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Customers rush to “Udon Hakotaro” from 7:00 a.m. for their signature meat udon. Udon Hakotaro” is flooded with customers from 7:00 a.m. I always come here when I wake up for my daily routine Once a month I get an uncontrollable craving for it. The owner’s specialties are everywhere! Add a lot of green onions.

Most popular tsukimi udon The best I can’t get hooked again. It’s the time and effort, isn’t it? I think it’s the owner’s attention to detail. Did you have enough fat? It was delicious! Thank you very much, go ahead! Japan Fukuoka 4:43 Sakai-san, the owner, goes to work Udon Baketaro

Preparing for 7:00 am opening Open in March, 5:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  I was on my own for eight hours straight. Two hours of preparation before opening for 8 hours So 10 hours, all the way through. And then it took about two hours to clean up.

I couldn’t prepare meat during business hours, so I was making udon noodles.  And it takes 4 or 5 hours to prepare the meat. I don’t have time to sleep every day. You stopped operating eight hours a day after a month. I really couldn’t sleep, I was about to collapse.

And from there, we shortened it by two hours. I was open from 5:00 to 11:00 for about six months. We had drunks coming in at 5:00 a.m. Drunks start drinking on the street in front of us And then we get complaints.

I’m in the middle of a business, and I’m a drunk. I had a hard time dealing with drunks.  I work from 7:00 to 12:00 now. Now open from 7:00 to 12:00 So it’s like, we’re going for 60 cups. We haven’t sold 60 cups yet. I’d like to sell 60 cups, one person.

Something like that. This was also made by a regular customer. 3 including wash And the lanterns at the entrance. made by a regular customer. I made the curtain myself. Like the saucer. All made by a regular customer. Like this song and others.

I have a regular customer who lives in Hakozaki. He wrote 12 songs in all. The CD, the best album is ready. The best album of 12 songs is in the udon shop I think it’s probably just my store That fat letter is when I was originally in the interloper business for two years.

The president of the design and construction company, who was a regular customer, found it and It was already all Japanese-style rooms here and there. They renovated everything. They gave me a service at that time.  This is dried oil. You pre-cook the beef, you wash it, you cut it up.

I’m preparing the meat by boiling it in udon noodle broth. I use the top layer of beef fat that comes out when I boil it down. Roasted dried sardines are fried. Niboshi is this. Call it Ibuki Iriko. It’s the best kind from Shikoku and Setouchi. It’s anchovies that are harvested in the morning.

There’s no contents in their bellies. They’re roasted until brown and fried in beef fat. This is like a boiled and seasoned egg. The rest are off-the-menu items. There’s udon noodles with Chami pork and dried oil. I’ll use it for that. I’ve posted over 840 YouTube videos.

And I thought it would be nice if people who watch that would order ahead of time. I was hoping that the people watching that I just thought it would be fun, and I hope they’ll ask for it again. I asked the butcher to do it. Chami Pork from Kagoshima The fatty part only.

You’ve got the pork belly part made. I’m from Kokura. Teramae Udon There it is Even when I was there. I was ordering meat, small, hard, fat. I loved it there. When I came to Hakata, there wasn’t an udon shop that was open at 5:00 in the morning. So it’s fat udon.

So I thought I’d try it myself. I started doing it, and I overdid the fat a little bit. And everybody wants me to add more fat. And so they added more and more fat. You had a glass artisan living in Hokkaido who made devil’s tiles.

A power stone shop and a natural stone shop are regular customers. You gave me a very expensive gift for the opening of the store. I’d say I’m most particular about this kelp. Call it Rausu kelp. That’s roughly one large piece.

If you take out the soup stock, it will be 1.3 or 1.4 times bigger. water purification We’re using a rice called Yume Tsukushi. It’s a prefectural rice from Fukuoka. This is new rice now. I’m very particular about how I cook it.  I watched it all on YouTube.

I saw how to wash them, how to cook them. Cook it so that it tastes the best. At the most, I cooked two squares on a weekday and it was not enough. 2 sho means 80 cups of rice in terms of small rice balls. 80 people haven’t come at all.

