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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen Today is the last day in Wakayama. It’s the last day The weather is very nice today, making it a good day for sightseeing. We are now in the direction of Nachikatsuura. I would like to visit Nachi Falls and World Heritage Sites.

I don’t know if I will be able to visit them all, but I would like to visit the three famous places here called Kumano Taisha. I would like to go buy raw tuna, which is not an exaggeration to call it the main dish.

There’s an unmanned store nearby, so I’d like to buy it there first, fill my stomach, and then head to the sacred place. Thank you for your continued support today. There are many places in Wakayama Prefecture with such beautiful scenery that it feels great to drive around.

There’s the ocean, there’s mountains, there’s rivers, too. There were people surfing You can surf here too I thought Mie Prefecture was similar to Miyazaki Prefecture, but Wakayama Prefecture also has some similarities in terms of climate. It’s windy but warm along the coast. It’s pretty warm when the sun comes out

It’s only February 6th, so it’s still early in the day, but I don’t think it’s going to get very cold. It’s 13 degrees outside today. warm (Parking lot) Isn’t it here? That was it! ? Aren’t you surprised it’s open? I can’t park here Unmanned sales of tuna

You can already tell it’s cheap at this point. It’s still on sale Oh, there’s ice too. You were kind enough to exchange the 1000 yen bill. Oh, there’s even a money exchange machine. “The tuna is delicious!” Heck, even the disposable chopsticks! ? How wonderful Wow, that’s amazing, looks delicious

Look, there’s soy sauce too. This is the price for this amount It’s really amazing “Soy sauce is free, but please keep it to a minimum.” What should I do? They even leave ice for me. There are also bags kind I want to eat sashimi as is. Cut into pieces and make into bowls

Wow, that’s luxurious Let’s make it something we already have looks delicious This is? middle drop I saw in the reviews that when I came at 6:30, there were a lot of them. Huh, maybe there were more? It was nice to have these three types. Is this all you need?

Should I still buy it? Buy this for 1,100 yen It’s still out thank you I’ll have two soy sauces. I’ll put it in Sui-chan’s refrigerator. Go to the park about 1.5 km from the unmanned sales office earlier. There’s a hotel too. There is also a bus terminal and a post office.

Look, I also wrote about the “black candy” you bought. I bought a black candy called “Nachikuro”. It’s here nice It’s a nice view The toilet is still under construction so you can’t use it, but it’s great for a short break. Let’s start with the sashimi. It’s beautiful I’ll enjoy having this It’s tuna

Delicious I’m glad you cut it properly. That’s why it’s so cheap, it’s delicious. Wow Thank you for deciding to go out today. You’ve been winning lately. yes? Really delicious When I went to Komeda Coffee the other day, you won at rock-paper-scissors. Ah, is that so? very tuna luxury What is this?

Dropout? It’s made to look like Negitoro. delicious Actually, Sushiro costs 2,000 yen for two people, right? Is this 1,100 yen for two people? It’s too cheap It was completed Yukhoe bowl Yukhoe bowl I happened to have the ingredients for gochujang and sesame oil, so I was able to make it. delicious

Yeah, it’s delicious It’s completely different again Nice, I marinated it a little so the flavor soaked in. The soy sauce was also delicious, but this is just delicious. Arrived at Nachi Falls There was no free parking, so I parked in a paid parking lot.

It’s 500 yen everywhere, and some places are free if you eat, so I think it’s a good idea to park according to your needs. Look at this scenery We don’t need a cane for our leg strength. My cane… please choose. When I put my hand out, the cane automatically (sucks) and my hair

Starts glowing. this is my walking stick I dare to choose something a little brown. don’t go first I also received a charm. Your life will be extended, long life charm tired You can see it closer, amazing It’s amazing to see it up close I’m glad the weather was nice It’s very beautiful

It’s high enough that you can see the ocean on the other side. This completes one page Next back side This is quite difficult. Good luck, honey Good luck, honey, let’s go. Does that mean you’ve lost muscle mass? I fell so hard, my legs are shaking

If you use this Miyama parking lot, 350 yen will be discounted to 320 yen. I do buy black candy. how is it? Does it taste like black candy? Yeah, I’ll do it later. It also has a black candy flavor.

After visiting Nachi Falls and Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine, I will now go to Kumano Hayatama Shrine. Ah, I made a mistake that it was Taisha. I’ll be traveling for about 30 minutes from here… Apparently there’s a festival where people run down the hill holding torches.

I think it would be fine if there were no traffic regulations. I would like to move on from now on. Preparations for the festival are progressing steadily. I was actually thinking of going to Kamikura Shrine as well. As I mentioned earlier, there was a festival called “Oto Matsuri” today, so I couldn’t go.

