Actress 女優



Time was back 30 years ago now.
Year 1994
Revolution occurred in the Gundam series
A work that completely overturned the conventional concept of Gundam
The Birth of G Gundam
You are all for and against this work.
Did you know that it saved the Gundam series?
It was G Gundam that carried it.
It is the proposition that no matter how painful it is, we will do it
Gundam fights for national prestige and numerous special moves
Innovative elements unthinkable in the previous Space Century series are
In fact, the creator of Gundam
Director Yoshiyuki Tomino’s unexpected instruction led to the birth of Gundam
And the announcement of the new G Gundam
While fans’ expectations are growing, difficulties in producing a sequel are also expected
What kind of path will the new G Gundam movie take?
This time, we will look at the major influence on the Another Gundam series.
Why was G Gundam created?
I’m going to try to find out its surprising birth story and future predictions.
The Gundam series that started it all
It all started with "Mobile Suit Gundam" in 1979
It is a milestone in robot animation that continues to evolve even now.
From First Gundam to Mobile Suit V Gundam
Within a single worldview of the cosmic century
The history of mankind’s battles has been carved
But the period after V Gundam is not depicted at this point
As the next work after that
set in a completely different world.
G Gundam is going to be made
The content of the Gundam is also a departure from the conventional Gundam
It destroys everything head-on
Instead of the serious developments that have centered on the tragedy of the war so far
It’s a fun Gundam
It was a whole new Gundam that defied viewers’ expectations!
So how did G Gundam become so original?
The reason for this is that director Tomino and
Yasuhiro Imagawa, who became the director of G Gundam.
He was a big key.
For director Tomino, the previous Mobile Suit V Gundam was
It was not a satisfactory result.
The reviews were mixed, and the popularity of the series was lower than other series.
Therefore, it was initially set in the same space century series
depicting the conflict between Martian immigrants and humans on Earth.
We were going to make a new one called Mobile Suit Polka Gundam
Sudden change of policy
Director Tomino at this time
he felt the need to make a major change of direction for the next Gundam.
That’s when Director Tomino came up with the idea
The next Gundam was to be a professional wrestling movie.
Gundam has depicted the sadness of war.
Make it like an entertaining wrestling match
This is the common sense of the series.
It was an idea that turned the whole thing on its head.
And in order to give shape to this idea, Director Tomino chose
Mr. Imagawa, who directed the TV animation "Mr. Ajikko," and
He made katsudon (pork cutlet served on top of a bowl of rice) shine so brightly in the work, and
as a reaction to eating the food.
As an example, we have a famous character called the Emperor of Taste
and he can make it huge and destroy the Osaka Castle and so on.
Let it run on the sea
Beam from mouth, etc.
It’s a culinary work with a lot of twists and turns.
It’s an innovative presentation of a culinary showdown, and it’s
He also had a great influence on later cooking battle manga.
And just as director Tomino wanted
Director Imagawa’s skill was fully demonstrated
With a directing style that was gut-wrenching in its heat
G Gundam was born.
After seeing Mr. Ajikko again
After watching G Gundam
Oh, it’s the same director… I’m very convinced…
This is how G Gundam was born.
Gundam Gundam is a new style of Gundam series.
Innovative setting of "Gundam Fight", unique characters
And Imagawa’s flamboyant direction
G Gundam was a work that greatly expanded the possibilities of Gundam.
So, what is G Gundam again?
I’m going to look back at what kind of Gundam it was.
The stage is set for the deterioration of the global environment and the increase in population
A time called the future century when 60% of the human population has migrated to space
Initially, a battle over the resources of the Earth’s sphere was raging
humanity to avoid a catastrophic future that would become inevitable.
Gundam Fight International Convention established
This is an international treaty that allows Gundam produced by each nation to fight each other on the earth, and it is called the Gundam Fight International Treaty.
The nation that comes out on top is given the right to rule the earth sphere for 4 years.
This was the beginning of the proxy war system called the Gundam Fight
This system is basically a one-on-one fight,
It is a novel idea, similar to sports and martial arts, not warfare, and
It was a pillar of an entertaining worldview
And at its 13th convention
Domon Kash, the main character, was
as a Gundam fighter representing Neo Japan.
He is a childhood friend and
He landed on earth with Rain Mikamura, a mechanic
While searching for his missing brother, Kyouji Kash
Fighting fighters from different countries
Domon is the defender of order in this world
The fighters of the shuffle alliance have
Coat of arms in the shape of a playing card symbol
He is also the heir to the King of Hearts
He later inherited the same coat of arms
Neo-American thibodeaux croquettes
Neo-Chinese sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai
Neo-French Georges de Sand
What is Neo-Russian Algogalsky
Although he is a serious opponent
they will be bound together by a deep bond.
In addition, there are several other elements that are essential to the G Gundam story
One of them is Master Asia in the East.
He was Domon’s master, but
Devil Gundam, a threat to mankind, and he gave it to him.
It will stand as a nemesis.
The complicated master-disciple relationship with him is
is an essential element in the story of Domon’s development.
Then the Devil Gundam, which is the core of the story
It is a being made of DG cells.
capable of self-evolution, self-renewal, and self-propagation.
It was a new and unprecedented type of life-form-like last boss
This one is essentially a devastated global environment.
This is a being that was created to revitalize the environment.
It was the result of a conspiracy
It becomes the biggest threat to humanity in the world of G Gundam
The production aspect, which changed the impression of Gundam, is also important
Starting with the Shining Finger, the leading machine
Most of the appearing Gundams have it.
It was a boom at that time
Flashy and impressive special moves with fighting game-like elements
By reaching the state of Meikyoshimizu
Pilot and machine in golden hyper mode
Character with unprecedented ability to destroy mobile suits in the flesh
A character who performs a special move at the last minute that no one expected and who is capable of destroying mobile suits with his own body