They all got a big rice refill or something. Everyone orders a second helping of rice That’s why the rice is so good. This is very particular. The rice served for breakfast at a ryokan is soft and sweet. I’m imagining soft, sweet and tasty rice served at a ryokan.

I cook rice many times a day, so I’ve gotten very good at it. I wash them with purified water. You just stir it up at all. If you wash it until it’s clear. all the aroma of the rice would be removed. After stirring three times, you can use this.

I’m going to soak and cook it in the refrigerator. Japanese sinewy meat, Wagyu beef belly On weekends, these are sometimes gone in a single blow. I’m always stocking up. What do you do after you close the store at noon? Well, I’m on my own. Basically, I’m doing it all the time.

After boiling the meat, Then cut into bite-sized pieces and simmer in udon noodle broth. You freeze it in small portions, defrost it, and use it. I try not to prepare it every day. If I do it every day, I lose all my time.

I have to go shopping, and I have to film and post on YouTube. We’re not in a state of complete seasoning. You season it with soy sauce and salt, and serve it. The owner’s wife She helps on weekends, holidays, and other busy days. It’s all dirt.

Because it’s an old house, so there’s a sense of going up Because you have to take off your shoes every time you go up there. I guess it’s hard for everyone. I think it’s a nice restaurant Hakata Noodle House Yomogi Noodle Came yesterday, new one It’s freshly made, mugwort noodle

(Customer) I want to try mugwort noodles Charged 150 yen. Boiling time is 8 minutes. It is sticky and tasty Ajinomoto, chili, soy sauce Ginger  General saw on YouTube that it’s easier to peel with a lightweight spoon. It’s easier to peel than a knife or a peeler. It’s like this

(Staff) Is your wife only on weekends? Yes. I have my own business during the week. I take pictures of kelp and call it good morning kelp It’s to confirm that I’m awake in the morning. I almost never oversleep. When I oversleep, this is not up. This is the kelp you just put in.

Rock salt and pomace sugar Soy sauce I’m mostly adding to it. If it’s just what I made in the morning I’d say there’s no depth of flavor at all. It changes the taste. And if you have one that’s been refrigerated overnight… If you put this in, everything tastes better.

Sometimes we sell too much, sometimes we run out of this. Well, then it’s just fresh dashi. Almost never. It’s dried daikon radish that’s been rehydrated in water. Udon noodle shops in Kokura are almost everywhere. The only udon shop in Hakata that has it is probably Hakotaro

The point is that you have to squeeze with a great grip. That’s the secret to the deliciousness of it. If you use too much grip, you’re going to run out of acid. If you use too much grip strength, you’ll run out of acid. If you don’t squeeze enough, it doesn’t taste good.

Nukazuke (pickles) Two kinds of chili peppers If you like it, you already eat a mountain of it. It’s spicy, but It is very tasty with soy sauce and ajinomoto (seasoning), so it is very good Everyone

You eat one bowl of udon before the udon comes, and then you eat one bowl of udon with the udon. Some people eat one more bowl on the way home Kelp with soup stock, cut into thin strips Served in service. This is also served with ajinomoto and soy sauce Riverwalk Kitakyushu Kokura

I’m a junior high school graduate, so I was working part-time at a Chinese restaurant when I was 17. after washing dishes for about a year. I was promoted to chopping vegetables. So I was chopping vegetables for a few months. I liked to cut green onions there.

I learned to use a Chinese knife and cut vegetables. That’s all you could do. I did a little bit of dishwashing and chopping vegetables when I was a teenager. (Staff) Other than that, nothing at all? I’m 37 years old now. I haven’t eaten or drank in about 15 years. Welcome, good morning.

Please take a seat in the order of your number. I will make green chili peppers in soy sauce with condiments on the back. It’s not on the menu, but you have to pay for it. You can use this. Only if you know what you’re doing.

I can only make it when I have green chilies. or green chilies suddenly become expensive. I just cut up some green chilies and ginger and put in some Nibbishi soy sauce. I’ve been asked by dozens and dozens of people, maybe 20 people, for recipes, and I’ve given them all to them.

