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末日降臨殭屍襲城,唯有殺戮方能存活! 男子滅殺周圍十里殭屍卻被奸人所害,加入殲滅者開啟絕妙人生! 【噗噗連連看】

末日降臨殭屍襲城,唯有殺戮方能存活! 男子滅殺周圍十里殭屍卻被奸人所害,加入殲滅者開啟絕妙人生! 【噗噗連連看】

末日降臨殭屍襲城,唯有殺戮方能存活! 男子滅殺周圍十里殭屍卻被奸人所害,加入殲滅者開啟絕妙人生! 【噗噗連連看】

The man finally cut down all the zombies in a ten-mile radius. But when she got home tired relax vigilance A foot on the ground on a steel nail The black zombie blood was clenched on the shaded steel nail. He really didn’t think he was a hero who chopped up zombies.

To be infected by a little person with a nail into a zombie At the same time His house has been surrounded by police Men with eyes not only kill But also over the heart He said you, Kim Chul-soo, stop struggling Quickly become a zombie Let’s kill He also said that after you died

Your house will be confiscated by us And the man desperately cut the zombies to buy this yard Just to write the name of a family on the yard number. He hopes that one day in the end of the zombie lost parents be able to see the doorplate find home

Before turning into a zombie He rushed towards these bone-eating bastards. The man he pressed to the ground shouted and opened. This stinking zombie heard the words Man thing Yes I am a zombie now Then Your blood stinks Kill him quickly. And then shoot the guy who gets bitten. It only takes three minutes

He’ll be completely infected Do not have psychological burden You don’t have to treat him like a human being. This is my house None of you are going to take it away But everyone seems to forget the enemy they face However, the existence of 8000 zombies was hacked and killed by one’s own strength.

Less than ten minutes All armed men here have been wiped out Glasses man finally began to fear He’s already starting to regret his lust. And above him came a voice Such a big bottle of dead here It’s really disgusting. The men are class B annihilators

Cui Yajing, the annihilator of the lawn mower, and the stingy money addict. Two good men Please help me, okay? But the two annihilators were indifferent. Cui Ya knew the whole story of the incident. At that time, he witnessed Kim Chul-soo fighting zombies to make money. Money is hard to give glasses, Kim Chul-soo

But he was also trying to get the money back. Turning Kim Chul-soo into a zombie Did zombies evolve? Why is this zombie wearing a suit? wearing glasses Still speak He looks disgusting Xia Shangxiu smiled softly She understood the meaning of this elder sister in seconds. What are you going to do

Do you know who I am Cut off the glasses zombies They came before Kim Chul-soo Xia Shangxiu said He’s already rolling his eyes In 30 seconds, it will be a complete zombie. Cut it off. Cui Yajing said You wait a minute In front of the man to resist the zombies

The virus erodes consciousness and can take down so many enemies. Previously, one person could have killed 8000 zombies. If you become an annihilator Definitely a cash cow Do you want to work for me Become an annihilator Kim Chul-soo’s eyes blurred Look at Cui Yajing Can immediately spew out a mouthful of old blood

Do you want to live? If you want to live, say it out loud. With your strength, you can join our annihilator We accept the commission of the rich Go to the zombie land outside the city to perform various tasks Our pay is delicious. I have a cure here It’s worth 500 billion

Want to live I can beat you down But count the money you owe me So do you want to live or not Even in this dirty world become a working dog in debt Also want to survive the kind Kim Chul-soo just said I spouted another mouthful of old blood

Behind the lower show a hand Take the original Elder sister What are you forcing Who wouldn’t want to live? You ask further He really turned into a zombie. Then he stuck it in Kim Chul-soo’s neck. Kim Chul-soo’s eyes turned over. It seems very comfortable

What are you doing? He hasn’t promised to sign the deed of sale Forget it. I’ll just help him press the handprint You’re a real money junkie This guy owes you so much money Being alive is not necessarily better than being dead. handsome guy with lush hair An old driver.

He’s been driving a cab for 20 years in a neighborhood with only zombies. He’s got sparks and lightning all the way. The man in the back seat was woken up. Who am I Where am I? Am I on a roller coaster He clearly remembered that he had become a zombie.

But in the mirror, I still look like a human being. The old handsome boy said Open the tablet in front of you You will start a wonderful life. A young girl appeared in the tablet. Hello Uncle, do you remember that you were infected as a zombie? Uncle, I saved you

Uncle gave you a real 500 billion worth of teeth You owe me 500 billion teeth. Uncle, you have to work for me Uncle, we are annihilators We are dedicated to the annihilation of zombies recovery of territory Recapture Items Rescue the survivors and so on. It’s all our work

Uncle, then he played two sentences by himself. Teacher, I have a question Clearly there are government departments and military personnel Why did you come to us to recover the territory? That’s a good question. Our country has been controlled by a few very rich people. The population is now concentrated in one city.

Under the scarcity of resources All prices can skyrocket The house you just bought Uncle of 40 billion The territory is much more recovered. Your house is not so tight It will fall in price Uncle, so they have no incentive to regain their territory. And they don’t have the ability

Because in the early days of the zombie outbreak The munitions factory was destroyed. At present, they have a serious shortage of ammunition. Like a eunuch meets a beauty pageant champion Weak, uncle So they called on the people again and again to take back the territory.

But in fact, they want people to die at the mouth of zombies. They want to reduce the population there is uncle But there’s always some fierce men taking back territory. Flying up in motion And so they were chosen by me became an annihilator Now congratulations, you ‘ve become the uncle of the annihilator.

What the hell is this woman Whispers With him also want to arrange my life You don’t want to fuck You have an opinion Uncle man one leng This thing is not recorded You owe me a 500 billion. Uncle 500 billion Uncle A woman blows black and white You know it’s for you

How hard did I find it? Everybody wants to squeeze No one’s ever heard of 500 billion before But you can find the normal quotation on the Internet. So at today’s 23% bank lending rate. Come and count If you only pay me interest for one year, you will have to pay 115 billion.

Before paying off the principal and interest. You are my exclusive annihilator And also my slave. Uncle Ya Do you understand everything I say Then get to work Stinky slave that screen went out The man was stunned for three minutes. Thick hair The old handsome boy said you are poor enough

The woman landed very much. The man unfastened his seat belt and said That woman is talking serious nonsense Stop the car. I want to get off Thick hair The handsome boy said You think you’re still in town? You don’t see what the scenes are outside.

Then he threw the walkie-talkie and the shovel to the man You think that woman will give you a break to work He won’t drain you It will never stop Your mission is to break through the siege Into the zombie group in Jinzhou City and get a hard drive back

Man’s face twitched 15 times After a long time A grass word popped out of his mouth Sometimes it rains here. Working to buy a house does not know the way Answer zombies don’t pay I owe a lot of money after buying a house. Working is just helpless.

The workers take a heavy step towards the road to work The boss leisurely painted nail polish Still talking on the phone As you wish The boss that boy is working life At the moment, we have already gone to fight zombies. Hard work a handsome man with thick hair

I’ll give you the difference in travel expenses when I come back. Don’t forget to shoot with a drone He played wonderful words I want to make a corporate video. Shit, life is so fucked up I don’t want to fight zombies anymore. Kill 8000 zombies with a shovel

I’m the one who got paid to beat the zombies. Buying a house but being framed Or did I hurt me The one who avenged me They took nails stained with zombie blood and put them on my floor. Wait for me to step on it Infected with zombie virus They surround this place

To kill me And confiscate my house I thought I ‘d just become a zombie. But a woman took a special medicine and stabbled it down my neck. I thought this woman was a good person. But he told me This is as long as the value 500 billion Pull the 500 billion

He asked me to be a cow, a horse and a slave in the future. Let me fight zombies every day to make money So at this moment, grandma’s I’m still beating zombies. I jump up and fight I snapped and moved and beat me to spin and fly up.

Hit my big feet and slap my face I’m Gankun’s big move to beat me and the ground fragrant feet Hit me with eyes to kill What year and month can I not fight I… A grandmother who photographed the drone was flying overhead. There are still people watching me play ouch

It’s so fierce. It’s so fierce. Just debut so fierce The boss’s shooting angle or something You can also be satisfied good, good Take more of this material. Can do our promo This guy likes to use a shovel Then congratulations to the annihilator honest and frank shovel for his successful debut Leak a toast

That crazy woman while I’m unconscious Let me owe him 500 billion It’s true that the more beautiful the appearance, the more heart Black Iron teeth gnaw my bone Lao tze easy to bully ah Lao tze militia so fierce Sad man A picture of humiliation comes to mind

He thought if he really wanted to pay 500 billion back. That would be a slave for a lifetime. If I threaten him Blow him in the head with a shovel He will be soft. Tear off the IOU But now men have to continue to humiliate to do the task.

Because he doesn’t even know the way back to town The driver who secretly filmed the man reclining his seat at the moment. He secretly admired his boss. Boss means really high The subdued men are fierce. Everyone can be a monster. But suddenly something smashed into his window. The driver took up arms.

And he’s not mortal He’s a low-level annihilator. Then he saw that it was a piece of meat. He got off to check The more I look at it, the more frightened I am. The cut of this meat is clearly human. And this is a gathering place for zombies.

Suddenly a figure on the roof of the courtyard You don’t have to think about it. He’s the one who threw the meat. And that piece of meat shook up A mobile phone was shocked from the inside. Then the phone rang. Dangdang, miles and miles, miles and miles. Father Geldon, pick up the phone.

Push the tower in his spirit tower The driver was shocked. Isn’t this going to kill you? Zombies love to chase noise And according to legend Zombies hate crosstalk In a twinkling of an eye, a group of zombie refunds rushed up The driver said damn. Sad man said damn this place computer accessories

What does the hard disk look like? It turns out that the man’s task this time is Came here looking for a hard drive to take back But men haven’t taken computer lessons yet. The zombies broke out. Because I really don’t know what the hard disk looks like

He was loaded with a big backpack chest is also stuffed two handbags He thought he ‘d just take everything he could put on him. But he feels like a dumb dog He took out his walkie-talkie and called the driver to pick him up. But the driver is dead. Come and pick me up

I got the stuff The contents of the intercom were heard by a strange man. The man’s name is Park Sang-chul was a c-class annihilator of the annihilator group As he walked, he stuffed his cell phone back into the flesh. Prepare to kill the next person. When he was an annihilator

Often taken out by the boss discount promotion So the heart resentment It’s been a hard month This is the salary But that month’s salary is only 5 billion You have not taken on many tasks this month. The company deducts 30% of taxes and commissions. That’s all you got

If you think you earn less to enhance the strength become a B- class annihilator And don’t want to do high-risk tasks every day. Looking forward to your performance next month At this time, unemployed prostitutes Thinking in my heart I’m gonna kill this woman sooner or later And sad men carrying big bags

Muttering in his mouth I’m gonna kill this crazy woman But Park Sang-chul has secretly followed him. Park Sang-chul picks up the meat I think the road is narrow All we meet today are annihilators. Can be broken The mission of the annihilator can also get something from the commissioned mission.

