Idol アイドル



Welcome to Leo Channel Thank you for tuning in November 2021 A horrific animal attack occurred in Cleveland, Ohio Volunteers Brad and Lisa were out feeding stray dogs and cats in the area that day as usual. My eyes fell on a dog standing dumbfounded next to a black garbage bag. When I looked closely

, I saw that the dog had sustained serious injuries, with blood flowing from its head and neck, and its left eye was protruding. Brad was curious about the large black plastic bag that was there , and when he cut it open, to his horror, there was a dead dog inside.

Lisa, who saw the scene, burst into tears and sat down on the spot. And then I opened another bag, and there was a second dog that had also died , two dogs obviously shot and covered in blood, and a third one. The bag was opened from the beginning and contained several dead chickens.The

Bodies of the two deceased dogs were still warm, indicating that not much time had passed since the incident. Perhaps the hungry dogs attacked the chickens kept in the garden of the house, and the enraged owner turned the gun on the dogs and shot them ruthlessly . It is possible that the victim chickens

Were deliberately placed near the bodies of the dogs in order to justify this.The only surviving dog was hit on the head so hard that his eyes popped out and was strangled with a string It seems that the dog was able to survive somehow. Brad and Lisa

Picked up the dog, which survived, and immediately put it in their car and rushed it to Verge Animal Emergency Hospital, which has a 24-hour reception.The two have been in regular contact since then. We contacted “This Is Houston,” an animal protection organization based in Houston, Texas,

To request treatment and subsequent care for the dog.The group reported the horrific incident to the local police.“This Is Houston” will cover the dog’s treatment and hospitalization costs. Shortly after, the group’s staff rushed to the Verge Animal Emergency Hospital. Upon arrival, the boy’s dog, who was named “Joey” at the hospital, was

Immediately given painkillers and underwent a detailed examination. The veterinarian said that the left side of Joey’s face was greatly swollen, and it was obvious that he had been hit on the head by a human and his neck had been tightly strangled with wire.Following examinations revealed that Joey’s face was fractured.

It was discovered that Joey had already lost his sight in his left eye and needed surgery to remove it immediately. Emergency surgery was performed immediately and Joey’s left eye was removed. Joey was then given intravenous antibiotics and painkillers and was hospitalized for a while. Joey’s symptoms were very severe

And it was unclear at this point whether he would be able to wake up again.The next day, Joey survived and was able to wake up.I was by Joey’s side. Brad and Lisa returned to the scene late last night to have the two dogs cremated,

And had their microchips scanned just to be sure, but neither of them were fitted with microchips, so it was impossible to identify their former owners. On the second day, Joey’s symptoms were so severe that he recovered enough to be able to stand up.

However, Joey’s right eye was supposed to be intact, but he looked anxious as if he couldn’t see . The left side of Joey ‘s face was still quite swollen, and a drain was placed in the wound on the top of his head, requiring him to rest for several days

Until the secretions and fluids drained away. He must have been full of anxiety , but he soon realized that he was very lucky because he had foster parents who cared for him and were very sweet to him, and he would never again be assaulted by a horrible human being

. About two weeks after he was rescued, Joey was able to recover and be discharged from the hospital.He continued to receive care at the home of a foster parent volunteer and continued going to the hospital. Joey lay down with his head in his palms, basking in the joy of what was

Probably his first experience with a kind human being . His foster mother said Joey was a very smart and loving child, and his foster father said Joey was taken outside. He loves being around Joey, so he must be unhappy that he can’t go out until the drain from his wound is removed.

About a month after he was rescued, the drain from his wound was removed , and Joey’s wound was so severe that you can barely see it. Joey’s recovery has been amazing. His wounds have healed and his emotional wounds have gradually healed. Living in his foster home meant a new beginning for him.

Every day he found himself in a new family. One fine day, Joey was playing chase with his new dog siblings in the garden. His movements were light and it was as if he had forgotten all the pain of the past. Joey’s story touched many people.His story was featured on the local news and

Many people donated in his behalf . Thanks to this , the rescue group This Is Houston was able to raise money to pay for Joey’s treatment and save other dogs, and the horrifying incident was finally reported to local police . Local police say they can’t do anything about the person who

Broke into the house and shot the dog that attacked their chickens, as they have in the past.However , Joey’s story is about abused animals. Joey ‘s life after being rescued from hell changed in a matter of days. It’s very upsetting to think that the person who committed this act is still roaming freely

Somewhere on this planet. And it’s now September 2022, about 10 months after the rescue. Joey was finally able to go to his forever home with a wonderful family who loved him. Joey continued to overcome the pain of his past and build a loving relationship with his new family

. I gently stroked his head and spoke to him every day, saying, “Don’t worry Joey, you’ll be fine. This is your home.” I hope that other dogs like him will continue to be saved and loved until the end. Thank you for watching. If you subscribe to the channel, it will be very encouraging

. Thank you.




