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niko and … |麻生専門学校グループ presents TGC 熊本 2024

niko and … |麻生専門学校グループ presents TGC 熊本 2024

you were burning like a summer in my
heart till you found another Northern
Star following a lover right out of my
ocean and I was
broken but you know what they say ‘s got
a good way of healing I’m back on my
feet and I’m happier than ever like I
never thought forever was
you my skies are blue dancing kind of
weather back together like I wasn’t in
two thought I was doomed but I moved
through the heartache mood I don’t care
what you
do I’m happier than ever so much better
without you without you without you how
be you without you picking up the pieces
of a dream every little thing I thought
we’ be learning how to let go of all the
ways you burn me and I was
hurting but you know what they say times
got a good way of healing I’m back to
feeling I’m happier than never like I
never thought forever was
you my skies are blue dancing kind of
weather back together like I wasn’t
into thought I was doomed but I moved
through the heartache mood I don’t care
what you
do I’m happier than never so much better
without you without you without without
you you
without without you without
you without you I know what they say
times got a good way of going right
through the motions I’m happier than
never like I never thought forever was
you my skies are blue dancing kind of
weather back together like I
wasn’t thought I was down but I move
through the heart mood I don’t care what
do I’m happier than ever so much better
without you without you without you
howy Without You Without You Without You
how be you without
you you were burning like a
summer in my heart till he found another
Northern Star following a lover right
out of my ocean and I was broken
but you know what they say ‘s got a good
way of healing I’m back on my feet and
I’m happier than ever like I never
thought forever was
you my skies are blue dancing kind of
weather back together like I wasn’t
in thought I was do

2024年4月13日(土)に開催した『麻生専門学校グループ presents TGC 熊本 2024』のステージムービーを公開!

●niko and …

niko and … は、アパレルや雑貨、家具、飲食を展開する“style editorial brand”。実用性だけでなく、どこかユーモアを感じさせるアイテムをラインアップしており、意外な驚きと発見に“であう”、やがて自分のライフスタイルに“にあう”。そんなメッセージのもと、事業を展開。


『麻生専門学校グループ presents TGC KUMAMOTO 2024 by TOKYO GIRLS COLLECTION』

2024年4月13日(土) 開場12:00 開演13:30 終演18:00(予定)

嵐莉菜、アリアナさくら、安斉星来、池田美優、大峰ユリホ、岡崎紗絵、小川桜花(Girls²)、香川沙耶、景井ひな、加藤ナナ、川口ゆりな、菊池日菜子、黒木麗奈、雑賀サクラ、新川優愛、鈴木ゆうか、せいら、田鍋梨々花、鶴嶋乃愛、トラウデン直美、那須ほほみ、菜波、新沼凛空、原田都愛(Girls²)、藤井サチ、藤田ニコル、古澤里紗、松川菜々花、みとゆな、三吉彩花、村瀬紗英、ゆいちゃみ、ゆうちゃみ、莉子 ※50音順
あみか、石川翔鈴、入江日奈子、北澤苺(STU48)、上妻美咲、櫻井優衣(FRUITS ZIPPER)、曽川咲葵(STU48)、田中美久、田中芽衣、谷崎早耶(≠ME)、鎮西寿々歌(FRUITS ZIPPER)、塚本恋乃葉、中山あやか、橋本桃呼(高嶺のなでしこ)、長谷川乃彩(STU48)、福山絢水、藤井里詠(STU48)、松本かれん(FRUITS ZIPPER)、松本ももな(高嶺のなでしこ)、吉沢朱音 ※50音順
石山順征、板野友美、ウエストランド、くれいじーまぐねっと、とうあ、中町兄妹、なこなこカップル、西垣匠、村重杏奈、杢代和人、百瀬拓実、山下幸輝 ※50音順
ENJIN(A.rikを除く)、096k熊本歌劇団、SEGA SAMMY LUX ※50音順
ウエンツ瑛士、影山優佳 ※50音順
BG、CALNAMUR、moment+、niko and …、RAGEBLUE、RETRO GIRL、rienda、SOLLON.、SPINNS、The escape ※アルファベット順



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