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【魔法少女にあこがれて 9話】視聴者の感想とネットの反応集 マジアベーゼの調教 Mに目覚めたロコムジカとルベルブルーメ仲間に ネロアリスとレオパルト仲良し【まほあこ アニメ反応集 実況感想考察まとめ】

【魔法少女にあこがれて 9話】視聴者の感想とネットの反応集 マジアベーゼの調教 Mに目覚めたロコムジカとルベルブルーメ仲間に ネロアリスとレオパルト仲良し【まほあこ アニメ反応集 実況感想考察まとめ】

Hello! Anime gentleman. This time, we’ll be introducing viewers’ reactions to episode 9 of “Magical Girl ni Amorete”! By watching this video, you’ll be able to get a variety of opinions and interpretations, and I think you’ll have more fun watching anime.

The first half of the video will include reactions during and immediately after the broadcast, and the second half will include impressions and thoughts after the broadcast. Please enjoy it until the end! I guess I should have just woken up and sang completely naked.If you

Look for it, you’ll find underground idols like this, so you’re out because of the Entertainment Act! There’s no complete nudity, but there is almost complete nudity…I’ve woken up to the idea of ​​exposure lol I think the ones that aren’t loco are stronger alone

, right ? Are you going to betray me even though you’ve already lost? As the strength increases, the magical girl side won’t be able to win with this, so the magical girl side will also increase, so that’s the case. Another group will appear, and they’ll

Become better at singing, so they’ll join the group. Yeah, yeah, Lord . Sam isn’t the type of boss that you would admire,

And she was just a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit

Of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a

Bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of. I didn’t want to make him an enemy, so it’s a good development. Why did his singing suddenly get better? He lost all his extra strength (appropriately) He’s an exhibitionist by nature, so

I guess he lost the stiffness in his throat that made him scream out of shame. Mahoako is really happy. It’s not fun or interesting, but I’m already happy. I’m happy. Personally, I have a wrong interpretation of the two of them losing and betraying each other so quickly in this episode

. Loco-chan turned into a monster when she started naked on stage. Well done, Beze-chan! Rocco-chan and Rubel-chan have become friends! ! The drawings are about to get tough… The drawings are good, but

The sadistic Beze-chan had the feeling of being an evil executive. The naked Roco-chan singing while enduring her shame was the best. Take off your Loko Musica clothes (2nd time in 2 weeks). She’s been completely naked for a long time now. Isn’t that okay? The usual Beze-chan (with a drooling face)

When will Azul-san make a full recovery? Loco-san knows that Maman is tone-deaf. That’s quite a level lol Loco is cute again this time. Will she do that next time? Naked live performance━━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━ !!!!! I could listen to a decent song by Loco lol

, but just like in the original, with stars and microphones 〇The neck is hidden and there is little exposure Tana’s magical girl part had an impact even though it was short. Azure-chan is happy even when she’s picked up. It’s really no good. Ah, Azul is no good

Anymore. LOL. Azul is done with Avan, and just getting hit by the waterfall makes me laugh. As expected of Azul, in training. Mr. Azul, I wonder what Azul’s exclusive weapon would be good.At

The beginning of the story, I was wearing a shrine maiden outfit, but was there a weapon that looked like a shrine maiden? Exorcism skewer? Roco-chan is good. They’ll be friends normally. For some reason, Beze-chan overwrote Roco-chan’s re-training. Even though it’s the same Sado, Road whips her too much and it still hurts.