I have nothing to hide. There are a lot of people doing this at home.  It’s so hard to get a good soak, it’s so hard to get a good soak. After a couple of days, it’s just delicious. Everyone who likes spicy food likes it when it’s freshly made.

It’s cooked soft, so it’s sweet rice. It is cooked like breakfast rice at a Japanese inn. Pickles as a service Pickled Kiriboshi-daikon. I didn’t season it. They’re both eaten with ajinomoto and soy sauce. No taste at all, no saltiness at all. Tsukimi Udon is the best! Tsukimi udon 1050yen Udon noodles 950yen

Fresh egg 100 yen Yumetsukushi: Medium rice 150yen Refill 200yen (with fatty soup and green onion) Opening at 7:00 Welcome, good morning shavings Meat fat Udon noodles made of mugwort It’s delicious. It’s very different from regular udon. It’s totally different from regular udon. I think it’s more sticky. oil cake Special Kasu Udon Noodle

Special udon noodles Dried Dried Soy Beans 7:18 Chami pig (Staff) Do you often come to the store? It’s something I look forward to every weekend. I always come here when I wake up for my daily routine. I don’t season my pickles, so please put some ajinomoto and soy sauce on them. No pickles?

Go ahead, it’s hot. Yes, it’s tsukimi udon fat Here you go, udon, it’s hot. It’s very hot, so be careful not to burn yourself. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, have a good day. More meat. Here you go. Tsukimi udon, it’s hot. Bon appétit!

Yumogi noodle is delicious after a long time! I have a craving for it once a month. It’s so good! addictive When you eat it for the first time, it’s like, “Oh my God, there’s something like this. Two tsukimi udon noodles I think it’s okay to have lunch (Customer) Lunch is not included

Yes, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much Thank you Tsukimi udon 1050 yen Well-balanced broth of soy sauce, kelp, and knots. Rich taste of fat is addictive The more you chew the beef, the more flavorful it becomes. The more you chew, the more the flavor overflows.

Smooth and thick udon noodle Mellow with special eggs After Golden Week in May I’m going on my honeymoon. And then when I come back, I’m going to make handmade udon noodles for the first time. It’s an experiment, you know, five servings each or ten servings each.

When you get to the point where you can make good you can increase the number of servings by 10 or 20. I’ll have a little holiday after Golden Week the year after next. I’ll take a day off after Golden Week. After that, I’d like to do everything by hand.

Facing the customer in front of me and keep refining the taste. Owner from Kokura, Kitakyushu Serving his hometown’s meat udon in Hakata It’s the best I can’t believe I’m getting hooked again. I feel like I’m coming back three or four times a week again, myself.

The one who came the most came every day for more than three months. Two people came every day for more than two months There are several people who have been here for more than a month without a single break. YouTube Over 800 posts and I haven’t missed a single udon yet.

I’m just talking to myself. I just think I’m a weird guy myself. I thought maybe some of them would come to see me. The high rate of repeat business is more than just the taste of udon I’m wondering if the YouTube strategy is having an effect.

You can watch Udon Hakotaro’s YouTube if you want. Have you had enough fat? It was delicious! Thank you very much, go ahead. I’ve conquered all Dokidoki Udon in Kitakyushu, and I have tried many famous ramen restaurants. I personally think this is the best noodle soup. I would like you to try it.  

Japan Fukuoka Noodle Shop Onna Shokudo Owner goes to work after processing fish Table and counter seating Diner with a wide variety of set menus specially prepared by the owner Cooking rice Saga wash-free rice Pearl barley mixed with rice Originally I like pigeon peas, don’t you? because it raises the temperature all at once.

It boils very fast. Then the rice stands up. Slowly, it starts to sizzle. It becomes sticky. That’s the difference Food, in my mind, is I want it to be an everyday food I want to be able to eat shark’s fin every day. They say you can eat kueh every night.

