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Long Live Your Death (1971, Western) Franco Nero, Eli Wallach | Full Movie

Long Live Your Death (1971, Western) Franco Nero, Eli Wallach | Full Movie

Take me with you. No, never with a virgin. Please, sir. Please. [Spanish spoken audio], but our father is blind and close to dying. He wants a priest to hear his confession. Unfortunately, my sons, I don’t hear confession. I’m a Protestant minister. The old man won’t know you’re not Catholic. Come on.

-Oh, no. -Be calm, don’t worry. Who are you? I’m a pastor. Go back to your sheep, I’m beyond help. I’m a pastor of souls, -your sons asked me… -I have no sons. Who then, are those three fine men? Three sons of bitches, they beat me, to find out where the gold is hidden.

Is there much gold hidden, old man? So much gold. So much gold packed on the mules and then, one million dollars worth, all are buried underground. Just think how much poverty, how many suffering poor we can save if only we could bring the gold to light. Yes, that’s right. Listen to me

-Wait a moment. -Yes. Son of a bitch. The gold, old man. It belonged to the governor of Sonora. When the revolutionaries were rising up, the governor had to hide the gold. He had me do it because he needed somebody who was blind too.

However, since you are blind, you don’t know what is buried. I may have been blind, but I am no horse’s ass. An abandoned little place somewhere in the north called Piedras Negras. The mules and I went there with a load, the gold. The gold will keep nice there.

But where? Piedras Negras covers a lot of ground. I don’t know exactly where the gold is buried. After all, I’m blind, but there is a man who may know something more to tell you. Who? Who? Try to remember, just think of the poor.

A man called Lozoya, he is to be hung in Yuma on a murder charge. Hey, what did the old bastard tell you? The confession is secret my sons, go in peace. Come on, Padre. All right, Padre tell us what happened [Spanish spoken audio]. You back off.

This here is Yuma, the home of the famous prison. Henry Davis, 242 Wall Street, New York. Buy Ford stock today, five percent margin requirement for 100,000 shares. Telegraphed to you with this. Anything wrong? Don’t you think it’s a good investment? I’m certain, the clergy usually has an instinct in business affairs. Divine guidance.

Do you know that man? Oh, yes, he’s our new sheriff, anybody who tries to escape ends up dead. Just like that convict over there. He takes his work seriously, doesn’t he? Kelly. -Sheriff Randall, I’m Mary O’Donnell. -I’m not the sheriff, that’s him. Sheriff Randall, I’m Mary O’Donnell. Got your telegram,

I was waiting for you. Please sit. -I had to give up sitting. -Was it an accident? -I hope you’ll soon recover. -Only when I’m dead. -Let’s get down to business. -How much? What for? To help a prisoner escape. -A friend of yours? -Never set eyes on him.

Five hundred dollars for an ordinary prisoner. Well, this is a Mexican hero, Ramon Mendez, better known as El Salvador. A man of his importance makes it double, A thousand, dollars in advance. -Well, why should I trust you? -You have no other choice. You’re very rigid. -Inflexible. -Yes, I can see that.

You’re Irish, what do you care about an old Mex? That’s my business, this is yours. I need you both tonight. -Another prison break? -Another reward for us. We made it at the three crosses again, men. The prisoners are worth more than a gold mine.

Their friends pay to free them, the state pays to capture them, -dead or alive. -Dead, kill them, never alive. When you’re dead, you can’t tell stories. Be careful. There’s been a holdup, Sheriff. Over 10,000 dollars. -Where? -Church over at Dorsett. -We were in a marriage ceremony. -How many were there?

Only one, the Russian prince, dressed as a pastor this time. Looks like my charming cousin, the prince and I will meet again. He made a turtle out of me. Here we are, father. I better go in ahead of you. Lozoya is pretty mild today, and he’s always affectionate with me. Affectionate and mild.

I’ve come to hear your last confession. Do you want to give me indigestion? This is my last supper. Also, your last chance to clean your soul, it must be rather soiled. Lord, accept the confession of the sinner who implores your pardon. Amen.

Even a bandit like you can save his soul if he does a good deed. What do you mean? Like donating something to the poor. The poor? They’re rich compared to me, I’m being hanged at dawn. However, you know where the gold is hidden. Forget your childhood sins and start with the present.

