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CEO CONFIRMS RELATIONSHIP? Security Cam REVEALS Jennie Visited V At Shop?(rumor) Pics TREND!

CEO CONFIRMS RELATIONSHIP? Security Cam REVEALS Jennie Visited V At Shop?(rumor) Pics TREND!

CEO CONFIRMS RELATIONSHIP? Security Cam REVEALS Jennie Visited V At Shop?(rumor) Pics TREND!

Today we need to get into the label’s CEO allegedly confirming his relationship with Zionism and what the new updates with this is about. We also have people saying that apparently Jennie visited V at a restaurant and what was going on with that? And then we have some pictures trending of people saying they’re dating V. So hey Dumplings, it’s Dave Disci. Hater or not, make sure you’re subscribed with the notification bell on, make sure you join us fangirling on Patreon, with some free content on Saturday’s now and let’s go. Now, I’m going to be 100% honest with this one and say that I’m not entirely sure where this first story that I’m going to be talking about originally you’re from. I’m not sure of what caused it and I’m not sure of how it happened, but I can talk about what happened and what I think caused it. So what am I talking about today? What am I yapping about today? If you are unaware, there was a trend that happened very recently that said V’s girlfriend. This trend was essentially trying to show that we had a girlfriend, and I believe the initial trend, if you scroll back further enough, was talking about Jennie and there were a lot of comments saying that she was his girlfriend and there was a lot of stuff happening. Now of course, if you’re aware of what happened in that situation, then you might know that both people got a lot of hate and it got very big, that both people were getting death threats and just a bunch of awful things. Now he had death threats over a dating rumor that is a bit extreme, but hey, I don’t write the rules of K pop. This apparently is a staple of K pop that you must send threats to someone who is dating. However, the trend or the hashtag, V’s girlfriend started trending pretty rapidly and started training with a lot of people in that. So now this is very frustrating for the community because now every time the hashtag is seen or it is trending, which tends to be a lot, the only post that you’re going to see are ones that are attacking both celebrities and especially if their favorite person is a BTS member they don’t want other people attached to BTS’s name and they don’t want BTS to be seen in any sort of scandal. And what the K Pop community considers scandal is not seen in a way that makes them seem like they’re amazing and makes them look like Gods. So what the community did, which I thought was extremely clever, was that they started putting that hashtag under their own posts when they would post a photo of V and themselves and they would say that they are V’s girlfriend. Now what this does is that anytime anyone now clicks on the hashtag, they’re just going to think that it’s fan made content and that it’s just fans posting pictures of themselves next to their favorite idol and they’re not going to think that it’s a dating rumor. However, I do think that this is very interesting because I think it’s effective and it does work.However, I think a lot of people are already aware of the dating rumor, and thus doing something like this doesn’t necessarily get rid of the dating rumor. If anything, it just makes the hashtag bigger, which then makes people scroll back to see it eventually. Because there’s bound to be one or two posts from that hashtag that are really big from what the hashtag was formerly about and how social media and how Twitter works is. They’ll eventually show you that content because you were on the hashtag. So if anything, it’s promoting the old stuff and making the old stuff kind of resurface again. Relationships are a very interesting thing and I am very interested in the stuff that gets posted. Scooter posted something that I thought was extremely interesting. So if you are unaware of what’s going on in the world, I can give a little bit of context, but I imagine most people are aware of the stunt that’s happening overseas with Gaza, Hamas and Israel. But apparently a lot of people here in the US have been very angry over what’s unfolded there and sort of the political stuff that I won’t get too into. However, I do agree that some of the stuff is warranted to be angry about. However, a lot of the ways things have gone about are things that I don’t necessarily agree with, nor would I be excited to hear that it’s happening. For example, a lot of schools, due to a lot of people being very angry, have been violently protested, have been attacked, just so many awful things have been happening. This means that some places have literally been broken into and that sort of stuff, which in America, having the right to protest is a right that you have. However, protesting in a violent way or protesting and destroying property is not allowed in any circumstance. I feel like a lot of people are using this situation that is happening as a reason to be angry to say like well this is why I’m breaking into your place because you guys help contribute to this. Meanwhile, breaking in and doing all that stuff is never the right answer to things. So Scooter Braun posted on his Instagram a photo of what was going on and basically was talking about how disgusted he was and all that stuff. And people have been using that post. To