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네키루 멤버에게 지하 아이돌이 된 이유를 묻다

네키루 멤버에게 지하 아이돌이 된 이유를 묻다

Hello. I’m Korean Music communicator. I had an interview today in Itaewon. Let me introduce it right away. Let us introduce you to the idol NEKIRU members! hello! I’m Zero, in charge of green at NEKIRU. Hello. I’m nano, in charge of white at NEKIRU. I’m Soha, in charge of light blue at NEKIRU.

The team name is ねえ、聴いてる? (Hey, are you listening?). Underground idol refers to a form of idol that has grown in Japan who is not affiliated with a company and focuses on performing. They are called live idols because live performances are the core of their activities rather than albums, events, or online activities, or they are called indie idols

Because they work without investing in a company. Nekiru, whom we meet today, is currently the most popular team in the domestic underground idol market. Each team you are currently active in has its own concept or worldview. Does Nekiru have such content? Nekiru is a team that means to let you hear the sound.

Since we are a team where the audience comes directly to the scene to cheer and sing together, we hope that our voices can reach the fans. It is also the part that continues with the group name. I think so. Right… But unfortunately, your voice wasn’t in a good condition today…

That’s right. sorry.. (*She’s sick today.) How did you first find out about Underground Idol? It’s hard to find out that we’re an underground idol. I found out too late. starting with Soha, who was the first to start. Since I was in high school, I really liked idols in Japan…

As for how I got to know those idols, I couldn’t go to their performances in person at the time. I found a group I liked while watching a video on YouTube, and from then on I liked it and went to see their performances.

Then, an offer came to me if I wanted to do something like this in Korea, so I debuted as Nekiru. The first thing I liked was a team called Yurumerumo (ゆるめるモ!). It was a famous team, and it was during the time when ANO was around.

ANO appeared in the red and white joint match yesterday. So, I liked that team, and then I liked a team called CY8ER, and then I debuted and it became like this(?). I wasn’t originally very interested in subculture… and I didn’t know much about idols either.

But how did I come across a live video on YouTube? The stage was so attractive that I became interested from then on. You didn’t learn about Japanese animation or subculture because you liked it, but you just saw a recommended video on YouTube and went to Japan to see a performance.

But since the people you went with created the domestic scene, are you saying that they offered me a debut? Yes. 2019 was the first time such an idol event was held in Korea. The person who organized the event also planned the team. Then, he made an offer to me,

So I recruited other members and we started together. I was the last member to hear about the underground idol culture coming to Korea. The first thing I knew was.. I used to like major Japanese idols a little bit. I also really liked animation.

So, as I was watching videos one by one on YouTube, videos of underground idols also started to appear, and like Soha, I was introduced to underground idols by watching Yurumerumo’s videos first. I was originally interested in subculture. I don’t remember exactly if it was YouTube,

But I found out that there were Japanese-style live-oriented idols in Korea as well, so I went to see the performance. I applied to Nekiru because I was impressed by the performance. Ah, Zero applied directly? You have been going all the way to Japan to watch underground idols, and you are still watching their videos even now. But watching an idol and being an idol yourself are completely different things. Was it easy to get started? But when I first started, I didn’t know it would last this long…

I thought it would be short-term or a one-time thing. At that time, I had no idea that there would be so many events. I didn’t know there would be many teams, so I don’t think it was too much of a burden to start. while watching idols,

I never once thought about wanting to become an idol. But standing on stage is more addictive than you think, and there are emotions that can only be felt there. At the time, there were a lot of performances, about once a month at most. So, When I first started, there wasn’t much pressure.

But as the number of performances increased and it became a bigger part of my life, I started to feel a bit of a disconnect. What I liked while watching is different from what I do. The idol I think and my actual self are so different.

There were times when that was a bit difficult. Now that we have the same goal, I feel like I’m working a little harder toward that goal. I think things may be different because the members have different starting points and periods of activity.

Still, the two of you came here after teams were established in Korea, right? Yes. How was it after you started? The situation between us was also different. Zero joined the team after watching Nekiru’s performance and other teams’ performances. I joined Nekiru without having ever seen an underground idol perform. How can that happen??

