Actress 女優



It’s been cool again again how many times [Applause] That Hina come Here um I didn’t like this kind of moment mainly for The Spectator it’s not good to to see a b player just like fighting on coure we we we have to to fight for for the game but not against each other this is something that um I

Don’t like it I mean it feels good that you know the competition is always high and the Rivalry should be there and must be there because that’s how the sport you know grows but I think uh I think today it was a bit more

Rry in the court but yeah I mean um I I just thought um You Mara’s at walking pace he literally he’s walking Crow don’t like it at All you have to give your best effort I didn’t I didn’t like it uh like I understood it cuz I will admit that it was definitely boring to watch some of those R but I get where the where the crowd comes from like they come to be entertained as well and it’s not

Entertaining watching people just getting feels in gen I say obviously I don’t like it when the players are actually trying the best which I think they will I mean there’s no one crowd that knows how tough it is what they are going through at the moment it is very

Disrespectful um so I I don’t like it’s not like right


  1. 奈良岡のやつバドしたことある人はわかると思うけど歩きながらクリア打ち続けんの中々きついのよ笑

  2. 熊本はマスターズですね!

  3. でもマリンはやっぱ見てて面白いんだよな、最近のツアーファイナルとか会場がチェンユーフェイ応援してる中点取るたびに声出して勝ちに執着してる感じがかっこいい、怪我乗り越えてるのもあるし

  4. 歩きながらなるべく体力温存で高く長いクリアで相手のミスを誘うやり方、十分勝つための戦略でしょうに。リンダンとチョンウェイもよくやってた気がする。お互いのエースショットで決まらない場合はよくある光景では。観客は殴り合いでも観に来てんか。何が全力でプレーしなさいやねん!格闘技のレフェリーだった人なのかな。

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