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Earial – Tokyo Girl (アコースティック Perfume カバー曲)

Earial – Tokyo Girl (アコースティック Perfume カバー曲)

Uhe Lightning light singing Happy Feeling Good may I need on [Applause] no let us be going going Boy You me to talk your girl me all you Lightning light singing Happy Feeling Good Girl let us be going going Boy Fore uh Uh Oh

こんにちは、私はアムステルダム出身のギタリスト、ソングライター、シンガーの Earial です。 私はカバーを録音することはめったになく、通常はオランダ語で歌っていますが、これは私にとって非常に挑戦だったので、日本のポップバンド「Perfume」からこの素晴らしい曲「東京ガール」をリリースしなければなりませんでした。

気に入っていただければ幸いです。特にあ〜ちゃん、かしゆか、のっち、中田ヤスタカに気に入っていただけると嬉しいです。なぜなら、私は彼らにこれらの曲をアコースティックで演奏するためのバンドを組むことに挑戦しているからです。 あなたはすでにオランダ人ギタリストを見つけました 🙂


もっと Earial:



Song story in English:

A while ago my friend David introduced me to the album Triangle from the Japanese pop band Perfume and I was completely blown away when I heard it!
It sounds so new and futuristic! I never heard so much positive energy in music before, which made me realise I discovered something very special!

Soon after that I bought all Perfume albums and listened to them one after the other, emerging myself in their fresh sounding electronic beats, catchy songwriting and the melodic and dreamy vocals of the three front women A~chan, Kashiyuka and Nocchi.

As I was listening I started fantasizing about how their songs would sound if they were stripped of all electronic elements and if they were played on just an acoustic guitar with vocals.
That’s why I came up with the idea that it would be an amazing experiment to completely change the style of a Perfume song: from a full j-pop dance experience to an indie/alternative acoustic song.
I decided to pick the extremely catchy song Tokyo Girl, from the album Future Pop.

Before I started recording I thought it would be wise to learn what the song was actually about, so I knew what I was singing about. The title of course gives it away a bit, but I realised I chose a song about a happy girl in Tokyo and suddenly felt silly singing this as a 44 old man. What could I do? Call it Tokyo Guy instead? But I had done so much work for this song already that I decided to just go on with my plan and leave things unchanged.

As of today the song is ready and available on Bandcamp and YouTube under my artist name Earial. I hope my interpretation of this song shows how good Perfume’s songs are, no matter the musical style.

And more importantly: I challenge the band to do an all acoustic tour, with smaller and intimate stage setting and a live band. Because I think it will show a completely different side of the trio and of the songs, that is much worth seeing and hearing!

At least you won’t have to find a guitarist for that, because I will gladly make the acoustic arrangements and be your guitarist on stage. So A~chan, Kashiyuka and Nocchi: let me know if you and your team are up to that! It will be an awesome adventure!

@YasutakaNakata #Yasutaka Nakata


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