It’s not always good, you know, that kind of thing. Fresh vegetables arrive It’s so hot in here. There are customers who eat mapo doufu in this hot weather. Sweating like a pig. mackerel, aji Soak in brine to remove odor (Staff) Does this one step change the taste a lot? 200% change I am.

That’s quite a change. Not even close. Things have to be paid for. But Technology is something that if you have it… If you don’t use it, you lose it. Wisdom and I have to multiply there. I’m not pleased For example 100 yen, so this technique doesn’t work. 10,000 yen, so use it

Not from the beginning. You have to put in the technology. The customer is not going to be happy. Miso soup Miso soup is one of the most favorite soups in Japan. Miso soup is the most favorite soup for Japanese people. It’s not ramen soup. It’s still a popular soup.

When you drink miso soup, you feel hot, don’t you? (Staff) It calms me down. It’s kind of calming, isn’t it? The owner’s sea bream Daily special is Sea Bream Halami Shabu Shabu Shabu Quickly Boiled With grated ponzu When you go to a place like Kaiseki or something like that

There’s a bone that’s hard to eat. I get splattered. They don’t want it. It’s overcooked and dry. But the most delicious thing is It’s the boiled fish. It’s a boiled shabu-shabu with hot water. It’s in the best condition. in its best condition. You can eat it raw.

You can get that texture of raw and slightly cooked I can get that texture. Shabu-shabu is the best Noodle making, yes. What’s the advantage of making your own noodles? Price. Because it can be done with raw materials at cost. Ramen noodles served with set meals, etc. Free refill

Tonkotsu (pork bone) soup is cooked for 30 hours Soup taken yesterday I’m boiling water. Otherwise, I can’t keep up. 11:30 opening Special mapo tofu set: 1,080 yen Hakata fried horse mackerel set meal 880yen Grilled salted mackerel set meal: 880 yen Large-sized chicken cutlet set meal: 980 yen

All-you-can-eat barley rice, miso soup and side dishes for set meal A guest arrives immediately Yes, here we go Yes, what do you want to do? (Customer) One Daily special set meal and (Customer) One special mapo set meal How would you like your ramen noodles hardened? Harder On a firm

Prepared food related Please feel free to take Daily special and mapo are included I don’t even cut and place I cut it after the order is placed. It’s out of shape. I knew it was true when I was shaking the pot. without cleanly dropping the corners. I’m good at doing it.

It’s not so easy to get there I haven’t reached the level of a master. It’s farmed, so there’s fat on it. It’s got fat on it. If this were natural now, it wouldn’t taste good at all. Because it’s not greasy. (Staff) Like some fish are better farmed. It’s just the time of year.

You can tell when you compare them. If you eat high season snapper and farm-raised I knew it, natural tastes better. April May Mapo, deep-fried chicken, black Self-service rice, miso soup, side dishes and wait for your order. Daily special Sea bream shabu shabu shabu Excuse me

Because it’s got the thick belly bone of the snapper. Just watch out for the bones. Looks delicious! Special mapo tofu Ramen noodles with set meal Chicken tempura Deep-fried chicken (soy sauce) Fried rice, popular Home-style Most delicious Even if you add shrimp or Braised pork It didn’t ring a bell. A homey ham spirit

How many people, two? Can you have a seat, please? Can I ask you to wait a moment? fried rice Fried Rice Ramen Set Meal 11:51 Full house Turn peak by 3 Large chicken cutlet Sesame Fish Eggplant miso with iron plate The cabbage is laid out on a

Isn’t cabbage from a barbecue restaurant delicious? (Staff) It’s delicious. It’s more than just cabbage, that’s where it is. It’s just fried gravy and cabbage. That’s why we put cabbage in it. The cabbage in the eggplant miso is I made it in the image of claypot meat. Cabbage and miso go well together.

Thank you very much. Thank you (Customer) another ball, please. Firmness is Solidity is (Customer) It was amazingly delicious Please come again (Staff) How’s it going? It’s the best I’ve ever tasted. Delicious. Rice goes well with it Hot and tasty I come here quite a bit at night. after drinking or something like that.