Selling solutions is really a solution to hate. Dad, pick up the phone. Push him. See another bunch of zombies coming Men collapse the fires in their eyes and the words are ready to class so needed The man finally cut down all the zombies in a radius of 20

The next second a piece of pork belly flew into his face He thought to himself Is it a kind person Look at him playing tired Feed him. But then a cell phone emerged from the pork belly. The cell phone is ringing in this zombie land. Is as the bell rings

The zombies sing a good day. rushed towards him merrily Mom, what’s the situation Where does the meat come from? How can it sing? Someone beat a zombie and lost his head. There are people and cats on the sidelines. heavily armed guy It’s the head and hands of throwing meat.

He killed people with meat.The sutra is not a two Every time he goes out, he prepares a warlock piece of meat. Then bring dozens of second-hand mobile phones He knew that zombies were most sensitive to sound As long as the phone rings Ten miles away, zombies will come to join us.

And every time he goes out, he takes a shower. clean shave armpit hair Then put on the isolation suit Odor Isolation And then cover your body with this liquid Because zombies have the same sense of taste and hearing. After doing everything, he can follow the zombies without being found.

You can also frame people with meat. By the hand of a zombie, kill and cross the goods. He called himself the great zombie Conductor This time he looked at the big bags on the man’s back. Men are annihilators on dangerous missions The mission items on him must be worth a fortune.

There are no bones left when a man is bitten by a zombie. He can use meat and cell phones to command zombies to leave himself. Exclusive Items But then he was shocked by the scene before him. Should I be so busy? dl bitch bitch rebel rebel party party sex sex sex top

You know, it just brought in thousands of zombies. Even Class A annihilators are hard to resist. But these zombies are like chopping melons and vegetables in the hands of men. Hand flustered If this cut down It is not easy to take away the items to be robbed with blood on them.

The zombies will smell the blood and come after them. But the fierce man is still cutting While cutting, spit fragrance at the zombie’s mouth. of your ancestors The original man is a bad karma be framed Steel nails stained with zombie blood at home Just as he was about to turn into a zombie

A woman came to her rescue But women are more ruthless The woman said the drug he injected was 500 billion valuable. Later Men want to be slaves. Fighting for him all his life Zombies can pay off Men can’t figure it out Where does the meat come from? Where did the zombies come from?

Where did it come from So many people specifically targeted him for kidnapping. Come out early. wanna do shit Head meat palps think this can’t be done. So I prepared another piece of meat. He wants to attract more zombies to take care of men. Thousands of miles I ‘ve been chasing you

But you don’t care Grandson is the meat you throw Not enough to eat grandchildren I still have He chop him throw he chop chop chop he throw throw throw throw me We ran out of meat and cell phones. Hand-in-hand decision yo-yo But a zombie’s head smashed over Don’t run, grandson.

I’m not done with you Sun in the mountains high water far away Goodbye Jianghu The hands have come to understand that the other side is no ordinary annihilator at all. He finally escaped to a safe area But a zombie was smashed from behind. The man who flew up suddenly came after him.

You killed the taxi driver, too. Not only do you piss me off It also cost me transportation back to the city. Can be cast Start rummaging in your pockets lying trough This grandson is going to take a gun I asked you to pull out a gun Good good good I’ll bring you meat

Not only do you not thank I still have to do Am I not Then die together Then he pressed a button in his hand Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to Jinzhou City Playground In the wind and rain How about you rap here need us together Hello everyone is really good

A mobile phone can attract thousands of zombies Now the whole playground is activated Guess what will happen Jinzhou used to have a 800000 population. Nobody wants to get out alive. The first batch of zombies in all directions Shouting everyone is really good Have been to the playground

And then a third man came here. Come on. Man is an old man He pointed to the two men in front of him and asked who was the honest and frank Iron Bridge. The man who asked this question was overwhelmed. But then the horn sounded again. Ladies and Gentlemen

Welcome to Jinzhou City Playground The old man was angry. How dare the elder interrupt the question do we get no do we want it go The weapon in his hand commanded once He cut off all the trumpets in the whole playground. and cut down a large number of zombies

Quick say who is honest and frank shovel Is to owe Cui Ya into the front of the big ye That seems to be me I thought the old man just brought his grandson to the amusement park. Can dare to do be played by him

It is also a teacher who insists on being the protagonist. Within the slash company Cui Ah Yu is asking for exquisite masturbation of old gold. Chul-soo-shi Because Lao Cui did not reply to the headquarters for a long time He may have met with a slasher hunter. Choi, although I don’t want to admit

But the best explanation for this situation is this. The helicopter will arrive in half an hour. Compensation 50 billion for this assignment Then he saw Kim Son push the box back to him. This is obviously not satisfied with the remuneration. Cui Ya lost immediately said The situation there is very urgent

Although the therapeutic drugs have been discounted but also need to 300 billion The answer is your needs. Need me to bring the medicine to the rescue I want to protect the potion And to protect people More to me to guide him The reward I want is 200 billion Can you do it?

Even if I’m busy At this time in the amusement park Kim Chi-sen asked loudly who was the son of a bitch who owed Cui Ya’s lost village. Kim Chul-soo raised his hand I think you’re talking about me Jin Zhisen, an old Jianghu, also began to analyze the people in front of him.

The little pussy has good physical quality. It won’t be difficult to bring her back very sharp eyes It’s good to be alert at all times A rough palm represents his life before hard Conclusion Although it is still very good at this stage But he has the temperament to be strong

The old man should have been sent by the creditors. Kim Chul-soo immediately asked Old Man Who you are You can call me teacher what the hell You’re in charge of my life Right in the government The talent can no longer bear the space of things. The wandering zombies are like runaway horses.

There is a force to see Kim Chul-soo unknown Solving the immediate problem is the key How dare one burn him on the head Jin Zhisen wants him to know what it means to respect his teachers. But now Kim Chul-soo is more concerned about how to get out of here safely.

Jin Zhisen looked at him helplessly Are you asking me how to leave safely Then let me give you your first lesson Kill the hidden corpse and fish What do you think they have in common Kim Chul-soo’s face was overwhelmed See Jin Zhisen take out a special dry burn

In the next second, three little jumps in the air as freely as if they were alive. It means you have to resonate with your weapon. Then the old man threw it forward. The fishing line hits the zombies like waves. The zombies then fell apart. Then the fishing line is like a satellite positioning.

Each attack will harvest a few or even a dozen heads. lost his life Kim Chul-soo exclaimed Old man, be careful. Behind the slender fishing line has been around Kim Chi Sen a circle He went on to say to himself It all takes patience

One rule you need to know is how to use it. The next second Kim Chi Sen shouted Ha, kid. Kim Chul-soo did not dare to think much Immediately lie down in situ and dare to burn into a remnant shadow It forms a ring around Jin Zhisen All the zombies have a neat incision.

What the hell happened The zombies were cut in two before Kim Chul-soo’s eyes. Even the house behind you lucky This power is too weak Is this the strength of the slasher? The fishing line is about 30 meters long Within this radius of 30 meters All zombies are killed with one blow.

Is this really something people can do? When I think Behind Kim Chul-soo stood a zombie It’s Shangjun Only because of the zombie blood on the engineering shovel. Turned him into a zombie But it’s not like other zombies. is a variant Mutated by a certain probability of zombies

Some organ variants are class c variants Tune up casually zombies but still retain a part of the deep memory Is that one sentence Don’t eat the old book If you want to get more, upgrade your level. he is angry He was wronged

The damn C- class beat Jin Zhisen to vomiting blood with only one punch. A headache noise directly on the wall He hates the sun like Kim Chul-soo I hate top slasher like Jin Zhisen even more. He’s going to kill everyone here before he loses consciousness. Kim Chul-soo did not dare to be careless

I have a steel bar in my hand. Swing the sandbag Such a big fist Just like Kim Chul-soo smashed to run fast C level will be mentioned Not what they’re dealing with now. So that the right hand is cut in two.

It was at this moment that the voice of Kim Chi-sen came from a distance I remember we saw ghosts a timid one The kid who wears a protective suit all day You don’t want to face zombies When someone else kills a zombie You’re doing a sneaky job.

So you’re not qualified to be a slasher Now you become a zombie Even more lost slash’s face. Shut up, old man. tune it up Hit Kim Chi-sen with the rest of his fist Ah. At this time, Jin Zhisen will take an examination of Jin Chul-soo.

What beautiful story did I just say about zombies and fishing? Then you have to remember one thing It doesn’t matter if people are afraid you’re a monster. But if you kill for money You’ll be a real monster. Let’s go. Choi is still waiting for you. The old man is a billionaire

But no one thought The house where the line lives is a group apartment An unordered servant No rich meals Even if you come home later, you have to walk the stone road in the dark. At night, Kim Chul-soo finally couldn’t help asking Lao Jin When slasher is for money

Lao Jin also did not shy away from answering Yes But where does your money go? Old Jin also don’t want to hide this cheap apprentice He came to a closet Treasure take out the key hanging on the chest Open the door that moment What comes into view is one picture after another

That’s why he’s desperate to make money Guilt beside the photo is the 500 billion valuable potion. The drug is used to treat zombie virus Now it’s more like treating Lao Jin At the beginning of his own viral outbreak Old Jin alone near home fishing When causing a virus outbreak

For you to get home in time The furthest distance is family around But can’t go to the rescue That’s it. He went from a happy family to a loner now. He’s going back to Seoul Turn your entire family back from zombies to humans. However, this idea may also be in vain.

Search for family in Seoul’s tens of millions of zombies No doubt a needle in a haystack But it’s such a persistent and loving old man. But respected by soldiers and bodyguards. Is it really just a matter of strength? This curious baby. Jin Zhisen smiled happily This may be in the last days.

An emotional bond between two lonely people Because whether you live in danger zone Or living in a refugee camp. Can’t stop losing Only people who accept these facts to be strong and respected Kim Chul-soo asked so many Xin Zhisen also asked him What have you lost Something to lose

Of course he has his parents his childhood his friends The longer his brother meditated The more things Kim Chul-soo loses Is that one sentence Buy a house Hang up your own name Our parents can find us. For this ideal. My brother walked out of the safety zone. So far no more news

The two have similarities A choice to have family first have a home again A choice to have a home first and then a family. But they all have one thing in common Hope to say something about Kim Chul-soo’s family Cui Yajiong also gave his answer. The company will use it as collateral.

Of course, Kim Chul-soo can’t accept this result. See Kim Chul-soo mad Cui Yajiong is also angry Let’s not talk about the cost before. Is that he went to the rescue out of his own pocket He And the taxi driver’s home allowance. And then the cost of the helicopter. add together

At least 800 billion. What I got in return was Kim Chul-soo’s scolding. In the battle of this mission Kim Chol-soo’s loss of hard drive equates to mission failure He hasn’t even exploded yet. Kim Chul-soo is not used to it either. After all, he didn’t think he asked for the potion.