say that him posting about this or showing that he is for Israel is something that is really bad and this is an example the label should look into as to why they need to remove Scooter as a CEO. Now this is a very interesting thing for me to talk about because I think there’s a lot of controversy revolving around this and specifically in my opinion, if someone has a religious belief for standing up for their own country, nation, whatever it is, that is their right to do that. We live in America where that is their right to do that. Of course a lot of people will raise this idea or question where they say if someone believes in genocide or believes in something that’s resulting in the death of a lot of people, does that give them the right to do that? Does living in America mean they can believe in those things and so be considered a morally or ethically correct person? Obviously, if they actually believe in those things, then the answer is no. However, in no religion and no ethnic background does it ever state anywhere in books or in cultural readings that they believe in genocide. I’ve seen so many people get canceled from the fact that they are just from Israel, like their parents are there and then now they’re in the US, but they’re from Israel. Like, I feel like some of these people who are getting mad and attacking people aren’t even sure what it is that they’re supposed to be mad about. They’re just seeing things and being mad at things for no reason. You’re being mad at an entire race of people. You don’t see anything wrong with that? And it bothers me because I know what type of people these people who are saying this are. They don’t really care about any other race except for Koreans or K Pop Idols. Mind you, these people likely aren’t even Korean, so it makes even less sense to me. The other type of people who as long as it doesn’t affect their Kpop idols, they do not care. Hence why they’re going after people who are Israeli that have come in contact with BTS or Kpop idols. A lot has been going on online recently and I think one of the more interesting things that I have seen was a video footage that seemed like it was taken by a security camera where it showed Jennie and a couple of other people entering a listening party. This was for JK’s listening party. And of course some of the BTS members appeared and of course some people within the label appeared as well. Now, I don’t know who leaked this footage or who recorded it, but it was believed that JK’s listening party was in a space that was rented out beneath a restaurant. So it was in the basement of this restaurant, and I assume the basement was still part of the restaurant. But I think he went out that entire space and then had a lot of people come over. And that was just kind of the area in which people would party. Now people were very shocked and we’re shocked about who showed up as a guest. Now I do want to preface that this has been shady to me since the beginning, because while we see a lot of these guests going down into the basement, we don’t actually know if this was JK’s listening party, nor had I seen any specific proof that was specifically saying this was his listing partner could have just been a party that brand was hosting or something. Now I believe the restaurant at the time came out to say that they were going to respect the artist’s privacy and they were not going to talk about any of those things. Like if they knew who and who were dating. People were specifically upset or I guess confused as to why Jenny attended if V and Jennie were actually not dating. Now there’s a lot of theories here and I don’t know if the two are actually dating or were actually dating. However, it’s extremely tough to confirm or deny that, given that the labels have neither confirmed or denied it. And the two have allegedly been spotted together holding hands, so all the evidence seems to point to it that they were dating and then news articles were being posted basically saying the two were reportedly broken up right before the military. Of course this is all speculation. Assuming that this was a listening party and those members did come, it makes sense why different people from other groups and other parts of the label would be. Attending a listening party doesn’t even necessarily mean everyone at the listening party are friends, but people who attend such things are typically people who are industry professionals. And so of course.People like.Artists from other groups and people from within the label are going to attend to give critiques and stuff like that now the point of a listening party.Contrary to what most people think, is not just a party to host right before the album releases. It’s not just a fun thing like “congratulation my albums coming out, let’s host a party.” It’s really kind of a final look with other artists to kind of get critiques, whether those critiques are how to roll out the album and what promotion or what the PR stunt is going to be in order to roll it out. Or what song should be the lead single. Or even some minor critiques that could even be made to an individual song before it gets released. So of course people who go to a listening party.They’re going to be people who are in the industry and have a lot of experience and are very successful, which of course includes Jennie. Let me know what you think, make sure to check out my Patreon for more videos linked below, thank you to this comment, love you bye!

