Announcer 女子アナ美人



Feels kinda heavy, you know? Feels kinda heavy. Oh, I recognize that arch over there. It’s weird being tourists checking out a tragedy. Wow, man. How cool. I don’t think we’ve come across a larger Torii than the one here in Miyajima. Look at this. Look at this inside. Hiroshima, Japan Good morning, people.

It’s ten in morning and we’re in a brand new city today. Ori’s dad, Johannes, and his wife, Pao, have come all the way from Colombia to Japan. We’ve been on the move across Japan, and with only a few days left, Ori’s dad is keen to make a stop at Hiroshima.

Ori’s dad is really keen on visiting the Atomic Bomb Dome here in Hiroshima. He’s really into history, always reflecting on how we got to where we are today. Hiroshima. We’re here. Why did you want to come to Hiroshima, Gross? Well,

I want to check out the Atomic Bomb Memorial Park and get to know its history. I wasn’t around during that time, but I’m aware of what went down here. That was the end of the conflict, the close of World War II

When the US dropped the atomic bomb on the 6th of August in 1945. It’s a place worth visiting, and worth delving into its history. What grabs my attention is the fact that it marked the end of the conflict. Right? That’s when the war came to an end.

But for us Colombians, as well as for Palestinians and Israelis, conflicts seem to never end. Colombia has been dealing with conflicts for 60 years, and it feels like it’s never-ending. True. They never end. Here, there was an end, but nowadays conflicts seem never-ending. That grabs my attention.

That building was designed by a Czech Slovak in 1915. This building that survived the bomb is over 100 years old. It’s built with steel and bricks. That’s how the building ended up. Think about how the people were if the building looks like that. Can you picture that?

It’s weird being tourists checking out a tragedy. Yeah. It gets to me. It’s a weight on my mind. Yeah. Knowing what went down here really hits me. You guys knew what went down here, but how does it feel actually being here now? It really hits me.

Several places here in Japan have that effect on me. Knowing what went down here brings this emptiness, takes me back somehow, and just leaves me speechless. Yeah. It really hits me. I don’t want any photos; I just want to be fully present here, in the moment. Yeah.

It’s a strange feeling, looking at this building that managed to survive. The atomic bomb went off 600 meters above this building, and it all just blew apart. This is… Feels kinda heavy, you know? It feels kinda heavy for me, having read about what went down here. Feels kinda heavy, you know?

You can sense the magnitude of what happened here and the consequences it brought to the world. It’s a mix of feelings, and of course, there’s sadness. Yeah. You come to see how far humans can go; they’ve got no limitations.

One thing is to go against someone, but here, the civilians were the most affected. That’s the moment you wonder, where the heck are we heading as humans? What do you guys think about keeping this place preserved and people coming here to learn about what happened? I believe it’s important.

It’s crucial because people need to grasp what happened here, understand the emotions people went through, and see how far humans can push things. People can learn from this. In Colombia, the equivalent would be the museum dedicated to the memory of those who disappeared, were killed, or massacred.

Here, it was one blast, and it wiped out everything in *Hiroshima. In Colombia, it’s been 60 years of death here and there. Groups of 1,000, 200, 400, 600, over the span of 60 years in Colombia. It’s a never-ending conflict. Here, there was an end, reconstruction, and a whole new society emerged.

Colombia is caught in a never-ending cycle of conflicts, with death occurring every week, every day across the entire national territory. What’s worse? – Worse than an atomic bomb. – You start wondering what’s worse. I was born in 1964, and in my 59 years of living, all I’ve heard about are tragedies in Colombia.

So, I really can’t say if the magnitude of this disaster is worse than the ongoing conflict in our dear Colombia. They say the blast, when it exploded here, it generated 4,000 degrees Celcius. 4,000 degrees when the bomb came from above here. So the people that were here, literally, they were burned like that.

They were burned. Wow! Look! Oh, I recognize that arch over there. That’s where every year on August 6th, the G7 group gets together. The big seven industrialized nations meet up there every year, by that arch and torch. They come here to commemorate the disaster. I know this place.

