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Actress 女優



Let’s go I wake up to a little bit of Drool on my pillow feel like it’s going to be a bad day yeah I’m tired of [ __ ] and the coffee ain’t hit yet damn ain’t that great I don’t want to go to work cuz my

Boss is a jerk and I’m not even that pay I need a change in my life cuz I don’t feel alive and there’s nothing that makes me happy oh hold my beard for a minute I’m about to with my job cashing for a ticket I’m going on a trip and I

Don’t plan a visit I’m going to stay there till I feel like I’m winning all and this is just the beginning I need a big change help me feel like living I need a big swing home runs I’m hitting and I’ll never look back moving on till

I get it all and we all got dreams we all want things but what you going to do for it how you going to move for it what you going to Be do

綾瀬はるか HARUKA AYASE スライドショー 3D ショート 動画 女優チャンネルだぞ 綾瀬 はるか あやせ はるか 1985年 昭和60年 3月24日
#綾瀬はるか#米倉涼子#深田恭子#長澤まさみ#北川景子#新垣結衣#菜々緒 #水原希子 #檀れい

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