8. Such a staple of music, all whilst Shiraishi Minoru and the boys were memeing behind the camera at times🍾👌

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