If you subscribe to the channel, it will be encouraging.
Thank you very much.


・July Flowers written by Anonyment
・向日葵 written by 田中芳典
・山茶花~サザンカ~ written by 田中芳典(News)
・千歳の如く written by すもち
・さよなら水平線 written by もっぴーさうんど
・夢見る世界(Dreaming world) written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・Pray~星の祈り written by 畑中ゆう
・tears… written by JoMa
・すてきなオルゴール written by クラウンジ
・やわらかな時間(MILD TIME) written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・雨の静寂 written by shimtone
・今日の日に、おやすみ (Good Night,… written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・悲しい過去 written by kinono
・悲しみの大海 written by Ryo Lion
・コスモス written by もっぴーさうんど
・悲哀の響き(Echo with sorrow) written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・セピアの影絵 written by shimtone
・ひとりの部屋 written by shimtone
・雨の日 written by kinono
・影写す頃 written by shimtone
・永別の花 written by shimtone
・欠けた写真 written by shimtone
・枯葉色 written by shimtone
・散花 written by shimtone
・止まった時間 written by shimtone
・惜別 written by shimtone
・切ない風に吹かれて…(Blowing in th… written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・悲しい過去 written by Hupple
・悲しみに包まれて written by alaki paca
・悲雨 written by Notzan ACT
・悲壮 written by 石屋
・閉ざした心 written by KK
・夢雨 written by shimtone
・流れる青 written by いまたく
・涙雨 written by shimtone
・Happy Holiday written by Make a field Music
・Suddenly written by Anonyment
・いいこといっぱい! written by クラウンジ
・希望への旅立ち written by Motoyuki
・散歩に連れてって! written by クラウンジ
・前を向こう written by ゆうり
・Cry more written by 佐土原隼人
・memories written by Yukiko Kamata
・穏やかな時間 written by ゆうきわたる
・希望への旅立ち written by Motoyuki
・別れと笑顔 written by Motoyuki
・あの日への手紙 written by すもち
・ハッピーエンド written by チョコミント
・雪空 written by もっぴーさうんど
・木漏れ日の歌 written by すもち (1)
・ひとりぼっちの妖精 written by ゆうり
・フレッシュ太陽の光 written by MAKOOTO
・洗濯日和 written by Make a field Music
・きょうはいい天気 written by Make a field Music
・雫ノ詩 written by shimtone
・雫 written by のる
・陽光の射す部屋 written by MATSU
・花散ル風(Wind,falling down flower… written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・いつかきっと written by ISAo
・傷跡 written by オオヒラセイジ
・悲しい記憶 written by OK-Sounds
・game_image17 written by UG
・手紙のさよなら written by もっぴーさうんど
・SAD written by オオヒラセイジ
・回想 written by shimtone
・ideal(悲しい曲) written by shimtone
・手紙 written by スエノブ
・Reminiscence written by MFP【Marron Fields Production】
・Luculia written by まんぼう二等兵
・ツユクサの丘 written by まんぼう二等兵
・また逢いましょう written by 松浦洋介
・KANADE written by のる
・爽やかな空の下で(Under the pleasa… written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・月へ続く道 written by すもち
・beautiful sky written by のる
・Ayakumo written by FLASH☆BEAT
・Eternal Melody written by FLASH☆BEAT
・Everyday Moments written by MFP【Marron Fields Production】
・Good Morning Sunshine written by modus
・Hard Rain written by Make a field Music
・Hill Cowboy written by いまたく
・July Flowers written by Anonyment
・Last Farewell written by Anonyment
・LET IT GO written by Low
・Never Again written by MFP【Marron Fields Production】
・Prosit! written by のる
・カモメと旅をする written by ネコト
・星空のエメラルド written by FLASH☆BEAT
・逃走 written by lei
・幻想花 written by Notzan ACT
・我が告解 written by 秦暁
・造花の百合 written by 松浦洋介
・July Flowers written by Anonyment
・River flow written by すもち
・雨上がりの公園 written by 山本リョーマ
・波間にゆれる written by しんさんわーくす
・ある冬の朝、君の右隣 written by しんさんわーくす
・アイスレイン written by shimtone
・Sad rain written by Kyaai
・月 written by スエノブ
・十字架 written by スエノブ
・聖なる夜の悲劇 written by ハヤシユウ
・罪を共に分かち合い生きる written by alaki paca
・ムスカリの花 written by MATSU
・If You Love Me. written by HRK
・IN THE AIR written by 伊藤ケイスケ
・今日はとっても上機嫌 written by こばっと
・キラキラ桜吹雪 written by すもち
・センチメンタル 20XX written by K’z Art Storage
【4K】無料CG背景素材 10秒ループ動画 ニュース番組の背景CG【Aftereffects】

・pexels-Andrea Hamilton


  1. 夜分、遅く、すみません。こんばんは😊ワンちゃんを助けてくれて有難うございます。元飼い主を捕まえる事は出来無いんですか?お腹がすいて鶏🐔を食べたって事ですが?食べたワンちゃんも悪いですが、だからと言ってワンちゃんを2人殺してジヨーイ🐶にまで凄い虐待だと思いますが?ワンちゃんが可哀相です😠人間だから何をしても良い?何をしても許されるの?でも新しい飼い主さんに巡り逢えて良かったです😆ワンちゃんが幸せになりますように🙏

  2. 毎回見ています。事象を説明するナレーションとその言葉使いは、感心しています。優しく思いやりある表現がすばらしく感じています。

  3. こんな飼い主人間じゃない!

  4. ジョーイ辛かったね😢

  5. 恐ろしい事件ですね・・・💦ジョーイを助けて下さり本当にありがとうございました。

  6. 日本は野良犬は街中ではほぼ居なくなったと思いますが世界中では過酷な環境で捨てられたりして野犬にならざるをえない不幸な犬が沢山居るんですね。もー少しペットに対する規制を強化しないとダメですね。


  7. なんて酷いことを……😭😭😭

  8. こんな恐ろしい現場に出会したら私もショックで立っていられないと思います

  9. ジョーイ、良かったね😢


  10. How horrific, i feel sad for the poor dogs that suffer at the hands of cruel humans. Thanks for helping Joey. Despite everything, dogs have a marvelous willpower to survi e.

  11. この犯人に処罰を与えるため

  12. 助けて下さってありがとうございます😊仲間の分まで幸せになってね❤生まれ変わった様に素敵な犬になりましたね❤

  13. 人間が自分勝手に生命を奪う行為は後で必ず自分や自分の大切な人へ辛いものとして戻ってきます。

  14. こんな残虐な事をする犯人を野放しにしては、いけない💢どうか痛みを伴う罰を与えて下さい。💢

  15. 酷い事しますね。痛かった事でしょうね。常に銃を持ってる事態が悪いのです。罰を与えてほしい。

  16. ものには程度があるのに…見せしめみたいな事する人間の神経が理解出来ません👎😠💢ジョーイこれからいっぱいいっぱい幸せになってね🍀😢💕

  17. 悲しみと怒りで涙がとまりません😢

  18. ニワトリを襲われ腹が立つ人間なら本来






  19. 飼ってる動物にこれだけの事が出来てしまう自制できない人は殺処分した方が人間社会の為に良い。

  20. 瀕死だったジョーイ君、助かって本当に良かった。彼を助ける為に手を尽くして下さった全ての皆様に心から感謝致します🍀自分が一生懸命育てている家畜が襲われたらやはり許せないし駆除したいと思う気持ちは解らないではないですがこの犯人は残虐で常軌を逸しています。

  21. 犬の保護団体の活動の😖お陰様で助けてもらえて良かったね🐶人間が身勝手に捨てて、又身勝手に家畜を襲われたからと、銃で打ち頭を打撲させ(▼皿▼)💣💣人間のする事では無い(▼皿▼)確かに、家畜を襲われたから腹も立つでしょう。でも、やり過ぎです(▼皿▼)💣💣警察が何も出来なくっても、きっと天罰が下る事でしょう💣💣

  22. 人間に捨てられたのに人間に殺されるのはおかしい話しですよね😡殺されたpappys痛かったでしょうね😡ジョウイちゃん幸せに💖💖✨

  23. 人間の非情さに怒り

    助けて下さりありがとうございました‼️ 救って下さりありがとうございました‼️家族に迎え入れて下さりありがとうございました‼️ 皆さんの活動に、援助して下さった沢山の方々に、第二の犬生を幸せにして下さったファミリーに、心から敬意を‼️

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