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Su-metal’s Perfect Voice

Su-metal’s Perfect Voice

Happy birthday to our Metal Goddes Su-metal!

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  1. I had to edit out a lot of material for copyright issues. Thank you Amuse 😢
    But still, I wanted to celebrate our Su ❤ Is there a particular moment that you remember?

  2. Worth Noting, When you take out the highs and lows this loud. you're going to end up with pure mids.

  3. perfect guinea pig manga but not exactly metal. although the bsnd could if they kick the three piggies.

  4. I really suspect people are confusing the power of her lungs with the quality of her voice.

  5. Lvl 9000 simpage in the comments. If Su looked like a fat pig with cottage cheese backside and a lazy eye, no one would think her vocals were that great. Amazing how looks influence ppls perception

  6. It says at the beginning that someone caught the frequency of her ear monitors… amazing how they went to so many different shows! Hmmm…

    I am glad that baby metal continues to put out content

  7. She sings flat so really not that good at all but whoever brought on her fax stuff is pretty damn good.

    Remember they are auto-tuned live so those imperfections that we can hear from this mix don't appear in the live or in the cordings obviously.

  8. Maybe perfect voice for Jpop but definately not metal.. I don't know why they are even called Baby metal in the first place. There are far better vocals and female metal bands in Japan and this one is one of the worst! Not even pretty nor cute..

  9. Su's voice is absolutely epic to say the least. She also has the beauty to match that voice. I find her the most beautiful of the three. Absolutely perfect! Suzuka wa totemo utsukushii desu! Nadeshiko!

  10. If anyone wants more, I suggest to watch those fancams from their shows. You can definitely hear it's live, even Moa (because most of her lines gets cut off in dvds even though she sings live) Just recently on their comeback show, I think Su got a problem in her IEM and she's a little behind (?) during Metal Kingdom. Her voice is also a little shaky (it's the first song anyway). But I'm really impressed with her vocals, studio recordings and live.

  11. Wait what? That sounds disgusting… She rarely actually hits the correct note… I'm a musician, not a singer, so idk why this her voice is always off. But her voice reminds me that the main audience that music companies target are not actually musicians.

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