Father, I’ve been told that when a man takes a bath, he doesn’t only wash his head, he starts at his feet and works upwards. If you want me to clean my soul, you have to start from the beginning. All right. All right. When I was 14, some skunk stole my tortillas,

But I got them back. That’s no sin. Then I killed him. That’s a sin, continue. When I was 15, some idiot called me a son of a bitch, so. You killed them. How did you know? Because I can tell you’re very consistent, continue. When I was 16… How old are you, Lozoya?

I’ll be… Forty-five. Good day, warden. We do our good deed tonight. This is your half. Why is it double this time? He’s worth it. They want that famous Mex rebel, El Salvador. El Salvador, but that man’s been dead for six months. He’s escaping anyway. You’re reviving El Salvador?

Well, substitute for him, all Mexicans look alike. The girl who is paying has never seen him. Not that it matters, because when I get through with them, his own mother won’t recognize him. Let me check and see. Right. How about Lozoya, he’s due to hang tomorrow

So it won’t really affect him, he’ll be dead anyhow. Speak to your men and make sure they direct him. Two of them, I kill with my machete, three of them, I strangle with my bare hands. Then I got caught, that’s it. Will I get absolution, father? After you remember about the gold.

I don’t know anything about any gold, I swear to you. When a man swears before he’s going to die, you’ve got to believe him. Give me your hand, my son, the right one. However, you’re lying, you do know. I only know that when the governor knew he was going to be shot,

He sent two men to President Diaz to inform him where the gold was buried and to make sure those two men didn’t steal the gold, he gave each one half a map. Couldn’t those two men put the map together? It wouldn’t have done any good.

The map only showed the exact spot where the gold was buried and didn’t show the village. Only the governor and president knew that. I suddenly get the feeling you know that too, right, Reverend? You know the names of the men with the map, right? Why should I tell you?

Reverend my ass, you couldn’t even make the sign of the cross. I knew right away you were a slinky, sneaky snake. Oh, right you are Lozoya. What? Electricity is a great invention. It’s only the beginning, my dear cousin. It’ll be too simple to end the life of a Russian prince like this.

Put the wires in his mouth. Hey Sheriff, if we don’t get moving with Lozoya, it’s going to get late. Hold it. I’ll be back later. That’s when you’ll die, cousin. Hey, get up. Let me sleep, it’s too early for a hanging. Come on, you’re leaving, they’re waiting for you outside. Waiting for me?

Who’s waiting for me? Whoever paid for your escape. Paid for me? This way Mex. That son of a bitch pastor is trying to pull some trick on me, take me to him. Someone paid to get me out of here. It’s a trap you set, isn’t it? I had nothing to do with it.

You’re not worth the price of a mousetrap, chicken thief. I know you disgust me, but you know the name of that goddamn village, come on. Yes, and you know where the map is. You disgust me too, but it seems we are forced to be partners. Aren’t you forgetting something? What? The blessing.

-Hello. -Waiting. They’re waiting for you on top of the hill go by the three crosses. Three crosses? There’s a… Did you… Come on, go on! God damn prison made a record of me, I’m so weak on my back. I’m a Mexican. So what? Nobody touches my ass.

It just doesn’t happen. You got that, gringo? Got it. It just doesn’t happen, that wasn’t a kick in the ass, right? 1-1-1-7-2-3. I can’t, I am out of shape, my liver is bad. I can’t see, I’m blind as a bat. If you don’t hurry, you’ll be a dead blind bat, come on.

The rabbit is on the run, he’s looking for a hole in the ground. We’re sure going to find it. I can’t, my heart. No, you’re fine. -Fine, I am? -Yes. Where are you going? To the three crosses, that’s where they told us.

Exactly, if you go in that direction, those three crosses will become five. It’s a trap set by Randall. Come on. Leave this one to me. Hey, Joe. What are you doing here? The Russian escaped too, with the other one, they got away together. If I know that Russian, he won’t come by here.

Unless I put the wrong glasses on, there are two of you. Who is El Salvador? Well, all right, which one of you is El Salvador? -El… Who? -That’s him. Well, who the devil are you? That’s… Prince Dmitri Vassilovich Orlowsky, military advisor in his service. In my what?

In your service, but not for long if you don’t get out of here. The prince is right, but there are only two horses for the three of us. Come on now horse, will you? Tell him in Spanish Senorita, we’re in Mexico. Spanish. [Spanish spoken audio]. Tonight, she gets it. Tonight, we allowed her.

