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Dilireba invited fans to eat chocolate. In fact, chestnuts turned into chocolates. Fans are all fans of steel. Dilireba joined the group “Qingqi Qingyang”. After arriving at the airport, she received signed support banners from fans and returned them to Fans gave chestnuts as gifts.

Who wouldn’t be envious! Dilireba is such a doting fan! Idols treat fans like friends and share snacks, so cute! Happy fans again ! There is also a new drama “Qingqi Qingyang” which is about to start filming! She always smiles when she sees her fans!

Di Lieba walked over and saw a big bag of letters and turned back to collect them. Knowing this It was full of love from fans! She hugged her tightly and

Was about to get in the car. When she thought of the chestnuts in her hands, she immediately thought of sharing them with her fans.

He took it from his left hand to his right hand and stuffed it to the fans! The fans were so excited that they only thought about sending flowers but did not receive the chestnuts! Finally, they stuffed

The chestnuts into the hands of the security guard and fell to the ground and were crushed! In the end, Reba also accepted the flowers from the fans! Like the fans. They are like friends!

It is said that every time fans pick up the airport in an orderly and neat manner, they will be “rewarded” by Sister Ba! When I opened the door when I came to Hunan, I saw fans

Lining up neatly at the door without pushing forward, and she even joined in. We went up to take a group photo! Baba and Ba Fen are both great! Ba Fen is a woman of steel. Even if Dilireba came, he couldn’t pry his hands away! Dilireba woke up in the morning and said,

I still don’t understand, why? I remembered again that Reba greeted the fans in the stands on the day of the Star Awards.

She stayed very late that day and was very busy. When the fans shouted, she still responded enthusiastically and asked them to go home early. Reba and Alice went to the real show in both directions. Okay! Reba and Alice go both ways! 88, a kind-hearted person, is so good to fans!

Alice can even eat chestnuts fed by Reba himself! From the past to the present, 88 has always been very kind to fans. Very good people, sincerity is always a must-win! From being unknown to now, Dilireba has always been sincere! I really dote on my fans and always do more than I say! It

Really amused me. Reba wanted to give the fans chestnuts, but the lovely Asils thought of giving Reba flowers, and Baba was so happy. I’ve stuffed chestnuts into your hands! Reba smiled until her eyes narrowed. Every time she saw fans, she smiled. She really loved Alice!

Every time she saw fans, she smiled. It was really nice. Dote on Alice! Every time Reba sees her fans, she smiles from the bottom of her heart, just like a child. Baby Reba is really super cute! Chestnuts turn into chocolate, this is how the rumors started! Another two-way trip!

How come the chocolate is lemon-flavored! I can already feel the sour taste through the screen! Dilireba, who is particularly good at supporting, Alice, you eat too well! Looking forward to the new drama “Owls from Qingyang”! Looking forward to Nie Jiuluo! These are some two-way exchanges between Reba and fans!

Reba is sincere to fans, taking small toys and trinkets given by fans with him, turning over cards and cherishing them, and sending letters sent by fans Open the letter and read it.

This year’s 80 million fan welfare is a reply letter to all fans. She often invites fans who are waiting for her outside events to drink milk tea and tells her to go home early.

Alice and Reba are friends who are familiar to each other or friends who have never met but still care about them. Reba and Alice are one of the most beloved people in our hearts.

We will always be with them. Together! Is there anyone who doesn’t know the official announcement of Di Lieba and Nie Jiuluo on the 19th! A brand new character experience, I’m really looking forward to it!

迪丽热巴 , Di Lieba , Địch Lệ Nhiệt Ba , #迪丽热巴 , #Di Lieba , #Địch Lệ Nhiệt Ba ,

2013年,迪丽热巴因主演个人首部电视剧《阿娜尔罕》而出道。2014年,主演奇幻剧《逆光之恋》。2015年,凭借爱情剧《克拉恋人》赢得高人气,并获得国剧盛典最受欢迎新人女演员奖 。2016年,主演现代剧《麻辣变形计》 ;同年,主演都市爱情励志喜剧《漂亮的李慧珍》,还凭借喜剧片《傲娇与偏见》获得中英电影节最佳新人奖 。2017年,凭借玄幻剧《三生三世十里桃花》获得白玉兰奖最佳女配角提名 。
2018年,迪丽热巴成为了金鹰电视艺术节的第七位“金鹰女神” ,并获得了第29届中国电视金鹰奖观众喜爱的女演员、第12届中国金鹰电视艺术节最具人气女演员两项殊荣 。2020年,主演的玄幻剧《三生三世枕上书》播出。2021年3月,主演古装传奇剧《长歌行》 。2022年,主演的古装玄幻剧《与君初相识》 、《恰似故人归》相继播出 。2023年5月,主演的《公诉》播出 ;7月,主演的古装传奇爱情剧《安乐传》播出

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⏭ 迪丽热巴 || Dilireba:
⏭名人传记 – TSNNT:
⏭著名演员 – DVNN:
⏭消息 – NEWS:
⏭赵丽颖 | Zhao Liying:
⏭龚俊 | Gong Jun:



1 Comment

  1. 熱巴永遠是那麼貼心的女孩熱巴本質就是個善良的人💯💯💯💯💯💯👍👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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