Announcer 女子アナ美人



Good evening everyone, I’m Arai from Bar Nekomataya. Thank you for always watching the program. Today I would like to talk about Japanese craft gin. I think everyone knows that craft gin has become popular in recent years , and that’s no surprise.

In the UK, the gin market has exceeded the whiskey market in terms of value since 2018 . According to statistics in 2019, the UK whiskey market size is about 2.8 billion dollars, while the gin market size is 3.6 billion dollars, and gin has completely replaced whiskey

. Partly due to this background, the movement to make gin domestically has been increasing recently , but there is a big hole here. There are many domestically produced gins that make you wonder, “What about this?” Japan’s shochu sales base is declining, so if you have a distiller,

It’s not a bad idea to switch to gin, which is trending . In fact, I think it’s a good idea from a commercial standpoint. However, I think he probably doesn’t understand Jin very well . That’s what I think. There are times when the taste is dull or lacking in character

, but I wonder if that’s because I don’t have enough experience making gin. There are some things that make me think like that. Besides, I have my own preferences, so maybe it just doesn’t suit my tastes? I feel like that

Though. There are also products that are just shochu with added flavorings, right? Then , when you drink it, you can’t help but wonder, “What is this about?” If you don’t know the balance of flavor in gin , just let me know and I’ll help you. So, I feel like

The current Japanese gin market is a mix of delicious gin and gin that makes you wonder, “What’s this about?” I think that ‘s one way to enjoy it, just like pulling the joker in a poker game, but I also

Think there are many people who want to avoid failure as much as possible. So this time, I would like to introduce craft gin that I think is beautiful, without being presumptuous . By the way, isn’t it? Sorry, this is getting a little long

. I also create my own power, so I understand how the creator feels. That’s why I don’t want to say anything too weird. There are people’s preferences, and the fact that a product exists means that there is a demand for it.

However, I feel like it’s a bit of a lie to praise all the products , and I don’t want the people who watch my channel to fail. If there are products that I won’t introduce within this balance, please let me know. This time I would like to introduce three types of crafts.

First up is Nozawa Gin from Nozawa Onsen Distillery.It’s a craft gin made in Nozawa Onsen, Nagano Prefecture.This time it’s Nozawa Gin, which is a signature bottle.The concept is “like walking in the forest,” so we chose botanical. They use things like black moji, cedar, and kakidooshi

. Kuromoji and cedar are often used in other gins , but Kakidooshi is interesting, isn’t it? Do you all know Kakidooshi? It often produces purple flowers in early spring, and is actually an herb, or rather a wildflower. It has quite a mint-like texture.

Let’s have a drink. I’ll enjoy having this. Juniper Perry is very strong. And after drinking it, I thought it was cedar? It has a woody scent. But at the end there is a refreshing scent, this is lemon. I can also feel the strong lemon flavor. There are other botanicals

In there as well, but I feel like these three pillars are at the forefront. Let’s try it with a gin and tonic.This is also a type of gin that is a little cloudy. I wonder if the extract content is high? Nekomataya’s gin and tonic contains both carbonated and tonic water.

For more information, please take a look at the video I introduced about gin and tonic in the past . And if I add lime, the lime flavor will be too strong, so today I’m going to add gin and make a gin and tonic with a hybrid of tonic water and carbonated water.Now

Then, let’s have it [Music] Saroo. it’s good. This is delicious and has a lemon flavor from the beginning, so you might not need to add lime or anything . Yeah. This is great for those who don’t want to add lime or something. This is my

First time drinking a gin and tonic. delicious. Yeah. It smells very much like gin, but also has a botanical scent. Yes, it’s delicious, and the lemon is really effective. The sweetness of tonic water and this lemon add a fruity feel. Yes, it’s delicious. I recommend the gin and tonic. Next,

I would like to introduce Geekstill’s Amritazine, which is made in Koshu, Yamanashi Prefecture. Geek Still uses Junmaishu made from Yamada Nishiki as the base spirit, which is interesting. We always create limited edition products

, but this time we would like to introduce you to Amritazine, which was released for a limited time in 2020 . There’s a number written on the bottom left, but this is probably a botanical number. 1 is juniper berry, 3 is grape flower, and 27 is like mint.This is

Written as 1-7-119, but it seems that in addition to juniver berry, osmanthus and black acacia are used. is. Everyone knows Osmanthus , so I’ll omit it here, but do you know Locust Acacia? In spring, it is a flower that gives off a sweet scent like jasmine flowers under riverbeds, and it is

The honey that everyone often eats. There is acacia honey, right? It ‘s about that black locust honey . Yes, there is no problem with the flowers of black locust acacia, but the leaves and branches are poisonous, so non-experts should be careful when handling them. I’d like to try it. The aroma of Japanese sake is amazing! This is probably Ginjoka. It has a fruity scent. Oh, is this the scent of black acacia? After all, it has a very floral scent. If you ask me if this is an osmanthus, I’ll say, hmmm. There are some parts that I don’t understand, but

The scents of black locust and osmanthus combine to form a single floral scent . Very floral. I’d like to try it as a gin and tonic. [Music] [Applause] I’d like to try it. It’s delicious. The first thing I felt was that it really felt like sake. The aroma. Therefore, I thought it would be a very interesting and appreciated gift to give gin to someone who loves Japanese sake.

