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NOMADS 7 – To the Stars (complete Audiobook) narrated by AI

NOMADS 7 – To the Stars (complete Audiobook) narrated by AI

Nomad 7 to the Stars by Alan J Stark chapter 1 May  3rd 4602 the monsters Advanced from the darkness   they roll through caves and tunnels like a mass  formed from Darkness an army of black bodies  

Snarling hissing monsters with teeth and Claws as  sharp as razors Monica woke up in a cold sweat and   sat bolt upright on her cot her gaze continued to  chase after the horrors which had just been real   and were now rapidly turning into clouds of mist  and fading away what remained was Elena sitting  

Opposite her thrown out of the same dream at the  same time as her and staring fearfully into the   darkness for a moment Monica thought she saw her  reflection in the mirror Elena’s mouth was open   her lips curled into a Silent Scream beads of  sweat glistened on her forehead her long dark  

Blonde hair stuck to her skin in strands damn  Monica gasped after reality had taken hold in   her head again it’s never been this bad Elena  seemed unable to answer silent and as if turned   to Pale Stone she sat there without breathing her  fingers dug into the pillow which she pressed to  

Her chest her gaze penetrated Monica as if she  wasn’t there can you explain that Monica asked   unsure whether her young friend had even heard her  why is this [ __ ] getting more and more violent   a gasp finally came from Elena’s throat her chest  Rose and fell quickly she began to cough a kimon  

Ship must have gone down somewhere she pressed  out snoopers everywhere their minds are buzzing   around the neighborhood Monica staggered out of  bed and looked out into the night through the   narrow bunker window everything is quiet outside  she checked a few times to make sure she wasn’t  

Mistaken but the night was peaceful and quiet  no nothing’s happened no Keim on here tired she   returned to her cot and looked at the clock on the  wall it was 2:00 in the morning the Visions were  

Always at their most powerful at this time of day  one reason why Monica and Elena were scheduled to   go on night rounds as often as they could it  was easier to fend off these mental assaults   when they were conscious it feels like thunder  rolling in the pit of your stomach Elena spoke  

Quietly and thoughtfully far away like a storm  in the mountains or like weather lightning but   this time it’s closer much closer Monica felt  the same way I could almost physically feel the   Kon feel their breath as they came up behind me  the visions that the two women shared with each  

Other which they called dream constants had  nothing in common with ordinary dreams the   realism of of these experiences knew no comparison  smells colors shapes sounds everything in them was   clear and distinct more than that the world of  her Visions possessed a Clarity that surpassed  

Even reality details were perceived more sharply  if you concentrated on them sometimes Monica could   pause a scene to take a closer look at a detail to  take a breather from the nightly Chase but these   rare moments passed as quickly as they had come  and could not be controlled for long could it be  

That our world is changing Elena murmured lost in  thought that the skels are doing something strange   to the Earth Monica didn’t like the idea that the  laws of nature outside her dream constant were   also as soft as butter as if they were Whimsical  figments of Her Imagination why would that be I  

Have no idea but it’s possible isn’t it after the  unthinkable happened with two alien civilizations   fighting it out on Earth and causing worldwide  Devastation one had to be careful about making   firm claims I can’t imagine why that would be  the case Monica shook her head it only affects  

Our perception nothing more the laws of nature  are unchanged Elena gradually calmed down and   went back to sleep I don’t know if I should wish  for things to go back to the way they used to be   before this special antenna was implanted in us  but then again it is something of a superpower  

Isn’t it it’s something to be proud of if you’ve  learned to deal with it or accept it as part of   your personality just don’t put on a romper suit  with a cape Monica joked if I could swap our gift  

For the ability to fly I’d do it in a heartbeat  Elena looked at the ceiling and started to reply   but kept it to herself it seemed as if she  wanted to contradict her friend Monica had  

Her own opinion about the connection to the kiman  I don’t know what use it will be once we’ve chased   the kiman away until then it’s just causing us  sleepless nights I like it when the troops ask  

Me if I can sense anything Elena said curtly I  also like it when I can tell our people where   we can catch the sniffers and then we finish them  off gives you a feeling of importance and of power  

Elena didn’t seem ready to answer at first only  after a few moments did she comment on Monica’s   conjecture it’s not about being important or  having power at least no more than any human   is entitled to Elena paused again to weigh up  her words carefully I think I’ve found my place  

And I want to keep it because I do it very well  despite the nightmares you always have to pay a   toll otherwise it’s no good it’s a bit like new  boots it’s also uncomfortable until you’ve broken  

Them in I accept that like I said before accept  it or die you have to AC accept evolution these   considerations were too harsh too drastic for  Monica too adult for a young woman in her early   20s she wondered whether the mental connection  also involved an exchange of feelings memories and  

Thoughts certainly weren’t there wasn’t a single  image from Elena’s past that had somehow found   its way into Monica’s Consciousness she assumed  that the reverse was not the case either but what   about the emotions Monica sometimes thought that  she recognized behavioral patterns in Elena that  

Seemed strangely familiar to her a tendency  towards Melancholy or fatalistic thinking on   the other hand Monica believed she had regained a  kind of youthful exuberance and recklessness that   she thought she had long since discarded chapter  two Monica loved the early morning hours in the  

Arizona desert she loved the moment when the  star studded sky on the Eastern Horizon took   on a bluish Hue and the mountain stood out like a  purple silhouette against the Twilight the morning   Sun as always Rose quickly over their peaks and  Shone down on the barren Hills surrounding the  

Town of Sedona which dominated the landscape of  the area after an overnight rain shower the air   was still cool and clammy The Damp desert soil  exuded a fresh and tangy scent that invigorated   Monica senses overnight the okao bushes began  to sprout bright green leaves and bright red  

Flowers they glowed like little flames on the  strange bushes plants that seem to be nothing   more than clusters of bear branches sticking out  of the like Spears The Light Of The Morning Sun   Also caught the Saguaro cacti as if they were men  with upraised arms a host of tired Warriors who  

Stretched out their hands and surrendered Broom  Bushes grew at their feet speckling The Valleys   from which the blue Shadows of the Night were  gradually receding here and there the tops of   large trees towered over the crests of the hills  artificially created Forest areas that served as  

Water reservoirs swampy paradises for all kinds of  creatures a few hours ago Monica and her companion   Elena green had walked along secret paths through  one of these areas they had been created centuries   ago then neglected and jablonsky the head of the  Sedona militia had been commissioned to restore  

Them for jablonsky however they also served  a strategic purpose these areas were a major   obstacle for any enemy moving through the Canyons  towards Sedona who did not know the safe paths in   a few hours the air over the hills would dance  and Shimmer with heat turning Arizona back into  

The very oven Monica Simmons remembered as much  as she had loved the heat as a teenager she now   avoided moving under the sun when it was high  in the sky she treasured the walks on the cool  

Sometimes icy nights when the stars twinkled clear  and bright over the desert and it was good that   Elena agreed to accompany her on the night patrols  which she volunteered for as often as she could   Monica Simmons and Elena green had Blended in well  with Dallas jablonsky Squad they were proud of the  

Emblem that adorned their uniforms above the  right breast pocket showing a bull’s head with   flames shooting from its nostrils underneath was  the lettering that gave their troop its name the   Wild Bunch an apt name that described the people  who made up the free core or militia as they were  

Also known Monica and Elena identified completely  with this Wild Bunch which was reminiscent of an   extended family with friendly cheeky and naughty  children Dallas jablonsky was like a Biblical   patriarch and his wife Rosalie was reminiscent  of a matron who kept her children in check with  

Good nature roughness they got on brilliantly  with Ramona and pav The coup’s Offspring who   were about Elena’s age they were capable and  had their father’s sense of humor everything   was fine when Elena thought about her previous  life and compared it with the current situation  

Apart from the squabbles that were common among  volunteer troops where the leadership positions   were held by buddies there was usually an overly  familiar tone which caused problems when orders   had to be given those who were unable to master  these situations quickly lost the respect of their  

Comrades after all despite all the confidences  none of the boys took liberties with the women   in the troop apparently Dallas jablonsky had  a good hand in choosing his men but perhaps   it was just down to the conservative attitude of  The Devout Catholic who had no sympathy for lewd  

Behavior and made very clear statements on the  subject so far there was not the slightest reason   to regret the decision Monica and Elena had made  to join jablonsky instead of roaming the ravaged   lands of the Midwest with Benjamin Porter the food  they enjoyed alone was worth all the hardships of  

Militia life however there were other problems  that had been troubling Monica lately that had   nothing to do with her comrades it was the combat  missions which were often directed against people   even though it was mostly Crooks and looters  who were injured or killed the missions were  

Becoming more and more of a problem for Monica  the snoopers were a different story of course   they were just monsters they had to hunt down and  she hardly felt anything for them Elena green and   Monica Simmons had become indispensable for  this kind of work Monica in particular had  

An outstanding sense for the presence of snoops  so they didn’t need to worry about anyone in the   squad trying to mess with Monica and her friend  no that wasn’t what Monica was worried about it   was the people who were in the process of losing  their Humanity instead of fighting back against  

The downfall and doing everything they could to  preserve the values that they had fought so hard   for over thous thousands of years as inhabitants  of the earth they were turning against each other   it depressed Monica to see how much man had  become the enemy of his own species in this  

Crumbling World jablonsky troop was a refuge a  counter image to all the chaos that rained in the   dark lands around the small Sedona Retreat that  Monica and her comrades protected apart from The   marauding Gangs which jablonsky taught several  lessons Warlords expanded their territories  

And began to wage war against each other this  indirectly caused another problem jablonsky was   increasingly targeted by people who also saw him  as a warlord a man who should not be trusted and   who was just waiting to seize power and dominate  the region around sedna anyone who knew jablonsky  

Well enough and Monica assumed that she wasn’t  mistaken either knew that he had nothing in common   with the criminals who were currently claiming  to be Warlords Dallas jablonsky did everything he   could to dispel the doubts of the so-called log  set in his civilian Administration nevertheless  

He could do nothing about the fact that many of  the people he was actually protecting saw him as   a danger the Lun was made up of a group of about  15 men and women chaired by Randolph Stokes whom  

Everyone called Randy a man of a good 70 years  tall gray-haired and lean his figure and manner   Were Somehow reminiscent of Abraham Lincoln he  usually came in the company of two or three other   members of parliament Jeff Hadley accompanied  him most often a young blonde man handsome with  

An angular usually stubble bearded face he never  said much and made a rather uninvolved and annoyed   impression he seemed bored by the duties of his  office which suggested that he had somehow been   forced into this position perhaps he was the  son of an influential family who expected him  

To take on responsibility no matter Monica  wasn’t interested in him and his motives it   was irrelevant anyway because everything made it  seem as if the quiet days in sedna were numbered   Monica blocked out these thoughts she suppressed  them as best she could but fears kept creeping  

Into her Consciousness she gradually had to admit  it to herself it was only a matter of time before   there would be a rift between the civilian  Administration and her armed guards somehow it   had been in the air for a few days only the fear  of the chaos that might ensue prevented all sides  

From letting it happen now of course everyone  in the area was armed and everyone knew how to   defend themselves in in Arizona gun ownership had  always been part of the culture just like in the   neighboring states and it had never been more  sensible to carry a gun than in these times but  

So far apart from jablonsky no one had been found  to organize or lead the armed citizens and thus   prevent them from fighting each other it was good  that there were few if any who wanted to take on   this kind of responsibility within a short time  the place would be crawling with local Warlords  

And gangs the administration knew how important  it was to prevent the form of such groups which   could cause problems for jablonsky in the entire  region but even that seemed only a matter of time   at some point a competitor would emerge to cause  trouble this and the fear of the residents which  

Could tempt them to act rashly also worried Monica  just 3 days ago another delegation from the state   Parliament had arrived to present jablonsky with  their concerns about the construction of another   base in the South jablonsky had already taken  all the necessary steps so far the militia only  

Had a camp there with a small Landing site but  as Stokes claimed the expansion was on a scale   that gave the inhabitants a sense of threat and  since there had been no more raids for several   months Stokes continued Parliament considered the  expansion of the base unnecessary jablonsky argued  

That the raids had only decreased because of his  actions and that the construction measures would   help to further increase the safety of civilians  in view of the growing influence of the Warlords   this step seemed all too reasonable to him  the administration however was of a different  

Opinion and soon came out with the truth the  number of Fighters under jablonski’s command   was now considered a danger when jablonsky asked  whether this was just the opinion of some of the   inhabitants or whether it reflected the view  of the administration which was certainly in  

A better and more reasonable position to assess  the situation he was met with a few moments of   awkward silence shortly afterwards the meeting  was over both Dallas and Stokes as well as His   companion refrained from saying goodbye to  each other the mood in the squad had soured  

Since then and there were frequent arguments that  highlighted the extent to which opinions differed   as to how jablonsky should have reacted you’re  very talkative today Elena remarked what are   you brooding about the words literally snapped  Monica out of her thoughts I’m just trying to  

Get a picture a picture of what not so important  sure I can’t make a judgment yet I have to gather   the facts Elena shook her head as they marched  on it’s that serious sounds like you’ll have to  

Testify in court shortly before they reached the  base the two women took a break they sat down on   the Flat Rock where they always took a short break  and occasionally ate the last of their Provisions  

From here they could see the base where one of  the two heavily armed gliders was parked it was   named baddy and had only recently been painted  Pitch Black the Bull’s Head was emblazoned on   both sides painted in bright yellow further  away stretched the Sea of houses of Sedona most  

Of the skyscrapers in the city center were  in Ruins surrounded by ruins three of them   still towered proudly into the sky they looked  defiant as if they were giving the middle finger   to The Uninvited visitors from outer space who had  brought so much Devastation to Earth using a small  

Stick Monica began to scrape the damp Earth from  the tread of her boots which stuck tenaciously   and stubbornly in the grooves of the rubber saws  a necessary procedure because both Dallas and his   wife attached great importance to cleanliness and  hated it when someone carelessly carried dirt into  

The base do you think there will be trouble Elena  probed further and thoughtfully twisted a lock of   dark blonde hair Monica sometimes wondered how  carelessly and casually her friend questioned   the obvious I hope they’ll be able to avoid it the  trouble is already there and it’s been simmering  

For a while Elena looked at her Twisted strand of  hair and let her legs dangle over the edge of the   cliff her rifle across her knees but that wouldn’t  be the first time there’s been trouble what it  

Monica said no but at some point it just ends you  mean the incidents with the civilians yes they’ve   been around for a long time even before we arrived  here and Dallas sends away those who can’t behave   and since we’ve been here I have haven’t heard  of any more serious incidents besides such things  

Are a matter for the police Elena laughed that  clown troop you can’t be serious they’re happy   if they’re not bothered do you think they want to  get into trouble with us they tell the civilians   to just shut up and swallow the Injustice Monica  had to agree with her but so far there was  

Nothing that could be considered a serious crime  someone had stolen three chicken once women had   been molested twice once the young daughter  of a landowner Dallas sent the men away and   probably thought that was the end of the matter  but he was obviously wrong Monica couldn’t shake  

Off the impression that Elena knew more what  do you hear and from whom Monica asked Elena   looked up at the sky where a flock of crows was  flying overhead this and that I’m also on a tour   during the day and that’s when you meet people  chatting exchange ideas yes not everything is as  

Rosy as you’d like it to be and I think you’re  exaggerating or the people you’re talking to I   don’t want anyone to cause us any problems Elena  added her voice betrayed tension and suppressed   anger I’ve run away too many times from my parents  from the fleet from the saviors from the kiman I  

Will not leave this place without a fight There  Will Be Blood I can feel it see it coming she put   her hands together as if she were holding a weapon  and pointed her index finger into the distance Sho  

Sho Monica was shocked by Elena’s words even if  she was only expressing what she herself had been   thinking and worrying about all night or was it  because Elena was also worried and had decided to   keep quiet did she distrust her who said anything  about fighting Monica wanted to know nobody but  

That’s not necessary and do you want to know what  I think of course she wanted that the residents   are right we are a danger like all people who can  handle automatic weapons people who are militarily   organized and think they are protectors sometimes  you don’t know how to protect how far you can go  

To protect someone from harm and that leads to  misjudgments especially if someone doesn’t want   to be protected or criticizes the way you do it or  how he thinks it should be done all the Simplicity   that Monica had so often seen in her friend had  gone from her Monica was momentarily taken aback  

By Elena’s thoughts are you going to throw away  your gun and go farming do I look like that Elena   gave her friend a long thoughtful look the green  blue eyes glittered as if they were blazing with  

A fury that she found difficult to contain or was  it naked fear expressed in anger and confusion I   don’t want to be driven away or give up my weapons  and I don’t want to cultivate Fields either that’s  

All I can say who knows what will happen if  I’m forced to make a choice there was also   the question of what Dallas would do if Parliament  told him that his Services were no longer wanted   and that he was considered an undesirable person  it’s going to be complicated that much is certain  

Monica’s answer was simpler than she intended but  it might turn out quite differently and we might   worry too much she added hastily we need each  other precisely because there are people like you   who don’t want to grow potatoes conversely there  are enough people who don’t want to use weapons or  

Are afraid of them like most civilians Ela didn’t  say anything back but looked at her rifle lost in   thought she looked like someone who had decided  to worry and thought it was quite reasonable to  

Do so instead of making light of the situation she  raised her head and stared down at Sedona as if   the devil was about to rise above the rooftops her  opinion of civilians didn’t seem to be the same as  

Her friends let’s wait and see before we rack  our brains Monica reassured him people need us   and they need someone as sensible as Dallas that  much is certain we know that but the others seem   to have forgotten that the residents of Sedona  the farmers they’re just scared fear is all they  

Know she was right judging by what Stokes had said  when he came to the base the whole town was one of   Suspicion and fear but Monica didn’t want to fuel  Elena’s fears they’ll come to an agreement it’s  

A matter of Common Sense the words came suddenly  from Monica’s lips reason has always been a rare   commodity and has made up a few moments in  human history Elena wrinkled her nose cost   benefit calculations more like that makes more  sense anyone can do the math if a large band of  

Looters shows up they’ll come crawling back don’t  talk about it too loudly otherwise it will happen   then I will shout it out Elena replied and it  sounded like a hiss let them come to remind our   charges why they need us Monica didn’t like what  her friend was saying and it wasn’t because of  

The disaster she was describing which could become  reality at any time something else was bothering   her something in her tone of voice her expression  which was evident in her entire demeanor something   bitter that had grown in her friend seemingly  overnight this change made Monica angry she didn’t  

Want change she was too old for that there’s  no Us in them Monica said sharply it’s us do   you understand there is only us the inhabitants of  Sedona Arizona of which we are also a part Elena  

Was silent as they walked along the path that led  straight to the main base it looked as if Monica’s   anger had bounced off her if that’s how you see  it that’s fine Elena replied succinctly it would  

Be my favorite thing too but I think you’re behind  the times I’m perfectly capable of assessing our   situation Monica replied sourly but that doesn’t  mean I have to accept it Dallas won’t give up hope   either and will do everything he can to make sure  nothing changes that’s for sure Elena didn’t say  

Another word until they reached the bunker gate  where the relief team was already waiting for   them the relief team consisted of two men one was  Peter Jenkins a former soldier who had worked as   a policeman he was 27 tall and slim standing with  him was Fred Mayfield a stocky muscular man with  

Thick black hair who had joined the militia only  a few days ago Jenkins threw away his cigarette   and after puffing a cloud of smoke out of his  nose spat on the floor he then rubbed the short   red stubble of hair on his skull and grimaced  you’re always bloody punctual the green eyes  

Looked sleepy that’s really annoying I wouldn’t  have minded getting another coffee and waiting   for you for a while Aaron Mayfield picked up his  rifle which was leaning against the wall and put   his hand on Jenkin shoulder unlike his partner  he refrained from making a stupid comment he was  

Actually always friendly always in a good mood  and in a joking mood pety never really wakes up   he defended his partner the Sandman always uses  up his whole load before he shuts up babies need  

A lot of sleep and still whine all the time I was  hoping you’d show up on time I’ll be glad when we   get out of here the air is thick at the moment  it’s is that so eleno wondered about what the  

Parliament looks like they brought trouble with  them Mayfield explained there was just one of   them there Dallas took it pretty hard this time  at this time of night Stokes no Hadley and two   others I’d never seen Monica wanted to know  more and held Mayfield back for a moment did  

Something happen there was a robber in the south  of Sedona a farmer was scared to death cattle were   stolen grain and stuff Mike cobird got all over  jablonski’s trouble gave him a good [ __ ] but   what’s his fault he was on a sightseeing flight  up north he could never have gotten there in time  

To catch the gang let alone stop the whole thing  and the farmer lives just outside in my opinion   he brought this on himself exent tricks always  make things worse and then drag others into the   problems they cause Elena grinned and gave her  friend a meaningful look and that’s why jablonsky  