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Hey Dumplings, today we need to get into more #Kpop news, specifically more #BTS news. I want to talk about CEO of HYBE Scooter Braun being talked about and his relationship with Zionism. I want to get into people saying Jennie from BLACKPINK went and visited V at a restaurant and what happened with that. And then we have relationship pics trending of people putting themselves as V’s girlfriend. Let me know what you think and drop your thoughts in the comments.

0:00 Table of Contents
0:23 People Posting Them Dating V Trend
4:00 CEO Talks Zionism?
6:00 Jennie Visits V?
8:39 What You Can Do Next To Support

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  1. Does it really matter?? They are in love and they are HUMAN! Let them be and move on to something important then their relationship smh..People fall on love in the industry alot so this is not new. The fans can't have BTS so they have NO RIGHT to be mad at any of the members in the group..CONGRATULATIONS TO V AND HIS LADY, MAY THE GODDESS BLESS YA'LL WITH LOVE AND HAPPINESS..Don't pay these people no mind smh I see that they don't have a life of their own, I wish they would leave them alone smh.


  3. CEO has confirmed nothing and they won't, the relationships of their Artists remains a private matter until they themselves are open about it. They all deserve personal happiness after giving everything to their careers these past ten years and fans should respect that

  4. Pls put these damn rumors to rest the ceo never confirmed anything why the hell are people spreading ridiculous nonsense this is ridiculous who the hell keeps spreading rumors about taehyung and Jennie dating leave taehyung and Jennie alone they aren't dating I'm getting tired of this madness 🤦🏽‍♀️

  5. Да же если у кого-то из ребят есть девушка , то она наверное не дура да и с дурами они не стали бы встречаться и она не стала бы писать, что она с ним встречается и она знает, что эти отношения надо держать в строжайшей тайне, если она не хочет потерять его, а так любая может написать, что она встречается с кем нибудь из айдолов, и вот вам и слухи, дураков много, поверят, как недавно в гугле писали, что у Чонгука есть девушка и она беременная от него или уже родила девочку и он собирается на ней жениться и что Тэхен послал ему сообщение,ну что прощай свободная жизнь прощайте ночные клубы и рестораны , теперь и до Чимина добрались и о Намджуне пишут , что в его клипе снималась его жена и дочка, надо просто не обращать на это внимание, ну а если у кого-то и есть девушка так что теперь делать , мальчики выросли и стали взрослыми мужчинами…

  6. The restaurant has confirmed no black pink groups have invited to the event ..its private party jungkook golden album not taehyung party ..Jungkook not social butterfly like taehyung…only people who are to close jungkook are invited like BTS, 97 line, Wooga squad and artis hybe label BUT Taennie shipper halucinate if jennie is there 😄😄😄

  7. You really do need to do your research as the restaurant has confirmed that it was the host of jungkooks listening party and has since the party displayed photos taken on the night as well as napkins and coasters made especially for the event and autographs from jungkook and taehyung.

    It was the American sister company that published a statement saying that they believed members of B.P had attended….when the Korean restaurant was made aware of this they themselves released a statement to say that they were not at liberty to release the names on the official guest list and they would take legal action on anyone who continued to spread further rummors and possibly cause damage to the artists or the labels…the American restaurant also released an apology and said they were unaware of the guest list and made a mistake……this is all online and on the restaurants official page so i don't understand how your "research" didnt find any of this 🤔

    The footage of tae and Jennie has been debunked a long time ago and shouldht be used as proof of anything let alone a relationship between the 2..

    At the time the reporter said he saw the male and female walking around, taehyung was actually at a private dinner with Celine executives, models and friends in Nice (9 Hrs away by car). This was confirmed by photos taken from those inside the party.

    So unless taehyung suddenly learnt to clone himself or has the ability to time travel….its safe to say that it wasn't taehyung and more likely Jennies model/cosplay friend……you know the same one that showed up at her C.K launch party.

  8. And the joke continues, you deserve to be reported and blocked, not even Tae in SM can you leave him alone, how annoying, go find something to do 🤡

  9. Dejen tranquilo a Tae cabeza que tiene
    ?pensar casarlo con un hombre?eso le gusta morbosa tontitas el es un hombre si esta enomorado no la va dejar gente loca me pregunto hay siquitra en Corea

  10. What i hate about rumours is that sometimes they become true even if they are not and our idols get death threats, attacked,they are hated it is so sad bcuz they are always looking over their shoulders who is after me who supports or do not support its frustrating for them and it is not cool idols are humans they deserve to fall in love whether they are gay or not thats their life we have no right to interfere lets love them for who they are teannie or taekook forever its up to them its their choice

  11. I. Don't. Listen. Or. Read.
    Nonsense. Regarding.
    My. B. T. S. Anymore.
    B. T. S. Are. My. Idols. I. Love. Them. All. 💯💋💜💜💜💜💜💜💜😘👍✌️🎶💏💞

  12. Thanks Dave. I am so sick of hearing about the V and Jennie thing. It's old news, stop it people. 🛑

  13. That photo can be the modell that was with her to Jeju that time when some had fixt V in the car with her but the truth was the modell and everything is so fixt up and made blury so no1 can see clearly who he actualy is, that flight attendant had said that it was V and Jenny who sat beside each other but that person was that model

  14. Please leave Taekook alone, Taehyung was the one who organized Jungkook's Golden Listen Party. The only invited People was BTS and Wooga Squad stop this nonsense.


