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C6 R1 Neuvillette VS C6 R5 Ayaka | Let the Battle Begin!

C6 R1 Neuvillette VS C6 R5 Ayaka | Let the Battle Begin!

all right guys I know what you’re all
thinking oh he’s just a whale of course
he does this much damage let me put your
concerns to rest I am a low spender who
has great patience and highly invests in
his favorite characters and does not
pull for every character you too can
achieve this type of damage all you have
to do is save and be patient these stats
are achievable if you just spend a
little bit of time in a single domain
and you don’t give up until you get the
perfect pieces or at least suitable
pieces for your needs now to give you
perspective on how op and crazy cracked
nalet is at C6 R1 here is my C6 R5 aaka
coupled with my C6 R1 shinha with the
same Mona and Kaza you saw from the
nalette Showcase I mean my aaka is not
your average aaka but still considering
it’s R5 that’s crazy if you like this
kind of content please consider liking
and subscribing and I will catch you in
the next one Ad Astra happy Sask

You Decide, who won? Also these two are CRACKED!

Ayaka is my favorite character of all time, but this Neuvillette guy is giving her a run for her money!

Who do you think won?

1 Comment

  1. "spend a little bit of time farming"…
    Nigga I've been farming emblem for 8 effing month for my raiden to be… MID

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