Gyeongju is not what I want to go. He’s going to rush the bud and hand over the keys to the house. The atmosphere becomes rattling Cui Yajiu said I won’t give you a try. Kim Chul-soo, who was momentarily confused, really wanted to do it. An assistant called him off.

I saw Lao Jin’s hand touching the fishing rod. This is because he knows that Choi Ya never pit Kim Chul-soo Kim Chul-soo felt wronged and it was inconvenient to lose what belonged to him. My own business is that this crazy woman has taken everything from him. Old Jin said

Then why don’t you kill more zombies to pay your debts? Retrieve Items Commission for reclaiming territory can help you pay off your debt He said he would help and guide Kim Chul-soo. Kim Chul-soo snorted his head away He said paying off the debt was the day he quit slash.

I’m sure Cui Yajiong was beaten up that day. Cui Yajiu disdained it Now you will only make the company lose more and more. At the same time, he also handed the medicine to Lao Jin Although he lost a little miserably on this investment. But I can see he’s still one.A man of credit.

Not waiting for him to finish Lao Jin grabbed the medicine with one hand. said gradually Small Boss Thank you, Choi. Blood is dripping in my heart Then he asked Lao Jin if he really wanted to train this bastard. Although he can’t control his emotions now

But as long as he put aside that naive worldview He can at least reach the colonel’s level After that, Lao Jin will leave. Before leaving Cui Yajiong Please Lao Jin Take this bastard to the slasher party tomorrow night, too. and teach him the expertise of slash

And understand the situation in the world today A high-end car is driving a handsome guy An ordinary little sheep The driver is a beautiful woman. Which one will you choose to take? Kim Chul-soo, who was sitting by the sea, looked back. this is lao jin It’s just a party.

Isn’t your dock a little too much? Although such slasher gatherings are very common today But to dress formally as a show of respect Kim Chul-soo said She wears very comfortable clothes Can catch zombies on the line Apparently, he hasn’t admitted to being a slasher yet. Soon a fancy car came from a distance

This is the car that the company specially came to pick up Lao Jin. Driver Also his exclusive A- level liaison Zhao Zhangyi Exclusive Then naturally, we can’t let Kim Chul-soo get on the bus. The company will be sending his own liaison. This is the class of slasher.

Just when Kim Chul-soo was forced by a face of stupidity A little sheep drove up in front of him The girl is Kim Chul-soo’s new exclusive A- level liaison. In your mission there. slasher and liaison officers complement each other Every slasher is a valuable resource for humanity.

Slasher is responsible for the most dangerous frontline tasks And the liaison is to help him with all the chores. In other words, it can be called a housekeeper. That’s the job of the liaison High-grade villa Choi A- Jiong is getting ready to dress up and attend. The assistant doesn’t understand.

Does the young lady have any expectations for Kim Chul-soo? Why did you choose her as your liaison? Cui Ayu believes that Mi’s ability there is also a test for him. Cui Ah, who used to be a-level liaison officer. has now become the representative of the company He’s not just managing a cg slasher.

It’s a top company with 44 slash. Just as old Kim said As long as the bastard throws away his naive world view He can at least reach the level of the show. I believe you will be his catalyst there. Just because he’s the same character as Cui Ya. This is his abacus

Your place is responsible for the pick-up and drop-off of Kim Chul-soo on this mission. He also smelled a strong smell in each other. And Kim Chul-soo remembered that Lao Jin told him before he came. This party situation It is jointly organized by slash company and elites from all walks of life.

The asha level from low to high A total of four Divided by number of kills Level D requires 100 kills Number of kills required for level a 100000 And so asha from this party is at least at level B. And you boy is a special case

At this time of the five-star hotel Baiji crowd Everyone is busy. Just at this moment A bodyguard said People are coming Attention of all units Then came all kinds of vehicles. The bodyguards also lined up to welcome the arrival of the big man. Can be so high in the field

None of them are ag slasher. Membership Lost and Victory Big Brother Zhang Dezhe Freelancer Code Name Dog Vendor Park Chunzhi is a code-named priest of the Holy Society of Jehovah. Whiteboard Hyun Under the firm Code name female boss Li Zhuorong under the Ministry of National Defense Task Force Codename Lieutenant

Ren Zeguang Subordinate to Jia Family And businesses stay well. So, of course, how can Elder Han Wah get less of our old age? Gold Subordinate to the reminder office Code name hanging Weng Jin Zhisen elder With the hotel door open It also means the party. Lu Xun said

Man is a very timid species But when you’re in groups, it becomes very cruel. I thought it was an ordinary party. But the zombies were auctioned off at the scene. Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality Outside the five-star hotel

The bodyguard is checking back the list of people. As the largest and most important conference in the country today Can’t make any omissions Now a sound of braking caught his attention. The bodyguard greeted Mi warmly. Apparently he came to this occasion more than once But ignored the side of Kim Chul-soo

Mi there introduced to the bodyguard Kim Chul-soo just didn’t have his name on the invitation list After learning that he was just a cg slash The bodyguard showed his disdain Party rules allow entry only at level B or above Or have vip to carry Just at this moment Choi appeared.

It means that Kim Chul-soo is the bodyguard he invited here. hurriedly explain He’s just following the rules. Cui Ayu didn’t care about the bodyguard’s attitude either. Just faintly said You can’t underestimate the survivor of the 17th recapture of territory.

He is a vicious person who rose from newcomer to grade c with only one bowl. It’s also the toy I’m most interested in right now. The news has spread among slash All the bosses are waiting for this super newcomer. I don’t think you’re going to commit a crime against the wind.

Inside the exhibition Cui Yayu said with pride Someone will stop it later. You can quote his name But Kim Chul-soo does think If Choi Yahyong doesn’t show up He can go home early to bed Sun Ya always teases My dog is really disobedient But please, before you pay off the 8000

Do what I say. With Kim Chul-soo angry not to fight a place But the eye sweeps over here and there’s delicious food everywhere. A man coming out of a temporary settlement See it all in front of me It’s unbelievable But how can that be The slasher in this ballroom

At least 30000 zombies have been killed. Or serve them. Liaison to get information everywhere It is also a big gold owner with a release task. Everyone’s here for the same purpose. A task may involve hundreds or even hundreds of billions of dollars. After the virus outbreak

The country is in decline in all aspects. This is a growing business. Kim Chul-soo, Gu Ming, why do you say these things there Just because he’s acting as a liaison What I want is to let my slasher integrate into him as soon as possible. And be proud to take part in him

If you see something distorted or disgusted Also keep calm This is also because Kim Chul-soo is a refugee. Many refugees are doing their best for food every day. And there will inevitably be people or things that make him uncomfortable. When the two speak Someone came to talk.

He quite agreed with Kim Chul-soo’s performance in killing 8000 zombies in one day. Mi there whispered introduction this person is the chief executive officer of vf group A total of 24 tasks were published Each remuneration is not less than 50 billion It is a VIP in VIP.

The purpose of this visit was to retrieve his wife’s finger. Wife is now in a bomb shelter in Daegu Just retrieve his thumb Because the fingerprint decoding required for stock trading Hear here Kim Chul-soo’s face sank like water Turn around and leave He can’t accept this indifferent gaze

Nor can you pretend to be hypocritical flattery. Because too angry Turn around and hit a strong man on the shoulder Get is this man’s anger You’re the rumored newbie Walk without eyes? Just as the two were about to go to war Stopped by another man The bearer’s name is Ma Changgui

Membership Lost and Victory Class B slasher codename viper He told Kim Chul-soo Everyone here does that to new people It means they’re really interested in you Don’t be too angry The finale is about to begin They don’t have time to ignore you At this time, the venue suddenly went dark.

Leaving only the spotlights that illuminate the host The finale is about to begin. Just different from businessman politicians The company representatives are a little dissatisfied They come This is a business. The host said We are here for all of you Prepared one of the most popular auctions of the day

The lot is provided by Zhang Dezhe of the-level slasher code name Big Brother. This, this is a zombie auction The host continues the presentation Swear from the left hand After becoming a zombie, the famous actress Miss Jin Heng Next to her is the idol singer reputation

Finally, the daughter of the big miss Su Xi Because it’s very difficult to catch them. Starting price 5 billion Ma Changgui got excited He thinks the lot will sell for a sky-high price. But Kim Chul-soo silently pushed his hand away. Yes He couldn’t hold it any longer

People always say you should make money like a dog. Spend like a big man. But as human beings, there should be a bottom line. As Kim Chul-soo approached the stage step by step You’re in a hurry there yelling loudly Because he doesn’t know What will Kim Chul-soo do at this time?

The next second I saw Kim Chul-soo hand up the knife All three pk rest in peace Sun Ah looked shocked The next show feels interesting. Old Kim wondered what he was doing This move shocked the host. If the whole audience can smell immediately Then I saw Kim Chul-soo pick up the microphone

Are you all animals? Why are you all so sick Although I am a novice It’s a cg slash. It doesn’t matter if you ignore me. But you’re all slash They all live professionally. Is it necessary to make such money? At this time, he really felt that slasher profession was too absurd.

People are desperately trying to survive to avoid zombies. And everyone here is keeping up Who would enjoy it more? Who has more Also at this time A figure appeared behind the crowd It’s a-level slasher Zhang Dezhe This is how I make money Do you have an opinion Men of origin

But the private sector screwed up the auction. It’s time to drink and hate the Northwest. He was saved by his huge debt. Zhang Dezhe He is the ceo of loss and victory The company manages several a-class slasher. But he is not satisfied with this completion of gdc building full of luxury and enjoyment

Making him known as a rogue pretending to be an entrepreneur Also because of this report. Let its company lose 0.12 billion won in market value. All who get in his way of making money have only one end. Inside a container at the dock

The man who was caught was the journalist who wrote the story. Although the man who prepared for the exam was a man who dared to speak out. But in this chaotic time Squeezing someone to death is like a game. Jang Dezhe, born as a hooligan Operation mode is more rough

Journalists hate this rogue in front of them. He swore he was lost. We must find Zhang Dezhe and stay with him in the first place. Bite him The response is I’m not a rogue but a robber Once he was angry because the company lost 0.12 billion It’s much better now

Because you become a zombie is only the first step treat you to a delicious family meal Is my purpose After a while, you are the one who wants to eat your family most. Reporters Shouting I want to become a zombie again Kill you first and the weak voice is always so weak

The whole family is on their way. You should be thanking me for garbage Then Zhang Dezhe ordered his men to come and take photos tomorrow morning. Send it to his news department Tell them If they’re not going to clarify this story I can’t guarantee that something like this will not happen again.