Is about to go berserk Monica frowned sooner or  later there were bound to be raids again so why   the fuss Elena let out a bitter laugh it’s a  reminder of what life would be like without  

Us and how important it is that we expand the  bases so we can do our job she turned away and   went into the bunker the conversation also seemed  to be over for Mayfield he obviously didn’t want  

His mood to be spoiled see you around he said and  set off with Jenkins Monica and Elena handed in   their rifles and pistols to the armorer took a  shower and then crawled into their room to sleep  

However their sleep lasted only a few moments a  delegation from the diet turned up again the new   visit was accompanied by a commotion apparently  instigated by a few militia Men Who did not like   the unannounced visit Dallas put an end to the  commotion but after the delegation from the Civil  

Administration had left the Thundering really  started you could hear every word through the   closed door jablonsky was Furious he demanded to  speak immediately to some of his people who were   on patrol he contacted them via the radio on the  table and shouted into the microphone when they  

Didn’t obey immediately saying they had work to  do that couldn’t wait it all starts much earlier   than I thought Elena said said turning around  on her cot Monica wondered why jony’s anger   was directed so violently at his people whom he  described as morons who obviously didn’t know what  

Their responsibilities were incompetent idiots  who were destroying everything he had built up   here with their stupidity however he remained  strangely vague Monica couldn’t tell from his   ranting what exactly had gone wrong perhaps he  had simply reached his limits and needed to vent  

Suddenly there was silence you could still hear  jablonsky talking but he had obviously calmed down   Monica jumped out of her bunk and stepped out into  the gallery from where she could see down into the  

Large common room a few Maps were spread out on  the large table next to the radio here and there   a hologram lit up and showed symbols and numbers  above a certain position cerg had arrived and   faced the reproaches of his commander who talked  to him for a while it was impossible to understand  

What jablonsky was saying finally the two  retreated to an adjoining room while other people   whose presence jablonsky had requested gradually  arrived they all disappeared into the next room   from the closed door of which hardly a sound could  now be heard only now and then did Dallas become a  

Little louder again indicating that his anger had  not completely dissipated I’m really glad that the   farmer has been taught a lesson Elena murmured  and sat up it saves us having discussions with   the residents and they won’t question our work in  the future once the furer has died down you can  

Tell you’re the last one to understand anything  said Monica who had long since drawn her own   conclusions what do you mean it was clear that  there would be robberies from time to time it’s   not something that could upset Dallas that much  she looked at her young friend’s questioning face  

You’re not the only one who’s worried about  our future but that won’t cause you or me to   overstep our Authority others however have had  the courage or rather the stupidity to create   facts Elena’s expression told Monica that the  penny had dropped you can’t be serious Elena was  

Wide awake now we would never do that we may not  love our charges but it’s a completely different   thing to deliberately harm them as you said fear  makes people do all kinds of foolish things we are  

Not exempt from this you’re just guessing when we  handed in our weapons I took a careful look at the   roster so Monica came closer and looked deep into  Elena’s eyes there’s been no change in the roster  

Dallas didn’t call anyone off to go after the  robbers which I’m sure he would have done first if   it had been an actual robbery he knew exactly who  was pulling a stunt Elena was obviously speechless   bewilderment spread across her features she  started to reply but not a word escaped her  

Lips now of course he has to ask himself how he’s  going to cover it up assuming that Stokes hasn’t   yet smelled a rat and that means he has to deceive  Parliament he has no choice but to do that Elena  

Found her voice again that won’t work sooner or  later the truth will come out of course and then   what then we’ll see chapter 3 time passed but  the light-heartedness of the previous days was   over everyone suspected or already knew the truth  about the attack and everyone naturally wondered  

How long this Sword of Damocles would hang over  them before it fell and the citizens of Sedona   demanded an explanation there was no other topic  of conversation among the troops at the moment and   everyone had their own opinion on how jablonsky  should react cober proved to be a disruptive  

Factor around whom a sizable group of dissatisfied  people formed behind closed doors they said that   jablonsky had gone soft and that it was time  to dismiss him Monica was puzzled as to why ja   blansky who knew about it couldn’t bring himself  to send the man away she was also stunned that  

Elena seemed to be seeking contact with people  from cober’s Circle and was increasingly isolating   herself from her Monica enjoyed her free time by  settling down on a cliff Edge above the canyon at   the far end of which the Sea of houses of Sedona  spread out here she could take her mind off things  

If it weren’t for Fred Mayfield who had also  discovered this spot for himself he strolled up   leisurely his hands in his pockets unusually cool  day for the end of May he remarked and breathed   into the palms of his hands to confirm this but  a nice Clear View may I join you Monica didn’t  

Really like it she would have liked to have a few  minutes to herself to avoid the tiresome topic   that was certainly dominating Mayfield’s thoughts  he would certainly start talking about it straight   away but she didn’t want to be unkind Mayfield  was likable and didn’t deserve to be unkind to  

Him that’s all right she said but I don’t want  to hear about any current events understood no   problem he sat down next to her and also dangled  his legs over the edge of the cliff any plans for  

Later what do you mean later if we have to leave  here strictly speaking he was actually addressing   a different topic I don’t see why that should  happen Dallas will find a way to work things out   with people Mayfield did not reply I heard today  that the aato are interested in us humans again  

They’re taking some of us back into their ranks  only those who are useful to them though he tapped   his pistol holster and who can handle it they only  want humans who are willing and able to fight who  

Whispered that to you Petey said Mayfield Nathan  to be precise the kid from Mexico mentioned it to   a couple of guys today pety then whispered it to  me they have a plant near Mexico City the aato I   mean Nathan thinks it’s something religious the  crowds are huge but many are turned away old  

People sick people but there’s a chance for us  we’re warriors like I said and from what Nathan   said it’s hot there the area is dangerous because  all sorts of Riff wrath have made their way in  

Like you find around the aato towers and the kiman  are said to make the skies they unsafe but I would   dare to show up there if there was the slightest  chance of making friends with the Horseheads where  

Did Nathan get the information people have arrived  in Sedona who come from there he knows from them   they left because of the conditions there and why  do you think I care just wanted to say it are you   looking for traveling companions I wouldn’t take  everyone with me that’s why I usually keep my  

Mouth shut Monica laughed I’m honored could become  topical sooner than you think that’s why I came to   see you yes I shouldn’t bring it up you’re fed  up with all this talk Monica wanted to know more   after all so what’s the current situation how do  you see our situation Mayfield got straight to  

The point the whole thing is no longer speculation  the civilians have brought evidence they weren’t   looters she was curious to see what evidence they  had so they found the cows and the pigs that were   stolen he explained buried in the forest they  found the cows the masks and the old shotguns  

Used by the attackers Monica shook her head  that’s not evidence circumstantial evidence   nothing more why should looters bury the loot and  their weapons with them okay a lawyer could play   it down and claim that these facts carry no weight  in any case it doesn’t prove that we did it but we  

Are far removed from any regulated or civilized  justice system people have returned to their   archaic roots and halfway conclusive evidence  is not questioned Instinct and intuition count   even if they can be deceptive nevertheless Monica  insisted Dallas isn’t going to let that get the  

Better of him he won’t Buckle but cerg folded and  so did those who were there admitted everything   and tried to justify their actions Monica sighed  and now Mayfield Shrugged his shoulders stood up   and patted the dust off his pants I told you the  alternative if it gets too uncomfortable I’ll be  

Out of here faster than you can think a thought  Mexico City is a long way from here do you want   to steal a glider to get get there before others  snatch one up but if we had to walk he gave her  

A meaningful look at least with you and Elena  by our side we wouldn’t have to worry about the   Kon it all sounded too much like doom and despair  for Monica and as far as Elena was concerned she  

Couldn’t say what she would decide let’s wait and  see nothing is eaten as hot as it’s cooked Monica   knew she was deceiving herself with this remark  sometimes you even had to swallow lava Mayfield   let his gaze Wander over the land and shook  his head skeptically not in this area Monica  

Not in this neighborhood with these words which  left a bitter echo in Monica’s mind he left she   was annoyed by the whole development which was  already stirring things up and would soon tear   the Wild Bunch apart why did it have to happen  now when everything was going so well after all  

It was only about a few cows and pigs why did they  have to make more of it than it was in the worst   case scenario Dallas would Chase Mike cerg and his  cronies away after they had paid compensation that  

Would at least be pragmatic and could calm the  waters to buy a little time she didn’t want to   believe that the relative Idol of her situation  would suddenly descend into the same chaos that   rained in the rest of the world that surrounded  this Refuge she also feared that Mayfield was  

Right in his driil about an archaic understanding  of law it was easy to apply without much thought   when you were afraid you didn’t want to and  couldn’t think much and people were full of   fear she counted on jablonski’s wits but that  wasn’t true of the rest of the troops it was  

Hard to say exactly what might happen if cobber  and his helpers had to leave his sympathizers   couldn’t just accept that it didn’t matter whether  they brought their displeasure to light straight   away or stirred up Discord in the troop at the  moment she didn’t even know how Elena might react  

Her last remark Mark suggested that she too had  a primitive understanding of the law or rather   the law of strength young people tended to do  that it was simple and straightforward above   all you didn’t waste any time and could focus all  your energy on one point instead of spreading it  

Over unnecessarily many aspects Monica looked  after Mayfield who was just descending into   the valley and disappearing behind the cliff Edge  she shouldn’t mess things up with him and keep his   suggestion in mind chapter 4 things changed over  the next few days Dallas sent cerg and all those  

Involved in the raid on the farmer away they were  not allow to take any of their heavy weapons with   them except for the ones they needed to survive  in the wilderness a glider dropped them off far   enough away from Sedona that they wouldn’t show up  here again shortly after and cause trouble again  

But if Dallas thought he had got rid of the  problems he was wrong cerg who had described   the inhabitants of Sedona as livestock had more  than a handful of like-minded people in The Troop   they were still here pedling their displeasure  and trying to get their comrades on their side  

There was a clear split in the militia and Elena  also withdrew completely from Monica she sought   her new friends among those who made no secret  of the fact that they would not let civilians   dictate their lives they regarded the lawn toog  as a group of whiners behind which hid all the  

Inhabitants of Sedona who were too cowardly  to defend themselves the Masters could only   be those who had weapons and knew how to Ed  them not the other way around she thought had   they always carried this world view with them or  had it only developed in the last few days as was  

The case with Elena who was becoming increasingly  reserved even though they still shared a room they   hardly spoke to each other this aspect irritated  Monica because Elena usually loved to provoke   her and do everything she could to convince her  of her point of view she wouldn’t let up until  

Every last argument had been exhausted and Monica  was prepared to take at least a small step back   from from her point of view now however Elena  was withdrawn and taciturn she seemed to have   no desire to prooze Monica with her opinion nor  did she argue with others Peter Jenkins and Fred  

Mayfield filled the Gap that had been created  and made every effort to cheer Monica up don’t   hold it against her Mayfield reassured Monica  on a nighttime tour Elena is Young she’s still   looking for her place she’s probably pretty torn  up right now she’ll get over it you’ll see Monica  

Would have liked to agree with him but Elena knew  exactly what she was doing and how to think she   was no longer a child and even if she seemed a  little simple-minded from time to time she always   seemed to know exactly what wind was blowing and  adjusted to it opportunistic Monica didn’t want  

To use that word survival Instinct she was more  comfortable with that chapter 5 Ramona could no   longer longer remember the past few minutes  she was unable to say what had happened after   the smoke grenades ignited and suddenly filled  everything with red smoke its anesthetic effect  

Spread immediately and had sent her straight into  the realm of dreams now the effect wore off and   she gradually returned from unconsciousness to the  present the pain throbbed in Ramona’s skull as her   vision began to clear and she realized that she  was lying on the floor of a glider with her hands  

Bound but it wasn’t just any glider it was the  Dorian one of the four transports the militia at   least as well armed as the baddy that stood on  the landing field at the main base the engines   were silent just a few minutes ago as Ramona  slowly dawned from her unconsciousness she had  

Heard the humming of the engines now the vehicle  seemed to have landed and the crew was unloading   it she heard them running up and down the exit  ramp and dragging crates outside Ramona wondered   what had happened and who the people were who had  hijacked the Dorian at least they knew how to fly  

A glider and overpower an armed crew she guessed  that they were soldiers from one of the Warlords   they were hearing more and more about it certainly  couldn’t have been the bunglers who had attacked   the farmer Romona continued to look around and  recognized her brother pble who was lying next  

To her and still unconscious she heard voices from  the cockpit someone was laughing a woman she was   talking to a man who made another amusing remark  she laughed again the voices sounded familiar it   was Chris Gareth and Elena green the others who  were carrying the load out also sounded like  

Their comrades if this was a joke it would have  consequences Ramona thought but it was highly   unlikely that it was a prank Elena green stepped  out of the cockpit and leaned down to Ramona   nothing will happen to you she reassured him at  least not as long as you both stay sensible don’t  

Do anything stupid the said will wear off and make  it impossible to fight reasonable Ramona pressed   out you’ve lost your minds no we’re all quite  clear-headed all the worse a matter of opinion   what matters is who stands on their feet in the  end what are you up to reorganize things that’s  

Why you’re kidnapping us I’m just getting you  out of the line of fire Elena corrected and at   the same time I’ll make sure your father stays  sane when things get going or something goes   wrong there will be negotiations because none of  the comrades want to shoot at their buddies even  

If we have differences right now Chris Gareth  a stocky man with long dark hair who was one of   the pilots in the militia stepped out of the  pulpit I’m not so sure about that he grinned  

Broadly I’ve already got someone I’d like to burn  on the fur and I’m sure there are some the other   way around too added Ramona do you really want  to destroy everything my dad has built up for  

What if there are problems you can talk about  anything I don’t think it will be that easy the   man continued leaning against the door frame it’s  also about ideological aspects that you can’t put   aside so casually it’s great that you managed to  put a sentence like that together Ramona looked at  

Elena questioningly then it looks bad for the  negotiations you were talking about my father   won’t become a thief who terrorizes the residence  Elena hesitated for a moment before answering that   won’t work Ramona insisted do you understand there  will be fights Elena turned away and went outside  

We have work to do Ramona’s brother moved after  Elena and Chris Gareth left I overheard he said   I want to know who’s behind it and why Elena is  involved it’s not like her who can tell what’s   going on inside a person replied Ramona someone is  putting her under pressure she’s being blackmailed  

I can’t explain it any other way whatever leverage  you have on her it wouldn’t improve her position   with Dad you bet you after a while Ramona and her  brother were taken to a shelter a storm shelter  

Or rather a tornado shelter it was located under  the remains of a burntown house the r of which   were overgrown with bushes and young trees the  entrance consisted of a heavy double leaf trapo   that concealed a staircase leading at a steep  angle Into the Depths the room into which it led  

Was furnished like a small base there was a rack  of weapons a kitchenet a radio system and about   10 CS for the militian to rest on they had even  thought of a cozy sofa Corner a group of men were  

Passing the time playing cards at a low table  the smell of fresh paint hung over everything   Ramona knew all the militia bases and shelters  but this one was new to her there were certainly   other camps that her father knew nothing about but  how had it been possible to keep all this secret  

Why had no one noticed anything there was only  one possible conclusion the citizens of Sedona   must have had a hand in it perhaps the parliament  we get your mother said Elena who was putting on   a coffee and watching her comrades carry boxes of  provisions and ammunition into the cellar when we  

Have them your father will be ready to talk and  clear his place pble jablonsky could no longer   hold back for whom he shouted at Elena who is it  cerg Trenton Elena laughed for a moment you’re   joking Gareth also made a joking remark and put  down a crate times are changing and we’re doing  

Everything we can to arm ourselves against the  Warlords who will soon be causing us problems each   of the settlers will have to get used to carrying  a rifle and following orders as it is now they’re  

Just dead weight that won’t be useful to us when  it comes to war war the word scared Ramona and   what will you eat then she asked when no one is  working the fields anymore we’ll find ways he   tapped his pistol holster we know the looters  methods we’ll get what we need that’s Madness  

Ramona couldn’t believe what she was hearing we’re  not vandals who only Rob and murder and then move   on when the land is empty she noticed that Elena  was silent watching thoughtfully as the hot water   seeped through the coffee filter go and make  yourself useful Elena said to Gareth who saluted  

Briefly and not very respectfully before moving  away what do you have to do with it Ramona could   easily see that the young woman obviously had  Authority in the squad even if Chris Gareth wasn’t   expressing it at the moment I realized early on  what I had to do do Elena nap replied and poured  

The coffee into three metal mugs she then untied  Ramona and pavle and handed them the drinks Ramona   could barely feel her fingers which felt cold and  stiff like foreign objects she would have liked to   punch her former comrade in the face instead she  reached for the Crome cup and shakily brought it  

To her mouth you’re making a mistake pble repeated  rubbing his wrists this isn’t going to end well   for anyone no matter what you think it’s all  about putting things in order Elena returned   sipping from her cup and to make a statement  that leaves no questions unanswered Ramona had  

An answer on the tip of her tongue but something  stopped her from throwing it at Elena she didn’t   recognize her friend or was it just that some of  her characteristics that had always been there had   become more obvious While others had faded into  the background how could she have been so wrong  

About someone chapter 6 Jeff had felt great Elena  could tell that much the otherwise rather reserved   and colorless man had been showing himself to be  confident and proud for sometime this was nothing   new for Elena she knew by now that this reserved  sometimes insecure demeanor came from a mind that  

Was cooly calculated and knew no Scruples he had  taken off his mask early on after he had managed   to win Elena’s trust and explain his plans for  Sedona and its inhabitants Elena had been curious   at the time and was Keen to find out what goals  the ambitious young man was pursuing after they  

Had also taken jansky’s wife into custody he  praised Elena for her Ingenuity and told her   about the grand Visions he was working on the  kiman and the aato have given our lives a new   Direction he said checking the fit of his gun  belt in front of the mirror in the hallway of  

His house the alien visitors without meaning  to have freed us and given everything a new   Direction steered them in New Directions created  paths where there were none before I can’t see   any or order objected Elena who was standing at  the front door only chaos that’s why you’re a  

Warrior and I’m a leader I see the structures  that are already forming structures that offer   people the opportunity to throw off the shackles  of their old world to forget outdated conventions   and try out new ones to free themselves from  the grip of nonsensical moral Concepts and to  

Develop no compulsion for reasons of conscience  based on Dusty philosophies he turned to Elena   who among the politicians and leaders of the  old world would have dared to tear everything   down and realize radical ideas circumstances have  forced us to rise above ourselves those who do it  

Skillfully can become king or queen Elena tried  to detect a trace of Madness in his eyes but Jeff   Hadley was completely at peace with himself his  words sounded pompous but he uttered them clearly   and without the exuberance of emotion that one  could observe in Madman in the past World any  

New and radical idea would have been stifled he  continued suppressed by established inflexible   structures run by people who are afraid of the  unknown because they fear for their money power   and influence as far as I know there are still  governments and administrations the fleet for  

Example it still reports to the Senate and  the president and you also know that these   institutions are falling apart he countered they  are disappearing and leaving behind a stream of   disorient and frightened people these people are  like wildwaters seeking New Paths and you want to  

Offer them a home the energy of Unleashed water  is Indescribable have you ever seen a Wild River   after a storm when it bursts its banks and sweeps  away everything in its path yes I did didn’t that  

Power impress you he seemed to be waiting for  some kind of reaction but whatever he was hoping   for Elena didn’t give it to him a demonstration of  Senseless and unguided force I’ve always wondered   why nature is so wasteful with its energy and  a thought occurred to me now Elena’s interest  

Was really peaked he was obviously ready to share  his innermost thoughts with her to reveal to her   the key experience that determined his actions  I want to give the Unleashed energy Direction   and purpose Sedona and the neighboring regions  are large areas full of people whose lives have  

Neither order nor Direction I want to give them  a dream we are already a power but we must expand   otherwise we will be crushed between the rising  Powers he paused then continued to describe his   vision in symbols Sedona is a comb Lake enclosed  by rigid boundaries not a wild stream flaunting  

Its power we must become a river and harness the  energy that is ours Ela was almost ashamed of her   thoughts but it could well be that he was right  in his reasoning she had to admit that it was  

The changes that had made her stronger in the  woman she was now a warrior with extraordinary   abilities hardened and calculating he would  still be surprised at her she was sure of that   jablonsky in Parliament insist on the status quo  he continued turning back to his reflection and  

Briefly rubbing his fingertips over the Chrome  belt buckle do you know what it says here Elena   had already noticed that there was writing on the  paddock however the words were unfamiliar to her   God With Us Jeff read out this belt is ancient and  belonged to a soldier and like any good soldier he  