Look! We’ve made it to that place. Wow. All these pictures and monuments can be quite a lot to take in, you know? Unbelievable. This really makes you reflect on what peace truly means. Especially for us navigating a world of conflicts nowadays, it hits differently. Never-ending conflicts.

Ongoing conflicts with no clear resolution or end in sight. There’s no way you can visit Hiroshima without coming to this place. We’re now heading to Miyajima Island. We’re going to take you guys to Miyajima Island. We’re hopping on a ferry, but it’s just a quick 10-minute ride.

You guys will see one of the most beautiful shrines I’ve come across in Japan. It’s very beautiful. A shrine. This way? This way. Underground. Let’s go! Miyajima. Is this new? It’s pretty modern now. Definitely different from the last time I was here. There’s a terminal there. Look. There’s a tramway!

The tramway comes here from the city center. Wow. This has changed a lot. This looks pretty new. Yeah, it does. Look at the tramway there. How cool. You can definitely see money invested here. Oh, look at the Torii over there! Wow, man. How cool. You’re getting ahead of yourself.

Just taking a quick look over there. Just taking a quick look over there. Wow! Spectacular! It’s like a catamaran, but bigger, right? You guys need help? We’re fine. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Here you go. Thank you. Thank you. 2:15 p.m. Visitor. Here we go. We’re going by ferry.

There must be a stamp here. I’m used to the metro where you gotta slide the ticket in and grab it on the other side, but here, it’s just a QR code. How funny. Look at that. Hiroshima is a port city, isn’t it? Yes. Look at those mountains. Oh, we’re going to that Torii.

That’s the Torii. I’ve seen a photo of them. Look at it. How about a swim? I know you enjoy it. Does this ferry take cars as well? Yes, it can fit up to 10 cars. Cars and bikes can get on board. Is the island up ahead Miyajima? Miyajima. Miyajima. How beautiful.

People actually live on that island, huh? Yeah, not many, but there should be some folks living there. Wow. How cool. Hiroshima. Look. When the tide’s low, you can just stand under the torii gate. When it’s super low, but now the tide’s on the rise.

People are still there, but the water level is going to reach the shrine. That’s why the shrine is built on some sort of pillars. Where those people are standing, it’s gonna be underwater soon. Ah, that’ll be all underwater. How cool. Incredible. Incredible. Welcome to Miyajima! Miyajima! Here we are! Spectacular.

This is absolutely stunning! I’m loving it here. Lots of people. Loads of tourists, and it’s just a regular weekday. Imagine what it’s like on the weekend! Hey buddy! Look at him go. We visited six years ago, but there weren’t this many people around back then. There are loads of tourists now. Loads!

Not only foreigners. And many more shops too. That’s right. Don’t eat this. It’s not good for you. The size of this Torii gate is massive! I don’t think we’ve come across a larger Torii than the one here in Miyajima. It’s massive! And we’re about 100 meters away from it.

Just imagine being right next to it. It’s gotta be impressive up close. ¥5 million per day. Just from the ferry operation. This is a money-maker thing, this bay here. ¥5 million a day. With an average of 10,000 people a day, more or less. A rough figure of 10,000 people.

¥5 million a day, man. He’s like the people from Kansai, constantly calculating stuff. Yeah, man. You’ve got to try this. This is a Japanese soda. It’s called “Ramune”. “Ramu?” “Ramune”. “Ramune”. “Ramune”. Why’s the glass shaped like that? No idea. Open it. So you guys can try it.

You can grab it as a handle. No! That’s why the shape of this time. I’m trying to figure out the shape of this. It looks like a baby bottle. You put it like this and then you push it. You gotta give this ball a little push right here.

Alright, and this is a perforator. Push right here in the middle. There. Push the ball. Okay. No. Stronger. No. Kaito’s strong. Go again, Gross. Push it. Cheers. Look at this. Look at this inside. What is this? Cheers. Beer and soda. How is it? Wow. Delicious. It’s sweet. Try it.