Beze-chan’s training made them feel good together, so Roco. Kaoruko- chan’s face has blossomed lol Even in SD, her neck is fine lol I pinched her neck lol That’s fine. The only way to compete with E○chi is to train! ! Azul has already become dark lol He’s completely masochist, and

There weren’t that many E〇 this time (´・ω・`) Friend expansion━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!! !! I don’t really understand this trend. Is this a new E〇 factor that has also fallen into the shadows? Next week, there will be a room where you can’t leave until you’re satisfied, lol, or there will be more friends.Yay, Utena-chan,

The final boss is Kana Hikasa Within the scope of the anime, the final boss is Hikasa, and it was great that she reappeared in an unexpected way in the original work ! I have more friends! It’s getting more interesting, but there wasn’t much E〇 (´・ω・`)

I guess I was just grabbing the breasts LOL lol I’m starting to get numb lol I wonder if there are 3 more episodes left I want them to do a 2nd season No matter how much the disc sells The hell of not getting paid back to the voice actors (´・ω・`) Seriously? (´・ω・`)

I’m looking forward to the next Mahoako. I’m sure they’ll get a budget this time, so I’m sure it’ll be better. I wish the bathing scene in Transmagia at the end was an anime version , but it’s the one from the bonus manga in volume 8 of the original where

Sulfa’s breasts have grown , and Beze-chan getting excited after Rubel is trapped. Since it’s a 4-frame story, I’m glad that they picked up on those aspects.I’m a little disappointed in the animation this time… I never expected the anime to become so popular, so I can’t help it, but

If you had to choose between the battles and the E, I’d say the latter is more important. I don’t think so… I’m looking forward to the next time , but if I cut corners after Road Gang, this is the only time, so I have no choice.If I

Cut corners next time, I’ll be stabbed from all sides, so I want a Loco stuffed animal.As a locomotive deer who sleeps in my arms every day, it’s Magiabese. It’s more popular if you take their side…

Isn’t it a negative thing to be made to sing completely naked no matter how you think about it…? Well, for Rocomu Musica, no matter what the means, it’s like a benefactor who fixed his tone-deafness, and as for Lorde, it would be better if he were to be teased by fake fans…

All he said was, “Take off your clothes.” I feel like I’m already finished when I take off my underwear . I’m a Rokomujika-san, and everything would be better if Matama-san appeared. Unless anime like this can be made on a more flexible schedule, Japan will go bankrupt.

For some reason, I can’t take my eyes off the battle. Bese took to the stage. Will he be guided by the Lord group? Since Bese is the leader, this guy is the real deal. Rokomujika, who doesn’t take off his hat even when he’s completely naked, is a maniac.

My girlfriend woke up naked and serious. I would like you to explain this. Magiabese, if you get into a dominant position, you’ll become an old man who lectures the wind 〇 lady, it’s really bad. The flow from Roco’s terrible song in part A to the naked live performance in part B is

Amazing as you can feel that Roco’s “enthusiasm” for idols is genuine! ! It’s funny how Azul, who released her masochistic temperament, turns into a pretender and Beze, who has faced her dream of becoming an idol, makes her fall into the light.This is how you destroy the Road Gang,

Rocco-chan. My singing has improved since I got naked, but will my fighting ability change as well? If it increases my fighting power, I’ll have to be completely naked whenever I fight Tresmagia or the Road Gang…but that’s fine.This time, there were too many mysterious lights and I couldn’t understand why, but

I couldn’t stand Leopard. , completely defeated by Beze’s humiliating attack. Loco’s sense of being a strong person explodes and she awakens to her singing ability, but on the other hand, isn’t her charm reduced by half? By the way, what is the Onigiri song? I like being bullied so much that

I was able to make a good voice because Beze did my best to me. I understand. Next time, Rube and Please Azul are finished, so I guess the momentum against the Lord group is increasing. Will Bese also say, “‘Magia’ is not just a show!”? In any case, the last episode

Was a locomotive movie that was so good that he was treated in a way that a normal person wouldn’t be able to stand up for, but still had no idea how to deal with it. In other words, the characteristic of this work is that it is both forward-looking and backward-looking.

It’s really good because it has an originality that doesn’t feel outdated or anything. Episode 9 was really interesting! I never expected those two to become friends! I’m waiting for the goods in Rocco’s room to become real goods! ! And I really like the feeling of Nero Alice and Leopard-chan!