Believed in something only Faith gives us strength  to endure things to pursue goals and to stand our   ground there was still no hint of Madness in his  statements although that would have fitted in   with his conclusions like jablonsky I also believe  in God but I do so in a more archaic and natural  

Way he looked at Elena again why did God create  sheep and wolves Elena was overwhelmed by this   question her instinctive answer would have been to  maintain her balance an all too simple answer that   Jeff would certainly have smiled at mildly and  condescendingly no I have no idea she confessed  

Eager to hear his explanations God created sheep  and wolves he repeated so that they can admire the   Wolves they left Hadley’s house and climbed into  the cab of the truck that had brought Elena to   Sedona from the shelter where they were holding  jablonski’s family the truck was just one of 20  

Vehicles that made up a convoy of armed men and  women some of them were part of the militia but   most were civilians who were known to know how  to handle weapons hunters and amateur marksmen   but they had never shot at people before that  could become a problem if a fight broke out the  

Journey took them in the direction of parliament  a former library in the center of the city which   served as a plenum for the state Parliament and  where they wanted to meet Randy Stokes so there   was still plenty of opportunity for Jeff Hadley  to explain further details of his motives to Elena  

In Epic detail it’s the era of the new empires  Hadley began to lecture abruptly staring sternly   into the distance anyone who remains a sheep will  be killed jablonsky is a sheep at the bottom of  

His heart a sheep in the flock of God isn’t that  what the Bible says doesn’t Jesus say we should   be sheep he made a contemptuous gesture with  his hand and showed Elena a pitying face Dallas   believes in this Jesus who wants to make us all  helpless creatures but we have to become hunters  

And find our instincts again if we don’t expand  and show that we’re dangerous we’ll be overrun   from the Warlords asked Ela I wouldn’t call them  Warlords he corrected more like kings of the new   world I’m sure some of them have visions and  ideals I respect them but I don’t want them to  

Get in my way the coming years will be full of  challenges they would be without him and these   Kings Elena thought she knew that Jeff wanted to  turn all of sedona’s inhabitants into Warriors   everyone had to learn to fight without exception  Elena knew how interested he was in history and  

Various ancient peoples in his apartment you could  stumble across all kinds of things relating to the   Vikings the cians and other warlike peoples  he had a shield flanked by a battle axe and a   sword on the wall and his living room beneath  it on a sideboard was a helmet all expensive  

Handicrafts filled the shelves and adorned the  walls alongside pictures and all kinds of books   about the seaf fairing people Elena had little  knowledge of these cultures until now she had   had little interest in the people of the past  in her eyes history was a series of bloody and  

Repulsive events only now and then were there  periods of Peace in which mankind was able to   make progress in her opinion the age of the the  Vikings and their voyages was not one of them   but perhaps she was also doing these people an  injustice as she worked her way through the pages  

Of an illustrated volume she found on Jeff’s desk  she also discovered much Beauty and Grace her art   showed that for all the fear and Terror of these  tribes spread they were still human whatever Jeff   had in mind when he spoke of wolves and Lambs she  hoped he wasn’t turning people into monsters for  

Future generations to be ashamed of Elena laughed  inwardly at herself and at Jeff Hadley whose spoke   of himself and his Visions as if everything  had already happened who could say whether   Jeff’s Mutiny would ever reach a level worthy of  mention in history books I met those kings Elena  

Interjected as she recalled an experience from  not so long ago the saviors they were a gang of   maneaters completely derelict but they ruled a  pretty large area what if they’re the rulers of   the future I want to make sure that barbarians and  cannibals don’t call the shots sure Jeff basically  

That’s exactly my motivation but to secure our way  of life we have to overcome Scruples and stand our   ground Dallas is dangerous because he has no  vision he has no idea where he wants to go I   want everyone to understand that the library  was a non-descript building made of concrete  

With large Square Windows a few steps stretching  across the entire width of the front led up to   the main entrance the Convoy with all its armed  occupants was of course a provocation designed to   intimidate the unsuspecting Parliament even as  the Convoy moved through the town it attracted  

The attention of the inhabitants Stokes and the  members of the administration who were holding a   meeting were certainly not yet aware of what was  moving through the streets of Sedona the large   Hall that Hadley entered with his armed guard used  to be used for amateur theatricals Jeff casually  

Remarked that it was therefore a suitable venue  for the meetings of the diet if they wanted to   the citizens of Sedona could attend and follow the  public votes and debates many citizens were also   present today while one of the MPS stood on the  stage and spoke about necessary sewer work when  

He interrupted his speech because Hadley’s troop  was walking down the center aisle silence fell   before a murmur went through the crowd Stokes who  was sitting in the front row stood up and surveyed   the delegation of martially dressed citizens he  maintained his usual stoic demeanor and remained  

Unfazed some of the delegates tried to follow his  example with moderate success Stokes clasped his   hands behind his back may I know the reason for  this appearance Hadley pushed past him took the   stage and pushed the speaker away from the Lecter  this morning we decided to take the reins out of  

Dallas jablonsky hands he explained attacks like  the one on Fred Owen’s Farm will no longer happen   and we will make sure of that in future while his  colleagues showed their dismay Stokes remained   composed I have not received any application that  could justify this action he approached Hadley  

The establishment of a vigilante group and even  larger police actions must first be authorized   by Parliament anyone who Waits is against their  people the attack on Owen was just the culmination   of a series of incidents that we can no longer  tolerate he looked into the rows of citizens  

And Elena watched as several of them nodded in  agreement and put their heads together we have   procedures for such incidents Stokes interjected  and no charges have ever been brought Owen has had   plenty of time to press charges and hasn’t done  so and that’s the Crux of the matter Jeff Hadley  

Obviously accepted this argument with satisfaction  who would dare take legal action against a gang of   mercenaries who have no Scruples a few onlookers  murmured words of approval Elena realized that   Jeff had his ear very close to the pulse of  the residents and had a lot of information  

At his disposal especially the opinions of the  discont ented whose concerns and fears he knew   how to fuel ultimately his troop was made up  of precisely these dissatisfied angry people   who were just the tip of the iceberg we confided  in a man Hadley continued who showed up here a  

Few years ago with his glider and offered us his  Services when we were weakened and frightened by   an exchange of blows between kiman and aato over  our city as well as the invasion of gangs we would   have thrown ourselves at anyone who could help  us protect our territory from these criminals  

But now we have regained our Our Own Strength we  don’t need anyone just waiting to take everything   we’ve built up here what the inhabitants of Sedona  had built was the result of cooperation between   them and jablonsky Elena knew that much but there  were always people who carried a good dose of Envy  

In their hearts alongside Their Fear people  who always had the feeling that they had come   up short in life strangely enough their numbers  grew when times got better she saw Stokes shake   his head his uncomprehending gaze remained fixed  fixed on Hadley perhaps the chairman was thinking  

The same thoughts that were on Elena’s mind and  you think you can do it better than we can Stokes   pointed out in any case we acted Hadley replied  while the diet watched the Injustice and allowed  

A foreign warlord to build an army and let us feed  him until he grew big fat and Powerful ready to   kick us out of the nest like a cuckoo’s child  we talked to him about the bases Stokes didn’t  

Seem to realize that he had already lost you  know we still have to decide on that there are   quite a few people who see more bases as a way to  increase security there’s an attack going on right  

Now Jeff Hadley ignored stoke’s words and let his  eyes Wander Over the audience we’re going to make   sure that only people from Sedona are allowed to  carry guns or are set as officers over others who  

Want to fight for this city people we’ve known for  decades and can trust oh an exciting Point Elena   thought she would Sear certainly do everything  in her power to keep her weapon and dare to doubt   that the non-native inhabitants of Sedona could  be disarmed so easily they all carried pistols  

And some had automatic weapons she wondered what  would happen if someone tried to take it from them   anyone is free to join the Free Fighters of Sedona  Jeff added anyone who wants to keep their weapons  

Can join this new vigilante group as I said before  only those who have lived here for more than 30   years or are married to someone born here can be  become officers Stokes was a little flustered now   his face betrayed the conflict between amusement  and anger looks like you’ve already got it all  

Planned out he clapped his hands a few times  Bravo your plans for the coup sounds simple   but it won’t be simple when did you think this up  when it became necessary someone from the audience   spoke up he spoke to me when jablonsky started  building a sh shelter on my land Stokes turned  

To the tall man who could see that he worked  hard for a living you didn’t mind as far as I   know Ashton I did you’ve had problems with Strays  who have taken a cow or a pig from time to time am  

I right once even a horse later jablonsky people  were the problem they also demanded their tribute   and I paid it silently he made a gesture with his  calloused hands that emphas ized his helplessness   and underlined his bitter words but coace betrayed  deep frustration and anger Stokes was puzzled  

Why didn’t you report this for the reasons Jeff  mentioned the police aren’t interested in getting   into trouble with the militia and you’re more  concerned with administrative matters you told   Jeff though didn’t you yes I have Jeff is the only  one who listens when you come to him with worries  

And he’s been making plans while you you just talk  Stokes fixed Hadley with a serious look even now   he tried to remain calm and suppress his anger as  Elena could see he was finding this increasingly   difficult she had always wondered how long it  would take for Stokes to lose his C mask the  

Time had finally come Stokes put his fists on his  hips you’ve been talking to the citizens behind   our backs about our incompetence yes I did Jeff  defended himself I didn’t want to let everything I   heard disappear into the bureaucracy or be blocked  by subjects who are in cahoots with jablonsky you  

Know that’s a lie nobody is blocking anything here  or making themselves accomplices to criminals if   you had taken an interest in the citizens Affairs  you wouldn’t have missed all this and you wouldn’t   have wasted so much time the police don’t want  to mess with jablonsky and neither do the judges  

I Now understand that Sedona has a deep mistrust  of you and also towards the police the courts and   the MPS so they turned to me and you can see the  result now I wasn’t lazy and I knew how to use my  

Time so far Alena couldn’t figure out how Jeff  had managed to get so many citizens on his side   but now the whole strategy began to make sense  to her and if they were few in number compared  

To the rest of the inhabitants they were at least  those who were prepared to take matters into their   own hands determined people one of whom outweighed  10 others who couldn’t get their butts in the air   or submit to the new circumstances nevertheless  Jeff’s vision of the future was on Shaky Ground  

Ela knew that Hadley had also swn Discord among  jablonsky people to turn them into traitor but   this strategy could also backfire the Wild Bunch  militia men would certainly not be happy if they   were told to surrender their weapons and report  to superiors that Jeff had appointed provided he  

Wanted to adhere to the guidelines he had just  outlined Elena doubted that and and she also   doubted that after the revolt against jablonsky  things would continue as Jeff thought they would   she wondered how far he would go to realize his  idea he might be a great schemer but it would take  

An equally Adept politician later on to keep all  sides in line whether he could fulfill both roles   remain to be seen now he was trusted and willing  to take risks later facts had to be put on the   table that met expectations and expectations  were as different as the minds in which they  

Grew we’ll talk again when it’s all over Jeff  said I’ve got a war to fight now so it starts   with Bloodshed Stokes words echoed through the  hall now at last the blush of anger had risen to   his face your methods are the old methods I have  nothing against old methods Jeff countered some  

Have been tried and tested since Caesar crossed  the Rubicon and faced the things that followed   even if his familiar World went to hell in the  process you are not a Caesar Jeff laughed and   climbed down from the stage again we’re taking you  into custody now you will not leave the building  

Until jablonsky backs down chapter 7 it was 7:00  in the morning Monica was waiting for her partner   and ready to start her tour as she hadn’t been  able to get any sleep she had got up early she  

Watched jablonsky as he stared at the duty roster  and try to make a sensible plan from the remaining   number of comrades he stood there in with a piece  of chalk in one hand and a damp cloth in the other  

Here and there he wiped away a name and wrote a  new one in the Gap a number of soldiers had left   the troop overnight and were on their way with  weapons ammunition and a few Vehicles Monica   hoped that they had simply left and sought  their Fortune somewhere far away from here  

In the wilderness but that was unlikely jablonsky  didn’t think so either because a few hours ago he   had ordered everyone he could still count on to  seal off the bases because the front did not run   clearly through the ranks even after a number of  Fighters had broken away mistrust prevailed among  

The remaining militia men after all jablonsky  trusted those who were in charge of the bases   and hoped that there would be no fighting cerg is  back jablonsky quietly informed Monica as he made   further changes to the roster he looked calm  unexperienced as if half the team hadn’t just  

Run away from him I assume that Gareth and green  disregarded my instructions and didn’t drop cerg   off where I told them to they hav’t return from  their flight Patrol either which means we’ve lost  

A glider Monica was hit hard by this news before  she could tell him how upset she was by the news   jablonsky turned to her I’m quite irritated he  said Elena is obviously always good for a surprise  

She’s proved to be a useful team member and I’ve  always thought the world of her I wonder how come   she’s suddenly doing such stupid things have I  let her down did she not feel comfortable here   jablonsky looked genuinely distressed what can you  tell me about that you were good friends weren’t  

You Monica searched for words it wasn’t easy for  her to describe her feelings I can’t say anything   about it it’s a mystery to me jablonsky rubbed his  forehead what a Pity I wish you could tell me if  

Your little friend is still in her right mind if  not then I’m about to lose mine I always thought   I had an uniring knowledge of human nature why  is that still important she’s gone and no longer  

Belongs to us he put the chalk and cloth on the  Shelf under the Blackboard wiped his hands on   his trousers and took a few steps towards Monica  because Ramona and pavl haven’t reported back yet   his voice was almost a whisper I’m assuming  they’ve been taken hostage and I hope green  

Is keeping an eye on them to make sure nothing  happens to them Monica felt the ground being   pulled out from under her feet for a moment she  thought she was going to faint I don’t know what’s  

Going on in Elena’s head but at least I don’t  think she’s gone mad that’s not all jablonsky   continued he raised his finger and listened do you  notice anything Monica listened to the silence Not   Unusual really considering that the Bunker’s crew  had shrunk from a good 50 to half that number the  

Night patrols still had a few minutes to return  and The Replacements were still asleep but that   was probably not what jablonsky was getting at  normally the dishes were already clattering in   the kitchen to indicate that Rosalie jablonsky  was looking after the physical well-being of the  

Wild Bunch but there was no sign of that Dallas  jablonsky made a valiant effort to conceal his   feelings when Tina and Mary went into the kitchen  to help Rosie a few minutes ago he took a breath  

Or two I went looking right away but there’s no  Point Tina and Mary are still out I think some of   the men who took off with guns and vehicles today  took them with them there’s nothing I can do at  

The moment except wait until I get news doesn’t  sound like a spontaneous abduction Monica remarked   they’re taking my family hostage said Dallas  jablonsky at least it means there’s a negotiation   going on and we’re not dealing with hotheads who  don’t know what they want there’s someone with  

A plan behind this and that alleviates my fears  that doesn’t reassure me so much as far as their   tactics and strategy are concerned I agree with  you they beat us to it and we have to react now  

We are at a disadvantage nevertheless I’d rather  deal with someone who has a clear purpose than   someone who just follows their impulses what are  you up to now nobody has a quiet day today when   the night patrols arrive we’ll settle down and  declare a state of Siege I’ll send someone to  

The DI and Report what’s going on here they will  feel confirmed in their fears to Hell jablonsky   forgot his restraint for a moment of course and  I have to clean up all the mess if that’s even   possible chapter8 Monica couldn’t believe it she  was on the Run speeding through the forest in an  

Off-road vehicle a militian was lying in the  back seat bleeding from a bullet wound to his   stomach he groaned with every branch and rot that  the vehicle chased over in the darkness it was   difficult to make out the markings on the trees  that marked the course of the secret path smaller  

And larger pools glistened in the Moonlight to the  left and right it would have been Unthinkable if   Monica had missed a marker and slipped into one  of them the mud under the tires didn’t make it   any easier for Monica to keep the heavy vehicle  under control she skitted more than once and only  

Just managed to avoid ending up in a bog hole her  co-driver watched the surroundings intently while   Monica finally steered the car onto a wider Forest  path that led back to the base the tires gripped   firmer ground again and the lurching course came  to an end the sudden acceleration of the vehicle  

Felt good the hum of the combustion engine was  the only sound that reached their ears now their   pursuers had obviously stayed behind in the swamp  or had not even dared to enter the treacherous   terrain this is [ __ ] [ __ ] the co-driver cursed  clutching his rifle tighter ready to fire a volley  

At any attacker who got in their way those were  our people damn it they tried to kill us let’s   hope that everything is still the same at the  base Monica replied staring intently at the   winding Forest Road which was lined with dense  vegetation on both sides low hanging branches  

Whipped against the windshield Fern fronds and  bushes hit the bumper and mudguard the wooded area   was located in a valley north of Sedona it was one  of five larger areas that the city used to secure   its water supply decades ago farsighted citizens  had ensured that they were created and maintained  

For jablonsky they were an important part of the  city’s defense it was impossible to get around   with vehicles if you didn’t know the safe routes  in the warm climate of Arizona the trees in these   swampy areas never lost their leaves and protected  the soldiers from aerial Scouts Monica calmed down  

Again and gained the confidence to reach the base  unmolested for a moment she was able to taken the   beauty of the night she saw the Moonlight casting  its blue glow into the forest making the puddles   and pools shine like liquid silver some kind of  plant was blooming and exuded a sweet heavy scent  

That wafted into the driver’s cab a horde of wild  bores crossed the forest path and caught Monica’s   attention for a moment she almost overlooked the  two vehicles blocking the road which were parked   in the thicket to the left and right of the road  leaving only a narrow passage Monica slammed on  

The brakes and the car skitted across the ground  ground the wounded man fell from the back seat   and cried out in pain now I’m excited muttered  the co- driver clutching his rifle tighter the   safety lever clicked the car came to a standstill  headlights came on and blinded Monica come out  

Someone shouted and don’t do anything stupid she  slowly opened the door and got out with her hands   up while the injured man whimpered we want to  see jablonsky she shouted to the militia men   who were now emerging from behind their vehicles  and pointing their rifles at her which side are  

You on Monica she recognized the voice of Fabio  Moreno who was hiding behind the bright cones of   light he was the squad leader Monica was part of  his unit before Dallas integrated her into his own  

Group we’re on jablonsky side who’s with you ran  and Josh Josh is injured and needs to be looked   after Moreno sent four of his men to check out  Monica words the four of them inspected the cab   of the large off-road vehicle in the small loading  area everything’s okay confirmed a woman her name  

Was Natalie Gail and she was one of the older  fighters who had been with jablonsky from the   beginning she served the militia as a sniper and  had given Elena and Monica some good tips on how  

To improve their skills a serious woman who had  no sense of humor and carved a notch in the butt   of her rifle for every kill at Fabio’s signal the  vehicles cleared the way Monica got back in and  

Drove off she stopped for a moment at Fabio’s and  lowered the window what’s the situation do they   know what’s happened unclear he replied what’s  been going on with you the base was raided didn’t   know the people except for their leaders Tommy and  Kevin a well-coordinated action of course betrayal  

Is also involved joshh groaned what the hell are  you talking about keep driving Fabio stepped back   the area from here is safe step on the gas  the base resembled a fortress barriers made   of wire entanglements at the access roads Gunners  nests on the rocks and the roof of the bunker the  

Large heavily armed glider stood at the top of a  cliff overlooking the bunker to the southeast its   guns were aimed across the valley that meandered  West towards Sedona no enemy should dare attack   from there the guns would pulverize him in a few  moments the only question was how many gliders the  

Insurgents had brought under their control the  baty was the largest and most heavily armed but   it was unlikely that it could hold its own against  the other five at the same time if they were under   Rebel control Monica stopped the SUV and together  with ran They Carried Josh into the base there was  

Excitement inside the bunker wounded patients  lay outside the door of the hospital which had   never had to care for so many patients at the  same time the small medical team was completely   overwhelmed Maps were spread out on the large  table in the dining room colorful Holograms  

Flickered above them showing the movements of  their own and enemy units Dallas jablonsky and   some of the squad leaders studied the incoming  data and spoke to their comrades outside over   the intercom their words betrayed irritation and  showed how unclear the situation was the whole  

Situation made a chaotic and desperate impression  on Monica at least when she looked at the faces   of the officers in contrast to them jablonsky  was calmness personified in view of his recent   Outburst of anger as a result of which he had sent  cerg away she was surprised at his calmness the  

Last few days and hours must have left their Mark  the kidnapping of his family the split in the Wild   Bunch even if he was an experienced Soldier these  circumstances had nothing to do with the combat   situations he was only too happy to throw himself  into was it perhaps pure resignation that Monica  

Thought she saw on his face she approached the  table I’ll get back to you jablonsky turned his   gaze away from the cards what can you tell me you  can forget about the southern base not the first  