Is this a soda from here? It’s a Japanese soda. Cheers. It’s good. It’s good. This is the final video with Gross and Pao since they’re taking off this week. We’ve had a great time, and we hope you enjoyed this trip with us. Would you want to revisit Japan sometime? Absolutely.

– I want to come back. – Spectacular country. Beautiful country. We’ll be here waiting for you guys. I’d love to return; it was such a unique experience. We’re speechless. We’ll be here waiting for you guys. This wasn’t supposed to be sad. We’ll miss you guys. I can’t hold the tears back.

We’re going to miss you all. Until next time. We’ll keep hitting the road with our bikes, and we’ll be here, ready for you guys. We’ll be following along on your channel. We’ll stay connected. God bless you guys. Well guys, as usual, if you liked this video, give it a big thumbs up

And also subscribe down below to our channel. See you for more adventures. See you. Bye. Bye. Let’s not get too ahead of things. No, no, no.




【X 旧Twitterにリアルタイムの日常を載せてます】


#初来日 #海外の反応 #広島


  1. いつもご視聴、応援ありがとうございます!

  2. 広島県民です。広島に来てくれて、配信してくれてありがとうございます。

  3. オリパパとママの言葉が心に響いて涙が出ました。

    Ori Papa and Mama's words touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes.
    My parents are elderly and experienced the end of the war. I have seen a lot of death.
    In Colombia, people are still dying. I can't imagine how painful it is to see people keep dying right in front of your eyes.
    But I don't want there to be a second Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Never.
    I believe that in the end, it comes down to education. Education that brings up people who want world peace on the same level. I think we need to have the national power and financial strength to do so. And the most important thing is the heart. A-bomb museum is a message from people who experienced war and overcame a lot of sorrow, risking their lives. It is a way to educate people to think and develop their minds not to repeat the war, and to keep the sadness and compassion from fading away to eliminate wars entirely on the earth.

  4. 初めて見た時、旦那さんも含めて外国人の家族だと思って見ていた。で、日本語ペラペラの旦那さん、しかもちょっと入りこんだ日本語も話すし、その内にアレ?って思って、もしかして日本人?って思って、この女性の旦那さんだという事がその内にわかった。

  5. 外国人が多く、本当にかなり増えて、広島、長崎を訪れているね。

  6. 当時の出来事を今の価値観で評価するのは避けたい。

  7. 広島の今のZ世代は平和学習とか散々やらされてるからなのか知らないけど抑止力として核持った方が良くねって意見の方が多い。

  8. 広島、長崎に原爆が落とされ、そして日本とアメリカの熾烈な戦いが終わり、第二次世界大戦が終結しました。この前、イタリアに旅行に行った時にイタリア在住の80代くらいのアメリカ人に言われたのが、もしアメリカがイタリアに原爆を落としていたら、今になってもアメリカ人はイタリアを歩けないとおっしゃりました。日本人の相手を許す勇気について感銘を受けておられました。オリパパの話しは、本当に感慨深いものです。一度でも会って話がしたいくらいのファンがいるよ。とお伝えくだされば嬉しいです😊

  9. 戦争について考え方は違うと思う。




  10. 観光で広島を選んでくださり、感謝なのですが原爆資料館もぜひ見て欲しかったです。原爆で亡くなった方だったり戦争が終わった後の復興、そして原爆による後遺症など、戦争は終わりましたが被害にあった方たちは、亡くなるまで辛い思いをしていた事を。そして、戦争の重さを比べるのではなく、どちらも事実であり繰り返してはいけないこと、やめないといけない事だと理解していくことだと思いました。

  11. お父さん詳しいですね!広島市に行ったことありますが、そんな風に考えてなかった気がします(観光気分)でした

  12. 日本が原爆落とされたのは2回です、
    広島と長崎。 落とすのに都合良かったからです。 アインシュタインがユダヤ人で発明した原爆はドイツに恨みがあるからその為に作られたと聞いてます。でも、アメリカがアインシュタインが亡くなってから勝手に日本に使ったと聞きます。そしてアメリカは日本にそれ程追い込まれてました。余裕が無かったんです、負けると判断したから落とされた。日本の負けを認めさせる為に。でも日本は1回でも怯まなかった。だから2回目落としたんです、これでようやく日本は参りましたと降参しました。