Since I couldn’t find a parking lot, I would like to give up and head towards Kumano Hongu Taisha. “Oto Matsuri” is a festival where men run down the stone steps of Mt. Kamikura holding torches. women cannot participate I could just wait by the roadside…

The Oto Matsuri is a Shinto ritual that recreates the coming of the Kumano deity and lights up houses with divine fire. In the old days, it was forbidden to light up the lights in each house until the fire that had been divided in the festival had arrived,

So this festival is held on the 6th day of the new year in the lunar calendar as a festival that means renewing the fire at the New Year. I got it

In those days, after descending from the mountain, men would immediately go home and deliver fire to women waiting in the pitch black darkness for their return. Women lit the sacred fire in their homes, announced the coming of the Kumano god to their families,

Prayed for good health, prepared a celebratory meal, and shared the joy with their families. Later, during the Edo period, the festival took on its current form, and is currently held on February 6th every year, and has been designated as an “Intangible Folk Cultural Property” by Wakayama Prefecture. It’s interesting to hear the story

I thought that it was originally done in that way and is still connected to today. I went to Kumano Hongu Taisha, but it was closed at 5pm, so it was impossible to visit. Move to nearby Yunomine Onsen That concludes today’s trip. Wakayama trip is over Here it is, parking lot

It says “Yunomine Onsen Parking Lot” It’s passed It’s a hot spring village I’ll turn the car around Park your car here and walk to the hot spring area. Even though it was a family bath, it was 700 yen, so I decided to make it a “family bath.”

We took a bath in the hot springs and made our way to Nara Prefecture. This concludes our trip to Wakayama Prefecture. In Wakayama Prefecture, I have a lot of contact with nature, which made me feel at peace.

I was able to travel in my favorite nature, and I also went camping, which gave me great memories. I like Ryo-kun too, but I was especially happy to be able to eat Kishu Nanko plum and shiitake mushrooms, which I love.

I’m happy to store the umeboshi in the refrigerator and use it as an accompaniment to future meals. It was the first time for both of us in Wakayama Prefecture, but it was a great memory. Next, I will tell you about my trip to Nara Prefecture.

We look forward to working with you again in the future. If you think our videos are good, please subscribe to our channel and give us a high rating. Thank you for watching until the end this time. It was Teradafufu







(株)中定商店 生まぐろ無人販売所

湯の峰温泉 公衆浴場

0:00 ハイライト
1:03 出発
1:40 生マグロ無人販売所
3:33 昼食
6:59 那智滝
9:45 熊野那智大社
11:30 熊野速玉大社
13:33 熊野本宮大社
14:03 湯の峰温泉
15:00 エンディング











▼ チャンネル登録








#日本一周 #車中泊 #バンライフ #ハイエース #夫婦 #和歌山


  1. マグロの無人販売所羨ましいですね😂

  2. マグロ激安ですね😊

  3. こんばんは!

  4. 那智の滝と湯ノ峰温泉良かったでしょう!真冬でも和歌山は暖かかったと思います♪

  5. マグロの無人販売ってあるんですね😋

  6. 熊野本宮大社残念でしたねー。マグロ、なんかまったりしてますよね。あみ亭のマグロ御膳 美味しそうでした🎵

  7. お二人様いつも楽しい動画ありがとうございます!マクロ~!安くて良心的な無人販売ですね✨港で海見ながら食べるマグロ丼最高ですよね✨山の上の滝最高にキレイですね✨最後の締めの温泉幸せ感じますね😊素敵な旅楽しんで おくんなまし😊

  8. 良いお天気の日に参拝出来ましたね😊

  9. 生マグロ、一度冷凍されたマグロとは全然違いますよね😊無人販売所があるのは知りませんでした。勝浦なら生マグロとめはり寿司ですよね。熊野三山は本宮が間に合わなかったんですね。熊野那智大社、熊野本宮大社ともう一つは、はやたま大社です。次は奈良ですか。リアルにはもっと先に進んでるかな?奈良はどこを回るんだろうな。楽しみです。奈良の近くに住んでるので、どこかですれ違ったかな?(笑)

  10. こんばんは。

  11. お疲れ様です!!

  12. お疲れ様です。


  13. 和歌山でまぐろ三昧最高🐟👍

  14. 従妹が東京から和歌山田辺に嫁に行ってかって20年以上あっという間経ってしまいましたが、まだ1度も遊びに行ったことがありません😅

  15. こんばんは⭐️生マグロ🐟の、無人販売が珍しい😮家🏠の近くにあったら、いいやろーなぁ。そして安いし😮スーパーで買ったら少しの量で高めだから😊港🚢で、マグロ丼🤤最高に美味いやろー😆那智滝、素晴らしい👏迫力ある😱お燈まつり、勉強になりました😊祭りの様子、ニョースで見た事ありそう👀湯の峰温泉♨️2人700円家族湯、安い😮良い、和歌山の旅でしたね😊

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