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Monbu Ran: A JAV Actress’ Own Song and MV | Review

Monbu Ran: A JAV Actress’ Own Song and MV | Review

So it’s no secret at this point that you know mostly similar to how things are done in America where you know parodies are done by a certain industry within the entertainment business the AV industry in Japan does very similar things and I’ve looked at particularly uh AV remakes or parodies of songs popular

Songs uh be it parody Or in music or parody in image I’ve talked about million Girls Z I’ve talked about UDA Alice and most recently I’ve talked about nanami Tina but here we’re talking about something just a tad different while it isn’t directly a parody of

Idols uh the song by well I mean it’s not really by Mong bu uh but it is her uh song her parody so to speak uh Mii noi timing is not really a a song that is written for her but is rather a parody of the

Songu by Mata a who is a singer who I believe is still active uh actually she just came back after a 9-year Hiatus so that’s pretty interesting but in any event uh I reckon this song came out this parody I should say came out in around 2004 2005 there’s actually no

Year I could find about this uh uh when this song or parody was released but the matuda a song was released in 2004 so I’m going to guess 2004 2005 with that said however I have to say as far as what one might how should I say uh expect a an AV

Parody song to sound that’s pretty much exactly what this song sounds like and that’s not to say it’s bad or like you know terrible or anything like that uh but there are bits of it that do feel a bit um kind of hacked together and first I want to talk about the

Original song the original song Here is actually uh quite good I have to say I’m I was really impressed there are a lot of cool little flirtations with key changes and all that stuff little modulations here and there and you know honestly it um I don’t know I have to say it’s

Really cool it in my opinion uh it has a pretty unique sound probably because it comes from that era the the early mid 2000s that sort of thing and so because of that um it does give a have kind of a different feel than what we’re used to uh more of like a

Pop uh pop rock kind of sound I guess you could say and the music video itself is pretty extreme uh it pretty much has a kind of doing a number of wild things while singing this uh pretty pretty catchy tune if I do say so myself

Honestly I I really like the song um it has that perfect mixture of like rock and pop with a a really cool Melody that because of the way the harmony goes under it it really opens up a lot of room for for color and everything like

That and you know honestly I it does I don’t know it’s a really cool song to listen to honestly in my opinion of course uh it has a pretty uni unique sound uh because of that um and then we get into the uh the the parody here the M parody which

Isaking and this this parody is um is funny I mean first of all it’s only about half the length of the original song which makes sense and of course they can’t just rip the song note for note word for word of course they change the lyrics and they you know they they

Change the music so that it’s not a direct copy it’s it’s a whole new recording a whole new performance and everything but it still follows it it still follows along with some of these uh some visual cues so to speak uh in terms of the music

Video it’s and on top of that of musically it does does follow up albeit shallow sort of really watered down version of the song and um one of the things that I noticed too is that the mixing is really off uh the instrumental sits really really low in the mix and

The vocals are just hot it’s like she’s it’s like she is singing along to like a stereo in her room but like the stereo is turned down and she’s like singing into microphone I I don’t know how else to put it but she her vocals are mixed

Really loud in the mix and it it feels a little amateurish if I if I do say so myself it almost sounds like she’s singing along to something that just happens to have a backing track that um you know happens to be in the same key

And follow along with her vocals I mean it it really just sounds that incidental honestly um but you know for what it’s worth uh they do recreate I mean the between the two shots from the original music video they do recreate it’s actually I don’t

Know I I I do think it’s actually pretty impressive uh albe it you know I mean I don’t know how else how they could have gotten it wrong I suppose but you know they they look very similar uh they both have that kind of washed out looked look

And I don’t know why that was a thing maybe it was because it was shot digitally maybe there was just but that doesn’t make any sense I don’t know in any event uh they both have like a similar color grading thing and uh you know the close-up shots are shot at

Pretty similar angles and the the choreography is done it does kind of show a little bit that perhaps uh the uh mon buan version was shot in maybe one or two takes just because she’s supposed to do like a head movement that goes along with the rhythm of like the the

Kind of I don’t know what you would call it the the pun the rhythmic punctuation of of a of a phrase musically musical phrase I don’t know that’s what it sounds like and she misses it the first time and it’s like really bad and she kind of laughs about it

Um you know the fact that they kept that is kind of funny but like um yeah it it’s it’s a pretty wild ride I think uh I mean not wild ride in terms of like whoa but more more like ah yeah that’s pretty they they did a thing um

Honestly I have no idea what the larger context for the the creation for this music video was I’m going to assume that it that it belongs to maybe a larger piece somewhere and by that I mean an AV video um but uh for which would explain why it’s only about 2 minutes rather

Than you know um trying to go for the more you know 4 and a half minute thing that it it’s almost exactly half the length which is kind of uncanny but it was something I just noticed but um yeah you know uh but I will say her vocal

Performance isn’t bad I didn’t notice any pitch correction or anything like that so I mean I got to I get to give her props for that I suppose she did have something going there uh as as a vocalist I suppose I mean maybe it’s not anything home to not not anything to write

Home about I guess in particular um but like she even has like a nice vibr so I I don’t know uh it’s too bad we we never got to see maybe a career after the AV thing it appears that she just kind of fell off the rad

Which honestly is what a lot of Av people do so I mean there there is that but not all of them but you know a fair number of them so yeah but you know I mean what I will say is that um this song is pretty Charming this parody

I you kind of can’t hate it at the very least right you you can’t really hate it too much because at the end of the day like it’s just a short parody thing and you know the fact that they actually were able to sort of faithfully recreate

Uh pretty well two scenes from the original video I think it I think it speaks volumes for whatever it’s worth and I’m not even trying to sound cheeky about it either so yeah um in any event I think I’ve gone on long enough about

This I didn’t mean for it to go on this long holy M this is going to be interesting to edit but in any event all I really have to say about this let me know what you thought about this in the comments below I’ll see you next time

With something new and in the meantime bye

The JAV industry is notorious for crossing over with idols and music, especially. There seems to have always been a fascination by that industry with the idea of selling their videos and talents by mixing the image of idols with the fantasy that comes with JAV. Thus here we are presented with just one of countless footnotes in this never-ending story with former, mid-2000s JAV actress Monbu Ran (紋舞らん)…
#idols #jpop #jpopidol #gravure #japan #japanese #紋舞らん

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