Bad news today who’s behind this the whole thing  was a mystery to Monica it was well known that   there was a rift in the squad but someone had to  have exploited and channeled this mood cerg was  

Not in a position to do that he was no fool but  he had no organizational talent and he wasn’t a   skilled schemer either whoever is behind this will  soon make an appearance jablonsky tapped a mobile   box-shaped radio on the table he then took a  sip of coffee and after putting the cup back  

Rubbed his eyes we’re holding three positions  so does the enemy no one can say how the popul   a of Sedona will behave the events of the last  few months mean I can’t hope for much support it   was a mistake to solve things the uncomplicated  way instead of reporting them to the police and  

Taking them to court do you have any idea who’s  causing us problems right now Monica suspected   Stokes who could tell what was going on behind  his imperturbable expression she didn’t trust   people who always had their emotions under  control they didn’t play their cards close  

To their chests jablonsky studied the maps and the  red lines and numbers on them it must be someone   who knows something about strategy he has done an  amazing job with the information from our Renegade   Brothers I give our former comrades credit for  keeping our losses to a minimum I’ve heard of  

Three dead bad enough but they still have Scruples  about killing their former buddies otherwise the   number would be higher I’m sure Josh disagrees and  all the others lying outside inside the treatment   room I wouldn’t be surprised if we still have  to deal with the good citizens of Sedona I’m  

Sure they’ll be less worried about dumping a few  of us then I don’t understand why we don’t pack   our things collect our remaining comrades and  leave jablonsky put his hands on the table and   looked at Monica long and hard and then where  too somewhere East or West take on the Warlords  

Or various Regional gangs to the north where tons  of Strays roam the countryside how long will we   last if we don’t get food on our plates regularly  Monica would have liked to tell him that the aato   were once again prepared to accept humans into  the ranks of their Fighters provided Mayfield’s  

Information was reliable but jablonsky was not  the man to leave his planet to seek happiness   Among the Stars have you ever been married Monica  he asked abruptly no actually he knew that I’ve   had relationships and that’s not not what I mean  jablonsky detached himself from the table and put  

His hands in his trouser Pockets I’m talking about  a marriage an agreement a contract with promises   vows and so on you argue get angry with each other  hate each other love each other fight and make up  

Again I don’t think we’re just having a fight here  Monica replied we have a real war on our hands I’m   not talking about anything else there’s a Russian  proverb if you go to war pray once if you go to  

Sea pray twice if you go into a marriage never  sto praying Monica knew what he was getting at   of course but unlike him she preferred to look  for the distance when the problems got out of  

Hand and she would never start praying to bring a  matter to an end that she considered lost but she   also knew that jablonsky was Cut From a Different  Cloth deeply religious he saw a divine plan behind  

Everything the meaning of which he could fathom if  only he could find the strength to see it through   to the end and if that meant asking for strength  all day he would do it Monica however lacked the   sense to comprehend jablonsky thoughts where  he saw predestination she saw only chaos where  

He recognized a divine plan Monica saw only the  confused results of the free human mind she felt   unable to make a judgment as to which view of life  was the better one once the dispute is settled   continued jabloni you know the points of view  better and adjust accordingly in most cases you  

Were just too blind or too careless to see that  the other person’s point of view hasn’t changed he   is still the person you have chosen you learn to  recognize that you are looking at a picture that   gradually becomes more complete the longer you are  together it is a learning process to accept who  

You are looking at it is your own point of view  that gets in the way and leads to disappointment   you then have to change it instead of running  away from reality and fear and frustration   Monica listened to this lecture and would have  preferred to respond with a condescending smile  

But Dallas was right in everything he said Monica  kept running away and would run away again hoping   to find the promised land Over the Horizon almost  all people chased after hopes and ran away from   problems that was why Elena had defected to the  enemy while jablonski’s troop was beginning to  

Break up and no longer had any security to offer  but that wouldn’t stop her from fleeing into the   unknown again and hoping to find happiness there  she knew her young friend so well it was only a  

Matter of time no matter how things turned out  neither She nor Monica had any faith that God   had placed them exactly where he wanted them to be  to take their place in his prefabricated image she   hated the thought of being some kind of Pawn being  pushed across a chessboard by a supernatural being  

Unable to change the possibilities given to her  by the character of the piece Bishop could not be   Knight and Knight could not be Rook that that’s  my point of view jablonsky took another sip of   coffee and pulled Monica out of her thoughts you  have to find yours Monica turned to the cards she  

Didn’t feel like thinking about philosophy while  her world was falling apart again do you have an   assignment for me no one outside the bunker  we hunker down and wait for the long overdue   message from our opponent chapter 9 the day passed  without any further incidents everything remained  

Calm a mutual stocking that tugged at the nerves  Dallas kept his cool and waited for news from   his opponent he sat at the map table and sipped  his coffee at some point someone from the other   side had to call headquarters on the priority  frequency and demand to speak to him personally  

At least that was what he seemed to be hoping for  certainly even more so for a sign of life from his   wife and children the day passed uneventfully  until around half 4 in the morning when the   lighter guns rattled away the salvos whistled  and word over the bunker roof their bright  

Plasma Trails illuminated the surrounding rocks  column approaching from the West the Gunner’s   voice creaked from the loudspeaker on the wall of  the map room jablonsky pulled up how many vehicles   about 20 trucks flanked by two blers hard to say  how many units I’ll shoot them in the face Monica  

Could hear more bullets whipping over the bunker  somewhere there was a muffled explosion ceasefire   ordered jablonsky repeat hold your fire damn  am I speaking unclearly the Thunder of the guns   died away immediately the silence that followed  felt strangely threatening like taking a short  

Breath before a devastating blow the soldiers  in the bunker looked tense and irritated should   we surrender a female militian shouted across  the central room storming towards jablonsky   and standing in front of him are you going to  give up Dallas didn’t answer the red-haired  

Woman who was a little younger than Monica and  was considered a hothead at the same time the   radio crackled a male voice came out accompanied  by slight static we welcome your decision not to   fight were the words that echoed clearly through  the tense silence in the bunker who am I talking  

To jablonsky wanted to know are you the author  of all this no replied the man Youk get to see   the leader soon make sure none of your mercenaries  have their finger too loose on the trigger Dallas   jablonsky pinched his lips together he obviously  didn’t like the tone and manner of this answer  

At all don’t worry he replied we won’t bother  you but don’t take this as a surrender have   I made myself clear there followed a short pause  during which the spokesman certainly checked with   his boss to see what he had to say yes clearly  and concisely wek be with you shortly to talk  

About your surrender as jablonsky Switched Off  the Radio more militia men approached none of   them looked Happy on the contrary for a moment  Monica expected one of them to draw his pistol   and ordered Dallas to make a clear declaration  of war to the enemy everyone seemed to have been  

Eagerly anticipating a battle and was accordingly  disappointed talking negoti in that was one of the   things you did after the first serious exchange  of blows or when the war was over the tasseling   only came after The Showdown we could finish them  all off the red-haired woman hissed why not make  

A move take hostages and demand in exchange you  know I can handle that give me 15 men and I’ll   deliver you some prisoners without responding to  the suggestion jablonsky turned to Bill Hudson a   tall muscular man who had been with him him from  the beginning and had helped found the Wild Bunch  

You make sure the heavy weapons are collected and  stowed in the Armory the dark-haired man with the   angular face did not hesitate and approached his  comrades so you’ve heard he took a large rifle  

From one of the men turn in your giant babies no  time to lose it’s what the boss wants Harry give   me a hand another man who was also not one of the  daintiest soldiers in jablonsky troop plated the  

Reluct Soldiers with his physical presence alone  don’t worry guys he said the boss knows what he’s   doing Monica wasn’t so sure right now she felt  uncomfortable and at the mercy of others and when   others felt the same way they comped with jansky’s  orders with astonishing Equanimity the main gate  

Was opened normally it was closed when no repair  work was being carried out on the bunker or   supplies were being brought in the heavy segments  of the gate which could also serve as a barrier if   they only protruded a meter from the ground now  disappeared completely into the foundations of  

The building jablonsky stepped outside put his  fists on his hips and waited for the arrival   of his still unknown opponent Monica and some of  Dallas closest confidants also went outside and   stayed by his side to watch what happened in the  next few minutes Hudson carried the radio that  

Normally sat on the table in the card room and  set it down next to jablonsky there was still   nothing to see only the distant hum of fuel power  engines filled the night soon headlights began to   probe through the darkness as the Convoy emerged  from The Grove that filled a canyon like a dark  

Shadow they then climbed the Steep road that led  up to the Sedona militia base Monica counted 28   wagons some of which were large enough to carry  10 to 20 passengers but there were also jeeps   and Pickups like those used by the police Monica  estimated the small army approaching the base at  

A good 200 to 300 men of course that gave little  indication of their fighting strength and their   chances of success in the event of a clash however  Monica was impressed by the sheer numbers this   Force seemed to have been created from nothing in  just a few days she guessed it was civilians who  

Had suddenly discovered their courage grabbed  weapons and felt strong enough to win a fight   with jablonsky but numerical superiority was  useless without an experienced leader to show   them how to organize for attack and defense and  fight as a cohesive unit the number of defected  

Militia men could be decisive in this respect  but certainly none of the civilians had ever   been through a combat situation together with the  Warriors the people around jablonsky on the other   hand knew each other they knew their strengths and  weaknesses in the various combat situations they  

Could instinctively anticipate how their comrades  might behave and trusted them the soldiers called   this phenomenon mindbridge however civilians who  entered the battle nervously or were too confident   of Victory could disrupt the usual routines among  the well-coordinated troops groups tearing down  

The mine Bridge newcomers were therefore always  a danger as long as they were not woven into this   mental Bond and the defectors had a myriad of  newcomers with them whose Behavior they could   not assess in this respect the whole Affair might  well be balanced and the outcome open regardless  

Of what large army was now deployed Against the  Wild Bunch or precisely because of that after a   few minutes the first units rolled onto the  landing pad in front of the bunker armed men   jumped out swarmed out and positioned themselves  around the base to take aim at the Gunner’s nests  

And the baty on the cliff at least they had  been taught a few tactics Monica realized   however most of them only had short-range weapons  she realized shotguns are shock pushers for close   combat they posed little threat to the experienced  militia Marksman in their positions others took up  

Positions in a line in front of the vehicles  without pointing their weapons directly at   their enemies only a handful of them aimed at  individual soldiers in jablonsky Squad in the   headlights of the trucks only the Silhouettes Of  The attackers could be seen so their faces were  

Barely recognizable but Monica could see their  tension in their movements she was expecting a   shot to go off at any moment triggering a wild  shootout finally the engine stopped in silence   fell over the scene everything remained quiet for  a while before a vehicle door opened somewhere and  

Footsteps crunched on the gravel indicating that  some people were approaching whoever was Leading   the People had a flare for the dramatic it was  all part of a staging to ensure that no one   would forget this morning’s events anytime soon  Monica was not surprised that Elena stepped out  

Of the darkness she knew that she would quickly  gain a high ranking with jablonsky enemies she   was clever had a confident demeanor for her  young age had Charisma and was not a mouthful   she also looked good all in all a woman that the  so-called alpha males like to Adorn themselves  

With Monica was rather surprised by the man she  was accompanying who was obviously the head of the   new Power in Sedona Jeff Hadley the reserved  rather colorless guy who always accompanied   Randy Stokes when he wanted to talk to jablonsky  personally Monica lost her voice jablonsky on the  

Other hand seemed to have expected it good morning  Hadley began and it didn’t even sound patronizing   I’m glad you have the good sense to settle this  peacefully Alice jablonsky devoted a moment of   his time to Mike cerg who positioned himself next  to Hadley did Hadley just make you his number one  

I’m surprised and horrified in equal measure how  does it feel to be standing next to the new Power   like this cerg was obviously struggling to come up  with an answer whatever words he had prepared for   this moment were probably no longer suitable  enough in his eyes it feels right he finally  

Said yes it feels damn right Dallas Shrugged his  shoulders skeptically if that’s the way you see   it he searched the opposing ranks for other  familiar faces rob a man cleared his throat   he seemed embarrassed now that his former boss  had picked him out of the crowd by addressing  

Him personally I didn’t know you felt so unwell  continued jablonsky Youk have to do without the   good food from rosaly that you like to shovel  into yourself so much in future muted laughter   could be heard here and there prompt Hadley to  speak up we will take over the stations his voice  

Sounded energetic and determined like someone who  was sure of his victory just like the other half   of their bases really jablonsky was irritated  did you really take my bases stop playing games   you know that we will monitor your withdrawal as  well as that of your people don’t take too much  

Time clearing the bunker we have other business to  attend to by other business you mean the Warlords   in the East and the West jablonsky voice echoed  through the night in the tension fill air I hope  

You know who you’re dealing with and how to deal  with them I have the best of your people with me   Hadley replied and I have my connections let  me worry about that I worry about the people  

Of Sedona because they have no idea what kind of  [ __ ] they’re up against Jack Lin the Ripper is   a former Stellar seal who has gathered only the  toughest Fighters around him 10 men leading 300   ruthless butchers they could bring all of Sedona  to its knees you have to know exactly how to deal  

With these people Hadley stepped forward you will  not cause any trouble now jablonsky and begin your   withdrawal immediately jablonsky ignored Hadley  and turned to Mike cerg again I’ll have to come   back to this now that I know where Hadley’s  thrust is going going the boy really thinks  

He’s found a good officer in you am I right  that’s enough Jeff Hadley pointed his pistol   at the head of the militia who looked at his  counterpart calmly Monica thought she saw pity   and disappointment in jony’s gaze Mike has never  been a light jablonsky sighed and you think you  

Can compete with Berlin or the cannibals in the  north who have sent their Scouts here from time   to time stop it Jeff dropped his put on respect  and finally put on the condescending tone he’d  

Been holding back you know your time is up you’re  just trying to buy time why should I Jeff seemed   a little irritated in any case he didn’t answer  immediately admit defeat to yourself then we can  

End all this quickly and peacefully defeat he put  his hands in his pants Pockets can I use my radio   what for I’m expecting a call Youk be interested  in him too Jeff jablonsky turned to Hudson would  

You press the button please Bill Hudson bent down  and flicked a switch on the clunky radio that   stood on the floor next to jablonsky it was so  quiet that the click of the small switch could be  

Heard like the crack of a whip echoing across the  square this was followed by a soft hiss from which   a voice soon emerged this is Steve the words came  tinly out of the loudspeaker what’s the situation  

Asked jablonsky shelters and camps in the East are  in our hands that’s not true Hadley burst out he   turned to his Fighters This is a trick jablonsky  is no better than the guys threatening us don’t   let them fool you maybe he wants to speak to  one of his commanders said Steve whose words  

Were overlaid with interference I’ve got one a  woman Mira Evans is her name shortly afterwards   the woman spoke a few apologetic words it all  happened so fast she said and it sounded like a   sob some of the defectors fooled us jablonsky  knew about it in the face of the unpleasant  

News Hadley nevertheless kept himself well under  control whatever we have your wife and children   you will now follow my orders and I won’t give  a [ __ ] jabloni told him one more connection   please Bill Hudson turned a knob and voices could  be heard again first jablonski’s wife Rosal spoke  

Who couldn’t hold back a few curses cursed be you  Dallas jablonsky the devil take you did you think   I was blabbing is that why you didn’t tell me we  fine his son pabble interjected before Ramona also  

Spoke up Mom’s right Dad you’re a bastard but  Elena is the bigger [ __ ] of the two of you   Jeff Hadley’s expression betrayed his dismay  when he heard the news but he didn’t get the   chance to take his anger out on Elena in one  fluid movement she took a step back Drew her  

Pistol at the same time and shot Hadley in the  temple cerg raced his gun as Hadley slumped to   the ground but Elena immediately took aim at him  just make a move scumbag she hissed none of those  

Present seemed to be able to comprehend what had  happened or react in any way they all stood there   transfixed this was the only explanation for  the fact that no further shots were fired we   all going to stay very quiet now jablonsky voice  rang out clearly over the heads I think Jeff has  

Made one thing very very clear I’m the only [ __ ]  here walking in the valley of death and Terror the   only bastard who can deal with the other bastards  threatening us from all sides or is there anyone  

Else here who doubts that of course course there  was no answer no one dared to so much as cough or   lift a finger Monica studied her friend who stood  over Jeff Hadley’s body like an angel of death  

She found it difficult to comprehend what had just  happened in front of her eyes and what role Elena   had played in it I prepared for this day and let  it happen explained jablonsky from the second Jeff  

Made his first mistake to his last he considered  the dead man at his feet with a brief Shake of   his head his undoing was to confide in a young  woman who didn’t want to become a traitor Elena   climbed over Hadley’s body and stood at Monica’s  side a strangely disconcerting feeling came over  

Her as her young friend stood next to her an aura  of coldness and hardness surrounded Elena which   Monica could clearly sense all the more so as the  two were United by an inexplicable connection that   went far beyond the Mind Bridge a connection that  had come about through contact with the CES when  

They boarded the Zora to hunt Pirates jablonsky  speech was not over yet I’m ready to forget this   dispute I see the matter as a brief Hiccup and an  otherwise very good relationship he paused for a   long moment but I’m also ready to acknowledge the  realities if I’m no longer wanted I’ll pack my  

Things and leave in this case I assume that you  already have a capable person available to fill   the vacant position he turned to cerg again I hope  it’s not Mike or is it the F surprise was also   part of the theater which jablonsky played better  than Monica had ever thought possible the silence  

That followed his question was answer enough  jablonsky looked dismayed I can’t believe it you   want to take on the cannibals and the Ripper with  Mike in the lead Monica noticed how a murmur went   through the rows one by one people lowered their  rifles some moved away from their positions and  

Out of the range of the gunmen who were sitting  in their sandbag nests and could open fire at   any time there were a dozen or two who were still  hesitating and being plated by their comrades not  

To start a fight after all after a few moments the  efforts proved successful and the entire Gathering   of recreational Fighters gradually dispersed  the vehicle started moving again and drove off   in the direction of Sedona cerg and others who  had joined Hadley and now didn’t know what to do  

Remained at the Landing site jablonsky glanced  around would someone please take Mike’s Guns a   handful of soldiers reacted immediately before  cober could do anything the men forced him to   his knees and relieved him of his weapons cobird  put up with it all without grumbling or swearing  

I would love to abandon you in the wilderness  jablonsky spoke without any visible emotion but   I wouldn’t feel comfortable there better you go  to Sedona they’ll soon find out how stupid you   are if they don’t already know I’m sure we don’t  need to be afraid of you you’ll be lucky if they  

Give you a job sweeping the streets cerg had to  make his way to Sedona on foot if he intended   to do so at all and didn’t end up falling sideways  into the bushes he walked without saying a word or  

Complaining trying to preserve what little dignity  he had left jablonsky watched him for a while lost   in thought and with a petrified expression that  revealed a lot about his feelings and his anger   Monica watched as the dawn crept Over the Horizon  a peaceful morning against all expectations a  

Morning that had changed everything and that  would also force her life into a new Direction   jablonsky ordered Jeff Hadley to be buried near  the bunker he had a small cross made of dried   wood erected and said a few words because he took  it for granted that he was pleasing his God who  

Even demanded love of the enemy perhaps some  of the few comrades who were only present out   of respect for jablonsky regarded this gesture as  an insincere farce that could have been dispensed   with but Monica knew that none of this was true  it was neither unnecessary nor dishonest jablonsky  

Wanted to remain human even if others did not  deserve his humanity and forbearance Hadley’s   burial served as a demonstration of his view  of things he loved the inscrutable God whom he   occasionally called Yahweh and who demanded that  he respect even those who proved Unworthy of his  

Respect there were few reasons to love people  that was a lesson Monica had to learn early on   Dallas did it to please his God whom he did not  blame in jony’s opinion it took the almighty’s   command to follow an ideal permanently and not  become embittered nevertheless it remained a  

Difficult undertaking and no one could say how  long jablonsky could keep it up no matter how   much his Heavenly Father demanded it but no matter  Monica would never know when Dallas reached his   limits if that happened she and Elena would be  on their way it was a foregone conclusion that  

They would leave the Wild Bunch and go to Mexico  as Mayfield had suggested I I hate to lose you   jablonsky confessed as they walked from Hadley’s  grave back to the base where Elena was already   waiting don’t you want to reconsider Monica was  touched by his attempt to hold her back even  

Though he knew that her mind was already made up  it was also just to express his deep Sympathy for   the two of them we’ve already brought everything  on board the glider py is still checking the  

Systems just a few more minutes then we’ll be  ready to take off and be on our way the glider   is actually a big loss for me Elena has earned it  without her you’d have nothing now I don’t think  