Gundam from all series made guest appearances
Adding festive elements, etc.
A completely different direction from Gundam, which was more realistic.
It made the whole story more exciting.
But such a spectacular result
It didn’t come out right away.
From the point of view of the fans so far
and even an insult to Gundam.
They didn’t even do business for the first three months.
But then Master Asia and his riding machine, Master Gundam, came on the scene, and
Gundam began to be accepted by existing Gundam fans as it attracted a younger age group.
Said to restore the popularity of the Gundam series, which had been in the doldrums.
G Gundam, no matter how painful
it accomplished its mission of opening up new Gundam possibilities.
In the last part of G Gundam
There was a suggestion of a sequel added to the story.
In the OVA Gundam Evolve
In God Gundam, Domon’s second half of the ride
The episode that he was beaten to a pulp by Rain’s Rising Gundam and
Only two episodes were published in Comic Bonbon
Except for an episode of a comic book in which Domon’s apprentice plays an active role.
for 30 years.
There was no formal sequel movement
So the final production was
The Gundam Fight is a quadrennial event, which means that it is held every four years.
It means that this world will continue from now on
I was interpreting this as an Olympic-like performance.
The other day, to my surprise, a sequel to that was announced!
The question that’s been attracting a lot of attention is who this new character is!
Actually, the design of this character is
It’s said to be the original Master Asia.
Appears in Chinese martial arts novel "Laughing Arrogance Jianghu
It bears a striking resemblance to a character named Dongfang Fudei!
And there is another one in this novel
who is also in the strongest position, Dokko Motomei.
I would like to experience what it is to lose, but
Unlike some super coordinator
Because all of our adversaries are weak.
Because of the legend of a certain sorry character who cannot be defeated forever
He’s another one of the strongest characters in the world.
I thought it was possible that he could come out one day.
In that case, there is no reason to go out of your way to make your appearance similar to that of Toho-Fujin, which you just mentioned.
Moreover, the shape of the head is aimed at ・・・・
The fact that it looks like it was once a master gundam
It seems likely that this character is a person associated with the Eastern Undefeated
Nevertheless, this new character was introduced
in a special program for the 45th anniversary of the Gundam series.
Tomokazu Seki
In the former G Gundam
because he has stated that this character was not there.
If we take it as worded
The true identity is actually
like a master asiatic who for some reason has been rejuvenated and has a new haircut.
So there is no theory that he is an existing character.
So who is this person?
This is probably the person who was shown in the last part of the play
DG cells were left in the wreckage of the Devil Gundam
I’m wondering if that’s not the person who somehow hijacked it.
Perhaps the DG cells at this time have
Because it is imprinted that Domon is the biggest threat
To overthrow him and this time eliminate the human race
Once again, to create an machine similar to the Master Gundam
Falsely claiming to be unbeatable in the East
I think there is a possibility of luring Domon.
And since Devil Gundam is a growing entity
If it seems to be self-evolving then
we may need a new way to defeat it.
To put it bluntly
Then, in terms of product development, multiple new machine will naturally be created, so
Maybe we’ll see more mobile fighters than that.
But the road to a new product is not smooth
The production of a sequel to the Gundam series is
because it often takes a considerable amount of time.
Gundam SEED’s movie version finally came to fruition 18 years after it was announced
Ul’s Hunt, which became a spin-off game of Iron-Blooded Orphens, was
Service started 3 years after production was announced
No movement on Gundam 00 sequel 6 years after its announcement
Sequel of "Senko no Hathaway" also no movement for 3 years
G Gundam new works also
Because there is a precedent that it takes a considerable amount of time after such an announcement
What we can actually see is that
I think it will take at least 3 years.
But this new one
Is there an influence of the great success of Gundam SEED theater version?
on the official G Gundam website this summer.
Director Imagawa drew
New Gaiden scenario to be developed
Naturally, sales of an order of magnitude would affect the production of the series’ works, so
The main series is also more than the sequel series so far.
It’s going to be done faster.
What a possibility!
As for us, we have a new unconventional Gundam.
We just hope that it will break the mold to the precedent that we’ve set so far.
…that it takes at least 18 years to get there, and I hope it’s not going to take another 18 years.
The last G Gundam that destroyed the Gundam formwork was the G Gundam
It had a great impact on the later Gundam series
Gundam W, in which five boys with different reasons and their Gundam are active
Gundam X: Another’s first story of a boy and his Newtype
Although the setting is conscious of the cosmic century
Unique mobile suits and characterization
And the external story that goes on at the same time as the main story and the
Gundam SEED series that has been produced twice as a sequel to the main series
Gundam 00, which showed a novel ending to the theme of war eradication and dialogue
Gundam Age, an epic story spanning three generations
Specializing in physical action
Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphens that smashes you
And the Witch of Mercury
In a world where gundam is forbidden
while smashing them with more gruesome depictions.
It was born as a work of intricate foreshadowing
And it’s not just Another that has developed
The momentum that the Gundam series has regained is
The new Space Century series and
and its parallel world works.
Turn A Gundam, the end point of all Gundam series, and
G’s Reconguista, which is set in that close era.
In addition, the terrestrial SD Gundam series and
Gunpla battle is the main focus.
Even the Gundam Build Fighters series was born!
To be honest, even as an animated cartoon character, G Gundam has a lot to offer.
I was very surprised at first.
Now when I look back at the later Gundam series like this
The birth of G Gundam continues to the present day, regardless of the pros and cons
I thought it was the catalyst for Gundam
And that anything goes G Gundam’s new work.
It’s because Mr. Imagawa has been betraying viewers’ expectations in a good way.
It may be that the development will exceed various expectations











