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【突撃】日本の”サッカーショップ”に来ている外国人にインタビューしてみた!!【ジャパフト! / JapaFoot!! 】#海外

【突撃】日本の”サッカーショップ”に来ている外国人にインタビューしてみた!!【ジャパフト! / JapaFoot!! 】#海外

Yeah I know I like I like I like Japanese I didn’t find my girlfriendy Messy [Applause] For oh my name is namiki so what’s your name hey I’m Shane Shane yeah and I’m James James so nice to meet you so what brought you here H group friendss friends Tokyo and Osaka so what do you think about Japan amazing very good very different from

Ireland very nice so how are the food oh amazing so oh well like from from Ireland Ireland so who do like the most football player Oh favorite player in football yes oh um K Saka probably K Saka yeah Aral from arsal do you like oh

Yeah I’m I’m an Aral SP you what uh I like Bruno Fernandez so it’s about Japanese foot players chrisan so how do you thinking about tomasu toasu oh I love tomasu how do you think about him he’s doing he’s doing okay he’s he’s getting his time in he’s doing well yeah yeah

But the injuries yeah he’s many yeah what do you think about Kagawa Kagawa you know the United player back a few back a while ago about 10 years ago yes yes yes I loved k i i l k yeah he was some player I love that kind of 2010 Ferguson side

Like it was so good yes was very he was usually uh kind of was super sub kind of a player you know come on and put give a good 20 minutes of hard effort like with some player so Looney and kaga’s combination is was good oh very good

Yeah you’re a great connection yes good connection final question so what about Japanese national team you know oh I haven’t been watching the M they’re doing well in afan anyway or the Asian League s they’re uh well they were good in the world cup but they don’t po there

Against Bahrain like you know but I can’t say much Ireland they’re doing awful at the moment so compared to us they’re doing well but uh yeah know I like I like I like Japanese soccer they they have an interesting style of play compared to some of the western teams like they

They’re very kind of attacking a little bit you know they’re quite good like so thank you thank you so interview thank you let’s start so my name is Niki so what’s your name my name is Mark Mark so where are you from um from Czech Republic but

I live in Australia czecho is like mid uh it’s in middle of Europe you know that C’s favorite s player yeah um very hard to pronounce for not people it’s p Med yes yeah his his CH and and Che he’s a goalkeeper CH yeah oh so so his head gear exactly yeah yeah

Yeah what B here in Japan um my girlfriend is buying um some stuff for uh her her sister has a son he loves football he plays football so we just here to have a look for some you know bag and somei some gear for him yeah so

Did you find a good uniform I didn’t find my girlfriend she’s somewhere around here I see so it’s final question so what do you think about Japanese football player um honestly I don’t know because I’ve never seen any match you know to Japan oh do know time Japanese player

Sorry I don’t I don’t I don’t no problem so thank you for asking our interview no problems at all no problems at all nice to meet you thank you nice to meet you For Foree okay so my name is namik so what’s your name Maron Mar Tristan kistan Frankie Frankie do you like yes yes so which club do you support uh right now Real Madrid Real Madrid all awesome same real same same Chelsea so we in ch like

Like grow up love next question is who is your favorite player Ronaldo 10 out of 10 I said Christian Cristiano Ronaldo I like Cristiano Ronaldo because yeah when I play I try to play like him to play big strong fast I play like him he like you yeah for you for Another when I was younger David Beckham cuz he’s from America but right now probably so find out Christian so what do you think about Japanese National Football Club I actually like the Japanese Football Club part of my favorite Japanese is M like he’s really good I don’t have an

Opinion I’m sorry this are respectful I mean like you saw the locker room after they had taken that loss it was super respectful more than any other team so I love them okay so thank you so asking our interview please enjoy your traveling of course thank you thank

You need oh thank you so much thank you [Laughter] I’m joh thanks [Applause] so for E






【ジャパフト! / JapaFoot!! 】

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