Much of aot’s offer jablonsky said what do you  want to fight for for their interests for their   leaders leaders you don’t know you will always be  strangers to them is it different here humanity   is breaking up into tribes and groups anyone who  doesn’t belong is a stranger so what’s the point  

You can find something better than death anywhere  so I can’t talk you out of it anymore just wish us   luck Dallas jablonsky said goodbye without saying  anything else he didn’t believe in putting off   unpleasant things that could no longer be changed  chapter 10 Dominic was sitting on the Rocky Ridge  

Of a mountain range that was part of the Sierra  Nevada which lay to the southeast of the ruins   of Mexico City in the plane between them Rose the  h of a huge aato ship half buried in the ground  

It filled a crater left by the crash of a kimon  claw the rest of the huge spaceship bulged out of   the ground like the hump of a whale its bark-like  surface shown silvery in the hot afternoon sun the  

Ship was called Rara and had been decommissioned  centuries ago as a ghost ship it drifted in space   at the edge of the Oten system until Brooks found  an unusual use for it it was to play an important  

Role in the founding of the new armed forces or  rather the new Faith he intended to establish this   project set in motion some exciting events that  were not easy even for rulan Mestre to master for   apart from the warlike similarities between humans  and aliens in general there were also similarities  

When it came to matters of Faith Interstellar  species also seem to have little tolerance   when it came to the interpretation of religious  doctrines and the formation of sections zurak   Mestre had appointed some Priests of the aato  church who were generally regarded as Heretics or  

Had a dubious reput as Ministers of the Church of  the new Branch Davis and skorski served as their   Liaisons handling matters between humans and the  higher deado priests in essence they along with   Brooks acted as the actual architects of the  new Faith this bizarre conglomeration called  

For what Brooks called a faith Commission of the  official Church to deal with the unusual Church it   would decide whether the new Branch was a sect or  a way of Faith founded by otan himself the stakes  

Were high for Ruan Mestre as especially after his  son had made up a lot of ground and had risen in   the aato people’s esteem so it was also out of  cold calculation that he wanted zurak with him  

Should things turn out well or badly no matter  what happened he had to be the first to react   appropriately Dominic replayed the last few hours  in his Mind’s Eye and registered how similar the   behavior in demeanor of thinking individuals  were no matter how many Lighty years separated  

Them when it came to politics or religion there  were no differences the religious Congregation   of aato comprised some 30 dignitaries who stroe  through the corridors and hallways of the Rara in   magnificent robes followed by a bodyguard in Old  traditional robes a small army of 200 male and  

Female aato They Carried swords and Spears that  looked like a cross between a rifle and a lance   Brooks said that one should not be deceived  by the burlesque appearance of the guards the   guards men were among the best warriors and were  highly trained in modern fighting techniques it  

Remained unclear how the the clergy might  decide on the status of the Church of the   new Branch they left without holding a council or  meeting but that didn’t worry Brooks Dominic had   expected the church leaders to make appointments  to clerical positions but he understood that the  

San intended to appoint priests himself who owed  their position to The Prince and not to the church   Dominic let his gaze Wander over the countryside  it promised to be another hot day the morning sun   Shone from a blue sky and set about scorching  the Earth with its rays the settlements which  

Look like Scorch marks on a brown carpet from up  here had been growing steadily since the rakana   had landed here and it had become known that the  aato were once again looking for warriors along a   narrow safety zone that surrounded the ship the  mass of miserable dwellings in which countless  

People sought Refuge was crowded plumes of smoke  Rose incessantly from the area covering the roofs   like fog of course the prospect of escaping the  Battlefield Earth also attracted people who would   never make it into the ranks of warriors but  who would deny them the chance to try their  

Luck however this also increased the desperation  and the resulting problems crime exploded in the   settlements Dominic didn’t want to imagine what  was happening in the Alleyways between the huts   and living containers after all none of this meant  any direct danger to the rakana and all those who  

Had made it inside it was merely a circumstance  that deprived Dominic of sleep even if lill was   always reassuring even if he claimed that he  also had problems with it his sympathy was   limited perhaps Dominic also needed to become a  little more indifferent if he didn’t want to lose  

His mind the kiman who had not failed to notice  that something was going on here that demanded   their attention were threatening greater harm in  recent weeks they had stepped up their attacks on   the area around the rakana they also sent out  more sniffers than they usually did when they  

Were scouting in area in a way however this was  an advantage as it kept the senses of the tunnel   rats called skaji or Sarah by the aato sharp the  mere presence of the skels even if they were still   far out of sight tickled their senses for Dominic  this occasionally caused nightmares and visions  

That he could happily do without at least he had  managed to develop a defense strategy with the   Mantra technique to arm himself against it and  mitigate the effects on his psyche it helped to   concentrate on a color an object a poem or a song  during the mental assaults Thunder rumbled from  

Somewhere Dominic looked up at the Sky searching  for signs of a kimon ship ready to attack the aato   but there was nothing to be seen another Rumble  echoed across the plane as Dominic turned to the  

West he saw a storm cloud casting its shadow over  the land relieved he caught his breath and watched   as Lightning flashed in the dark wall of clouds  the storm would bring some cooling nevertheless   Dominic cast another scrutinizing glance at the  sky to make sure to his relief he saw only the  

Battleships of the Horseheads hovering in like  small moons in stationary orbits over the land the   Duran was particularly striking a huge monster  that had also been living a shadowy existence   until Brooks discovered it for his purposes it  had been commissioned by anulan mist’s father  

And was to serve as a mobile palace with which  he intended to travel his Empire when he died   the Durana was still under construction it was  completed but Dulan mestr did not intend to use it   he preferred smaller and more maneuverable ships  and had no desire to move through space with an  

Entire city for the humans however it would make  an Ideal Home the ship was 30 km long and like   all aato spacecraft was made of panta wood the  segments must have grown together over the years  

To form a compact stable structure a hole with a  bone-like texture that made it easy for the force   fields that surrounded it to keep it from breaking  during risky Maneuvers in contrast to normal ships   aato spacecraft increased in value the older  they were due to this special feature Dominic  

Couldn’t help but Marvel at the massive forms of  the Durana looming in the sky above him thanks   to her and the other ships there were no further  attacks from the kimon which gave the crew of the  

Rara and the settlers in their poor dwellings some  respit however it was only a matter of time before   the Kon showed up with larger battle formations  to cause problems somehow The Beatles must have   figured out that there was a connection between  the loss of the world of Baran the aato victories  

And the humans Dominic Klein into his glider and  returned to the Rara Davis was already waiting   for him in one of the hangers and wanted to show  him the latest data on the new arrivals he handed   Dominic a transparent data pad on which Columns  of numbers and some statistics were displayed I’ve  

Assigned you a larger group said Davis since it  went so well last time and I have the impression   that you were a little underchallenged Dominique  frowned 150 you’ll manage besides Brook wants to   see you what does he want just chatting about  the past few months I think and ask you about  

Your impressions chatting you’re joking besides  you know my impression Dominic felt uncomfortable   with all the sudo religious humbug however he had  bought into it and was already in too deep I’m   just trying not to lose sight of the last chance  for Humanity behind this charade yes yes Davis  

Waved her off off you don’t have to feel guilty  we’ve already earned our place in heaven if you   ask me I’m not so sure about that Davis turned  away and boarded a two-seater transport sled   let’s not keep Brooks waiting Brooks was waiting  for Davis and Dominic in the inner sanctum an area  

Of the Rara that was located on its upper decks  a former hanger that had been completely gutted   the flowing shapes of the wooden construction  and the Mysterious lighting from from glass   containers with bioluminescent liquid gave the  room an enchanted otherworldly feel a single Ray  

Of bright sunlight fell through a round hole in  the ceiling bulkhead and hit a huge silver gothra   statue which Dominic saw as the culmination of  the blasphemy zurak was practicing here gotra   was the name the aato had given it which they  did not always pronounce with reverence Dominic  

Ventured to Guess that Brooks was also feeling a  little uneasy by now given the occult Babylonian   atmosphere that filled the Rara this sacred space  formed the pulsating Pagan heart of the ship whose   power flowed into the veins of all those who  had completed their training and possessed a  

Sole receptive to archaic Cults the priests who  took turns at the final ceremony did not address   the gothra whose towering statue undoubtedly  stirred the thoughts of all the graduates and   that was exactly the intention of the priests  who ensured that smaller figures and images of  

This monster were omnipresent on the ship it  was inevitable that the recruits and soldiers   would ask themselves questions about what the goth  recks were all about questions that the military   instructors and Priests would neque with silence  this was an agreed tactic the answers were only to  

Be given to those whose curiosity drove them to  find out more and only the priests were allowed   to satisfy their curiosity Dominic knew that among  these humans there were a large enough number of   individuals who saw their transformation into one  of these monsters as an Ascent to a higher level  

Of existence people were prepared to commit many  perversions if they were promised immortality or   the status of a deity San Brook stood in front  of the statue and watched as some of the priests   lit large candles that flickered in front of  the figure you want to see me asked Dominic  

Brooks slowly turned to Dominic as if he found it  difficult to escape the magical Aura of the statue   an incredibly ugly Idol he remarked laconically  but effective the effect of such things has been   tried and tested over thousands of years what  do you think well we have enough volunteers  

For the transformation to satisfy the aad the  answer echoed Dominic’s gloomy thoughts I’d be   surprised if you weren’t what do you mean Davis  Davis was confident the whole thing will develop   its own momentum we will soon no longer be able  to save ourselves from Martyrs from your group  

Porter Brooks continued for I’ve approached the  priests to learn more about the goth recks okon   is confident that two of them will opt for the  transformation okon dur was the head priest in a   group of 10 clergymen he could have held a high  position in the official church but some of his  

Ideas met with resistance in the established  circles he was considered a heretic as far as   Dominic was able to assess him he was one of the  less puritanical clergymen unlike most Priests of   the aato church he seemed to have a somewhat more  relaxed view of life in any case he had a sizable  

Supply of ribo a traditional strong beer brewed  by the aato and had made sure that he was never   short of food since his arrival with all the  chaos that the aliens brought with them when   they came to us Dominic said I assumed that  Humanity would somehow benefit and take its  

Next step into the future why do I now have the  feeling that we’re moving backwards back to the   Stone Age he pointed with a contemptuous knot of  his head at the thing Brooks had rightly called an  

Idol Brooks took his time to answer we’re doing  more for the future of the people than anyone   before I thought we’d already sorted that out I  made no secret of how I felt about it right from  

The start I would have preferred a different path  and yet Davis joined in the conversation it’s our   best chance I would have opposed this course of  action if the soldiers had no choice but to live  

A life as a gothick but they do have that choice  for Dominic it was all still a lie but he didn’t   want to reopen the matter let’s not do that what  is this about out what are you trying to tell me  

The San acted like someone trying to avoid an  unpleasant piece of information we must make   sure that no one implies that the goth recks are  merely a scientific military experiment after all   this is about Enlightenment it should not appear  profane right and that means someone is already  

Guilty of blasphemy I’ve pulled some of the tunnel  rats off the project Brook shared Long Hill and C   are among them they’ll accompany zurak on his next  campaign they’ll stay in the guard of course but  

I’ll keep an eye on them that’s why I have to look  after a larger troop now yes but you’ll manage   chapter 11 Mayfield was a miserably bad pilot he  couldn’t manage to keep the glider steady and kept   steering into turbulence that really shook the  vehicle Monica would actually have flown but the  

Exertions of the last few days were apparently  taking their toll with 10 other Sedona militia   Warriors who had left the Wild Bunch she tried to  get some rest in the crew area of the Dorian while   Mayfield maltreated the glider as feared they  encountered Kon ships more and more frequently  

The further south they traveled these were not  the huge ships that were engaged in the occasional   exchange of blows with the aato far above the  Earth’s atmosphere they were smaller units that   appeared to be on a reconnaissance mission and  were moving close to the ground at first they  

Didn’t show much in the Dorian which to them was  just a stone age curiosity compared to the kiman   or aato vehicles but a short time later one of the  ships tried to shoot down the glider but no matter  

What the kiman did it couldn’t get the Dorian out  of the sky Monica was at the helm at the time and   was able to recognize the attacker intentions she  anticipated his every maneuver and reacted so that  

Every shot came to nothing after a while he gave  up and flew away the crew was relieved in Elena   who had also felt the kiman Pilot’s frustration  patted her friend on the shoulder Monica however   remained pensive and tense the Kon would certainly  come back when it had regained its composure if  

He reported back they could expect to have to  deal with a whole Squadron do you think Elena   asked that the bugs have self-respect Monica put  on a puzzled face what do you mean well if he’s  

Proud maybe he’ll try to settle things on his own  before he tells his superiors that he wasn’t able   to pull a few primitive earthlings out of the sky  that’s what i’ do anyway Monica looked nervous I  

Don’t know if I can get through this again Elena  feared that her friend might be right the chances   of reaching her destination were slim but it  was better not to tell her companions about her   concerns there was no point in worrying them even  if they were already thinking their share Monica  

Suggested that they stop taking breaks and take  turns flying the Dorian sank a few meters again   climbed higher again and dropped like a stone  Into the Depths once more Elena was finding it   increasingly difficult to keep her lunch down she  left her seat and straddled the doorway to the  

Cockpit where Mayfield was trying out his flying  skills while pety Jenkins tirelessly gave advice   and reprimands the view of the landscape helped  Elena to overcome Raga downdrafts pety snarled   at his buddy trying to do justice to his role  as co-pilot by pointing at the Hologram above  

The console and there’s an updraft here not so  close to the rock face and directly ahead heat is   rising into the air turbulence Without End jungle  territory is thunderstorm territory the air masses   are shifting rapidly Mayfield ignored Jenkins  and steered calmly over the Treetops I’ve got  

Everything under control Mayfield defended himself  it’s just my style I like a wild ride you’re going   to to kill us all I’m on your side py Elena  remarked how much further do we have to go pety  

Jenkins pointed to a bright dot that was clearly  visible in the sky above the southern Horizon it   Shone like a small star that thing is right over  our Target and what is that the scanners can’t  

Detect much at this distance but it appears to be  a ship stationary above the Earth at an altitude   of a good 100 kilom Kon it doesn’t look like it  more like aado considering the amorphous shapes   but it looks more streamlined and is really huge  are there any guard ships eleno wanted to know  

It might be a good idea not to fly Too Close py  turned his attention to the sensors for a few   moments there are other objects in orbit I don’t  see any hunting units though hold on what is it  

Here comes one of those things possibly our friend  from earlier let me fly Elena demanded of the   pilot who did not respond immediately let me fly  damn it shouldn’t Monica be doing this she’s still  

Too exhausted now make way go to the rear Cannon  what’s the point just go she barked at the man   and grabbed him by the shoulder as if she wanted  to drag him out of his chair go to the AF Cannon  

And wait until an opportunity arises Mayfield left  the Pilot’s seat and squeezed past the young woman   into the crew compartment to sit down at the gun  I hope you know what you’re doing Elena Took the   Wheel accelerated and chased the Dorian along the  cliffs into a canyon she intercepted the glider  

Just above the surface of a river that meandered  foaming through the narrow Gorge Elena could feel   the Kon the closer he came the more clearly she  perceived his Sensations it was indeed the same   one that had given them a hard time a few hours  hours ago Elena could feel his fighting Spirit  

Rising the arrow shaped ship sat at the rear of  the glider and immediately began to fire Elena   dodged and steered the Dorian upwards at a steep  angle Mayfield cursed how am I supposed to hit   anything like that stand by Elena shouted back as  Monica came into the pulpit and positioned herself  

Behind her chair Jenkins loosened the straps it’s  better if you take over Monica he tumbled out of   the cockpit stumbled over to the other comrades  and strapped himself into one of the seats Monica   could still see the exhaustion from her last  confrontation with the Kon but she certainly  

Knew she couldn’t Sherk the job now our buddy is  really angry she gasped and tightened the straps   I can almost hear his thoughts the Dorian nose  Dives towards the Jungle the Kon fired again and   hit the glider on the starboard side two grazing  shots rattled the vehicle but caused no major  

Damage I irritated him Elena sounded pleased was  able to tickle him a little he’s rattled Monica   confirmed as the Dorian plunged towards the forest  floor between some okanda tree Giants we’re a new   experience the kimon stayed close behind Elena  slowed down her pursuer reacted by swerving and  

Flying past the Dorian on the port side the shock  wave he sent ahead of him hit the glider like a   meteorite Elena had difficulty keeping the machine  under control however the moment when the kimon   was busy preventing the Collision gave Elena the  opportunity to penetrate deeper into the insect’s  

Emotional world the moment when all its senses  were engaged in this action seemed to break down   a barrier that normally prevented this or at least  made it more difficult Elena had already noticed   this little door during his previous attack it  had opened a crack when Monica arrested and was  

Bold enough to push the kimon to its limits did  you notice that Monica detected the attacker   with her sensors and fired a volley that fizzled  out ineffectively on his Shields yes I did Elena   replied don’t let up now we have to overtax him  again Elena accelerated the glider shot steeply  

Upwards through the dense canopy of leaves into  the sky the midday Sun Shone dazzlingly into the   cockpit as the Dorian continued to speed upwards  it’s best if we try to Ram him Monica suggested   I’m sure he’s not expecting that are you crazy  you’re crazy Monica returned and it only sounded  

Half joking you proved it with Hadley do  something unexpected show me show the bug   the alien’s gleaming silver hunting machine  emerged again from the green of the Jungle   and climbed upwards at a shallow angle above the  Treetops I’m loading 300% power on your Cannon  

Mayfield Elena shouted through the ship get ready  to fire when you get the chance 300% Mayfield was   stunned that’ll tear the gun apart won’t make our  situation any worse Elena let the Dorian plummet   to Earth and accelerated the pressure fields  hummed and pressed pilots and passengers deep into  

Their seats as Elena’s field of vision narrowed  and she was about to faint the shimmering ship   came into view are you still with us Fred Monica  wanted to know I’m puking up my breakfast was   Mayfield’s reply ready to fire Elena took aim at  the kiman again and let a hail of plasma charges  

Rain down on the Arrow shaped ship they did no  damage but the shields had to compensate for   the devastating energy somehow she could sense the  kean’s thoughts his irritation his fear he boosted   The Shield energy in the bow section Elena focused  all her thoughts on the Collision she didn’t think  

About bluffing and dodging at the last moment she  didn’t give this thought any space at all in her   mind there was only the moment of impact she had  to want this act of Madness as Monica had demanded  

There was no room to think about survival the  Dorian was now a projectile there only to crush   her opponent she felt Panic rising in the kean’s  mind doubt uncertainty anger Elena’s presence in   his brain made it impossible for him to make  clear decisions and death was only a fraction  

Of a second away the kiman lost its nerve or  whatever they called it swerved to the side and   swept past the Dorian Mayfield chased after the  beetle with a crashing Salvo that hit its rear   section and sent it into a spin the Kon was about  to lose its composure Elena felt the connection  

To the kean’s Consciousness grow stronger the door  opened again it felt as if Elena had stepped into   a hole for a moment she staggered into the void  and instinctively grabbed Monica’s hand images   and emotions began to flood into her head a flood  of Impressions that she couldn’t cope with I’ll  

Take care of it Monica breathed and the vision  swirled away take care of the landing let’s go   see what we shot down there Monica moved as if in  a dream the Earth beneath her feet felt soft and  

Swampy the air was humid and thick with mist after  after a brief thunderstorm the Sun Beat Down hotly   on the clearing that Monica entered at the far end  of which the kiman ship lay in the Tall Grass one  

Wing tip touched the ground the other pointed  Towards the Sky two of the three Landing legs   were Deep In The Damp Earth Monica had managed  to give the pilot a real hard time at least he  

Didn’t seem to have been able to make a decent  Landing the contact with him was still there but   without Elena it wasn’t quite as intense as before  Monica had come within a stone’s throw of the ship  

When she noticed a movement and stopped the alien  emerged from under the hall he was wearing one of   the silver suits of armor she had seen on Baxter  station he held a pistol and tried to point it at  

Monica but his unsteady and erratic movements made  that impossible he fired a shot that whisted past   Monica’s head she could sense the aliens confusion  and continued on her way with firm steps again he   tried to take aim at her as Monica made a mental  push she intensified her concentration fixed on  

The kean’s emotions which she could feel like the  heat radiation from a burning torch and walked   confidently towards the creature the reaction  did not fail to materialize for a moment the   creature’s Sensations intensified it was as  if Monica had blown into a dying Ember Panic  

Flared up accompanied by a host of other feelings  that burst forth like Sparks for a heartbeat this   emotional explosion reflected on Monica’s mind be  against her like a breath of fire but she didn’t   let it stop her from intensifying her effort the  kean’s thoughts and feelings seemed to fade the  