This is Zhang Dezhe He is not good at calculation But very good at calculation When I saw Zhang Dezhe walking towards Kim Chul-soo-mi, I immediately wanted to explain it forward. Can not wait for him to speak Was Zhang Dezhe a big B pocket fan fly The strength is not small

The walls all form a depression Kim Chul-soo is in a hurry But the pace was stopped. At this time, Zhang Dezhe asked again This is how I make money Do you have an opinion Two people get together. Natural words do not speculate More than half a sentence

I’ll see Kim Taek-soo in the next second. The kitchen knife in his hand directly criticized Zhang Dezheberger. But it’s like a powerful blow. Zhang Dezhe used only two fingers The A- level strength of the family should not be underestimated. When I think Zhang Dezhe showed his untattooed arm Fists fall like goose eggs

Although Kim Chul-soo blocked the boxing But this punch is so strong Just break the bones in both of his hands He was also beaten. The fight hasn’t started yet Is it already over? Not waiting for him to think Zhang Dezhe and Jiao Ji followed closely. hit him right in the head.

This is the strength of a-level slash Kim Taek-soo is like a child in front of him No strength to fight back At this time, Zhang Dezhe’s liaison is also calculating The loss of this auction Three lots cost 12 billion Sabotage image fee 50 billion 50 million for staff psychological treatment expenses

Total 62.05 billion won Zhang Dezhe wants liaison officer Plus his foot injury He doesn’t know if this kid is sick. If you can’t beat him, bite his foot. Final Total 625.12Billions Zhang Dezhe naturally did not believe that this boy would have so much money. 50 billion give it to him for the road.

The rest asked his company to go Just at this moment A fishing line around Zhang Dezhe’s neck It’s Kim Chi-sen What are you going to do, old thing? Zhang Dezhe You are too rude to young people But you can’t handle this person. At the same time, Cui Ah Yu also came this way.

Brother, do you have any 800 billion Cui Yajiong knows very well what kind of person Zhang Dezhe is. Zhang Dezhe unknown So what 800 billion are you trying to say So Choi Yahyong is going to save Kim Chul-soo in his way The man you’re killing now owes my company 800 billion Kill him

Is it to help him pay his debts? This man screwed up the auction Beat life can not take care of themselves Who would have thought he had a good boss who took on everything for him? Just because he said the same thing as the boss’s memory.

At this time, Cui Yayu said that 800 billion is you to return it for him Zhang Dede is naturally not easy to coax Only as Cui Yajiong to find excuses At the moment of seeing the evidence Zhang Dezhe was silent Why does the dog owe so much money?

Cui Yajiong hid his panic in front of this big man. But the two sides of the game in a moment He wants Zhang Dezhe to kill Kim Chul-soo immediately. In this way, you can get the arrears in a short time. You think I wouldn’t dare Still think we lose and win no money

Both hands again open Kim Chul-soo’s mouth Assistant Miss Nervous This bastard can’t do it. Because she’s so shrewd At this time, Zhang Dezhe looked back to all the guests. Now Zhang Dezhe is really riding a tiger If you don’t kill him, you’ll lose face. Can kill him

The voice of 800 billion kept echoing in his head Not too long Zhang Dezhe stood up slowly It’s like making up your mind The next second, he caught Cui Ya’s curly hair with one hand. Smelly bitch Are you laughing at me? at the same time Three figures have appeared around him

Please take your hands off me We don’t care about corporate relationships We will kill you So far, the two companies have also formed Liang Zi. Zhang Dezhe said One day he’ll come back and kill Cui Yajiu. He took the people and left silently in the crowd.

And all the people in Cui Zhang’s office are under the command of Cui Yajiong. Immediately send the injured two to the nearest hospital and compensation for the loss of the venue party At this time, Cui Ah’s mood is simply terrible. Leading Cui Zhang’s office and all the people to leave

The venue is really too similar You are all slasher They all live professionally. Is it necessary to make such money? At that time, Cui Ayu was still an A- level liaison officer. And the man who said it Another founder of the firm. s-level ash code name apostle zhang xiuhao

Is it really a coincidence Kim Chul-soo awakens slowly in the hospital Sitting beside the less injured rice there He regrets Because of his recklessness, he involved rice in it. It’s just that you show that you understand slasher character and mood. Also the job of the liaison So don’t apologize to him

Only then did he feel afraid Zhang Dezhe is too strong Now he just wants to know that he is also a slasher Same slasher as Zhang Dezhe You said there are only two things in slasher world. Measuring the value of a person One is that the power to kill zombies is called ability.

The second is to turn that ability into money. It is called wealth. Mr. Jin Zhe Zhu lost to Zhang Dezhe It’s because these two things of yours are too far away from him. I can only look at his wishful thinking. So what you’re saying is Can we just stare now?

What you mean there is He’s not the only one who thinks the world has gone crazy. That’s how he felt after he went to the slums. He wants Kim Chul-soo to develop his abilities and wealth This is the only way to speak your mind at the party.

And then to correct this upside-down world Speaking of here Kim Chul-soo seems to have found the direction of life. He asked Mi to help him arrange work immediately. When you can get Cui Ya’s total reply No work schedule Only because Zhang Dezhe seems to have used his network company.

Potential customers now dive in group Loss and victory almost cut meat dumping Take all the tasks Looks like it’s a hornet’s nest this time. Men kill in public. But because the man who asked to kill owes a huge sum of money. Angry Directly led to the two companies are incompatible

Cui Yajiong, who has a headache, thinks The action of loss and victory is entirely directed at them. is a complete conspiracy Now how to break this blockade is the key The meter knows there. Just convinced Kim Chul-soo Il Bone Decline Three Two Exhaustion So we can’t stop now because there’s no work.

So he expressed his willingness to accept any assignment. regardless of remuneration. Cui Yajiong also knows To break the game, you need trust and achievement to impress customers. Then rummaging under the table for a long time Finally a file. It’s a difficult task to perform with little pay

But now the environment and how better than no Location: Yanshan South Road, Jinhai City This is the 12th and 13th operation to retake the territory Urban Development for the Background The aim is to expand the narrow area of the Busan Reserve. The former Jia Jia enterprise site can suddenly appear B- class variant

Number c 117 Seven People become earthworms Stone Jiaer Businesses lost 31 slasher and 3700 civilians From then on, this place became purgatory on earth. Just at this moment Loss and victory cross the foot Zhang Dezhe Leads 50 Four Ashes Killed the human face at the cost of losing half his men.

Qiu Yi can only take over here This is the past of the Gimhae blockade Looking at the photo of Zhang Dezhe Kim Chul-soo just wants to tear him off And the mission is to protect the construction of the Jinhai blockade. Only the west protective wall

When completed, it will greatly reduce the population density of Busan. The problem is due to the noise generated during construction. the constant attacks of the lions Although it has now been built in 24-hour shifts But the speed can’t be raised at all. They have organized personnel to carry out treasure Can

The constant number of casualties is staggering. There are also questions. Only the west wall. That is to say, all other directions have been completed. How did you defend? The man explained. Other directions are closer to Busan Material delivery is relatively fast In addition, the project was abundant at that time.

Employ a considerable number of slasher So even though the captain said it was very cryptic. However, Mi recognized the meaning that there is no project fund at present. In other words They’re here to volunteer But the agreement between the government and the agency is. After completion of Jinhai blockade

Land ownership will be used as compensation. under consideration That’s why the little boss hasn’t sent anyone over. Protecting huge construction sites If the works are forced to stop The slash company will take primary responsibility The well-developed Kim Chul-soo did not think much at all. He just wants to start as soon as possible.

Look at the rice there is a speechless The engineering team’s request is also very simple. The two will live at the front of the construction site. Eliminate zombies that pose a threat to workers and protect the surrounding environment In front of us is the house provided by the construction site. a single room

This has been the project’s most recent efforts to provide Lonely men and few women in the same room The atmosphere has become very awkward Immediately after Kim Chul-soo found a corner to sleep in. He gave up most of his position to Mi. Let him sleep early Don’t get a panda eye

Listen to thick rice there cheek slightly a red Silent night There’s always something unexpected that happens. When Kim Chul-soo was half asleep and half awake, the Turks There’s a figure passing outside the window Wake you up There outside suspected zombies The next second the door is banging Are they surrounded?

The person in charge didn’t call Notice Does it mean that Kim Chul-soo told Mi that once the door opens It means the fight begins Find yourself a place to hide Countdown starts Every number is like a hundred years. Amish genus Kim Chul-soo kicked down the door

The engineering shovel then drew an arc with the sound of drunkards. With red light to the enemy unit to cut In the moment to see each other Kim Chul-soo froze Where is this zombie This is the staff ribbon spray falling on the ground. I only heard the leader say Welcome Party

The construction captain said The completion of the Jinhai blockade line Can greatly reduce housing pressure in Busan This will naturally move some people’s cake The result is that everyone at the party says How I feel about my work during this time. It is simply hell. Two-shift working hours

Make everyone physically and mentally tired But the worse thing is Workers have to attack their minds at work. Because you don’t know when zombies will appear behind you. This high-intensity state of work It directly slows down the progress of the project. such working conditions Will the workers be compensated?

In addition to basic living conditions such as food and rest Not even a hair Some people have already started to lose power in their homes. What is it? Let the workers continue to do the work Is the building of the house wall The workers will be compensated by a house upon completion.

This is a bunch of family people People who lost their homes The arrival of Kim Chul-soo Let them see the hope of completion And Kim Chul-soo’s heart is already mixed Once upon a time, he was also a member of the army chasing the house.

It’s just that he doesn’t understand that the workers can be called poor. Why do we have a welcome party? There is a common saying between the analysis slash companies. If you want to be successful in this world You must let your vanity salute the vanity of others

In some actions aimed at saving or protecting mankind is to allow emotion to be instilled into slash It will make them aware of what needs to be protected It also makes them strong. Say so mysterious Isn’t it just flattery? That’s right. But maybe it can normalize your social chaos. Kim Chol-soo was speechless

He may be a person with social fears. But when the zombie came, he was definitely a credible person. a house? They want Kim Chul-soo who vowed to protect them In the days after Kim Chul-soo in addition to exercising himself It was a phone call to clean up the zombies.

This period of actual combat has allowed him to make great progress in his skills. quite a new style Workers are thrilled with this hard-won safety It’s just my job What should I do? What should I do? And put a ladder down I forgot to take it when I first came down

Rice at night. There is responsible for calculating the income. Now we can only rely on the subsidy from the government to invest in 5 million. It’s not really a job of voluntary labor. Lao Jin will occasionally come and beat him Not to guide him. All day long will only shovel attack

You’re not boring I’m bored You should learn about long-range weapons. Lao Jin asked Kim Chul-soo how he has been working recently. Kim Chul-soo said This is his first official mission feel very interesting He’ll protect everything here He won’t let what he went through happen again here. Hear here Lao Jin is also pleased

Just can’t show it on the face Lest this little bastard be proud Old Kim threw the rope to Kim Chul-soo And tell him About thank you little a little too tender Use this exercise first. On the way to leave Zhao Zhang asked Mr. Jin Zhisen whether it was necessary to do so.