  13. 広島は死の象徴ではなく、再生を象徴していって欲しいと強く願います。

  14. そりゃ〜わからんは、当然かな?教科書で習ってない。アメリカは、『原爆投下は正しい!』と言うからね。でも、日本人から言わせると、『これ以上の被害と今でも原爆の影響を受けて苦しんでる人がいるのよ』は知って欲しいです。原爆ドームは、ほんの一部よ。

  15. 原爆が落とされた。

  16. こんにちは、それは、コロンビアは、麻薬を国で精製しているからでしょうと思います、麻薬は、日本にとってご法度で犯罪だからです、国のトップが麻薬をやらない国に転換しなければ、その争いは、収まりません。確かに日本は、馬鹿な事を軍が暴走してしましたが、日本は、最期の最期迄戦争回避の為の努力は、続けました、でも最期は、エネルギーを求める為の戦争をしてしまったとは、言え核兵器を使う事は、ルール違反です、そんな事をこれからしようとすれば地球🌏は、破滅すると思います、アメリカは、馬鹿なロシアと核兵器レースをする為にビキニ環礁まで実験台にして犠牲にしてそして第5福竜丸までをも巻き込んだ事は、決して私達日本は、忘れません、そして広島、長崎もです、広島も長崎もビキニも貴方達の実験台では、ないのです、核兵器の為に多くの人達が苦しんで亡くなったのです、それをアメリカは、理解するべきです、ですから私達は、核兵器を作った人達も落とした人達も絶対に認めません、確かに戦争も絶対に駄目です、ですが核兵器は、もっと確実に駄目です、地球🌏が破滅する事を知るべきです

  17. 日本人がやってきた報いと言われたらそれまでだけど、だからって原爆がまだ存在して良い理由にはならない。 こんだけの被害があったにも関わらずまだそれを手にしているくにがあるなんて

  18. 原爆資料館には行かなかったのですね。

  19. コメント欄にもっと広島の原発に知ってほしかった、重く受け止めてほしかったっていう意見もあるけど、遠いコロンビアから来てくれるだけでも大変な事だし、感謝します。それを言うならわたしたちが、どれほどコロンビアの事を知ってるか?も自問しないといけないと思います。腕時計をしていたら時計ごと腕を切られ、朝起きて散歩しようとしたら刃物を持った男に尾行され、友達と家でラインしていたら、強盗がすぐ向かいの小売店の窓を割って物を盗み、麻薬密売組織が国の中枢深くまで根を張っている。友達や知り合いの実体験と社会情勢を書きましたが、オリさんのお父さんは純粋に自国の状況を憂いてるだけだと思うし、コロンビア含め中南米の国が治安の良い、市民にとって安全な町になって欲しい。

  20. 原爆投下以前に戦争が終結していたとしても、日本は新たに戦争を始めて第三次世界大戦とかやってた可能性もある気がするし、第二次世界大戦の終結という意味では原爆投下は間違ってるかもしれないが、日本が参戦する戦争という意味では原爆投下によって終結したと考えても間違いじゃないのかななんて。

  21. 4000℃の爆風もそうですが、体内と外で気圧の変化が起きた事も最悪でした。人間の体内が外に……考えるだけで恐ろしい

  22. 戦争って政治家や軍人の都合で引き起こすものでその犠牲になるのは民間人の弱者です。去年のG7サミットが広島で行われたのは良いことだと思いますが原爆ドームや平和公園、原爆記念館を見学して彼らに犠牲者の声は届いたのでしょうか?ただ、広島を訪れる外国人が増えたのはよいことだと思います。コロンビアの歴史はよく知りませんが内戦はいまでも続いていると聞きます。広島に残って展示されている資料よりアメリカ軍の倉庫に眠っている資料って公開されないと思いますが凄惨なものも多いでしょうね。

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