Not till I get mine. She’s a virgin and a Catholic. Anyway, you don’t know how to go about it. I suppose you do. What’s your method? What the hell kind of military adviser are you? I’ll tell you if you tell me the two men who know where the gold is hidden.

All right, I’ll tell you. Your hand, please. No, the right one. Manuel Mendoza of Medina. Tomas Gomez, San Miguel. Now the method. The first thing you must do, is wash you stink. -It’s not me, it’s the horse. -Oh, no. It’s you.

The second, you must comb the wild bush on the top of your head. The third, I’ll tell you the love secrets of ancient Greece. -Greece? -Yes. That was lovely. Yes, it was lovely. It was given to me by my uncle, the Grand Duke. Why did you leave Russia?

-Well, it’s Russia. -What Russia needs is a good revolution. -Well, just leave. -You don’t like me, do you? -You guessed it. -You’re infuriating, sir. I hope you have a good night’s sleep. I only will if only you leave me in peace. Well, it’s beautiful here in spite of you. Lovely smell of musk.

That’s me. Me? Oh, let me see now. El Salvador, I hardly recognized you. My face is different, but my heart… My heart beats… -Beats does it? -Yes, my heart beats… For ancient Greece. Greece is it? Greece, yes. Where men were men and women were all Persians. Look,

In ancient Greece, the virgins were given to the Greek revolutionaries before battle so they could leave something behind. Tomorrow is the Battle of San Tomas, so tonight… Good night. What the hell kind of military strategy bullshit did you give me about that ancient Greece?

The same bullshit strategy you gave me about those two names. Are you mad taking pictures? There are people looking for El Salvador. I only wanted a memento. Stop the comedy, you’re nothing but a journalist who wants to start a revolution for your newspaper. This is not El Salvador.

He is nothing but a bandit. Oh, I know he’s Lozoya. What the hell are you up to? Hey, Ruski, what the hell is a journalist? Someone who creates an idol and then destroys him. As she’s doing now. Welcome to Mexico. What we do my dear young lady, killing animals, skin it.

As is demonstrated, the strips of skin will shrink and then break the bones. For the love of God, General Huerta, shoot them. Torturing them this way is too cruel. Can’t be done. Their accomplices are frightened by the screams and it has a marvelous effect on the population. However,

In homage to your beauty and lovely red hair, I will save El Salvador and the Russian prince. -You’re going to pardon them? -Oh, marvelous. They’ll only be hanged with a rope. You, of course, now are free. Being a foreigner, being a journalist, I welcome you as our honored guest. A dishonorable bitch.

I hope you enjoyed this modest meal. It is proof that even we Mexican nobles know how to treat our guests. We’d do anything for them, but El Salvador’s pardon -may continue to ruin my country. -Then is one rope too many? I’m going. I’m not El Salvador, I’m just an ordinary, honest bandit.

It’s indecent of the mere mention of death row such fear into a Mexican hero. I’m not a hero. I told you, I’m just an ordinary bandit. I was born that way, it’s in my blood. You don’t believe me? Here, look,

All this silver didn’t come with pants. Look, you see what a thief I am? You, tell him I’m not El Salvador. I’m just a bandit. You tell him, you know I am not El Salvador. This man is El Salvador, general, I assure you.

As a journalist, I’d be very interested in having a photograph of him. All the world is interested in seeing this man’s face, and he’s never before been photographed. Oh, he’d be honored. Special treatment for you, El Salvador. My hat, please. [Spanish spoken audio].

I heard of a man dying with his boots on, but a hat? A Russian prince always wears a hat when he is going to be hanged. Thank you. Tie the head. Lozoya, my friend, now that you’re about to die, can you tell me the names of those two men?

I don’t trust you, even dead. Why did you trust the redhead? -Oh, well… -Yes, oh well, if you got rid of her, like I said, we wouldn’t face the gallows now. I’d like to get her in this position. All she’s going to do for you now is take your picture.

General, would you do me a great favor? -Yes. -I would like a memento of this day, would you please, take a picture of the three of us? I would love to. Well, it’s all quite ready, you just press here. Okay. Don’t cut yourself. I’m a better thief than you are, now, say cheese.

One, two, three… I don’t mean to delay you, but don’t you feel it would be a good idea for me to be part of the group with you? We would be honored, general. Go on, you just press down on the button. Smile, please, general. The motorcycle. Hey you, give me the knife.