Lao Jin explained One day he will return to Seoul That day he will inherit my hand Busan Lao Jin is also looking forward to the arrival of that day Because this son of a bitch is growing up too fast. inside the gdc building Busan Financial Holding Association Chairman Lasande

Come to seek the help of Zhang Dezhe It’s just that Zhang Dezhe doesn’t understand A rich man who buys and sells construction land. What does it have to do with the loss of this table? Nathan demands that from now on All conversations must be kept confidential. Zhang Dezhe is certainly happy to accept

Nothing attracts him more than making money. Under the repeated assurance of Zhang Zhezhe Then Shande finally said what he came. Destroy the blockade area under construction in Jinhai City The area has reached its final stage Once completed Property values on this side of Busan will fall directly 30% to 35

Therefore, the members of the Association unanimously approved to take action It means if a zombie shows up at a construction site and cause chaos at the site Zhang Dezhe understood and smiled This can be equated with the great sin of treason It has been found that it is going to lose his head.

But how can he resist the temptation of money with his character? What he can get will be the Busan Financial Holding Association 10% equity 10% of the equity is the value of the 20 trillion And after working with them Someone wants money. Money only makes more.

Zhang Dezhe is a person who is good at calculation Immediately granted the request But if anything happens… He will withdraw with loss and victory. When you know the slasher of the other party’s request After Kim Chul-soo, who had friction before. Zhang Dezhe has no more hesitation It means it will be done cleanly.

Leave no trace A laboratory is located in the center of the training.Inside the dish It’s a human face earthworm embryo. Someone is feeding them. Man just ate a boar It brought in a bunch of zombies. With him real and a giant earthworm Who should eat more than him

At this point the two men in cahoots come to an agreement To be on the safe side Zhang Dezhe decided to get the zombs experimental body. zombs is a pharmaceutical company that specializes in viruses When the slasher catches a variant will be handed over to some vex to get paid

They’re illegally studying the variants Human-turned-earthworm larvae Also Zhang Dezhe sold with them If larvae are missing And it just so happens that he went to the sea of gold This is Zhang Dezhe’s plan Say that Shande also leave Before leaving, he once again told me to keep it a secret.

This is a matter of life and fortune. Immediately after Zhang Dezhe ordered his men to let Ma Changgui spread the news. It is said that the earthworm with human face appeared in Jinhai before. and larval survival and go to zbx to get the larvae back

At the same time, find ten clean people in the refugee camp. I have great use The security guard in some bx company found someone breaking in and robbing the experimental body. The visitor is Ma Changgui. The security guard knows the visitor is a Class B slasher. He hurriedly said

I don’t see anything myself I won’t tell anyone about it. But what could be more secret than a dead man? On the other side of the bridge A car drove slowly Ten refugees The person who got off the bus was Zhang Dezhe’s liaison.

This time I came here to give ten people a mission. Once the task contract is signed The money will go directly to their families. The contract at this time is like a carriage that can take the family to heaven. Poets scramble to sign their names on it Everything is ready

The game is about to begin The eve of the storm is always so calm The workers are still reveling in the joy that the blockade is about to be completed. A celebration party was held at the construction site tonight. Man lets Kim Chul-soo relax After all, it’s time to rest

The crowd greeted him warmly. Think back to the past Kim Chul-soo hasn’t sat with so many people for a long time. Yes, the last one also counted to my childhood birthday. Everyone’s enthusiasm Let the social phobia he also can’t help but shed tears At the moment he just wants to forget everything

The Missing Brother Parents who will never return. And this cruel reality Just at this moment The sudden sound of music makes the crowd wonder Just because they’re all asked to reduce noise at work. How can you play music? No, it’s from outside the construction site. Outside the site at this time

Three cars playing high-pitched music and flashing neon lights High speed towards the site They were followed by an endless tide of corpses. The three cars didn’t stop at all. The container that ran directly into the blockade The man who got out of this car and got hit with seven meat and eight vegetables.

It was the ten refugees Without waiting for them to catch their breath Drowned in the tide of corpses The fire in the construction site caught the attention of the zombies. And this location is also where the blockade is unfinished. The next second

A large group of zombies like a mountain of crazy tsunami to go The top of the container at this time Ma Changgui’s earthworm larvae with human face in hand have been waiting here for a long time. Now I just have to deal with these iron bumps. The petri dish is in his tomb

From somersault to landing The sound is drowned by the voice of the lions No one will even notice that death is about to appear. With the breaking of the petri dish A lump of meat appears above the ground The face on the piece of meat opens slowly Eyes import spit

Mom, mom cultivated the dormitory The worker in the sleep suddenly wakes up It’s an earthquake. Disaster always falls outside when people are unprepared. I saw earthworms devouring one dormitory after another. The dormitory before entering his abdomen. Will be crushed by his big mouth You can imagine the situation inside.

This is the class B variant Number z 1177 human face earthworm Others fight zombies with all kinds of sophisticated weapons. Man has only one wild boar bone I haven’t played a few times. He even broke the tendon and fractured it. The Ministry of Defense has not yet been personally involved.

By this time the lions have rushed into the scenery thousand cranes The first to bear the brunt of the celebration is the crowd Everyone was shocked. Did that music just come? You have prompted Kim Chul-soo to calm down. If slash also panic The situation is even more uncontrollable

The most important thing now is to evacuate the workers This scene is very similar to when my parents separated. Similar people in similar situations run fast. Chul Min Chul-soo See you in Busan How powerless he was. Now he is confident that he has the ability to protect the people around him.

Random assignment of individual tasks You go to the dormitory and get me a shovel and rope. All the rest retreat I’ll hold them off Zombies are approaching Kim Chul-soo has only the wild boar leg that he just ate. But it’s better than unarmed with lions.

Bones are bones. He didn’t play them a few times. In front of my eyes, I broke into two pieces. This is a terrible time. Just because he’s surrounded by lions. The next second the shovel and rope appeared beside him It’s Mina’s

What he has to do now is to rush to the main control room of the construction site. Get in touch with the firm headquarters Shop or in hand Kim Chul-soo also exhaled deeply The people on the other side found that there were no zombies to chase. Looks like Chul-soo’s protection worked.

At this time there is time to calm down and think They have nothing There are only blockade lines The little hope of getting the house when it’s finished. Just give up? Obviously someone can’t do it. But there are countless zombies in the construction site at this time.

Maybe go back to the next moment He will die in the mouth of the zombies But what’s the difference with dogs living in refugee camps? If you lose this chance to live like a human being Who will sympathize with them? He’s going back to fight Fight for your future. Protect your own house.

After listening to the silence of the crowd Yes There’s nothing wrong with what he says If there is a choice No one wants to live like a cockroach. Zombies appear from all directions in the construction site At the same time, we have to protect civilians. are forced to attempt a remote attack

He wants to protect everything here He can’t let this place become a zombie paradise. But now she’s weak. Workers turning into zombies keep appearing It made him feel heavier. This means that the number of zombies may be much higher than what we see. No personnel organized to evacuate No broadcast directions

Things will only get worse Just at this moment The sound of cars behind It’s a medium van I saw him drift. Crash all the zombies behind potential Kim Taek-soo Get down in the car. Dozens of people A zombie was caught in the front of the car. Workers pick up the flame thrower

It’s just a bald-head-covered-face trick. This group of people is the strategy has escaped Kim Chul-soo doesn’t know why they’re coming back Because before completion This is their home The gap is getting bigger and bigger It’s very hard to deal with them alone. Isn’t it? Since everyone is here

In front of the next door also want to pull a few zombie mat back Kim Chul-soo also understands Now is not the time for hypocrisy Then let’s send them on their way The promise was not just to protect them. There are other workers who build walls for their own families

They chose to stay and fight Instead of running away However, there is still a long way to go before the end of the battle. Screen a turn Mi saw the collapsed main control room This is not a zombie can cause What is it? Is it an advanced variant

This is not a C- class sting. Mr. Zhou can handle it How can I inform the office now? Just at this moment Okay, it doesn’t work. The Ugly Spirit. Behind the rice there appeared a huge figure

Captain Song Enjing, Class A Liaison Officer within the Special Dispatch Department of the Ministry of National Defense Positive a-level slasher play Ren Zeguang, who is a lieutenant, has not yet reported Just because tonight The Ministry of Defense did not receive the evening report from the construction site of Jinhai.

And it is reported that there was a fire from the active road section to Jinhai City. It is suspected that there are abnormal conditions at the Jinhai construction site. The Gimhae blockade is an important project for the Provisional Government. Ren Zeguang decided to take someone to check it out in person.

Earthworms can spit the skill of two places at once Do men life can not take care of themselves In the end, the man fought hard to defeat her. but was stabbed in the back At this time under the efforts of all The number of zombies has decreased dramatically.

Although occasionally there are a few sporadic But it’s past the stage of desperate resistance. With a loud bang A container built up countless smoke Kim Chul-soo finally showed a smile He thinks he did it to protect them. Just at this moment The sound of a motorcycle in the distance It’s rice there.

He was being chased by a monster. Kim Chul-soo was shocked Mi there hurriedly said The main control room has been destroyed by him Now we can only hope that the workers who fled to Busan Ask for help from the nearest slash company It is estimated that the fastest time is one hour.

Just sword m there hesitating Kim Chul-soo is also anxious This is because the big guy in front of me Judging from the size, it should be a class B variant. Mi is not sure if Kim Chul-soo can handle it. Before this Kim Chul-soo has only met Class C at most.

But he had no choice If he doesn’t go Everyone here has to die It’s not even. A wave again Random meters there immediately to evacuate the crowd Earthworms in front of you That huge volume is 35 meters is about ten stories high Kim Chul-soo is like an ant in front of him

The next big mouth with sharp fangs came over him. It falls to the ground and makes the sound of a crash. The drop left a huge pit Kanazawa is not as crazy as killing 8000 zombies. He evolved to use the rope in his hand to move flexibly in the air. human face earthworm

He was caught off guard. He saw it in front of him. Kim Taek-soo pushed the shovel into the body of the earthworm And take this place as a starting point The earthworm leaves a long crack on the surface of the human face. The earthworm then rolled on the ground in pain

Kim Chol-soo kept changing positions in the air against shovels and ropes. At this time, Kim Chul-soo didn’t think However, I know how difficult it is to deal with level B. Hit the face of a man with an engineering shovel. In the distance, Ma Changgui was looking at his eyes with a telescope.