Thank you Rocco-chan // I wanted to say that this is not the mahoko I know. I was confused by the serious battle between Beze and the others and Rokomujika & Rubel Blume, but soon the shame of being completely naked improves my singing ability. This is a stupid development. I felt relieved.

Also, it looks like Azul is no good anymore.It ‘s actually funny when these kids fight seriously… don’t fight seriously in that outfit. Isn’t Lokomujika-chan the cutest after all? The live performance was quite a terrible picture, but… she’s awakened to her sexual tendencies… but she’s relatively better… Kiwi-chan

Pushing her down and apologizing was cute too. Up until now, the idol who only saw herself was now being seen by other people. It’s so beautiful how she blossoms into a true idol while being conscious of being watched. This is the result of naked shame play.

The other girl who supported him in the shadows is also precious. This time it was really funny and the forced singing of the naked singer was not a so-called “play”, but it was a diagonal development like this, which made me laugh. I’m glad that

Rokomujika, who was feeling a little sorry for herself, was saved. It’s a magical girl’s inner skit. I feel like I’ve become more familiar with how to use and present songs, and I’m fascinated by the arrangement of this work.It seems like Blume has a surprisingly strong friendship with

Rokomujika.Magiabese’s shittyness is getting more and more, and Leopard’s troubles with Nero Alice. It looked good, and her personality was explored more deeply, leaving aside Azul’s training…lol Utena, who as a fan admires magical girls, is a different vector, purely “admiring idols” and struggling. Rocco-chan was very nice.

Rocco’s desire to be a party to the story was untainted and dazzling, even in the context of this work . Even if he didn’t wear a costume, he sang… That’s an idol♪ It’s a moving story (?) that shows the pride of an idol. His

Fans are fanatical. Yes, at the same time, there are idols who are nurtured… Don’t you admire (?) the idol theory that goes into such relationships ? The episode where Rocco, who wants to be an idol and is stripped naked, wakes up to masochist & is it real brainwashing… He

Has raised his shame and also has singing ability. increase. I’d say it’s avant-garde, but Beze’s brutal trainer is ridiculous , and the main story and the EP were all about Yuka Aisaka’s skills, and they responded perfectly. Overall, this is an episode that brings out each person’s unique characteristics.

Even so, there are too many people who like to be blamed lol Thank you for watching until the end! If you have any thoughts, points of interest, or thoughts, I would be happy if you could let me know in the comments!

On this channel, we will introduce everyone’s reactions and impressions of the latest anime. By listening to various considerations and diverse opinions, you may gain new perspectives and discover new things about watching anime, so please subscribe to the channel and hit the good button! See you again in the next video!

He was an anime gentleman.

Gushing over Magical Girls Anime Reaction

魔法少女にあこがれて 1 (バンブー・コミックス)

NACHERRY 2nd Single「My dream girls」【魔法少女にあこがれて盤】

00:00 オープニング
00:31 視聴者の感想!!
06:04 視聴者の感想!!(後半)
10:57 エンディング



魔法少女にあこがれて (Gushing over Magical Girls) :


BGMer :
魔王魂 :

効果音ラボ :

Pixabay :

VOICEVOX:もち子(cv 明日葉よもぎ)







#魔法少女にあこがれて #まほあこ
#ネットの反応 #アニメ感想 #animereaction #海外の反応 #5chまとめ #ゆっくり解説
#2024年冬アニメ #まほあこアニメ #gushingovermagicalgirls #和泉風花


  1. でも全裸で歌わないと音痴のままなんでしょう?🐒


  2. レオパルトとネロアリスにほっこりさせられる。半額プラモもらってビミョーな表情のこりす好き。

  3. 同じ裸に剥かれるんでも、一方は鞭でベチベチに叩かれて、

  4. これ以降、ガチ戦闘増えるよ。

  5. 04:25 声優への還元の話。

  6. ロコムジカのあのシーン 普通に見れば

    うたきいてくれて そんな顔知らないとか 誉めてくれてうれしいだけど

    どうも 新たなる性癖を知ってしまったように聞こえるw

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