They come with this mini-lentil noodle for free. And it’s so good. It tightens up. stir-fried meat and vegetables You can’t overcook it. Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy… What’s good about bean sprouts? It’s the texture. It’s the sound It’s not an attraction. It’s like, “Wow. You have to show that kind of thing, too.

That’s why I hate close kitchens. Because you can’t see it. Because I can’t see the customer’s face Hakata fried horse mackerel Sauce and tartar I got some shibazuke pickles, and that’s what I’m going to do. Crushed Crush and match with it I can’t do all of them.

But about 50% out of 100%. If I put my hands on it, it’ll change. Deep-fried chicken (salt) Yakiniku restaurant we went to in Odawara or somewhere They have all the wagyu beef frozen. It comes out half-frozen. But if you cook it on a griddle The surface is cooked, but the inside is rare.

So there’s a way to serve it like this. It’s not that higher is better. This is how it’s baked Add aroma to it Like I said before. It’s not a technique that can’t be done. You don’t just fry it. I’m going to give you a little twist. I’m going to brown it.

It’s baked and smells good. Oyadori Teppan Set Meal Nothing special, though. Yes, thank you very much. That’s $120 back to you. Yes, thank you very much. Please do it again! Hakata Ramen Grilled Salted Mackerel Salted mackerel is delicious Salted mackerel. Here you go. (Staff) Just for mackerel?

They told me they didn’t want it at the other store. It’s already broken. They said I don’t need it. I’ve been using it for 5 years. But this is still the best. It’s just that the fire is weak. The basics of pottery are It’s a long fire.

It’s got to be a close fire to burn. But it’s more beautiful this way. It’s more clean and the fire hits the whole area. But it cooks the whole surface more beautifully, so it’s better. It’s baked very close together, so the flavor comes in. So the flavor comes in.

A good mackerel the fat floats on the surface of the mackerel. It’s normal. Salt mackerel is going up Fried horse mackerel set meal 880yen Thick fried horse mackerel with tartar sauce. Served with tartar sauce. Mini ramen that comes with set meal (free refill) Ramen comes with miso soup. That’s Hakata!

Closes at 15:00 (for lunch) It’s still just one call, isn’t it? Where are you from? or something like that. How was it? and That doesn’t cost you anything. It’s hospitality. That’s it. Japan Fukuoka Established in 1953, Appare Shokudo Second generation opens the shutters 6:37 Closely followed from the preparation for opening

Champon is the specialty Long-established diner in Nishijin shopping street Clean and calm interior Mr. Higuchi, the 3rd generation from Japanese cuisine He took over the restaurant at the age of 25 Kamaboko (Akahira) 3rd classmate Dashi (soup stock) making First, kelp Carefully remove scum shavings Making chilled chuka sauce

Kaeshi, sake, mirin, sesame oil, vinegar, Pokka lemon Use about 8 kg of bean sprouts a day Cabbage Preparation Preparing mapo tofu Sugar flavored sugar beet It’s like dressing. sesame oil For aromatics White soup stock This is “kaeshi The secret Kaeshi has a discount depending on the store sweet or spicy in some places

One cup of sake and one cup of mirin Miso soup Boil, then take out kelp cool down and bottle like before Drink it. Thank you. Have a drink. Champon noodles (Staff) Do you ever feel like it’s hard work? It’s hot Hard to stock up Eggs, oil Wheat will go up

All the things that will go up. I can’t raise a lot of money. Even with lard, it’s still 5,300 yen. About half the price before already. 2,500 when cheap I raised the price once I don’t think they would eat Champon if it was 1,000 yen a bowl.

That’s how much I’d have to pay. It’s getting to the point where I can’t do it anymore. 3rd wife Softbank Hawk player also comes to the store Fresh meat arrives 4th generation pork Pork loin used for Tonkatsu (pork cutlet) and Katsudon (pork cutlet served on top of a bowl of rice)

Yaki Champon Appare boast 900yen (Staff) Has the Yaki Champon been on the menu has it always been on the menu? They’ve done it since I’ve been here. Is that right? It’s hot in summer, isn’t it? Champon won’t sell well in summer. It’s like Yakisoba. It’s like a soft Yakisoba. Lots of takeout.