Just because he knows that man becomes an earthworm To enter the second stage of attack mode I saw the face suddenly shrink into the meat. Behind Kim Chul-soo stood a humanoid sarcoma Quick Kim Chul-soo was caught off guard Bump by sarcoma Not waiting for him to land In his division under the road

Grunt’s sarcoma reappears And this time it’s not humanoid But the hand type Pull with a pen Kim Chul-soo then hit the ground The strength is really not small He took the shovel and made an arc around him. Sarcoma disappears at this time. Just when he was wondering Sarcomas also coagulate around

This ban comes out once. Each of the four sarcomas wants to play a punch Ma Changgui shouted excitedly Kim Chul-soo was beaten and unable to take care of himself. He knows there’s only one end to this. He needs to find a gap Avoid this spell-like attack Right at the moment

A hook slammed into the face of a man Earthworm is a former worker to help him The earthworm is angry He’s going to kill these bugs that get in his way. More sarcomas appear rapidly Kim Chul-soo, who cannot breathe How can he get what he wants?

The rope tied a group of sarcomas to a strong one. That’s it. The one closest to it turned into a sandbag. The moment to pick up the shovel We need to give sarcoma a final look. Suddenly, a Tai knife penetrated his chest from the back. Kim Chul-soo is incredible Look to the rear

Yes, the visitor is Ma Changgui gave him a knife in the nick of time Ma Changgui’s answer was very straightforward. He’s here today to harvest Kim Chul-soo’s life. Kim Chul-soo knows his holiday with Jang Chul-chul But only a little People have not yet died into earthworms.

He probably won’t be able to protect anyone here anymore. Ma Changgui put the knife into the blood of earthworms in human face. He wants Kim Chul-soo to become a zombie. To the place he was desperately trying to protect. The next second

Ma Changgui’s eyes a silver knife followed by a knife flower on his chest. It was a military dagger that landed on the ground. Make people light At this time, the two men looked at each other silently. The ticking sound of earthworm blood

The cry for help of workers being chased by zombies is like silence. People ask slowly in an angry tone. What are you doing? What more do men play with daggers than they eat with salt? An inch long and an inch strong rules are like bullshit in front of him.

The opponent was played with by him in the applause At this time, Ren Zeguang asked slowly in an angry tone. What are you doing? Principle Light was formerly under the Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport Special Operations Team formerly known as Ren Sulong Before the zombie virus outbreak

He’s a lieutenant in the Rangers. Participated in the war against Iraq. The Rangers are well known under his command. This is his glory and faith But young and successful Rise to Captain It often brings jealousy to those who have a heart. in action His team was betrayed by his superiors

Directly lead to annihilation pay for yourselfThe cost of the right eye. It was his revenge. He killed his boss This incident He was sentenced to 12 years in prison by an army court martial. Are you willing to fight for your country? Pull him out of the cage

Because he had a zombie virus after the outbreak. The skills the country needs most are The only skill he will have From then on, he changed his name to Ren Zeguang Moral Zhenbing Ze Brigade Bright and aboveboard The code name is Lieutenant In memory of Han Han’s comrades-in-arms

At this time, Ma Changgui was facing Ren Zeguang. I think it’s bad. It’s a-class slasher. Ren Zeguang shouted and asked Answer me What are you doing? Ma Changgui can only fool as much as he wants now. He lied about coming to the rescue.

But just now he stabbed Kim Chul-soo with a knife stained with zombie blood. has aroused the vigilance of Ren Zeguang To calm down Can’t show your feet Then he recognized that the man looked suspicious. I suspect he drew the zombies Just at this moment A cough interrupted his performance.

Kim Chul-soo pointed at Ma Changgui with all his strength. The zombies were deliberately brought in by him. In my battle with earthworms He stabbed me At once, Ma Changgui was so angry that he stamped his feet. Ren Zeguang also recognized Kim Chul-soo It’s the kid who can ruin the atmosphere wherever he goes.

Ren Zeguang and his men were also on the scene. Things have been revealed There is naturally nothing to say According to the third paragraph of Article 2 of the Zombie One Ring Act Deliberate transmission of zombie virus Can be killed on the spot Ma Changgui said thank you Help me review

In other words I can also suspect that you attracted the zombies. Ma Changgui is on the verge of attacking people. The next second too knife to carry green light to each other Being bent over and dodged Ma Changgui wants to know between himself and Ren Zeguang

Apart from killing zombies, how big is the gap? Once upon a time, he knew that slasher rank didn’t mean strength. He’s killed a higher rank than he was. He is confident If only to face a person He is never going to lose Just after Ren-ze-guang bowed his head to avoid a sweeping blow

Ma Changgui’s eyes set good opportunity The knife he thought would kill was evaded by a man’s strange posture. He’s breaking down Blade as electricity But there has never been a knife that can meet the talent. Ren Zeguang danced the dance of death in battle The action is so elegant

And every time he gets close, he will give Ma Changgui medicine. Although every knife wound is very shallow But it made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness. The horse routine realized that the other party was teasing himself. But he was so confused Ren Zeguang should not solve the battle quickly

Focus on dealing with the zombies outside the walls? Ma Changgui doesn’t understand I don’t understand why Ren Zeguang is still teasing himself here. This is because Ren Zeguang hasn’t done it himself for a long time. Can you play with bg slash He won’t let the person in front of him die too happily.

Workers on the other side are baffled by the sudden appearance of the weirdo Only because since he appeared Just shout at them Good job. Soldiers. The zombies fell like a Tamino domino at his hand. The top of the story container will also be heard sniper gunfire Harvesting the zombies

Followed by a full body of camouflage grass A man with a 800-kilogram hammer Falling from the sky Sweep the Eight Wilderness with the wind rolling the fallen leaves Hear the movement Ma Changgui knew that Ren Zeguang was not alone in the battle. Also know oneself escape is not to escape

He hates the people in front of him. He’s the one who destroyed everything that was carefully laid out He also knows the gap with the person in front of him. How arrogant before Now how upset and anxious Ren Zeguang doesn’t want to play any more. Spit out the cigar Authentic Ma Changgui

Eyebrow Han Chu’s Mars makes him completely blind Ren Zeguang has also run behind him. The first knife cold light suddenly appears Straight into the arm Make him no longer have the power to carry a knife The second blade is like an autumn frost in his head. It’s over Kim Chul-soo

It’s too strong to look at this electric flint. At this time, Ren Zeguang opened his hands. Like a god Is this the level I can’t cross? Ren Zeguang said leisurely and complacently Don’t be nervous, kid. This is a human trafficking site Men just sleep. Wake up and be traded as goods.

She won’t do it To make a short-sighted All calm at the site of the Golden Sea separation wall But this incident has made a mess here. Corpse Tide and People Change into Earthworms It was blocked by a C- level slash. Quick response of workers Plus a-level slash support Finally successfully defends the crisis

Kim Chul-soo immediately passed out He got the approval of Ren Zeguang A little more time This kid must be a great man At this point a voice came Clean all dangerous treatment Please indicate the formal

Ren Zeguang’s subordinates are assigned to the B- level slasher of the contingent of the Ministry of National Defense. Code-named Binhai Meng Zhegen See him excited Then people are helpless to express Big guy, you get paid to do things Don’t ask others to praise you like a child.

It’s urgent to get this kid to the hospital. Another man found a human face earthworm In his experience This is undoubtedly a class B variant Did this kid really do it? For those who seek Life is Zhang Suli Class B slash Code Full Explosion for this problem Ren Zeguang also wants to know

We’ll have to wait until this kid wakes up. A man behind him carried Kim Chul-soo directly on his shoulder. This man has only killed 521 zombies. But he killed a class B variant. So he was exceptionally promoted to B. Named Song Zuyun Code name grassland

Since then, the Jinhai blockade incident has come to an end. Time flies h country army armed hospital Kim Chul-soo slowly opened his eyes See is both familiar and strange smallpox This is the hospital How many times has he been in for repairs recently? The first time the second time

This is the third time Don’t you have to be lazy to wrap it up all your life? At the same time He actually found out that someone else was Ren Zeguang’s team. Kim Chul-soo wondered what they were doing To say that grade a is grade a Perception is higher than ordinary people

Suddenly found that Kim Chul-soo woke up Ren Zeguang kept rubbing his eyebrows. He pretended not to know Just because he thought he had a creditor. This man is not like Lao Jin to ask for money again, is he Just the next second Ren Zeguang directly pinched his nose Sleeping trough roll away

A dead pervert Then light a face of meng force This kid’s ungrateful. Kim Chul-soo said Everyone who helped him The final purpose is not for money He questioned Ren Zeguang waiting here Isn’t that the reason? Meng Zhegen Dajin Lie Chou How did you know Can you read minds?

The scene was as silent as death. The crowd looked at him together unbelievably. The next second Kim Chol-soo Don’t jump out of the window and run away I don’t care how many floors are here. Screen a turn Everybody calm down. Meng Zhegen was also tied up Ren Zeguang said

You son of a bitch have completely misunderstood Anyway We have successfully protected the sea of gold So I’m not going to ask you for compensation. However, the private sector will pay most of the money to build the blockade. In exchange for the government’s need for business operations. Ren Zeguang’s expression means

After this toss government to present report to legco may use this excuse to close construction sites That means the employer could go bankrupt In the end, you don’t even have a hair. Kim Chul-soo is not concerned about himself He cares about the workers who work here.

It’s the group of people who are desperate to guard their house. People are light one leng He couldn’t understand why Kim Chul-soo was concerned about the house of this group of people Instead of their own slash of honor Just because in his eyes Honor can’t protect you from the wind and rain.

Can’t help you get your family back He cares more about helping those people So that they no longer lose their family Yes, compared to the house. He ‘d rather tell the workers When the zombies come slash will not appear He doesn’t know if it’s stupid. But at least they can fight like hell.

It makes people smile. After that incident He has always believed that the chaos of events has led to the loss of people. I didn’t expect to meet someone with warm blood. He immediately ordered his men to let Song Enjing submit the report before it was stopped.

Then Ren Zeguang threw an olive branch to Kim Chul-soo. Mr. Lieutenant, don’t go too far Who would have thought that Cui Ya would break in with Xia Shangxiu in a dilemma at this moment? It’s a man-woman. Kim Chul-soo was startled by the sound of the door opening

Then there were the various inspections of meters there. He’s really sorry Failure to notify the firm in a timely manner Cui Yayu is also a little impatient. First, let Ren Zeguang pay the 800 billion before he can be taken away. After that, I said that my father was not good either.

Lad still can’t change bad habits Is to tie slasher around Just like Zhang Xiuhao That’s less of my boss’s business meddling Uncle, both sides are full of gunpowder. Ren Zeguang wants to teach this little boy who knows nothing about heaven and earth. Stopped by Song Zuyun He wants to let Ren Zeguang know

You can rent it if you don’t rob Kim Chul-soo. After that, he said to Cui This is mutual benefit The two sides reached an agreement Class c slasher Code name spade Originally named Kim Chul-soo Attack in Huge Debt to Quiet Four-Star Defense Pingding two stars Kim Chul-soo says he’s not a cargo

Not for rent The response was Cui A- jiu. You will return my 1 billion won immediately. Ren Zeguang, do you want me to submit the report immediately You two demons I don’t want to go wrong Things unexpected Next, Zhang Dezhe, it’s time to liquidate

The man had been ambitious to carry out the arrest. The other can use their own relationship Avoiding everything. In the end, there was a death without proof. inside the luxurious gdc building Zhang Dezhe takes Wenxiang Nephrite with forehand Talk Just because he can’t think of any reason why he should fail.