I have no…. Oh, this? -No. -What, no? Not the horses. -Thank you. -Okay. Hey, look. Come on. It’s a nice place to be buried. El Salvador couldn’t have done better. Why the hell do you keep on with El Salvador? You know I am only a bandit.

The revolutionaries who are waiting for us in San Tomas need a leader, in their eyes, you are a hero. When we get to San Tomas on the feast of the dead… I’d rather go to the feast of the living, you go to the feast of the dead. Hey, wait. Stop! Wait for me.

You are no gentleman to leave a lady in this condition. Stop. You are an American and a foreigner in my country, and I must admit, I can’t come up with one good reason for making any pacts with you. There’s a very good reason, general. This. It’s a little present from the prince.

You’ll give me carte blanche to go anywhere in Mexico, a few men and my hate will do the rest. Do you think so? Yet you’ve been trying to catch him since Yuma, and you still haven’t succeeded, rather strange, isn’t it? The longer the chase, the greater the pleasure I get

When the moment comes for the prey to die. However, there’s another reason, General. I feel that there’s more to their escape than meets the eye, something important. -Captain, hey. -I feel, -it’s not a bad idea. -You want the Mexican, General. -You’ll have him. -All I want is the Russian, alive.

All right, as for the reward, I will augment the cash to locate them both. Is this where we find our first man? Yes. His name? Manuel Mendoza. Very shrewd, very dangerous. -He won’t be the first I have known. -He’ll be the first, believe me.

When he was born, his mother took one look at him and died of a heart attack. Hey, El Salvador. El Salvador. El Salvador. They’re idiots, but this time they’re right. I’m worth twice as much as you are. Listen, I go inside and I try to find out where is this Manuel Mendoza.

You turn my stomach, but from this moment on, I’m not leaving your side. -You don’t trust me? -Of course, I do. I just don’t want you to take any risks alone. Two tequilas, me and him. No thank you, I don’t drink. Hey, Ruski, I will show you how to drink it.

See, salt, and glass, and lemon, now watch. Listen, amigo. Did you hear the one about… By the way, can I ask you something? Do you know where Manuel Mendoza lives? Pedregal, you know him? No, maybe that’s why we’re still alive. Hey Ruski, you don’t have tequila in Russia? What time is it? Bastard.

Yes, come on. Dirty thief. Don’t worry, Mr. Calahan. The peons around here all need to make money, they will accept our conditions. The terms of the contract is one peso a day, sign that. One peso, we can’t live on one peso a day, it’s not just.

We’re supposed to get at least three pesos a day. Mexico is a free country, you are free to leave if you want to. Garbage, you find them work and this is how they thank you, one peso. All right, Senora Mendoza. One peso a day, sign here.

-How much do you want? -One million dollars. One million dollars, senior. Do you want me to put my hands up? No, I want one million dollars. You, move. Hey, get going! Come on. Drown the rat, open the water! After him. Fire, you sons of bitches! How nice to see you.

I left you in the tavern so you wouldn’t be exposed to Mendoza. You’re very generous. That’s why you put that watch in my pocket? Yes, that’s true. It’s so hot here. Help me, my friend. -Help me! -You needed a bath, you stink like a goat. Since you wanted to talk to Mendoza alone.

Who, me? No, not me. -Help me, my friend. Help me. -Swim! I can’t swim. Help! -You wanted to screw me, didn’t you? -I swear, no. Yes, I wanted to screw you. Ungrateful! Where is the map? You can’t make him any uglier. I’m the only one who can get the information. Drop your pants.

Are you a sex maniac? All we want is the map. It’s in a safer place in the Bank of Mexico. -Where is that? -On one of his cheeks. -What? -I told you the governor was a shrewd one. Every Mexican would rather die than show his bare ass.

Let us see if he’s a true Mexican. Drop your pants. [Spanish spoken audio] What times do we live in? Southwest of the fountain. Yes, but at what distance? Now that we have to find out from the other one. Get dressed. Your job is done.

I don’t want to look at you, you’re a disgrace to all Mexican men. [Spanish spoken audio]. Hey, Prince! That’s my sister. She’s a queen. She doesn’t seem very happy to see you. You got so big. Hold this. Guard this hat with your life.