  1. 色々あったけどガンダムファイターの世界チャンピオン決めようぜ!で続編つくれそうだけど、だめなんかな…

  2. 投稿お疲れ様です!

  3. 幻の「機動戦士ポルカガンダム」の火星移民と地球人類の対立の世界設定は

  4. あくまでも個人的な見解になりますがGガンダムは普通のガンダム作品ではなくてガンダムっぽい機体が暴れまくるスーパーロボットアニメって分類ですね。(^_^;)




  5. この作品以降のサンライズのバトルもので最終決戦モードは金色に輝くようになった。

  6. 新作は普通に過去の話と思った

  7. つい最近になってVガンダム当時の情勢が当時の関係者によって語られたけど、要するにバンダイが主導権を握れないボンボン編集部主導のSDガンダム事業の売り上げが凄くてスポンサーからはリアルガンダムなんてオワコンという風当たりであったと。その風潮の中のVガンダム放映中に富野監督すら知らされていなかったサンライズ経営陣によるクーデター的身売り事件が起きてガンダムの権利がバンダイのものになり、バンダイが自分たち主導でSDみたいな荒唐無稽ロマンをやりたがったのがGガンダムだということなんだよね。Gガンダムという作品の素晴らしさはさて置くとして、バンダイホビー事業者主導で逆シャアの世界観を捨て去せて始めたF90、F91、シルエットフォーミュラ路線のガンプラが不調、逆に映像ソフトセールス好調の0083はガンプラによる後押しがほとんど無しというのはガンプラ暗黒期を招いた原因だと思う

  8. 鵜島仁文さんを作ったオープニング曲のGガンダムは最強だ

  9. これが新しいガンダムかぁ・・・と惰性で見ていたところに正に


  10. Z~G ガンダム世代で新しいのは見ていないけど、デザインはデビルガンダムが一番。Zプラスが2番。なので、新作にはちょっと期待。

  11. 生まれて初めて見たガンダムがGガンダムだったから、幼心にガンダムは殴って闘うものだと思ってた

  12. アナザーガンダム1作目のGガンダム以降、ガンダムが増え過ぎた


  13. Gガンダム以降スーパーロボットアニメとリアルロボットアニメの区切りにガンダムアニメが追加されたと思っています。

  14. コミックス Gガンダム7thを所持していたが生活苦のあまり手放したことを今でも悔やんでいる😅

  15. 仕方ないんだろうけど、人の寿命に対して、制作時間がかかり過ぎている。



  16. 今だからこそ認知賞賛されてるが今川監督はボロカスに叩かれ心が折れそうになっていた。スポンサーから戦隊ガンダムを作れと言われ自分にはもうやりたくないし、鬱病気味だった富野監督が今川監督を指名し、見事に従来のガンダム像を壊した事にそうだ、ここまでやらないと駄目なんだと賞賛した。しかしW、Xを観てガンダムのコンテンツは食い潰され壊れてしまうと危惧した。ターンAの癒しという書籍に記載されています。

  17. Gガンダムは最初、シリーズとは認めたくなかったな、けどスパロボでまぁ有りかなとおもった。

  18. 東方不敗が出てきてから一気に面白くなった。まさか生身でデスアーミーを圧倒するとは

  19. 小学3年のワイ。

  20. 「根底から覆す」と言いながらガンダムの下敷きはしっかり受け継いでてきちんと成り立ってる作品。

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