More unyielding Monica became after a few moments  the Kon sank down motionless he crouched on the   ground and allowed Monica to board his ship the  interior of the vehicle was very similar to that   of an Earthly ship streamlined and angular shapes  alternated with each other in the cockpit there  

Were monitors levers and buttons that a human  would certainly be able to operate if they knew   their purpose through her connection with the  kiman Monica had a rough idea she was quite   confident that she could fly the thing the cockpit  offered space for two pilots to sit one behind the  

Other Monica sat down in the front seat and felt  how the seat cushions molded to the Contours of   her body images and Impressions flashed through  Monica’s mind again this time not from the pilot   whose presence she could barely perceive it was  not easy to pinpoint where they came from but  

They felt heavy and oppressive as if a primeval  monster had suddenly emerged from a dark jungle   Thicket Monica reflexively jumped out of her  chair had she just met the ship’s AI that was   trying to contact her if so what would happen  next was there something like a self-destruct  

Protocol for this case or would the ship take  off to undergo a check aboard a kiman blade in   the seconds that followed Monica had enough to  do fighting down her burgeoning fear she calmed   down when there was no reaction from the ship  but there was something else that momentarily  

Lit up her senses like a flash of lightning words  someone was speaking to her asking a question the   voice wavered up and down it was like an unsteady  Breeze watch this Monica heard herself whisper   reciting the word she heard it’s really fantastic  you have to experience it or you won’t believe it  

Monica jumped back in her memory she was on  backer station lying on the back of a kiman   warrior she had just killed Dominic Porter was  with her and she reached out to touch his forehead   better than any trip Monica heard the voice say  better than any trip she repeated Monica felt  

Elena enter the pulpit nice haul we’ve got there  said Ela what a success Monica snapped back to   reality and saw Mayfield and Pete Jenkins peering  through the doorway you were supposed to stay in   the glider really now said Petey we couldn’t  leave you in there alone we didn’t think you  

Were going on board why not what if it had flown  off with you it still can and you’d be there to   see where it goes pety and Mayfield looked around  tensely but Monica reassured them don’t worry I  

Think it needs a pilot to make it fly in any case  Elena let her fingers Glide over the consoles and   suddenly jerked back as if she had received an  electric shock what the she hissed in a mixture   of anger and surprise but after a moment of  irritation Elena’s hand lowered to touch the  

Spot again Monica noticed that there were areas on  the consoles that shimmered gold and looked like   sensor areas what happened she wanted to know  from Elena Elena seemed to see right through   Monica they communicate through these buttons  I feel a powerful presence take your hand away  

Monica ordered and her friend instinctively  obeyed as if she had been electrocuted again   yes she breathed dazedly it’s probably better  this way but what do we do with the ship now   do we blow it up this thing is a perfect pass we  won’t have to convince the aato of our abilities  

First we just have to get close enough to them  without them firing at us let the Dorian fly   ahead so they can see that something unusual  is going on then they’ll ask before they shoot   Rolling Thunder began to fill the air Monica  suspected one of the usual thunderstorms that  

Fell over the rainforests but the piercing Rumble  continued and grew stronger by the second engin   Mayfield remarked ships approaching big ships by  the sound of it Monica looked through the pulpit   window and saw a group of kimon ships swooping  across the sky they flew low and sent flashing  

B towards the ground further up the outline of a  mighty kiman spacecraft could be seen which had   just been hit by energy lances stabbing into space  from the Earth’s surface looks like they’re about   to launch a major offensive Monica couldn’t put  her unhappiness into words damn we were so close  

We’re not at the end yet said Mayfield letun get  into a better position and see what happens and   explore our options Monica had reservations but  she sat down down in the Pilot’s chair to start   the fighter tell the others to follow us in the  Dorian you really think you can fly that thing  

Did you think I was joking I think you’re crazy  the kimon involuntarily taught me a few things   the door swings to both sides theory and practice  are different things Monica smiled mildly you have   no idea what I’ve been taught Elena grinned  at Mayfield thank the sees The Travelers have  

Given us many gifts pety didn’t like the look  of it I’ll stay with my comrades in the glider   Mayfield seemed torn but didn’t want to be called  a coward speak for yourself pety I won’t leave  

The girls alone chapter 12 Dominic did not get to  greet his new troops and begin their training the   kiman attack was sudden and caused the aato the  loss of a battleship whose wreckage rained down   like meteors in the mountains that encircled  the plane at the same time keman claws touched  

Down and Legions of soldiers poured out of them  into the land around the rakana the largest of   these landed in the north dominating a vast area  where more landing craft descended and unloaded   all manner of weapon systems the scale of this  Landing action was unprecedented and completely  

Unexpected The Shield system of the temple ship  hummed under the many blows it had to absorb it   was only a matter of time before the energy was  used up and the protective shield collapsed the   clusters of houses around it also suffered  destruction smoke Rose from the settlements  

Dominic and his soldiers couldn’t do much at the  moment they were all already Warriors but had no   training in hunting machines or the aato gunboats  and it was not certain that they ever would be   the aato were still reluctant to give the humans  access to the heavy weapons all they could do was  

Track down skels with their trained senses and  kill them in hand-to-hand combat with the aato   at their side they could manage that but left to  their own devices the group had to function as   a unit otherwise it would be too dangerous on the  bridge Dominic along with Brooks and Davis watched  

The battle unfold countless Holograms lit up the  raris command post where aado General was trying   to initiate a Counterattack the officers tried to  keep their composure but not all of them succeeded   but even without that Dominic knew that Fu aado  had experienced an attack of this magnitude the  

Sheer number of objects the computer had to  handle amazed Dominic Ado took a moment and   turned to Brooks now the new Guardsmen will have  to prove themselves what do you call that baptism   of fire Brooks nodded Gravely he couldn’t help  it but his face just lost all color we have 20  

Task forces and twice as many in training they’ll  send them all into battle Ado tapped him on the   forehead less than reverently gotra wishes it so  Dominic was well aware of the sarcastic twist that   involuntarily played around the corners of aun’s  mouth Pav’s down in the training deck right now  

Davis said he’s to be ordered to issue weapons  he took a stance where do you want us to make   ourselves useful the kiman fortresses have almost  all Fallen to the north IO pointed to the large   hologram depicting part of Earth and the ships  in orbit the largest of them is coordinated the  

Attacks but I don’t see any way of firing at  them from orbit the defensive Shield is strong   and I’ve ordered the battle in orbit to be shifted  North so the kiman can’t land their reinforcements   directly we can only attack the kiman fortresses  effectively with ground units but to do that we  

Have to take out hordes of their soldiers Dominic  glanced at the hollow which showed Earth and the   Battle Zone the markings representing The Fleets  shifted in the direction of Texas and Nevada   gather your men on the starboard side of the Rara  Ido continued and wait until you are ordered to  

Do so I’ll put some battalions at your side it  is understood Davis that the aato officers are   in command you will follow their orders and  protect them as you have done so far it only   remains for me to wish you good hunting I’ll  stay in contact with you from up here Brooks  

Informed them as His Two assistants Nan sakov and  Norman brunstein entered the bridge Dominic had a   smug remark on the tip of his tongue intended to  make it clear to the San how safe he felt when   Brooks was watching over him but he swallowed  the words and left the command post with Davis  

They crossed the corridors of the ship using a  hover glider somewhere a gun began to fire the   heavy Salos followed each other every second like  Hammer blows sending dull thuds through the huge   Hall all the while a deep piercing sound of alarm  swell through the air aato soldiers rushed past  

Davis and Porter to get to their stations or man  the fighters Dominic was only peripherally aware   of all this his thoughts were focused on the task  that was weighing heavily on his mind and the many  

Men and women he was about to lead Dominic almost  missed the moment when Davis jumped off the glider   and disappeared into one of the corridors the  van drove on and reached the hall where Dominic   had been training his recruits for the past few  weeks some of them seemed ready for battle and  

Took up their positions one by one the rest of the  troops arrived to receive their equipment from the   weapons master and his assistant robots helmets  body armor rifles pistols and ammunition Dominic   watched as 500 soldiers became Fighting Machines  heavy infantrymen light attackers and defensive  

Forces who had to take care of the expansion of  positions they all formed a task force capable   Warriors who had already shown what they could do  the training squads were a headache for Dominic   however as they were three times larger in number  there were enough people in them who would not be  

Able to complete their training but now they had  to fight and couldn’t avoid it it was hard to say   how they would behave in battle whether they would  lose their nerve or rise above themselves whether   they would end up as Canon fodder or return as  battle Harden Warriors Dominic felt completely  

Overwhelmed by the size of these units and the  scenario he had to deal with but as so often he   had no time to think about such problems he had  to concentrate on putting on on his battle armor   and checking the functionality of his weapons he  could hardly influence the rest Dominic allowed  

Himself a moment to look at the soldiers under his  command we’re all in God’s hands now he muttered   as if his lost faith had just returned to him  line up in rows of 10 Dominic shouted after the  

Last Warrior had put on his armor follow in  single file he ran into the lock Corridor to   leave the ship the pounding of the boots rang in  his ears a Detachment of a good 300 aato marched  

Up from one of the side corridors they joined the  ranks of their human sniffer dogs which they also   called skaji or Sarah the unusual troop reached  the end of the corridor and lined up in front   of a huge airlock that led outside together with  the aatos the humans waited for the large airlock  

Gate to open like a curtain revealing a flaming  Inferno explosions smoke and fumes shot through   with the light of countless energy fingers and  plasma bolts until now all you could hear was the   rumble of the detonations and feel the ground  tremble under your feet skorski Davis Foster  

Kelman and the others from Dominic’s former Squad  were also leading their task forces but where that   would be and whether they would meet in battle  Dominic couldn’t say in any case for each of the   tunnel rats and the snowcats it meant a steep  career climb that they were not yet ready for  

He was certainly not the only one among all the  people here whose heart was in their mouths and   whose foreheads were glistening with cold sweat  he could feel the kean’s presence far away but   clearly perceptible his less sensitive comrades  would soon sense it to and then do everything  

They could to protect the heavily armed aato so  that they could carry destruction into the ranks   of the kiman undisturbed Dominic was so lost in  thought that he didn’t notice aato walking past   the front row of people and standing in front of  him you he grunted in a throaty tone you are the  

Leader of the skaji Dominic saluted yes yes sir  sir the officer repeated somewhat contemptuously   I am ruet tragac I will lead your Force we will  not allow the enemy to desecrate the temple ship   Temple ship desecration the madness had obviously  already found its way into the aato the officer  

Looked young at least by aato standards Dominic  now knew how to estimate the age of the hsee   heads rubet tragan with his blonde Mane and dark  eyes that still had a bluish gleam was certainly   no older than 50 Earth years Dominic saluted again  yes sir the shrill sound of a whistle echoed over  

Their heads which rubet tragon had suddenly put  to his lips some of the aato officers used this   simple and ancient whistle to direct their troops  in ground combat this was nothing new to Dominic   two more short whistles followed and the airlock  began to open as he expected the world in front  

Of the ship resembled a hell of smoke Haze  and flickering lightning the rumble of the   explosions was a continuous Rumble over the scene  another whistle drowned out the noise and the aato   rushed out into the security strip surrounding  the Rara they ran towards the wall behind which  

The containers and Shacks of the settlements were  piled up many of which were on fire the soldiers   followed ruet Trak who hurried towards a road that  led through the settlement and out into the desert   Dominic and the other humans struggled to keep up  with the Horseheads who were eagerly anticipating  

The battle in the settlement that surrounded the  rera like a rampart chaos rained it was hard to   tell whether skels or kiman had already invaded  the settlement Dominic thought that unlikely   perhaps falling debris from orbit had caused the  fires he looked up and saw another glowing hail of  

Debris raining down they hit far to the Northeast  and lit up the Horizon it was impossible to tell   whether they were the fragments of an aato or  Kon ship once they had reached the edge of the   settlement the aato took up position and extended  their gun and placements the land sloped slightly  

To the Northwest the ruins of Mexico City between  which the kiman claw had fallen could be seen in   the distance the cone-shaped structure rose  on eight legs above the shattered buildings   and began to cease fire an unmistakable sign  that kiman Warriors had approached their target  

Some armored vehicles rolled out of the a landing  craft and stopped in front of the rows of soldiers   large clunky vehicles that looked like roughly  heun blocks of wood their short barrels were   aimed at the plane the troops set up mortars  and defensive guns which opened fire shortly  

Afterwards the fighting continued throughout the  night into the morning and the following evening   The Fleets of both Waring parties were no longer  visible apparently the fighting had moved deeper   into space it was hard to say whether this was  in the ‘s interest or whether it meant bad things  

Apparently there were intense ground battles  stretching as far as the eye could see neither   the aato nor their opponents wanted to risk the  shrap Mel from detonated spacecraft or the ships   themselves falling on their heads in the past few  hours Dominic and his soldiers had experienced a  

Number of skel attacks which they had managed  to repel without suffering many casualties in   toxicated by the success of his unit which they  owed not least to their human sniffer dogs ruga   tragac and his troops had Advanced further than  he had intended now they were in a shallow Valley  

A good 25 km from the Rara the akado officer  stood with some of his Fighters at the edge   of the hollow and peered out over the land which  lay in deep dusk he had sent for Dominic who was  

Approaching the large alien the aato officer put  down his eyepiece and waved him over impatiently   don’t Dole He barked at Dominic and pointed  into the distance what’s up ahead in the canyons   Dominic felt the kean’s presence more clearly than  ever before but there was something else something  

Strangely familiar intense for a moment he thought  it might be a goth wck or a whole herd of them at   least he wouldn’t have been surprised the presence  was abundantly clear but it didn’t seem to be  

These new monsters or skel or Kon Warriors the  sensation was hard to categorize it was as if   a huge heart was beating beneath the land pumping  streams of energy into his mind scoa growled the   aato Soraka are you dreaming they’re keeping their  distance Dominic explained suddenly torn from his  

Thoughts but I’m afraid they’ll surround us he  made a hand gesture that encompassed the whole   area around them again he sensed an Impulse  the largest concentration of skels is to the   northeast of our position about 4 kilm away ruet  Trak instructed his men to take up POS positions  

To fend off advances from this direction some  tanks began to move a squad of heavily armed   aato began to position and aim a gun Dominic felt  it was necessary not to let his way back be cut  

Off I feel enemy movement to the Southwest he  claimed distance about 6 km they could be at our   backs the officer gave the appropriate orders  shortly afterwards a glider took off bringing   a group of Fighters to the appropriate position  by now the Twilight had faded and the stars were  

Coming out we’ve come very close to the Fortress  said Rubik tragac raising the binoculars in front   of his face again we’ve made more progress than  the other groups further than usual when I fought  

On other worlds it was always a risk a stupid  thing to do but you are useful I can take a   lot of risks Dominic feared that this could arouse  zato’s ambition we’re not Gods he plated we fight  

We bleed and we die the aato grunted that’s all  that’s required of us but we’ll see how far we   can push this s we can push it to the Limit before  Dominic could raise an objection the officer gave  

The order to move off some of the troops stayed  behind to develop the hollow into a base the   rest said about advancing a little later Dominic  checked his rifle the contents of his Provisions   bag and the metal medicine ampols in his belt  coming up against a young ambitious officer had  

Always been one of the things Dominic dreaded the  most chapter 13 it was no surprise that the rash   Advance got the whole Force into trouble Dominic  and his comrades held up admirably and earned the   eato’s admiration but the losses mounted in the  meantime the kimon had also succeeded in dropping  

More landing craft Dominic felt the number  of enemies growing at least they didn’t seem   to be getting any smaller in tronex Battalion  was gradually closing in the terrain consisted   of hills and dry river valleys the slopes were  overgrown with dense bushes Boulders that had  

Slipped into the riverbed either obstructed the  view or offered protection depending on how you   looked at it shortly before Dawn a Lohan began  to vibrate the air a durka tragac explained a   protector Dominic watched as a large aado Starship  floated across the sky the light of the morning  

Sun caught in the rough surface of the ship and  illuminated its gnarl forms he will protect the   temple ruet tragan continued this removed all  doubt this gigantic attack which covered large   parts of the country and the orbit was aimed at  the rera the kiman were ready to throw everything  

Into the fry to destroy it and the humans in the  surrounding area with them I need to get an idea   of our situation said Dominic I can’t do it from  down here I have to get out of the canyon ruga  

Looked up at the edge of the Ravine I’ll give you  some soldiers don’t take any chances Dominic and   his hhe headed companions worked their way up  through Boulders and bushes to the edge of the  

Canyon once at the top he turned his attention to  the ship descending on the Rara the air above the   temple ship flickered an energy Shield of immense  strength Dominic was was unable to suppress his   Amusement he laughed and earned the irritated  looks of the aato what does that mean one of them  

Wanted to know are the kiman retreating is there  any good news what do you feel that’s a lot of   questions Dominic replied once he had regained his  composure I’m just thinking about how important we  

Suddenly are to you and the bugs he looked up at  the aato who had addressed him how do I feel I   feel indispensable like a gun that someone doesn’t  want to do without because they’re afraid suddenly  

Dominic began to stagger at first he thought he  had been kicked in the back of the knee by one   of the horses heads he fell against the aato  who pushed him off what’s wrong with you the  

Alien hissed at him Dominic found himself on the  Zora in one of the crew quarters the gray metal   walls scrolled with symbols and images of alien  Worlds the these are parts of our Visions he heard  

A voice say none of it is just a dream everything  is real trust me Dominic recognized the voice it   was Monica Simmons and the scene was from a shared  memory have you seen enough the horse’s head asked   shaking Dominic then letun go back downstairs  we’re just targets here just a moment Dominic  

Felt the Visions disappear from his head as if a  swarm of bees were flying out of his skull they   Whirled away and for a moment Dominic could see  where the thoughts had come from it was hard to   tell whether his senses were playing tricks on  him the sleepless hours the tension the emotions  

Of the kemon which were pressing in on him more  and more impetuously an effect caused by all the   dead skels whose blood soaked the land the whole  area was transformed into a huge resonating body   to which Dominic’s neurons responded what is is  it now urged aato we have to go further Northwest  

Dominic blurted out why he didn’t know why himself  he was just following an Impulse or an intuition   tragac will know Dominic replied he certainly had  reasons to send me ahead he received incredulous   looks apparently there was disagreement among  the aato about how capable they thought the  

Young officer was the gods have plans for us  Dominic reassured him who can say what Destiny   they have in mind for us you only know that when  you’ve walked the path to the end you’re kidding  

We humans have a saying he looked around do  you want to know it the aado looked at each   other skeptically from the looks of it they were  afraid of what Dominic had to say as if it could  

Be a bad Omen God uses fools to carry out his will  he finally said and to shame the wi eyes rigu AK   aine moru added one of the horse heads the gate is  the mouth of aine that’s exactly how it is Dominic  

Confirmed that’s exactly how it is chapter 14 in  the meantime larger combat units of both parties   appeared in the sky again they tried to drop  ground troops but the dense defense of fire made   it almost impossible the kimon claw covered the  landing craft with volleys and the AATA were also  

Attacked from the faces that the kimon were able  to install after all it was no different for the   insectoids when their Invasion ships approached  the Earth’s surface and were plucked from the sky   by the aad cannons in a striking way the situation  reminded Dominic of the trench warfare in one of  

The many wars in human history he remembered his  history lessons of shaky pictures in black and   white in which soldiers staggered across Barren  stretches of land covered in artillery salvos   that turned the land into a cratered landscape  a gray field of death where they wandered like  

Ghosts Dominic would never have believed that he  would find himself in a similar situation after   marching over flat land for a while they were glad  when ruga tragan ordered them to retreat back to   base and descend into one of the Canyons even if  the skels were a little more aggressive in this  

Terrain the Steep walls at least protected them  from the bombardment although they always managed   to fend off the monsters attacks they suffered  losses each time moreover it was impossible to   take the same route to return to the base Dominic  sensed the presence of thousands of skels who were  

Now roaming the land between them and the base  The Troop had dwindled to about 500 Warriors   aato and humans crowded into a narrow Ravine  at the bottom of which flowed a small stream   the narrow Valley ended in a cave but it did not  reach deep into the Rock the soldiers gathered on  

The stones of the streamed and rested a little at  least the intensity of the fighting had decreased   somewhat which gave the soldiers time to regain  their strength nevertheless Dominic did not want   to remain inactive for too long and divided the  remaining comrades into four sections to standard  

Around the camp several aato joined them and  climbed back out of the valley they obviously felt   safer with the humans than in the company of Their  Own Kind the aato officers argued with each other  

Rubet Trak could not help but admit that he had  lost much of his authority in the past few hours   he decided to make every effort to return to the  base after the soldiers had rested sufficiently  