I have been performing on stage from the beginning. I was performing on stage because I danced. I loved it so much that ever since I was young, I wanted to continue performing on stage in the future. By the way, I liked Japanese idols and I liked watching them on stage,

But I guess I never had a chance to stand on them..? I didn’t know that this culture existed in Korea. But the moment I found out that this culture existed, the moment I recognized it, I thought that if I didn’t do this, I would regret it later, so from then on,

I did a lot of research and applied first without even seeing the stage… will!!! You originally performed in a different field? But anyway… they both liked it and said they had other stage experiences, but it’s different when you try your hand at idol activities.

Unlike when I just saw it as a fan. …………… She looks like there wasn’t much difference..?? I’ve always listened to Japanese music, and when I did dance covers, I covered Japanese songs, so I don’t think there was a big difference. Even when I started working,

I think I felt like I was just doing what I used to do. Still, because I had stage experience, it wasn’t difficult to perform on stage. I’ve always liked dancing on stage, so I thought practice and activities were all fun… It’s not that difficult… Then there’s no difficulty? that’s right! I just felt like I was going to give it a try and see. Isn’t that because you two came in after the infrastructure improved? Soha is different, right? They say there is no problem here?. Since the place is well set up…

Just do it, right? I was trying to hear about the difficulties they had in their actual activities, but… these two people are happy to play. Since you are active, I think you also know this. I previously interviewed a fan here. I asked him many things. Which teams are the most famous?

He said you would recommend Nekiru, Denpa Maru, and Proxima Club to everyone. and He also briefly explained the team. It’s in that video. Do they acknowledge the popularity of these three teams? no? We don’t know anything. I was surprised he even said that! Currently, they perform and compete with other teams. What’s something you guys are more confident about than other teams? We can talk about this, right? What’s with that troubled expression? She is thinking… Oh, you don’t usually think? No…!! I tend to have pride in my team.

We have a clear goal for the live level we are pursuing. There are many reasons why people come to see idols. Some people come to see pretty idols and some come because they want to hang out with them. I think the ultimate goal of the underground idol scene

Is to work together with the floor. That’s why it’s nice to look pretty and shiny, but even if you sweat and your hair is all messed up, ‘it’s really fun.’ ‘I really burned it down today.’ Our goal is to show a live performance that can be said to be.

I think that showing a live performance that can be said to be really fun is the strength of the team called Nekiru. There are quite a few performances if you perform every weekend. There isn’t enough time to prepare… I heard that one team’s performance time isn’t that long.

Anyway, when deciding on a set list, there are quite a few teams, including Nekiru, that have original songs. Do you often do original songs? or cover songs? In terms of proportion and number of times? Because many people come to see Nekiru, we always include original songs in every performance.

So the original song comes first and then the cover song? Usually, during a 20-minute performance, we perform 5 songs. We don’t talk in the middle of the performance. Then, we’ll do about 3 original songs and 2 cover songs. do more original songs?

Are you including the original song because it gets a better response? Or are they just doing it a lot because it’s their song? But there are surprisingly many people who like original songs. That’s because recently, there have been a lot of people who come here who don’t know Japanese culture.

So Korean songs are more familiar. So there are many people who say they enjoy listening to our songs. We also have a little more fun singing our own songs. from a player’s point of view. I think I think about these things because I am also a producer.

When it comes to cover songs, you have to keep practicing new ones. Haha. That’s also true. There is no need to practice the original song again. That’s right, that’s right. The more original songs are played, the better. that’s right. Anyway, for cover songs, all the profits go to other people.

Then, it would be convenient if people who come know some of the original songs. Because you can listen to the song online anyway.

– 인터뷰 1편 보러 가기 :
– 네키루(NEKIRU) 음악 듣기 :

– 방송 리뷰, 음악 소개를 주로 하고 있는 음악 커뮤니케이터, 가치 입니다.
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– 구독과 좋아요, 댓글은 채널을 성장시키는 원동력이 됩니다. 감사합니다.

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  1. I might sound so so rude and i swear I don’t mean no hate i swear I’m just curious how old are they? and the cute pink haired girl, why does her mouth look hurt……surgery or is she hurt?
    They are so sweet though❤

  2. 韓国にも地下アイドルっているんですね、知りませんでした。興味深く拝見しました。

  3. 촬영이 조금 아쉽네요 과노출이 심하고 화질에 문제가 있어보여요 얼굴을 뽀얗게 만들기위해 노출을 과하게 줬다면은 후보정으로 만지는 게 좋아보여요

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