  16. Y u always covers baseless rumors news their are the other news like burni g scandel which bbc release that .how that criminal are walking freely discuss about that matter y u want to discuss their dating matter definitely they will get married one day

  17. Crazy!! Dating rumor uggh 😝So what if they date or get married and that Paris walk looks real….no hate tho

  18. That's great if Jennie visited V at the camp! It's hard to be away from your family and friends, and it's nice to have a friend visit! Of course they would have other big name groups at your listening party!

  19. Many times I saw in Paris together. We can't denied. Pple saw them thy are dating. Much better to accept their relationship. No need to hide. 😂😂😂


  21. okay, it's pretty obvious that Tae and Jennie were a thing, same with Daeun and Jimin… we don't need a confirmation when the HD 4k videos and clips are all out there. Whether they are still together or not…? who cares? It's their own private life, and these men are pushing 30. Let them live and love with whoever!

    It's about time delulus face reality!

  22. I love how you state the rumors or whatever is going on and give your common sense "like duh" take on things❤❤❤

  23. Is it weird I kinda like the idea of them dating? Like, I can’t even begin to imagine how lonely it is to be a K-POP idol. You don’t have time for friends and family. On top of that, dating is considered scandalous and you literally get your whole year ruined because you’re a 20-something-year-old who chooses to love someone. I really just hope they relate to each other and pull each other through this. I hope that both Jennie and V are happy – wether that is as a couple, as friends or as strangers. They both deserve to live their lives the way they want to and I hope they can be happy and have people to fall back onto.

  24. 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️💋Слава Богу наконец у Ким Тэхёна есть девушка.Это классно ,замечательно.
    Пусть будет счастлив наш Тэхёни 🇷🇺

  25. Интересно со стороны наблюдать, как некоторые особо умные фанаты пытаются перевести внимание от скандальных отношений у Чимина .
    Подняли старую инфу ничем и ни кем прдтвержденную.
    Так все очевидно 😂
    попытка переключить внимание.😊

  26. Celebrities are also people who deserve respect and to be loved, who is with whom is not our business, they can be with whoever they want. Everyone deserves to be happy. I wish everyone a healthy life and everyone who interferes should go to hell

  27. Does anyone ever think of these poor guys at all? They get shipped, their personal and private lives are scrutinised and
    every day there seems to be some new rumor. They deserve so much better. People spend way too much time speculating and spreading rumors, that they seem to forget these are real people with feelings and they can be hurt. So what if the guys are dating? It is their business. Just leave them alone.

  28. 4:27 請不要再造謠泰亨與Jennine的戀愛緋聞好嗎?😠😡,泰亨已經多次在機場上的私服和IG Stony上暗示與Jennie的戀愛緋聞是假的,而泰亨真正的愛人柾國亦在所謂泰亨 Jennie拖手片段後在live直播由唱Jennie的前度男朋友GD的Rap歌暗寸耻笑在法國所謂與的泰亨Jennie拖手片段的扮泰亨的Casply是有隙縫的(是假的),難道柾國會不認得自己愛人泰亨嗎?那些不知所謂的人經常用那些模糊長頭髮女性的相就証明是Jennie Jisoo,真搞笑😆…….
    相信有看過Jennie在2023年在韓國曾經舉辦一個Calvinklein Event pop -up活動,Jennie在DJ區位置轉身向後看見到柾國時,為何柾國臉部驚恐的,如Jennie真的是和泰亨是戀人關係?為何柾國見到Jennie一臉驚恐?而Jennie亦不向柾國打招呼兼表情苦:澁 Why?因為Jennie自己都知道自己根本沒有與泰亨有任何關係,所以所謂甚麼泰亨 Jennie戀愛緋聞都是假的,Jennie她有否勇氣親口承認過與泰亨曾戀愛過?我絕對相信泰亨一定會揾律師告Jennie造謠誹謗,泰亨fans一定記得泰亨曾經在story推薦一首歌是 good bye older gril,為何泰亨會在Jennie一次發布著回所謂與泰亨巴黎拖手片段的衣服後推薦這首good old gril Why?因為泰亨知道他又被Jennie利用……..😠,泰亨真的很無辜經常被Jennie利用名譽……..

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