Dominic didn’t like the narrowness of the valley  as he did not expect to receive new orders in the   next few minutes he joined one of the Guard  troops they climbed up the cliffs and took up   position behind some rocks and bushes a Mexican  Soldier slightly older than Dominic with black  

Hair and dark eyes who had yet to complete his  training approached Dominic what about the Dark   Angels he wanted to know he spoke with a Spanish  accent will they stand by by us the Dark Angels   were goth recks the term was a creation of the  recruits and showed the aato priests that their  

Plans were going in the desired Direction the  religious reference met with their approval and   the use of this term was not forbidden I’ve heard  the man continued that you can become one of them   that’s a great idea these words surprised Dominic  the desire for metamorphosis which he didn’t find  

At all intoxicating was the second phase of the  plan that Brooks Davis and skorski had come up   with apparently something had leaked out and was  already beginning to bear fruit Dominic doubted   that any of the recruits had yet laid eyes on  a goth wck In the Flesh the aato intended this  

Special breed for the campaigns they conducted in  ascaron or the inner worlds he thought it unlikely   that they would want to use this secret weapon  here on Earth and put it at risk even if Dominic   viewed the special goth recks with disgust in  their current situation he would have liked to  

Have some of the killing machines with him I  can’t say anything about that Dominic replied   peering out over the dark land so it’s a sacred  secret anything but sacred was on the tip of his  

Tongue it’s not good to know too much about it so  it’s more than our minds can bear yes that’s right   he had said it better than he probably intended  Dominic wanted to leave it at that you’ve seen her  

Yes that must have been impressive Dominic wasn’t  going to lie they were indeed impressive while   he was still thinking of a suitable answer to end  this conversation he felt another impulse another   Pleasant and familiar sensation accompanied by  images that ran like a movie in his head he saw  

A canyon that was the same shape as the one they  had been walking in for hours he saw a prominent   Boulder lying in the streamed like a fallen obisk  Dominic chased across rocks and muddy puddles in   a strange body following the winding course  of the river Ravine he jumped over a charred  

Tree trunk and landed in a pool water splashed up  Dominic felt the lukewarm stinking broth running   down his face the vision faded and dissolved  what about you the Mexican Soldier moved his   hand back and forth in front of Dominic’s eyes  are you back with us he saw that other soldiers  

Had also approached and were staring at him with  irritation and curiosity what happened Dominic   said irritated what are you looking at you were  frozen for a few minutes the older Soldier told   him did you have a dream we all have these  impulses Dominic rebutted sometimes it’s just  

Stronger they’re far away the man replied I mean  the scals they’re not nearby Dominic realized that   there was no point in making excuses he didn’t  talk to people who lacked experience with the   kiman so why pretend that nothing had happened my  senses are sharper than yours Dominic explained we  

Are aware of that that’s why we’d like to know  what to do the Mexican paused for a moment and   studied Dominic’s face like a doctor looking for  signs of illness I’m sure you know what we have  

To do don’t you Dominic turned away and peered  out over the Wilderness he was overcome by an   irresistible desire to get to the bottom of the  matter and find the source of the visions it had   to be nearby because the Impressions were strong  and the images had clear well-defined Contours all  

The fog that often clung to the Visions was gone  but Dominic also wondered whether it was perhaps   a trap could what he was feeling be a reflection  of his own feelings and memories taken up and sent  

Back like a reflection a cleverly cast bait to  catch him that could not be ruled out the kiman   now knew a lot about the yato’s cooperation with  the humans who was to say whether they had any  

Concrete information about who they had to thank  for the whole mess or was Dominic judging his role   to be too important right now he turned back to  the Mexican what’s your name Antonio Mendes are  

You a Believer Antonio I know that God will show  me my way so you’re here for a reason yes good   Dominic stood up and shouldered his rifle I need  people who have confidence and courage what he   was really saying was that he needed Warriors  who didn’t ask questions who put the mission  

Above everything else and were prepared to get  involved in stupid things a fanatical religiously   influenced basic structure could be useful here  about 10 soldiers consisting of men and women   responded to Dominic’s words by standing up and  shoving new magazines into their weapons where  

Are you going protested one of the aato his name  was paru and he was one of the non-commissioned   officers take it easy Dominic reassured them some  of us will stay with you and Yelp if the skels get  

Too close are you trying to get away the horse  heads large hands sank onto the pommel of his   pistol Dominic had now learned to react to wado  threats and anger with composure I’ll make sure   you don’t get any nasty surprises the small group  managed to cover a good distance across the plane  

Unmolested before descending into a ravine again  here Dominic recognized some of the de details he   had seen in his vision the shape of a cliff that  resembled a vulture’s head and a crescent-shaped   pool they then crossed a marshy area where the  stream murmuring softly under the scree emerged  

Again the oppressive silence that prevailed in  the Ravine covered their ears like a blanket the   soldiers footsteps on the dusty gravel sounded  muffled all the animals had crawled into their   hiding places not a breath of wind stirred the  still air every now and then a flash of lightning  

Lit up the darkness Dominic looked up framed  by the dark Ridges of rock a wisp of Starry Sky   appeared the flicker of distant explosions lit up  a few low Mists or plumes of smoke drifting across   the land a detonation rumbled and the ensuing  concussion dislodged a few rocks that rumbled  

Into the Ravine after a while the narrow Valley  widened a little more light now filtered down to   the bottom of the canyon the Char tree Dominic  had seen came into view and then the prominent   Rock at the same time something else happened  details of the surroundings emerged as if a fog  

That had previously shrouded things was lifting a  fog that only existed in Dominic’s Consciousness   and was now disappearing someone was manipulating  the information that passed from the eye to the   brain and erasing certain details Dominic was  amazed when he saw a glider that had landed in  

The Ravine and he was even more astonished to see  the Kon ship standing behind it like a huge silver   bird of prey two men appeared out of nowhere and  pointed their guns at Dominic and his companions  

Had they fallen into a trap after all but what was  the point restlessness spread among the comrades   apparently they also noticed the change in their  surroundings someone cursed and another jumped   for cover behind a large Stone lower your weapons  Dominic ordered the soldiers who unlocked their  

Weapons calm down the older of the two unknown men  raised his hand and stepped forward everything’s   okay we’re not going to hurt you we just had to  make sure you didn’t do anything stupid Dominic   couldn’t take his eyes off the Kon ship it’s  an unusual combo continued the older of the two  

My name is Mayfield the boy here is Petey Peter  Jenkins the young man corrected one of Dominic’s   people spoke up what are you doing are you making  comment cause with the bugs Mayfield grinned if   that were the case none of you would still be  alive Dominic was interested in something else  

He tapped his Temple how did you do that we didn’t  do anything Mayfield turned around briefly as more   armed men got out of the glider everything under  control he shouted to them that’s the one we were   expecting just brought a few more buddies with  him he turned back to Dominic we were actually  

Expecting you no [ __ ] why me let her explain  that to you herself Mayfield motioned for Dominic   to come along your people can rest in the glider  don’t worry about them we’re safe here we have   coffee anyone who wants one can have one only  there’s no cake after all we’re at War they were  

Approaching the glider when someone descended the  narrow ramp under the belly of the kiman ship it   was a woman and the way she moved seemed familiar  to Dominic his heart leapt when their eyes met his   astonishment was expressed in a gasp as if someone  had punched him in the stomach Elena he stopped  

And looked at the young woman whose face showed  the same incredulous amazement she paused briefly   before approaching with a firm step that [ __ ]  didn’t tell me anything Dominic put his hands on   his hips nice greeting Elena shook her head and  looked at Dominic insistently is it really you  

You’ve changed quite a bit but not you that’s not  a compliment she returned anyone who doesn’t adapt   in these times is a fool is Monica here and Ben  Monica Elena replied Ben that’s complicated and  

The subject can wait she took Dominic’s hand come  on I’ll take you to her the two of them entered   the interior of the alien vehicle Dominic marveled  at the shapes and the Brilliance it radiated at   the same time however he became convinced that his  Impressions were underlaid with the sensations of  

An alien presence as if the ship was trying to put  on a mental makeup to impress the new visitor he   had had the same feeling before he remembered the  cave on dosta where Long Hill had shown him Betsy  

That aony ship which was actually called sah and  had made contact with him good to see you a voice   rang through his head I couldn’t believe it when  I found you out there I’m almost tempted to call  

It Providence I nudged you a few times but you  reacted strangely Dominic and Elena reached the   cockpit where Monica Simmons appeared to be asleep  in an oversized armchair her fingers clutched the   control sticks as if she was about to take off  interesting Monica continued without moving her  

Lips what the aato have raised here I wonder  what you have to do with it I wonder the same   thing said Dominic all I can say is that events  have pretty much overwhelmed me the aato Cs is  

A way to defeat the kiman the kiman obviously  see it that way too yes they want to destroy   everything here Monica was silent for a moment  don’t you wonder how we ended up with this thing   Dominic laughed softly almost nothing surprises me  anymore I’ve had a similar experience although I  

Have to admit not with nearly as much success a  Kon ship hijacked too no it was a different one   but it seems that certain races have a pension for  forming symbiotic relationships with their ships   no real symbiosis Monica corrected I can break  away at any time without being harmed but right  

Now I don’t want to it’s intoxicating I know  what you’re talking about but unfortunately we   have other problems at the moment Elena seemed  to have overheard the conversation we want to   join the aato we’re looking for a way to get out  of here this ship here should be our ticket out  

Where’s the pilot by the way have you captured  him somewhere I think he’s wandering around out   there somewhere trying to regain his sanity too  bad it would have been useful to ask him a few  

Questions no need Monica waved it off I have a  lot of his memories in my head it’s hard to sort   them out but I think I can make sense of them if  the kiman flatten everything here your gift will  

Be worthless thoughtfully Dominic touched some of  the golden sensor surfaces but if we could use it   to turn the tide for a moment he thought he had  been pushed in the back and was about to fall   into an Abyss Dominic pulled his hand back that’s  the kimon leading the attack Monica explained he’s  

Like a spider in a web pulling the strings make  sure you don’t draw his attention to us I’m trying   to disguise our position right now which isn’t  exactly a piece of cake but I’m holding up pretty   well Dominic had seen and experienced enough there  were indeed completely new possibilities if we  

Could manage to use it against the Kon then what  eleno wanted to know that would save our lives   and instill respect in the aato does that mean  they don’t respect us Dominic would have liked  

To say something else we’re sniffer dogs for them  and they keep us on a short leash when we’re not   fighting for them he didn’t allow Elena or Monica  to probe at this point you manipulated our senses  

When we got here erase things from our minds am  I right yes Monica replied I didn’t want any of   you to think you had to shoot anyone I noticed  how tense you were could you do the same with  

The kimon I stopped the snoopers from getting  too close to us and the spider on the web has   been fooled so far Monica nodded it’s not easy  don’t kid yourself at some point I’ll run out   of strength and then it’ll get dicey maybe we  should join forces said Dominic sensing their  

Uncertainty if we lose it’s only a matter of time  before the Kon find us here like you say you’ll   get tired and the spider will strike we should  have done something by then did you get anything  

Useful out of the bee’s head something about the  kiman blade Monica hesitated for a while a few   pictures from inside she finally said you’re not  twying with the idea of getting in there are you   yes yes I do her face drained of color with the  vague information and only guesses as to what  

Awaits Us in there it’s Madness it always is isn’t  it he turned his attention to Elena for a moment   who was always good for a dare we persevere and  overcome every obstacle fighting solving problems  

Moving on I don’t know when I’ve ever been exactly  sure what to expect or what my chances were is it   different for you in the seconds that followed  no one said a word or even dared to think a   thought but emotions were impossible to control  faster than any reasoning they broke through all  

Barriers and exposed the true intentions Dominic  could feel a wild thirst for Action rising up in   Elena it was like the flare up of an Amber that  someone had blown into the heat emanating from   Elena was breathtaking and threatening at the  same time we should try Monica the young woman  

Said confidently I’m good at Deception as you  know Dominic felt ambivalent feelings rising in   Monica there was also a tinge of disgust and fear  whatever Elena was implying with her words Monica   reacted quite violently and almost seemed to lose  her self-control a horrific scene Whirled through  

Dominic’s mind someone had been shot in the head  at close range and as the body fell to the ground   the image dissipated like a cloud of mist in  the wind was it an intention that had become  

A vision or a memory and if so who was it from  too many questions Dominic reminded himself he   had a big and dangerous task to devote himself to  nothing else could occupy him now I’d love to try  

It on a Kean boss Elena added let’s give it a go  Monica it’ll be awesome if we can do it Dominic   was having trouble forgetting the horrible scene  that was Haunting his mind and the more he tried  

To suppress it the clearer it became I think he  said in a strained voice that’s a good plan you   could almost believe that this ship fell into our  hands for just this one reason and it’s been done  

Before in the past I mean infiltrate an enemy  base and take out the command The Dirty Dozen   Monica remarked my Dad loved the classics and  that other movie where they steal the plans from   the Imperial Planet Killer they all get killed I’m  thinking of the Greek horse Dominic rebutted Elena  

Raised her eyebrows Trojan I thought strictly  speaking it was the Greeks who built and used it   you’re still a smartass chapter 15 the soldiers  could see that they did not like Dominic’s plan   at least among the less faithful it was not very  popular it was good that he could count on Antonio  

Mendes who would not tolerate his comrades doubts  with a fiery speech some of which he delivered in   Spanish when addressing some of his compatriots  directly he fired up the courage of the troops   and dispelled their doubts I think Mendes  finally said there is no one here who is not  

Filled with the deepest trust in the Divine will  Dominic however placed his hopes more in Monica’s   abilities than in the Obscure and capricious  plans of an invisible superbeing his father   liked to indulge in Legends and Greek mythology  myths he said contained Eternal truths that is  

Why they would not have been forgotten over the  Millennia the idea of conquering a city with the   help of a wooden horse Dominic recalled came from  Odus the first ancient hero who relied Less on the  

Gods and more on his own wits a revolution for the  time an affront of faith and a plea for the human   mind and its resourcefulness but at the moment  Dominic didn’t know what he was more afraid of of  

The task he had set himself which was more like  a suicide mission or of Mendes in whose eyes he   believed he saw a mixture of Christian trust in  God and the glow of his Indian pagan Heritage in  

Mendes he had found a follower whose superstitious  fear in the idea of being the instrument of higher   Powers could lead him to incredible deeds in  this case unbelievable meant an empty word   that could be filled with either magnificent or  abominable attributes had Odus companions given  

Him such a headache and if so how dangerous had  it been for the ship and crew good said Dominic   breaking the silence that had been created by his  musings letun set out to save the world either we  

Go into Oblivion now or we’ll be heroes forever  the Sedona militia made up entirely of Skeptics   stayed with the glider while the troop of Faith  filled Warriors set about boarding the Kon ship   with Dominic as if they were taking part in A  procession they walked up the ramp with serious  

Faces some of them murmured prayers but most  were silent their faces grim and determined   none of them showed even a hint of Amazement at  the fact that they were entering the interior   of an alien vehicle Dominic had a crew that was  filled with the deepest sense of Duty and who had  

Nothing else in mind but to complete their mission  successfully there was also the religious aspect   which certainly made them death-defying Fighting  Machines again Dominic felt uneasy at the thought   he hadn’t thought that Brooks plan to found a kind  of religion would bear fruit so quickly however  

He was even more disturbed by the fact that he  was using this very fruit and was happy about it   the soldiers entered the airlock that led to the  pulpit the ship was not designed as a transporter   but built for the large insectoid creatures  this room still provided enough space for the  

Small humans when they crowded together Dominic  stepped into the cockpit but was unable to make   contact with Monica who was in a deep trance as  expected Elena who was standing directly behind   the Pilot’s chair had no problem with this and  mediated between her and Dominic without asking  

His permission she invaded his thoughts we are  now part of the kiman forces she informed Dominic   Monica is faking damage to the ship she’s hoping  they’ll let us in but so far she has no answer   Dominic didn’t know what to say in response and  tried a flippant remark not that the ship will  

Tell on us it won’t happen Elena said confidently  the pilot didn’t alert his ship when we boarded   so there was no Force takeover he just left it  to us and it seems to have accepted the process   basically it’s just a little horse left on the  battlefield Elena tapped her fist against the back  

Rest in confirmation Dominic’s doubts were not  dispelled at the moment he would have preferred   not to have proposed this whole ulyses plan but  that didn’t matter if he had voiced his doubts now   and tried to call it off it would have been too  late anyway he felt the ship lift off the ground  

And quickly pick up speed through the cockpit  Windows he could see the landscape gliding away   below him the Kon blade came into view gleaming  in the Moonlight and he became aware of the skels   roaming the land the sensation was stronger than  ever which he probably owed to the combination  

Of four brains those of the two women his own and  that of the ship and he could feel the emotions of   the kiman commander sitting in his Fortress and  commanding his troops an image began to form in  

Dominic’s head as if his mind had to visualize  the events in order to make them comprehensible   a network of glowing threads that stretched  across the land in an irregular pattern a web   of pulsating strands that nodded themselves  into a glowing ball inside the Fortress the  

Heat emanating from it was unbearable as if the  thoughts and feelings of thousands upon thousands   of kimon were rubbing against each other igniting  a mental fire that burned through Dominic’s   neurons a relentlessly scorching Sun of neural  energy that outshone everything Elena grabbed  

His hand and it got a little better the pain  subsided and the image in his head became less   Vivid it shrank and no longer occupied his entire  thoughts Elena also took Mendes’s hand we need   to spread the kean’s power over several shoulders  she said hold hands this measure had an immediate  

Effect even if Dominic found the sight of heavily  armed Fighters holding each other’s hands bizarre   the picture would be complete if they started  singing a song Madre didos Mendes and one of   his compatriots gasped almost simultaneously I  thought God had forgotten Us by now they were so  

Close to the Keon blade that they could make out  the details as he had done several times before   Dominic saw reliefs that look like the tracks  of circuit boards covering the entire surface   of the Fortress he still didn’t know whether they  served a purpose or were merely decorative there  

Were also structures whose purpose was obvious  guns and sensor antennas hatches and airlocks to   supply the ship combat units were stationed in the  recesses that marked the individual floors kiman   and their armor walked around and Reed themselves  for Action they were moving equipment and cannons  

Into transport vehicles that were waiting to be  sent into action a gate opened and Monica steered   the ship inside it went through tunnels and shafts  that led further into the center of the Fortress   the corridors narrowed and widened again only to  open out into huge Halls Dominic saw machines that  

Reminded him of conveyor and smelting plants  blast furnaces and production lines they don’t   suspect anything yet Elena informed them but  Monica says requests are coming in has Monica   lost her way he wanted to know Elena didn’t answer  him and Dominic’s tension continued to rise even  

Though the kean’s mental influences penetrated his  Consciousness in a considerably dampened form and   were distributed among his comrades the presence  of the kiman leader was more noticeable again it   radiated from the center of the Fortress like the  fire of a raging volcano Monica steered the ship  

Closer to to a pillar that apparently formed  the central axxis of the kiman blade it seemed   to contain the creature they had to defeat or kill  somehow we’ve been found out Elena’s words sounded   toneless he’s raised the alarm get ready Dominic  didn’t get a chance to ask what strategy she or  

Monica had in mind and whether she even knew how  to get to the handlebars the ship accelerated   abruptly crashed into the pillar and dug into it  like a battering ram metal crunched door and bent   some areas shattered like ice or Crystal plates  crashing and splintering Into the Depths we have  

To get out now Elena shouted Monica will make us  invisible to the eyes of the bugs Dominic spared   himself the question of whether she could do it  alone and repeated Elena’s words as an order get   moving kill as many enemies as possible the aato  weapons in the hands of the small humans Prov  

To be ideally suited to shooting The Beatles to  pieces the bullets shredded their natural armor   and even penetrated their armor the unaccustomed  success further incited the soldiers who no doubt   saw at the Wrath of the Gods which rained down on  the kiman in retaliation as they hurried through  

The corridors they encountered kiman who did not  seem to notice The Intruders at first and reacted   far too slowly before they knew what was happening  they were struck down by the humans but little by   little the Kon began to become more cautious they  realized that they were dealing with an invis ible  

Opponent who could also observe or anticipate  their movements a few times Dominic and his   men got into difficulties their Advance came to  a halt they withdrawing Warriors to secure the   center Elena informed Monica is having trouble  erasing us from her perception any longer then  

She won’t said Dominic we have our heightened  senses Monica should concentrate on the kiman   who are coming as reinforcements is there anything  she can do to confuse them Elena grinned she’s got   an idea it seemed to take an eternity before  they finally reached a portal it was at the  

End of a wide Corridor there were about 10 or 12  steps leading up to a closed door the driver must   be hiding behind it the weaker Monica became or  the more intensely she fought against the kiman   soldiers the more clearly his presence forced  itself into Dominic’s mind it was impossible  