Champons are not taken home If it’s a baked Champon, you can take it home with you. Shrimp in a baked Champon I recommend Gomoku Champon and Yaki Champon Or regular Champon If you do five eyes Carrots, scallions, squid, and chikuwa are in.

The third generation who is also the chairman of the shopping arcade (Staff) Have you been able to think about the store since you were a child? Almost compulsory. From about elementary school For example, when the store is busy For example, when the shop is busy And washing dishes and stuff.

When did you actually start working in the restaurant? when did you actually start working at the restaurant? The year before last. Classmates and friends They come to eat I’m still happy about that. And then there are the regular customers and so on.

I think it’s nice that they come all the time. I’m very grateful for that. And the other thing is, I’m sure you’ve made If you come back empty. I’d be happy. Since we don’t show ourselves. Look at the plate that came back. If only they’d drank down the soup clean.

It’s rewarding, or at least it makes me happy. (Staff) How many days here? This is for one more day Cut these two boxes in the morning. In the afternoon, I’m going to cut those two boxes again. Pork bone bones, backbone, head Lye. Blood clotting. If you’re doing this, when you take the soup

I didn’t get any excess lye or Odor is eliminated, etc. If you overcook it again from the soup because the broth will come out. It’s like I’m being careful with that. (Staff) What about soup? Pork bone, chicken bones Think of it as udon soup stock It’s a little lighter

If all you do is pork bones, it’s too thick. There aren’t many places that do this. 11:00 opening Champon 800yen Gomoku Champon 900yen Yaki Champon 900yen Katsu-don set 960yen Tonkatsu set 960 yen Mapo set meal 960 yen Mapo noodles 800 yen Mapo noodles set (small rice, salad, pickles) 900 yen

Spicy Champon 900 yen Spicy Champon set (small rice, salad, pickles) 1000 yen Cold noodles 900yen One person comes to the store immediately Gomoku 1 Gomoku Champon Cabbage Pork, carrots, chikuwa, scallions Bean sprouts Pork bone, chicken broth White soup stock Throw in noodles Salt, flavor enhancers Soup to simmer ingredients and noodles Remove lye

Put noodles, ingredients and soup in a bowl Top with green onion and fish paste! Gomoku Champon Large size Add leeks and fish paste into soup. Add shichimi (seven spices) on the table Vegetables are hot and ready to eat. and bring them to the mouth with soup. Champon Delicious.

I don’t think you can get better Champon than this place. Gomoku Champon, large portion Gomoku Champon Large Here you go Champon and large Champon Food arrives Chewy Champon noodles are delicious… Two men come to the restaurant They order mapo tofu. Cut tofu Ingredients for mapo tofu Chinese soup Tofu Thicken with potato starch

Miso soup Mapo noodles Bean Curd with Mapo Green onion and sansho Mapo noodles set Mapo set meal Start with salad Add some shichimi (seven spices) to give it a punch Sipping hot mapo noodles vigorously! Gulp down takana on rice Champon set with vegetables on top With beer on top Lastly, eat noodles

Just like the old days. It’s delicious. I’ve had it since I was 17 or 8 years old. About 45 years. Yaki Champon Man examining menu Champon is chosen Champon noodles stir-fried in lard Champon noodles are put in baking pan Special soy sauce Yaki Champon Arrived on rice bowl

Let it cool down. and eat the long-awaited Yaki Champon. I eat it in one go and finish it. Yaki Champon 900yen Shrimp, pork, and other ingredients are plentiful. Negi and Kamaboko (fish paste) add color to the dish. Medium thickness noodle is good for soup and ingredients…! Cold noodles (summer only) Vegetable stir-fry made

Crispy pork cutlet on top of it Tonkatsu set 960 yen Harsh kitchen work in summer Father and son wielding pots and pans in coordination to handle orders Making katsudon and katsu-ni making katsudon and katsu-ni-nimono Katsu-ni set Yaki Champon, large portion Regulars come once a week Vegetable stir-fry set Vegetable stir-fry set

He eats white rice without a second thought Sauce and pepper for a kick A big bite Beer goes down the drain… 12:15 Were you originally trained in either? I was in Oita for 2.5 years Japanese cuisine Like this. There’s no such thing as beautifully served Chinese noodles.