Otherwise, the gate will be opened with force. is his exclusive liaison Boss, it’s bad Zhang Dezhe did not expect Ma Changgui to miss The liaison reported that not only the zombies were all cleared. It also includes human face earthworms. What happened at the scene?

At present, the most important thing is how to solve it. It’s time to use the relationship. Zhang Dezhe’s phone book is full of big shots. Like General Samsung Opposition MPs two-star army chief Members of the ruling party, and so on. He wants everyone to put down what they’re doing.

Gathered at the gate of the building There’s an army coming delay time immediately Just because he feels danger is approaching Screen a turn a camouflage car parked in front of the gdc building It’s Ren Zeguang’s team A moment to see the GDC The well-informed Ren Zeguang also admired in the last days

The level of luxury of the building is how much bad things have been done To be able to complete such a building The moment you enter the building I didn’t expect a large group of people to be waiting here. And all tiger back bear waist

Is this gdc a gym in the real estate market I saw that it was grade a slash who came in person. The crowd became extremely serious. But the honor of loss and victory So that they have to surround the people Meng Zhe with sharp eyes How do you want to do it?

Zhang Suli is also full of cold light You don’t want us to pass The next second I heard the liaison talking. The chairman is busy now No time to see you guys This is private property. What’s the matter with coming over so late Ren Zeguang light back to the road

You led the zombies to the Jinhai blockade so late. So what’s wrong with us coming over so late The liaison looks innocent. What Jinhai blockade What zombies What do you mean Shit, you really can pretend Then the principle light takes out the zombie prevention method to read.

According to Article 10 of the Zombie Prevention Act Deliberate transmission of zombie virus Individuals or groups that directly or indirectly assist in the transmission Conviction of treason under criminal law After listening to a small quack The look becomes more severe accomplice can be sentenced to life imprisonment The scene is dead silent.

I repeat We don’t know what you’re talking about You have no right to break in Thank you for your understanding Ren Zeguang I can’t believe he ignored his warning. Zhang Suli desperately reminded To calm down Now at least produce evidence I saw Meng Zhegen slowly open the bag It’s Ma Changgui inside.

You say you don’t know Is he one of you? A small quack startled The contact member yelled at the crowd to shut up. Even if Ma Changgui participated It doesn’t prove they have anything to do with it. Now, please show me the arrest warrant Otherwise, please leave on your own.

People just bite off their cigars. Cut the crap Brothers on. Meng Zhe and Da Xi He asked not to touch All are his Zhang Suli Why doesn’t Song Zuyun have any doors? Ren Zeguang said whether to sentence We’ll wait until we get the evidence.

But those who obstructed public service forcibly evicted the liaison officer. Shout and stop them. A group of small quacks rushed to the enemy and small quacks with weapons. The only effect is to delay time. Which are the three B- level opponents? Ren Zeguang never even left his hand. The bedding strolled forward.

When the stop man hasn’t met yet be solved immediately. At this time, a class B slasher came out Codename Brown Bear LuoYoung-be just came out Shuai was solved by Ren Zeguang with a punch in three seconds. The gap is too big Contact immediately turned to escape He didn’t expect it to be so

He complained that Ren Zeguang was killed when other slasher were out of work. Complaining about why the elevator door closes so slowly A palm has caught the elevator door A ferocious pupil is revealed in the crack of the door After that, you won’t wait until you get on the elevator. Waiting for me?

The elevator goes straight up to the 36th floor. The contact person repented in the elevator and looked at his younger brother Zhang Dezhe. It’s hard to see you. You ‘ve got something to do. Stand up for big things Have to invite you to the DOD interrogation room for coffee

Zhang Dezhe said to the phone Yes, yes Thank you I will remember your kindness See Zhang Dezhe ignore himself Ren Zeguang snow plus a jilt Hey, gangsters. Did you hear that? What I got was when adults called. Children, please keep quiet. Don’t be ridiculous. Do you know the seriousness of this?

I want to arrest treason joke for treason Ask your boss They decide how to handle the case Ren Zeguang Doubts The phone you just called is your boss to return it. The Jinhai blockade incident convicted Ma Changgui of personal crimes.

He was directed by the president of the Busan Financial Holding Association, Narsan De. However, during the appeal process That Shande disappeared for no reason Things are characterized on this Nai Song Eun-kyung, Special Dispatch Division, Ministry of Defense, has not yet reported The mountain was found hanged this morning.

Ren Zeguang naturally does not believe A person who is delicate and expensive will choose such a way to kill himself. But all the clues are lost in the bud The top is not blocking the mouth of people Ze Guang Raise him to Major People who have no great achievements cannot take effect.

It’s a military rule. This is the work of setting up a milk door. The next day, an extended Lincoln stopped in front of the H-country Army Armed Hospital. I saw a priest dressed as a man slowly open the car door

The person who got off the bus was a-class slasher belonging to the Jehovah Shengjin Association. Code name Father Bai Bai Xian Zombie virus outbreak Times make heroes Some people are superior by strength. Naturally, some people take the top position by bewitching people. This is zero kill zombies

Also rated the reason for grade a slash Bai Baixian led the priests straight to the hospital. Don’t forget to take off the mask on the way This naturally attracted many patients to watch. Someone wants to shake hands Some people want it to treat chronic diseases. But they were all blocked by four priests.

Bai Baixian immediately prayed to God He wants everyone to understand. Miracle Redemption Eternal prosperity is on the scene Don’t expect others to create miracles in everyone’s heart. To unswervingly according to their own heart to live He will only pray for the people in this humble place.

After hearing this, the crowd cheered like chicken blood. Wins and Losers Winning and losing for humans The scariest thing is the unknown The appearance of ghosts is more terrible than traffic accidents. Mental patients are more terrifying than gun criminals. So deaths from zombies are usually frightening. Before the virus outbreak

Bai Baixian is just an ordinary drama actor Rehearsal Day A man covered in blood walked onto the stage Crazy attack on those present In the end, he was the only one alive. He killed everyone He decided to give an answer to the person who was in fear. An answer they had to face

He taught citizens that zombies aren’t scary. They too can be destroyed. Only by his own power Thousands of people have volunteered to bring up weapons Under his leadership The situation slowly stabilized Many people no longer terrible zombies And he also established the Holy Society of Jehovah

Since then, he has been the ceo of the holy festival of the Lord. appear in people’s sight He is also a careerist. He thinks humans have to forget the concept of zombies. God divided the human and non-human species God has mercy on mankind Only by conquering mankind can there be hope

That’s the purpose of the Yay and Huasheng Association. Elevator all the way up Assistant unknown Why did Bai come all the way to meet a cg slasher? Don’t say this person may not be able to trust Even strength does not see what is desirable indeed

Kim Chul-soo doesn’t look like a man of strength and wealth. How can it be compared with the B- level slash in the meeting? Mr. Lyon the King Mr. Horace, the Prosecutor missionary mr kim Even the abbot of the monastery but recently The power gap between slasher is at a golden balance.

Every company is training a lot of slasher Only the effect is not obvious He thinks the big brother he’s meeting today Can break the balance between slasher One night after chopping up 8000 zombies And survived another conflict in the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources.

Killed a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Resources And stand against the government Become a reminder firm Slash has another friction with Zhang Dezhe. The Jinhai blockade incident Having established a close relationship with the Ministry of Defense Tell me the truth Have you ever seen the ability to swim among so many forces?

Is it still as stable as an old dog? In addition to the apostle Zhang Xiuhao Bai Baixian has never seen anyone who can shake the situation like this. He thinks this man may become the next Zhang Xiu queen To win over Kim Chul-soo appear to be very necessary The door opened that moment

Bai Baixian put on the actor’s clothes again. The pompous performance stunned Kim Chul-soo and Mi. He bragged about Kim Chul-soo’s station. A bunch of zombies and a class B mutant It’s a revolutionary achievement. The term savior is meant for you Before becoming a servant of God. To Kim Chul-soo’s contribution to human identity

Expression of great respect and gratitude You’re no longer alone in the fight Because today there is a powerful company Decided to stand side by side with you You understand where this person is coming from. Hurriedly want to stop the sound But was stopped by the side of the priest

Jehovah’s Holy Festival will offer Kim Chol-soo a high-paying administrative position. Kim Chul-soo’s face was overwhelmed From entering the door to now This guy didn’t introduce himself Then pendulum xian also made a self-introduction Jehovah’s Holy Festival ag slasher Code Father Is this to kick me into the club? Now the cult is so rampant

Looking for believers in the hospital in broad daylight Obviously, Kim Chul-soo doesn’t eat flattery. He said this membership is not cold Go away. This is a man who can ruin the atmosphere anywhere. After Bai Baixian’s meditation There was a ring in the back. Refers will recognize Kim Chul-soo’s achievements

To send something to him If this whiteboard is not the last days do sales What a good hand The next second Kim Chul-soo’s eyes froze a big box of money Bai Baixian said I heard he owes Cui Zhang a 800 billion. The event will help him pay his debts.

In the future, you won’t have to be a slave to the reminder office. The holy festival of the Lord will provide a more noble identity. Come on Children are God’s servants. A man’s loan to the Ministry of Defense is 2 billion. But this could be the country’s last act

The Jehovah’s Holy Festival, which opens the way with money, can pay off Kim Chol-soo’s debts. But on condition that you join the Jehovah’s Holy Festival. Children are God’s servants. It’s a rather attractive offer 800 billion is equivalent to a Class A slasher A- level task compensation received

And Bai Baiqian brought cash with him. It shows his sincerity and determination You have a boring place Ask him what he’s thinking spend so much money on a c-class slasher But anyway I am also a member of the urging agency. He must be stopped Immediately interrupted the white people. I’m sorry Mr. White

Even though you’re the CEO of one of the top slasher groups But there are rules You can’t dig a slasher like this with a special contract. Just at this moment Kim Chul-soo raised his hand to stop Mi from going on. There was a clever play in the rice Mr. Spade

You’re a whiteboard field Take out the box immediately. and indicate Although Mr. Spade doesn’t understand the Holy Festival But he’s not an idiot Kim Chul-soo just doesn’t want you to say more Because this joint will not be signed. Whether you’re a savior or a priest

What you want is no different from that man’s country. But 800 billion is not the price of a piece of gum You ‘d make me do anything earn it back for you pendulum string Also want to quibble But Kim Chul-soo knows This is probably just a word game.