And it also smells like flowers. If you drink it like this now as a gin and tonic, the sake taste will be a little less, but the scent of Juniva berry will come out and it will be very flowery. It has a strong floral scent

. elegant. Yes, it’s gorgeous. Oh, I just want to drink gin like this. After all, ditonic is so simple that it brings out the aroma of gin. I think it would also

Be delicious as a gin and tonic. The last gin is the margin. This is a craft gin made by Fuyo Sake Brewery in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture . What I thought was interesting was the raw materials. So you use Kasutori Shochu as part of the base spirit

. I guess they thought it would be unbalanced if it was just kasutori shochu . It’s a blend of grain spirits and fruit spirits.I also use botanicals like apples from Nagano Prefecture, Kuromoji, and Japanese pepper, as well as the standard gin ingredients such as sage, angelica root,

Licorice, and cloves. , like cardamom. I got the impression that it was a hybrid of Japanese botanicals and botanicals from around the world . Let’s have a drink . [Music] Salu is mellow. There’s a slight hint of sake, but the juniper berries from the gin are the strongest. Japanese pepper

Is coming. Japanese pepper is quite strong. I see. Also, I guess I use a lot of botanicals. The taste is very strong. Yes, but there are 11 types of botanicals. It’s in it, but it’s very delicate, and the more you drink it, the more different flavors come out. That’s why

There was a gin that I introduced a long time ago, but this one probably contains a perfumer, a perfumer who often mixes perfumes . Very balanced scent Very delicate. Now, I’d like to try drinking it as a gin and tonic.Saru [Music] Ah, I see

. When you mix it with tonic water, something interesting happens . After all, gin and tonic is profound. Did you just mix it with tonic water? This is interesting. The apples, which were a bit hard to notice until now, came out amazingly. It tastes like apple. A little while ago, I

Had a strong scent of juniper berries and sansho, along with a slight hint of sake. If you mix this with tonic water and carbonated water and add a little water, the apple will come out. that’s interesting. Everything is really delicious today

. It would be great if I could actually drink a gin and tonic like this at a restaurant. I’m really happy . Yes, everyone, I introduced three types of gin today, but I’d be happy if you could find some useful information while listening to my impressions.

They are all slightly different types though. What is really craft gin? That’s what I think . I really don’t want everyone who watches this channel to fail. This is how I introduced it, albeit through my own filter, and I would like to continue to deliver videos

Like this to everyone in the future . I’m really happy to see everyone’s comments and likes, which is encouraging. Thank you for your continued support . See you next week. It was delicious. This is the best. Yes, expensive gin is delicious. [Music]

0:00 ジンの流行
0:48 国産ジンの懸念
2:27 忖度なくジンを紹介
3:17 ノザワジン
6:36 アムリタジン
10:25 ヨハクジン
13:41 〆のお話




新井洋史 公式HP







【新井が監修するリキュール アフロディーテ】





  1. お疲れ様です😊

  2. 2022年にアムリタジン1-3-15を買って飲んでいました。

  3. クラフトジン、多すぎて、買うのに迷って結局いつものジンを購入していました。今回紹介されたジン興味湧いてます😀最後の林檎の香りがするジン飲んでみたいですね😀

  4. 新井マスター、こんにちは😊
    サントリー ジャパニーズクラフトジン ROKU<六> 桜 SAKURA BLOOM EDITION [ ジン
    700ml ]

  5. お疲れ様です!




  6. 野沢温泉は何度か行ったことがあり、蒸留所があることは知っていましたがジンは飲んだことないので気になりました

  7. ジントニックが大好きなので、今日紹介されていたジンを購入したいと思います🥃😊❤

  8. お疲れ様です。今回印象に残ったのは庭の草取りでよく見るカキドオシがジンの香り付けになる事でした😳

  9. 野沢温泉ジンは、とても美味いですよね。地元なので蒸溜所も訪問し、今後のウイスキーも楽しみです。某有名なシャンパンの社長さんもウイスキーのニューメイクを飲んだ際に、おめでとうとおっしゃっていたそうなので尚更です。

  10. 俺が子供の頃ジンはぶっちゃけコナンのジン兄貴で初めて存在を知ったマイナー酒だったのに今は少なくともブランデーやラム以上

  11. すごく参考になりました!一人で飲むので、瓶買いはとても慎重になります。ヨハクジンを探して、猫又屋ソニックで飲んでみます!

  12. 今週はジンについての配信との事で、とても楽しみにしておりました😊!


  13. コラボジン作って欲しいです!

  14. 儲け最優先の浅ましいクラフトジンが増えてるとよく行くバーのマスターが仰っていました。

  15. 先週、佐賀県の「STILL DAM GIN スタンダード」(オレンジラベル)を飲みました。

  16. 初めまして、新井さんのYouTube最近視聴するようになりました!ウイスキーを飲み始めてからカクテルも気になり出した頃にジンも飲むようになりました♪国産のジンで個人的に失敗したのは…まあこれは好みの問題なんですけど東京 虎ノ門蒸留所の 東京のキンモクセイでした。ベーススピリッツに島焼酎を使っているようで香りは良いんですがお味が私の口にはちょっと合いませんでした😔美味しく飲めたのはサクラオブルワリー&ディスティラリーの桜尾ジン WHITE HERBSとHAMAGOU 2023でしたね😄

  17. 大変参考になりました


  18. 新井さんこんばんわ

  19. 割材なんですが、他のバーテンダーのチャンネルはほぼウィルキンソンですが、その辺はこだわりとかあるんですか?

  20. 3つとも美味しそう!買ってみます

  21. 新井さんこんばんは!


  22. 初めまして

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