-Is that your machine? -Oh, no, that’s not mine, that’s his. -I prefer horses. -Who’s he? -He’s a prince. -However, what’s a prince? Tell Miguelito. Doesn’t mother tell you fairy tales? Mamacita never tells stories because she never talks. Her husband was killed by the regulares, he was a revolutionary.

They tortured her to tell where his friends were hiding. She wouldn’t betray them, she wouldn’t talk, so they cut her tongue out. You don’t think I haven’t changed, Lupita. I’m a different man, I’m an important man. Now there are four of them coming at me and I start to shoot.

I say to myself, Lozoya, you must kill those regulares. Do you hear me? I hear me. Now I begin to shoot better. The regulares run. I am surrounded now by a thousand peons. They’re all yelling. [Spanish spoken audio] Salvador! -However, why aren’t they all with you? -Because we have to go alone.

He and I, to Tapan to find something very important, -gold. -Where? -Where? Where? -Kid, somewhere around here. Somewhere around here. However, what will you do with the gold? Give some to the revolution and some for you. I did bring you some money. I wasn’t joking, here. No, I didn’t steal it.

I swear, I made it honestly. It’s reward money for capturing two very dangerous bandits, Seventeen thousand pesos. Seventeen thousand pesos, What the… He stole my part of the reward money. Son of a Mexican mother. Oh, well. Come with me, Miguelito, I’ll tell you a lovely story. A story about an enchanted watch.

Seventeen thousand pesos. [Spanish spoken audio] Thanks for the horses. You forgot your watch, Prince. Don’t you want it? The one that makes music. I did not forget it and keep the motorcycle, it’s yours. What’s the man’s name? What’s the name of the town? If I speak first, I get screwed. Las Transillas.

I don’t believe you. What do you really swear on when you really mean it? Previously on desire. What about right now? Henry Ford. Who is this, Henry Ford? My new sir. I invested 200,000 dollars in him. If he dies, I’m ruined.

Tell me the name of the town and you swear on this Henry Ford. Piedras Negras, I swear on the life of Ford. Your turn now. Horacio Villegas. Your hand, please. Oh, no. You’ll infect a wound. You must trust me. All right, but if you’re lying, you’re lying by your terms.

Now, where does this Villegas live? Over there. He’s very dangerous, even more dangerous than Mendoza. I will show you the trophies collected by Horacio Villegas. Now, you see up there? Those belong to the most famous pistoleros in all of Mexico. Villegas killed them all. One bullet right through the head.

Now beginning on the left; Rodrigo Chiko Velasquez, Pepe Aguayo, Jose Ruiz, two Finger Garcia, known as the Tiger, Julio the thief, and there were many others, believe me. Good afternoon. Where is Villegas? -Horacio Ville… -Over there on the patio. [Spanish spoken audio]. Wait. Villegas. Horacio Villegas.

Come on out if you’ve got any guts. Horacio, are you afraid of me? Horacio, hey, Villegas, Horacio… It was just not meant to be. I’m sorry, my friend, but the treasure hunt is over. Too bad there’s nothing to keep us together anymore. You won’t believe this, my friend, but…

I’ll be sorry to leave you. I’m sorrier than you. Lozoya. Yes, my friend. -I’d like to request a last favor. -Anything you want. Drop your guns, now drop your pants. You must be joking. It would disgust me to undress a corpse, drop your pants. Never! I’m a Mexican. Never?

Twenty-eight bases to the right and 34 bases to the left. What times do we live in? Where are these Mexican men? Don’t expose yourself. Let’s not separate in anger, a final parting drink. You like this, after you. Drink. Drink. Good. Where did you get that?

A Prince from Russia and my uncle, El Salvador. Show us on the map where they went, you must know where they are or I’ll cut your eyes out. Wait. What? [Spanish spoken audio] Don’t hurt her, they’re on their way to Tapam to dig up the gold. Stop it.

I felt there was something behind their escape. Tapam, where is it? Sepulveda, Piedras Negras. Here is Tapam, about 40 miles from here. We’ll never make it in time. Why, General Huerta, captain? Sergeant, take care of that. Northwest of the fountain on the left cheek, 28, 34 bases on the right cheek.

I am going to buy 100 slaves when I get back to Moscow. I have it. Not bad, this gun. A present from the Tsar? Thank you for saving me the trouble of digging. You see, El Salvador, has friends all over. What do you want us to do with him? I’m thinking about it.