Just changed the word from slave to good worker Homeless Change to refugee All the debt can be repaid as a victim or executioner It depends on your value to the world. Because it’s a world of refugees It was also Kim Chul-soo’s elf world liaison who scolded you. It’s an insult to victory

Can be how Bai Bai Xian’s mouth does not say But he knew it was the essence Before leaving He told Kim Chul-soo Today’s offer will always be valid for you When you can’t get along in the rush chapter Can come to him The next second you there mouth smile a hug

Kim Chul-soo expressed confidence in his loyalty Loyalty? Sun Yajiu and Whiteboard are in fact creditors. He just chose a not hypocritical Then you tell Kim Chul-soo there Leased out by the Ministry of Defense said to lease him with a deposit of 2 billion won But Cui Yajiu felt uneasy

Because he suspected the Department of Defense had another purpose. But he also knew that he couldn’t keep Kim Chul-soo’s debt forever. agreed to the contract This is a big deal You dare not delay there When you see the task content Ha suddenly froze Operation code name Salamander Local dignitaries know

The first task of the interim government is to maintain the status quo. When the variable appears Our task is to remove the amount of electricity appeared at the Ulgin Nuclear Power Plant The nuclear power plant is still operating normally. Although the zombie virus is very risky But still lucky to survive

Only reported by the reconnaissance team. Nuclear power plants showing signs of decay The most dangerous is the Weizheng nuclear power plant park Due to aging of cooling water system Cause the core temperature to rise slowly Salamander It’s a principle of action intended to stabilize the Ulgin nuclear power plant.

Just asking how many people and equipment we need 20 ex-nuclear power plant engineers needed 100 workers take part in repair work In addition, a considerable amount of heavy high-tech equipment is required. In this case Air transport is difficult to implement The current plan is to walk the road

In other words, to reach the nuclear power plant in a motorcade. However, the convoy will make a lot of noise And it takes a long time to reach the destination Loud noise will attract a lot of lions That’s the purpose of this meeting However, only Ren Zeguang’s team is obviously not enough.

Song Zuyun’s body flash Put down a list in front of each chief This is a list of slash people involved in the operation Screen a turn Kim Chul-soo looked surprised Where did he ever see such a big scene after the end of the world? large equipment Soldiers with neatly arranged vehicles

Ren Zeguang asked him if he had never seen such a big show. This operation with the retaking of the spirit son The Golden Sea Defense War is not a level at all. In the meantime, this operation is not a defense But attack. and perhaps the last act of this country The last act.

Kim Chol-soo unknown So Ren Zeguang said he would pay attention to it. He Hope everything goes smoothly. Code name Salamander Departure Men are put in the cannon fodder camp You can get a-level slash approval on your own. It is also to convince teammates in the same car. Bulldozer in front to clear obstacles

All vehicles immediately behind The motorcade was moving slowly though But still orderly forward Kim Chul-soo sitting in a car No one here is in uniform Obviously, it’s all slash from the people. Some of them were in the information that Mi gave him. He has seen Beijing slash company has intelligence collection channels.

It does not cover all personnel. But it is the original customer who decides to use the company or outside the company. Reference of slash After reading carefully You will find that everyone’s ability is insufficient In other words You can find some teammates who can make up for your shortcomings. Make a solid squad

Kim Chul-soo drew inferences from one another We also need to find out the strengths of enemies like beasts. Apparently he put himself in a very low position. Mi felt that his way of thinking had made a great progress. Hua’s Kim Chul-soo has an embarrassed face.

It’s just why the guest didn’t leave any comments on him in the information. Change to Class C slasher on Friday The main weapon is a homemade air gun Compression bolts and nuts can be fired Cai Tianhu c-class slasher The main weapon is a custom long pole and a backpack

The backpack can be unfolded to become a team And Gorosi. Kim Chia-soo and seven others It is estimated that this car is all swept by C- class eyes. The child belongs to the Jia family. while enterprise B- level slasher Kill 12041 zombies and two class B variants An Shanlan

Kim Chul-soo clearly remembers his youngest B- grade slash in history. An Shanlan also found someone staring at him. Kim Chul-soo immediately turned his head and pretended to be nothing. An Sun-lan knew that Kim Chul-soo kept observing the people in the car along the way. Let him not care too much

Only within three hours after leaving the government. There will be half a dog in the car. Hopefully Kim Chul-soo won’t be among them And half of them will take the dog tomorrow. Kim Chul-soo does not know its meaning Looks like you’re still a rookie

I haven’t seen the formation matrix of the team yet. At the head of the queue are large, modified trucks They push away the obstacles on the highway Vehicles carrying heavy equipment and engineers are maintained in the middle Protecting them is slash from the Department of Defense. and soldiers in Humvees

And in the outermost tree There are trucks with folk slash to protect those Humvees. Do you understand now We are like a great wall of flesh and blood Kim Chul-soo drers angrily So what? He asked An Shanlan If after three hours More than half of the people in the car survived.

The topic digress An Shanlan just wanted to express It’s a desperate task Kim Chul-soo also said Everyone tries to make money out of the task Is it appropriate for you to shake the morale of the army here? Kim Chul-soo is going to bet this scared kitten

The two men carried their respective weapons on the bar. The dull atmosphere was also broken by the two men’s saber-rattling Suddenly the motorcade stopped A soldier came running and shouting Another wave of corpses in the motorcade They’re closing in on us at high speed The left has gone into battle

Just as the soldiers prepare the crowd A dark shadow flashed The soldier fell. An Shanlan said This is the first person to die And all you care about is the digital bulldozer The abandoned vehicles scattered on the highway must be pushed away. So inevitably the noise The convoy cannot stay where it is.

Let slash fight The living protect themselves as they move forward. 1km 10km team every step to pay the price of blood An Shan Lan and Kim Chul-soo seem to have killed a lot in Pippi. A god of war Sparta upper body a virtual Bai Yihu Attachment Make people light

I don’t think these people are useless. The spade was more than he expected Although to pay a heavy price But the goal remains the same Ulgin Nuclear Power Plant Brings This Country to Origin Friday on the other side. Phantom kill crazy Bolts and nuts press into the special barrel like labels.

But that’s the crazy output. The barrel is stuck Life hanging by a thread Kim Chul-soo, who was rushed here, saved an old life. Without my permission No one can die All he wants is to correct the child’s mind. Thank you for changing on Friday. If he hadn’t dared to come

I have already brought my dog. Time has passed three and a half hours Everyone’s tired and gasping like a cow But there was no one less in the car. Kim Chul-soo ran to show off in front of An Sun-lan An Shan Lan pouted If you weren’t meddling They’re usually dead.

But there’s a rule in their agreement. Don’t you want to save people? An Shanlan Silence He knows he’s lost He wants to know what the punishment is. You’re big Don’t want to hit minors In the ghetto, we call it smashing watermelons. Don’t move. Or I’ll blow your head off. It hurts.

Four hours into the operation They are a group of slasher who have never worked together. This is the zombie virus epidemic period On behalf of the top combat power from the people One is this group of people with top fighting power. Recognize White People’s First Use of Master Skill

Just kill the zombies in one shot Frightened teammates dumbfounded Ulgin nuclear power plant complex after the collapse of the beautiful country It became one of the largest nuclear power plants. Once the talent gathering place But now nuclear power plants have become a dangerous time bomb. A place full of crisis

At this time everyone gathered together This is the last combat meeting before entering The Volgin Nuclear Power Plant is a combination of several units. However, the situation in the station cannot be determined at present. The purpose of the meeting is to assign target sites for each team to sweep.

The leaders of the mopping-up team were four slash with walkie-talkies. Eight military slash and four defense ministry soldiers As a task for each team to configure 5~6 people Clear all hazards within the specified site The personnel assigned by Kim Chul-soo were the same team as before.

This made them burn incense and worship Buddha Just because they all know Escort in Mission Their squad has the lowest casualty rate. An Shanlan was also assigned as captain. It’s just a paper boat where he was smashed with a watermelon After watching everyone come up, they will touch their heads and kill them.

Dare to make fun of me I promise you will sell salted duck eggs I didn’t see a zombie outside the station. Should have left the park The teams reached their targets smoothly. Occupy the command position in the control room of Wai Ren Ze CD-ROM drive

True Nuclear Power Plant Park Reconstruction Mission Code Salamander Action begins Each team broke in. According to information At most a dozen lost in the station All of them were on duty before Although the number is very small But finding him on such a large site is also a big problem. Helmet Puzzle Split

To find a strong enemy, you need to hold a fist. Dark I Ming separation is looking for death Helmet men believe that acting alone is conducive to rapid attack and retreat. This has a greater survival rate. Hwan said on Friday There is nothing wrong with helmets.

Just because the group still needs to consider physical problems The longer the time Your energy and concentration will decrease. The more likely it is to be attacked. How can we complete the task safely and without damage? Kim Chul-soo took out the architectural drawing

Let Zhou Wuhan find the most central part of the station Spacious and well-connected place This is undoubtedly the central hall located in the station. Central Hall From the site to the outside office and auxiliary facilities All connected together Kim Chul-soo’s idea is to sing loudly here.

As long as the sound is loud enough It will cause reverberations in the nuclear power plant. And they just have to wait and see. At this time, zombies wander aimlessly Suddenly came the voice of the voice At the same time looking in the direction of the sound Just a short time ago

Today Chul-soo raised this matter Everyone was surprised. What is this brain? But according to his analysis Zombies are particularly sensitive to sound light. We have to stay in formation while To reduce physical exertion No choice Can only take the initiative to lure them out That’s why we’re coming to Central Hall.

The method is to learn the picture from whoring up there. A zombie figure appears in almost every exit Some even pounce directly from the top. Did Oli say there are only a dozen Kim Chul-soo shouted loudly Don’t blink Don’t turn around Everyone in a circle Kill the zombies who rushed

Trust your teammates and give them their backs. Information is wrong There are too many zombies. Someone has been haunted by zombies Hwan was also empty on Friday Multi-plug time too short No way to reload Just at this moment Kim Chul-soo, located in the middle, is once again possessed by a woman in white.

In front of him is the scene Lao Ding taught him for the first time. This is the feeling Friday to change the hurry Captain, we’re surrounded This is a beautiful story of fishing rod and zombies The rope rotates like a propeller Kim Chul-soo’s eyes are cold

The word “snap” came out of his mouth slowly. The next second a red mans enveloped the whole audience All zombies are like the pause button is pressed. Then in the eyes of all have broken tail Two or five days, Huan only thinks this guy is really a human being.

末日降臨殭屍襲城,唯有殺戮方能存活! 男子滅殺周圍十里殭屍卻被奸人所害,加入殲滅者開啟絕妙人生!
讓你一次看過癮! ! !
末日降臨殭屍襲城,唯有殺戮方能存活! 男子滅殺周圍十里殭屍卻被奸人所害,加入殲滅者開啟絕妙人生! 【噗噗連連看】


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