To imagine the force with which he would force  way between the synapses if Monica gave up or   was killed tank cracker Dominic demanded his  voice cracked Notch charges quickly three of   his soldiers hurried up the steps and took the  explosives out of their Ruck sacks to plac them  

At the door three kiman stepped out of one of  the side corridors and Mendes immediately opened   fire one of the kimon fell to his knees and stayed  down Circles of smoke Rose from the large holes in   its silver armor somewhere far away an explosion  thundered and shook the ground there seemed to be  

Fighting in the corridors apparently the Beatles  were taking fire at each other there’s more coming   Mendes shouted and sent an explosive volley down  the corridor but the bugs were now better prepared   they responded with more accurate shots a sheep  smashed against the armored door over the heads  

Of the demolition Squad another Soldier fell  to the ground hit but picked himself up again   and charged towards the Beatles before a well-  aimed shot finally put him down charges ready to   fire Dominic heard one of the men yell we have no  cover should I detonate anyway Dominic emptied the  

Energy cartridge of his rifle and loaded a new one  into the magazine blast it now although most of   the blast energy was discharged into the interior  of the chamber the detonation threw the soldiers   across the floor of the corridor heat and smoke  rolled over the troop trops dazed Dominic got to  

His feet and threw a grenade into the billowing  smoke the flash of the fuse pierced through the   gray fog and showed the Silhouettes of several  kiman taking cover or being thrown into the air   by the ensuing explosion Dominic turned to Mendes  who was already ready for action again and had  

His heavy weapon at the ready hold off the bugs as  long as you can he ordered we’ll take care of the   boss Mendes organized the small group of Fighters  for the defensive battle put on your night vision  

God and smoke filters Dominic and Elena hurried up  the steps to the armored door in which there was a   large gaping hole it would have been a miracle if  the driver had survived the blast Dominic thought   and jumped through the hole Elena followed him  and Frozen horror after a few steps we’ve seen  

This before she breathed as the battle raged  outside she was right the sight that presented   itself to them was strikingly reminiscent of  the place where the saviors made sacrifices   to their God even now Dominic was staring at  a many armed monstrous creature crouching in  

An apparatus of cables tubes and struts a man  of thick and thin tentacles Grew From the huge   black skull and were connected to the Machinery  of the Fortress long pincers were attached to the   creature’s mouth gleaming like polished steel it  gazed motionlessly down at The Intruders Scarab  

I say Sir whispered Elena nice to see you again  chapter 16 the mental blow Elena received sent   her reeling it was as if her Consciousness was  being squeezed into a mathematical Point while   the sensations and memories of the handlebars were  forcing their way into her skull with the force of  

A tornado emotions and Impressions collected by  a creature that had traveled through space for   Millennia Elena saw huge battles felt the deaths  of thousands and thousands of kiman soldiers whose   last moments were stored in the memory of the  hamler she also felt now how countless skels  

Suffered and died on the plane around the rera  the land began to drink her blood the ground   itself became part of Elena’s mind she was able to  locate every step someone took be a human animal   or one of the aliens plants and trees that suck  the skel’s blood into their Roots became visible  

All at once she realized how the ruler felt how  and in what way he received his messages the   incredible flood of unfiltered information and  memories that he directed at her threatened to   drive Elena mad if it weren’t for the ocean of  knowledge she had received from the sees which  

Protected her both her spirit and that of the  ruler could pour into it without crushing them   both Elena still couldn’t decide what to make  of the cbies whether they possessed a soul or   were nothing more than incension containers  for all the data from the countless universes  

That they absorbed and collected vessels for  the tears of time whatever the sees had done   to her and whatever gift they had bestowed on  Elena it had been placed in her neurons without   destroying her fragile human personality still  the kean’s impetuosity was overwhelming as they  

Plunged together into the depths of the dimension  made for Gods experienced in dealing with all the   sensations the Kon threatened to tear Alena to  shreds visions of death and Devastation that   he punched into her mind images of breathtaking  Beauty and incomprehensible horror at the same  

Time gigantic fleets burning exploding against the  backdrop of a red giant spewing its fire angrily   into space face strange ships of monstrous size  bursting in the swirling storms of a blue gas   giant armies of kiman rushing Across The Plains  of a shattering world shaking mountains whose  

Debris plunged into Seas of blowing magma one of  countless world ending events that the kiman had   experienced burned into his memory but other  scenes also stole into these mental paintings   the ocean of flames went out the planet in its  death throws disappeared and darkness spread  

Elena gasped for breath as she stood in a vault  with cracks forming in the walls debris and dust   poured into the room and buried the young woman  buried alive under tons of rubble and concrete  

That enveloped her encasing her as if in a shell  of stone the world became dark and cold all sounds   died away a situation from her childhood when her  house was hit by bombs and collapsed she spent a  

Whole day in this black hell freezing and gasping  for breath until she was found and rescued but   here the hope of rescue seemed feudal the kimon  would never release her again she was doomed to   stay in this situation as long as he liked it  panic and naked despair rose up inside Elena  

She wanted to scream but her throat was tight just  as Elena thought she was losing her mind she felt   Monica and Dominic close by who had also fallen  into the intermediate realm of Dreams emotions and   thoughts I’m with you little one Monica said don’t  worry wek get this guy down I’ve already managed  

It once Dominic remains silent he seemed too busy  trying to hold his own in this Maelstrom but his   presence alone gave Elena new courage indeed the  darkness began to clear and the Raging chaos in   which they were still drifting calm down it was as  if the ground beneath her feet solidified allowing  

Her to stand her ground against the attacks of the  Handler she caught her breath and braced herself   against the mental volleys the kiman was firing  at her I’ll turn the tables now said Monica even   a bug has nightmares and secret fears chapter 17  Dominic found himself in a strange dream realm a  

Dimension in which Elena Monica and the kimon  appeared to him like ancient Titans fighting   to the death against a backdrop of flames of  fire the power that radiated from this scene   went far beyond the visual impression that was  already breathtaking enough for Dominic it was  

As if he had to fight a hurricane that was gaining  strength by the second at some point he could no   longer defend himself and was Whirled away like a  leaf in a storm Dominic found himself in another   nightmare Mendes was with him and screaming  in his face he still couldn’t hear anything  

Of what he was shouting at him the words reached  his ears slowly as if they were coming from far   away you have to fight Mendes grabbed Dominic by  the shoulder and pulled him to his feet get up and  

Fight a plasma rifle rattled off and the impacting  B enveloped the other end of the corridor in Smoke   And Flames a grenade detonated and someone cursed  a cry of Triumph it was hard to tell how much time  

Had passed between his entry into the dream sphere  and his return to reality if it had taken as long   as he felt it had Mendes and the other soldiers  had held their own against the kiman The Beatles  

Didn’t dare enter the corridor to come to their  leader Aid nevertheless they had come down hard   on The Intruders the force fighting with Dominic  had dwindled to seven men one determined attack   would be enough to wear them down completely  they don’t dare go in Mendes remarked in fact  

After the last volley in the granade explosion  there was silence Dominic wondered whether Monica   and Elena had managed to overpower the driver  but he hadn’t finished thinking about it when   a giant creature stepped into the corridor it was  undoubtedly a kimon but it was larger than any he  

Had ever seen before in war massive black armor  that Shone like kitan behind him his comrades   pushed into the corridor Mendes and the others  opened fire again but the plasma projectiles had   little effect they seemed to bounce off the  armor which was apparently encased in some  

Kind of force field the Giants stomped closer his  fellows stepped out behind him from time to time   and fired shots a rocket detonated behind Dominic  the shock wave hurled the troops through the air   there resistance was over Mendes crawled dazed  across the ground and tried to get hold of his  

Rifle again but akiman was at hand and pressed  his foot into his neck the Giant Warrior bent   down to Dominic and closed its sharp claws around  his throat the Kon pulled the wriggling Gasping  

Human up into the air and opened the visor of his  helmet a black insect skull emerged in which a row   of blue compound eyes glittered the world around  Dominic dissolved into Shadows The kean’s Voice   pierced his forehead like an ice cold crystall and  blade he heard a series of clicks and chirps that  

Quickly turned into human words how are you able  to get in here unnoticed the kiman wanted to know   how did you do that speak Dominic could hardly  breathe so he could only answer mentally it was   certainly the alien’s intention to penetrate  Dominic’s thoughts further without resistance  

But he had no intention of opening a door for  the Beetle and revealing his secret he dredged   up a picture from his memory an incident from  his school days a fight with crafter a bully of  

Whom there was at least one in every school and  who set out to teach Dominic a lesson just like   the Kon the schoolyard bully had his fingers on  Dominic’s throat crafter was sure of himself and   never expected any resistance in any case Dominic  had never seen anyone try crafter was tall and  

Athletic quarterback of his team it was unlikely  that any of the younger students would have the   courage to refuse his demands whatever had made  Dominic do it a mixture of stupidity and courage   possibly just a reflex he rammed his knee between  the boy’s legs who immediately let go and wried in  

Pain no sooner had Dominic conjured up the scene  in his head then the Kon claws detached themselves   from his neck Dominic fell to the ground and  the real world instantly seeped back into his   Consciousness however the sight that now presented  itself to him could hardly be Stranger than one of  

The bizarre dreams from earlier the kimon were  crouched on the ground with their backs bent   arms crossed in front of their chests as if they  were in the temple of a deity to whom they were   worshiping Mendes picked up his rifle I’ll blow  the dung beatles away no Dominic held him back  

Leave it alone we’ve won Mendes looked at Dominic  with a mixture of Confusion And The Confidence of   a Believer slowly he lowered the gun if you say  so the survivors of Dominic’s troop gradually   got back on their feet they too were confused by  the strange scene before them their eyes finally  

Turned to Dominic from whom they expected an  answer as to what it all meant even though he   had some idea of what the cause was at the moment  he was just as puzzled as they were they had all  

Just come face to face with death their situation  had been hopeless and now this Dominic noticed a   movement at his back when he turned around he saw  Elena exhausted and on wobbly legs stepping out  

Of the Blasted bulkhead it’s all right she gasped  we’ W she let herself slide to the floor and lean   wearily against the door frame Dominic climbed the  steps and sat down next to her you made it how did  

You manage that you’ll have to ask Monica she did  the main part I just helped a little I wonder how   all this is possible do the and other species  communicate in this strange way Elena searched  

For the right words in any case the handlers have  full access to a dimension that I would call the   dream sphere the skels and the other kiman also  have these abilities but nowhere near as extensive   as their commanders what role do the cbes Play  Elena obviously wasn’t sure what to say I think  

They are the key to everything she said they cross  spares and worlds that we have no idea about when   we make contact with them something sticks with us  but that’s all I can say what about Monica Elena  

Hesitated for a few seconds she’s not coming  with us she explained Monica has to keep the   handlebars in check otherwise they’ll wake up she  indicated the Frozen kimon with a knot of her head   and make our lives hell again are you saying  she’s staying here in this Fortress yes that’s  

What it means chapter 18 as the soldiers crept  through the corridors they no longer encountered   a single enemy capable of attacking them the  kiman remained Motionless In This embryonic   position standby mode a soldier from Dominic’s  Squad called this state and poked one of the  

Creatures with the muzzle of his rifle as a test  don’t do that hiss a woman and hit her comrade   on the shoulder with her fist you shouldn’t play  with the devil to confirm this the man kicked the  

Kon causing it to tip on its side there was no  reaction nobody has to be afraid of the Devils   anymore Mendes proclaimed with fervor God has  defeated them and turned them to Stone actually   they were two goddesses Dominic corrected in his  mind and fortunately they weren’t gorgens who had  

The power to turn living beings into stone we are  walking in God’s ways Mendes murmured for all to   hear Porter has opened the door for us to enter  his ways and recognize them it wasn’t the first  

Time that someone had referred to the meaning of  his name which had the air of Providence about   it when Mendes’s words were used Dominic let it  happen and tried not to play it down he didn’t  

Want the Victory and the relief that came with  it to be marred by a debate of Faith there was   no more fighting around the Rara here too Dominic  and his men encountered motionless kimon Warriors   Frozen in Battalion formations or as single units  in shining armor dotted the plane the way back to  

The base through this gruesome scenery proved  to be arduous and long shortly before midday a   downpour turned the land into a lake of brown me  in which the solders sank Knee Deep it cleared up   again towards the afternoon the sun Shone hotly  from the sky creating a sultry heat that settled  

Stickily over the land Dawn was breaking as the  soldiers reached the valley where they had left   the Sedona militia and their glider Elena was  greeted joyfully but the mood darkened when it   became clear that Monica had not come with her  it’s probably too much to ask Mayfield growled  

Bitterly if something could go off without  casualties the good Lord in heaven charges   dearly for his Services Mendes gave him a gloomy  look the Lord only shows his kindness to those who   are willing and worthy well if you say so I’ll  believe it Dominic intervened get the glider  

Ready for takeoff it will be integrated into the  Armed Forces Mayfield looked at Elena who replied   with an approving nod the glider touched down at  the base and the so solders stepped outside only   to be met by an angry aato Soldier it was paru  the sergeant who had expressed concerns about  

Dominic’s trip and believed the humans wanted  to Desert he drew his pistol and pointed it at   Dominic you left the troop without permission he  rumbled you want it to disappear and that’s why   we’re coming back Dominic replied and we bringing  a glider with us that we’d have used long ago  

Tragac won’t let you get away with this you’re  all under arrest you’ll be executed Mendes and   his comrades moved closer to Dominic the safety  levers on their weapons clicked meanwhile Morado   and humans had arrived and crowded around the  glider have you gone mad parro scolded you’re  

Defying an officer you should kneel before the  Conqueror of the kiman Mendes proclaimed in a   full voice as if in toning a Psalm why do you  think we’re all still alive and the enemies are   ring on the battlefield parro was still aiming his  gun at Dominic’s head but he seemed too indecisive  

To know what to do I’d like to see what’s going  on inside your skulls there was movement in the   crowd surrounding the glider ruet tragac pushed  his way through the ranks shoved a few people   aside and confronted the young sergant what’s  going on here growled the big aato glaring at  

Dominic before turning to parro again sh AO gar  ruay damn it the sergeant put the pistol in the   holster but he did so with challenging slowness  what were you thinking Porter growled tragac I   can understand parro nobody would mind if iasha  shot you on site then they would execute the  

One who brought them Victory Mendes said before  Dominic could answer is he your tongue rumbled   tragon no Dominic replied but he speaks the truth  the stared and looked around his conspecifics and   the humans watching the scene listen intently  it was so quiet that you could hear the wind  

Whispering over the edges of the valley you want  to be the cause of our Victory he crossed his arms   in front of his chest yes Dominic replied trying  to keep his words simple so that everyone in aato  

Understood what he was saying it wasn’t me alone  his voice echoed through the night my Warriors   and I invaded the Kon stronghold we defeated the  handlebar a murmur went through the crowd and the   acat general I Dominic skeptically he seemed to be  struggling not to burst out laughing immediately  

How are you supposed to have managed that with a  fighter plane that we were able to board trag’s   expression stiffened you expect me to believe that  Dominic had to admit to himself that he had no  

Proof of his story maybe I can help convince you  Elena said and how is that supposed to work akato   laughed I don’t feel like listening to fantasy  stories Elena stepped forward and took aato by  

The hand I don’t want to bore you with these words  she set off to climb up the slope of the valley   Hollow not letting go of aunk hand who contrary to  expectations put up with it he followed the young  

Woman almost as if hypnotized his soldiers and  the human Warriors also joined them and climbed   the cliff in silence once they reached the top  they had a view of the plane where several kimon   were crouching curled up like woodlice ready for  a surprise Elena asked the general finally letting  

Go of his hand she then approached one of the  kiman and squeezed her fingers between the seams   of its armor immediately afterwards the creature  came back to life straightened up and looked   around in all directions it seemed agitated as if  it had just awoken from sleep only to find itself  

In a real nightmare at the same time life returned  to the bodies of his fellow creatures who snapped   out of their stuper and brought their weapons to  Bear tragac drew his pistol his soldiers recoiled   in horror a shot rang out and flew across the  plane as a glowing Comet fizzling out somewhere  

On a rock Elena stretched out her hand and touched  the Kon once more as if she had flicked a switch   the insectoid creature began to fold up its limbs  again the other Kon also curled up and returned   to its crouching position Elena turned to the  fascinated audience of aato and humans is that  

Enough proof she strutted past the astonished tato  captain and stood at Dominic’s side who looked at   her with irritation that wasn’t me she reassured  him otherwise I really would be a goddess I just   briefly told Monica to put on this show and it  worked like a charm EP Al from that moment on  

More and more people came to accept the aato even  if there were still many among them who harbored   reservations about the little creatures a dam  had been broken Ulan mestr who had always taken   a keen interest in the inhabitants of Earth anyway  pushed ahead with the expansion of the Durana for  

The people in the service of house mestr the  mighty ship was to be a home Among the Stars   it was not to remain the only Starship that the  humans could use for themselves over time a small   Fleet formed to accompany the Duran zurak MRE to  whom father entrusted the fleet continued to keep  

A watchful eye on the whole Affair and ensured  that there were always enough aato Personnel to   command the ships and guide them to their missions  Dominic strolled through the corridors of the   skra until his path led him to his favorite spot  where he liked to hang out when the ship jumped  

Into hyperspace or left it an oval window at  the bow into the frame of which he could sit   as with almost all Port holes on the aato ships  Dominic leaned back and memorized the names of   the newcomers he would have to take care of in  the near future David Moore the red-haired boy  

With the watery blue eyes bright and intelligent  to all appearances Sandra dicks a pretty oval   face with sparkling green eyes framed by shoulder  length brown hair an impulsive character another   boy perhaps the youngest in the troop narrow face  with an inquisitive expression lots of freckles in  

Short white blonde hair he had forgotten his  name maybe he hadn’t even introduced himself   then another young guy too fat for a soldier  Peter nordon and oh yes Alex Donal that was   the name of the guy with the freckles Dominic  remembered Nala Lopez a young woman with dark  

Hair and a broad face two other boys both blonde  and lean Christian peskin and Frederick zest and a   dark-haired girl called Linda sung with slightly  Asian features he was joined by a short stocky   man with short gray hair and a perfectly trimmed  beard that still showed a coppery reddish color  

Around his chin Aaron Krueger a taciturn warrior  in any case he had only grumbled a brief greeting   and left at it that when Dominic had surprised him  in the liing container sorting his weapons he was   the only one of the new arrivals who was much  older and had combat experience that was quite  

Obvious to Dominic then there were the people of  the Sedona militia as well as Mendes and those   who had joined him they had not left Dominic side  since their daring Mission into the interior of   the kiman blade and Dominic had not resisted even  if their admiration for him had taken on religious  

Overtones his attention was focused on Elena  anyway who was now back with him he was almost   tempted to blame the whole thing on faithful  Providence as Mendes always did no matter how much   he thought about it all that took a backseat to  the fact that the kiman were in Retreat after the  

Dis disaster of their attack on the Rara and had  abandoned many of their bases Humanity now had the   chance to survive and could continue on its path  into the future even if everything initially took   place in the service and under the watchful eye  of the aato sooner or later the humans would push  

Open the door throw off their shackles and strike  out on their own that was the goal that Dominic   fully supported even if the path to get there had  its dark sides but when had it ever been different  

Humanity’s path through history had enough dark  parts that she couldn’t be proud of why should the   future be expected to be any different innocence  had been lost to All Space fairing races early   on as far as Dominic had learned Dominic felt the  ski TR pickup speed the stars outside the window  

Blurred and the next moment the ship was hurtling  through the strange in between World which still   had no suitable name that made sense to humans  the decisive Factor was what awaited them Beyond   this passage enemies friends in any case the  unknown the strange the mysterious Concepts  

That had always been important in the history  of the inhabitants of Earth and were the driving   forces behind all their Endeavors nothing else  mattered concerns fears these small-minded words   should no longer have a place in their minds  because Humanity was on its way to the Stars

NOMADS  – To the Stars.
Preparations to create a warrior elite are in full swing.  A combat unit under the command of Akkato, in which only humans are to serve. Although Dominic has reluctantly agreed to this plan, it offers the only chance of survival for the dying human race. It even seems that humans are the last hope for the horse-headed Akkato. The Keymon have also apparently recognized this and are setting their sights on Earth…

NOMADS. This is what the humans are called by the many races of the Milky Way. As survivors and refugees, they try to assert themselves among the cultures of the galaxy, which is called ASGAROON by its inhabitants. Some of them have managed to make a name for themselves in the feudal society of ASGAROON. Others eke out an existence as homeless wanderers. But regardless of their status, the new inhabitants of ASGAROON are met with suspicion and contempt…

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