Well, don’t think too much. Otherwise, you weaken your brain. Bury him, maybe someday a professor of ancient things will come here and if he digs them up, he’ll find something to put in a museum, the biggest son of a bitch in the world. Hey, you see, my brain is strong like granite. Drink,

No, drink some more. I was thirsty. -I will strangle you with my bare hands. -I’ll get another bottle for you. Let’s go. This gold is in payment for all the trouble you’ve caused us. My dear prince, I’m so terribly sorry I can’t give you a death befitting your high station,

But it will only take about 12 hours. The time it will take the skins to end your agony. Just the time I promised Randall to keep you alive. [Spanish spoken audio] Stop the grinding. -Come on. -Come on, man. Push, vamos, push.

Amigo, if you think it hurts now, wait till the sun comes up. Maybe it will rain in the morning. Never. How do you know? My bunion is the only thing that doesn’t hurt. If you were the brain, that would hurt too. Hey amigo,

What do you hate most to leave behind in this goddamn world? Two hundred thousand dollars to Ford. What about you? Nothing. Oh, yes. My sister and Miguelito, I won’t see them anymore. Don’t be so sure. -What the hell do you think can save us? -If you can’t be an optimist,

Don’t be a bandit. What a combination! Are you ready for more? Let’s play a little game. -What? -In what hand is the bayonet? -In which hand? -That one. -This one. No, here. -No, in the balls. -Yes. Better her than dying. Not so sure. It’s beautiful here, isn’t it?

Why don’t you take a picture? Yes, that’s a good idea. I’ll get my camera and be back with you in half an hour. -No, wait, -Hey. don’t you have a mother? -A mother? -What a bitch she must be. Such a sweet welcome after what you did for me.

-Oh, you want me to untie you, then? -If you plan on staying, yes. My glasses, what did I do with them? I can’t see without them. Use that bayonet to cut us loose. Here they are now, let me see. Now you got the goddamn bayonet, use it.

Well, I can’t decide whether to kill you with it or to cut you free, so we can all go to San Tomas tomorrow. Better an uncertain death today than a certain death tomorrow. General Huerta has brought the gold to San Tomas. Better gold today, than death tomorrow. Dismount quickly. Go! Keep down.

Here are their tracks, they must be around here somewhere. You man, go that way. They came this far and then their horses turned back without riders. What do we do? I won’t need you any longer. Go back to General Huerta and give him my regards, I’ll follow them.

I’m sure he knows we are here. I wonder how they tracked us to Piedras Negras, somebody must have told them. I want to kill as many regulares as there are hairs on my sister’s head. San Tomas, just where she wants us to be. Hey, come on now.

They’re waiting for us in San Augustine, and they will lead us into San Tomas. -How many men do we have? -Oh, not very many, but they’re all tough revolutionaries, all 20 of them. That’ll be enough. The Lord and 20 angels, went out to beat the devil.

Only the Lord can count on these men. Take your photographs, open your eyes. This is the revolution, there are no more heroes in San Tomas. You and me, we can wipe them all out. Give me an idea. -I have it, I’m going. -No, wait.

The way we come in is the only way out, you better use it too before they seal it. What the hell kind of military adviser are you? I never advise suicide. There is an army out there and if need be, the general can call up reinforcements.

So you’re going to leave the gold to the regulares? Better to be poor and alive than rich and dead. Hey, wait a minute. You’re nothing but a coward. You’re nasty, arrogant, selfish, I can’t stand you. When you’re angry, you’re more beautiful. True, can you remove your glasses for a moment?

I was waiting for that for a long time. Now we’re in it up to here. There will be no going back now. There’s only one way to go, San Tomas. All right, the time has come for you to risk something. If you’re so interested in revolution, instead of just reporting it,

I’ll give you this time the chance to sacrifice something. Don’t get your hopes up, nude or dressed, you don’t interest us, but you could interest an old gentleman like Huerta, you get the idea? You wanted a military advisor, those are my orders.

-Couldn’t you come up with a better idea? -Do you want the gold or don’t you? They must be back there behind that machine gun. They got iron-covered trucks. I had never seen the virgin daughter of a bank president so well defended. Very good. Yes, very good. I accepted you as an honored guest.

I admired you, even. You were made welcome in my camp and with that welcome behind you, then you proved ungrateful as a woman, madam. I could imprison you now, torture you, strangle you, I could have you crucified, destroyed. There are many ways to kill a woman, General.