I really want to eat Champon in the summer, but… Because it’s hot. Yaki Champon 900 yen The rich taste of Yaki Champon is You can eat it only here. Lastly, I order Katsu-don, a bowl of rice topped with pork cutlet. Freshly fried pork cutlet is stewed in warishita Egg Katsu-don 800yen

Thick pork cutlet soaked in sweet rice bowl sauce is tasty! Four generations of parents and children have been keeping the restaurant. A long-established diner in the shopping arcade that has been kept alive by four generations of parents and children. Japan Fukuoka Established in 1975, Kawamura Shokudo Sister, Noriko Kawamura, 83 years old

Sister Kazue Aihara age 75 Old-fashioned delicacies and dishes are available. Long-established human-interest diner run by signboard sisters Warming curry You ate, didn’t you? You know, there was a lot of potatoes in there. It’s good for you You have to keep the fire burning. I have to keep it simmering. Thanks a lot, Belimacho.

I’m sure you haven’t eaten yet. I’m going to line them up in a row, aren’t I? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 I’m still alive and tottering 18:00 opening Katsu-don: 550 yen Curry rice: 450 yen Udon noodle 250yen Oyakodon 400yen I’ve been taking care of him for 30 years. I’m a regular.

The three of us were talking about who would die the fastest. That’s a funny thing to say. I’m famous for my theatrical troupe. Ponchinkan. Chairperson. The proprietress’s homemade side dishes are lined up (Staff) What is your favorite part of the restaurant? Delicious Taste of home.

You see what I’m saying? They just keep coming and coming and coming, don’t they? How are you doing? How are you? You didn’t come back from Hawaii, did you? Cute! With rice and miso soup With meat and potatoes Omelette with rice Okan, okan Hearing aids on, about three

I’m deaf, what do you want me to do? I must have missed something. I dyed my hair. Daitan dyes his hair, too, doesn’t he? I was going to dye my hair, but she said no. If I just did the top part… I’m just growing a little bit

Saute chicken and onions Then put rice into it Ketchup Eggs Ketchup Omelette Rice Homemade chicken wings Tonkatsu (pork cutlet) Curry with pork cutlet Curry with pork cutlet (for one person) 650 yen Simmered carrot and lotus root Curry with love like parents’ home Curry with vegetables Curry soaked pork cutlet is delicious…! Yakisoba

Yakisoba (for one person) 450yen Meat, chikuwa, vegetables, etc. A dish with a lot of ingredients. Fried egg Every dish is filled with the love of the proprietresses. and it satisfies both the stomach and the mind. Preparation of burdock I have a present for you from my sister Good for you.

The young ones have to work hard Japan will be ruined from now on You see? Hang in there. pork cutlet served on top of a bowl of rice Katsu-don’s brother is there he is Served with simmered vegetables and nori Katsu-don (pork cutlet served on top of a bowl of rice).

It’s delicious with gentle taste It’s my first time here It’s very homey. I’m curious about the food there, too. (Staff) I think it’s unusual to have stew on it. I don’t believe it. Is it lotus root and carrot stew? Make nambanzuke It’s really delicious It tastes gentle.

Half of them are like boiled rice Sesame oil is added 19:54 There’s still some meliken powder left. Just baked, won’t you eat it? Don’t throw away leftovers food We had a pancake-like dish! (Staff) Do you often come to the restaurant? No, no, this is my second time.

I came a week ago. I was so impressed, I came back one more time. It was delicious. Delicious. It tastes really homey. Delicious! The sisters act friendly to customers who come to the restaurant for the first time Domo! Who’s Domo? Brother! See you later! A little earlier. Thank you very much.

We get family visitors. How many? A little too much for me right now. