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伝説のキャバ嬢・HIMEKAがTGCに登場、中町綾&堀未央奈&みとゆな肌見せコーデで華やかにランウェイ:マイナビ TGC 2024 S/S

伝説のキャバ嬢・HIMEKAがTGCに登場、中町綾&堀未央奈&みとゆな肌見せコーデで華やかにランウェイ:マイナビ TGC 2024 S/S

伝説のキャバ嬢・HIMEKAがTGCに登場、中町綾&堀未央奈&みとゆな肌見せコーデで華やかにランウェイ:マイナビ TGC 2024 S/S

I’m never going to make it they want me to do something that could make sense they hate when I keep dreaming I’ll be famous but I don’t give a I’mma keep chasing I got all this potential it’s deep inside of me but they a when you’re successful cuz they tried to be

They sit there be judgmental because you’re trying things and they just want you to settle and do the right thing so get a good job don’t slack off wake up every morning make a good impression on your B don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do and when you making money make sure

You don’t spend it too soon H that I’ll do what I want to do I got a different path from everyone and that includes you who will you to tell me how to live life and these times it feels like nobody is right yeah so I’mma

Figure out what else we succeed and then invest all of my time into that and proceed I need whatever the hell could make me happy and I don’t think you have a clue what could that be hey tell me that I’m never going to make it they

Want me to do something that can make sense they hate when I keep dreaming I’ll be famous but I don’t give a I’m going keep chasing they tell me that I’m never going to make it they want me to do something that can make sense but

Hate when I keep dreaming I’ll be famous but I don’t give a I’m keep chasing I could be special if I get rid of the Devils they think that I am a rebel I think they want me to settle there’s nobody On My Level they think that work

Is too stressful I think that work is essential the grind is all in your mental and I don’t think you understand what I’ll go through just to be in control of my life soon all the negativity man I’m immune I don’t really need a mask with all I’ve been through

I’ve been making changes for the ages 5 10 year plans are contagious I attack that I’m tenacious and if you ain’t get the out of my way then got one life I won’t regret it I will fight until I get it I’ll look back one day

From heaven and say damn I learned some lessons and say damn I have no questions I had fun in every second and the journey was a blessing yeah tell me that I’m never going to make it they want me to do something that can make sense they

Hate when I keep dreaming I’ll be famous but I don’t give a I keep chasing they tell me that I’m never going to make it they want me to do something that can make sense they hate when I keep dreaming I’ll be famous but I don’t give a I’mma keep chasing

中町綾(中町兄妹)、桜井美悠、みとゆな、メリサ、ぴょな、堀未央奈、HIMEKAが2日、東京・国立代々木競技場第一体育館で開催の『第38回 マイナビ 東京ガールズコレクション 2024 SPRING/SUMMER』に登場した。

#HIMEKA #中町綾 #堀未央奈

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