-I know them all. -Even the pleasant ones? Without my glasses, I feel a bit, nude. It’s hot in here. These clothes are a bit uncomfortable. Oh, yes. Just let me assist. Now, look, please could you close the shutters? In Mexico, we eat this candy to keep death away.

We are going to use it to kill. I want to speak with you, you’re not El Salvador. -Who are you? -I’m one of the few people surviving who know El Salvador. -However, listen. -It’s all right. Mexico needs a flag. It’s important that El Salvador lives even in one like you. What’s going on?

Nothing, I am a Mexican flag. Oh General, I’m a bit thirsty, a drop of wine would help. Here. -God bless you, El Salvador. -May you live forever, El Salvador. I’m not thirsty. Well, the feast of the dead has begun. The redhead must have the situation in hand.

Oh general, will you make sure we won’t be disturbed, please? Yes. Sergeant, I don’t want anyone to come in here. Not for any reason whatsoever and that’s an order. Anybody who comes in here, gets shot. They will never get us. Yes, it is going to be their job.

We won’t have to worry about the tax. Where is the general? They are attacking from every side. The general gave orders not to be disturbed. Really? Very good, I’ll take command immediately. -Where are you going? -To order the tanks into battle. I must deploy them in.

A general may show his back to the enemy, but never in his underwear. Cover me, friend. -I’ll cover you, you crazy Russian! -Not as crazy as you. What are you doing here? I was covering you. I want to talk to you. Oh, you wanted to talk to me? Yes, now cover me.

Do you want to kill a snake? -Huerta. -Huerta, you’ve got to cut his head off. I don’t trust you this close to the gold. I ran out of shells. Now you drop that, you get seven years of bad luck. The revolution is important. You must lead us, never surrender.

[Spanish spoken audio] El Salvador. Hey, where is Huerta? It’s me. Who, me? Prince Dmitri Vassilovich Orlowsky, military advisor. Oh, but why aren’t you out there with the others, then? Blind Irish bitch. The gold. We won. It should be the byline of the decade. El Salvador has lit the fire of the new revolution.

You, the revolution, under El Salvador. El Salvador. Lozoya. Where’s the gold? It’s gone, this is all the gold that’s left. -No, you don’t, where is it? -I gave it to the people. It’s useless. The gold has disappeared in a thousand streams. Thank you, senior.

This is enough for us so our children won’t suffer. We’ll build this schoolhouse as a monument to you and a hospital. Goddamn idiot. Why did you give that gold away when half of it was mine? Listen, amigo. A lot of people like Miguelito and my sister are dead

And a lot more will die if they can’t defend themselves when the regulares return. Some of that gold bought arms tomorrow we’ll get those arms at the Hacienda Aguirre. I can’t betray those people. Hey, amigo, we’ll find more gold. We’ll work together, there are banks, lots of banks.

I won’t exchange one million dollars for a jackass like you. Come up with an idea. The next photograph will be of your funeral. Just remember, I never leave empty-handed. -You have arms here for everyone? -Yes, we have two wagons, 300 rifles, three machine guns, 2000 rounds of ammunition, 40 pounds of dynamite.

This wagon is empty El Salvador, they tricked you. So is this one, El Salvador. Do you think they were fooling us? We need the guns and ammunition. No, they’ll massacre you. Put your guns down. They want me. No more bloodshed. Put down your guns, that’s an order.

I told you, I never leave empty-handed. How much did they pay you to betray me, Judas? The general put more value in you than your worth, 20,000 dollars, which I’ve already collected because all that’s lacking is your death certificate. Do not be sad. This is not goodbye. I will always be with you.

I have nothing to leave you but my name. There will be other men more worthy to lead you, but remember this, for those who love freedom, no idol is necessary. For those who do not, no idol is sufficient. Please cut the stupid speech, Sergeant. Come on, get rid of the guns,

Now get going. Can I give an old friend his last resting place? Thank you. Forward match. Follow me. May I? Thank you. Squat, ready, aim, fire. I’d say that execution is perfect. Hey, Prince. It’s too bad you won’t assist in the next one, Prince. I mean yours.

You prepared everything so well, I’m surprised you didn’t foresee this logical conclusion. I had prepared for it. -I had prepared to be second. -As a present from me, I’m going to deliver the coup de grace to you by my own royal hand, you see.

Oh, I am most grateful to you for the honor, my honor. Farewell, general. I allowed you to live in Piedras Negras, dear cousin because I knew you would lead us to the gold. I’m going to feed you to the buzzards. You’ll make a great meal, the corpse of a Russian prince. Open it.

You’re wrong my dear cousin, as you always are. -Do you remember the time when… -I don’t want to hear it. Anyway, the gold was left with the people. -You mother father. -They are loaded with blanks, Idiot! How do you think he survived the firing squad?

You’re full of surprises, Prince, but this time it’s the end of the line. An honest bandit never dies without his hat on. Right, Prince? Yes, just keep your eye on the master. Granted, old friend, I bow before his superior adversary. Can I reach for my flask for just one last drink?

Only if you move very slowly, I enjoy seeing you suffer. Thank you. -Can an honest bandit have one last smoke? -Yes Max, have a deep drag. It’ll have to last you a long time. Hey, what the hell is all this business about your cousin? Family affair. Here, you’ve earned it.

Part of the reward I got for you. A beautiful speech you made, you almost convinced me. You almost had me fooled for a minute with that firing squad. The people have a martyr now, El Salvador, but he’s dead. I can go back to being an honest bandit again.

The revolution has broken out, Villa and Zapata are in control. The whole of Mexico is up in arms and our job here is done. However, I have come across some new and exciting information. The three of us, together, can create a marvelous coup in Guatemala.

The people there are ready and if we are ready, we can look them in the face and change the whole face of the social condition and… Well, there’s a ton of gold. Which direction is Guatemala? Oh, to the south. If the Earth is really round, we’ll meet up in ten years time.

Very ungrateful. You fucking bastards! You dirty sons of bitches! Padre, would you care to say something comforting to this poor child? Yes, of course. Shove it up your ass.

The bottoms-up comedy hit that will fill your seats.
A self-proclaimed Russian prince, a Mexican bandit, and a radical Irish female journalist team up during the Mexican Revolution to find fortune and notoriety.

Original title: ¡Viva la muerte… tua! AKA: Long Live Your Death (1971)

This film is subtitled with many language options.

Director: Duccio Tessari
Writers: Dino Maiuri, Massimo De Rita, Juan de Orduña
Stars: Franco Nero, Eli Wallach, Lynn Redgrave
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, War, Western

00:00 Full Movie
02:48 A Western movie involving a blind priest, gold, and an escape plan in Yuma.
08:06 Escape, confession, and impending execution in a western movie plot.
13:53 A Western movie plot unfolds as characters navigate through treachery, traps, and a quest for hidden gold.
20:27 A comedic exchange between characters leads to a misunderstanding about identity, followed by a discussion on ancient Greece and a tense situation in Mexico.
25:33 A plan to capture an individual in Mexico, with a reward involved. They discuss their plans and alliances, while also mentioning a significant reason for their pursuit.
32:51 Western movie involving a quest for treasure, a daring escape, and a dramatic showdown.
41:47 The search for gold, a dangerous criminal, and a final showdown.
1:03:15 A group of revolutionaries, led by a woman, plans to overthrow a dictator in Mexico.
1:13:31 A military leader coordinates an attack and faces betrayal, leading to a showdown.
1:28:20 A Western film featuring Franco Nero and Eli Wallach, with a plot involving a royal prince, a revolutionary uprising, and a plan for a coup.



  1. ¡Muchas gracias! Increíble que se filmara hace más de cincuenta años, yo las veía en el cine. Hoy tengo 72 años.

  2. A movie that exudes much ado about nothing! still a nice time to waste a few hours, print is good, and the dames are pretty, plot is …..

  3. Franco Nero makes a good cynical character. And the redhead said “fucking” at the end, this was the first time I hear this curse word in an old western movie, maybe because it wasn't that old.

  4. Мда,золото всегда приносило несчастье, лучше жить на свои заработанные нежели надеяться на золото

  5. А еще жара и новая одеждв, они должны после всех приключениях их нвстигнутых вонять как скунсы, но каждый раз новая одежда , галстук,такие холеные

  6. Commercial formula with reps.Tuco (GB&U,) Franco Nero looking like terrence Hill (Trinity).
    It is first class crap, but… is a time piece

  7. فلم ممتع جدا في غاية الروعة والجمال فعلا واكيد برافو ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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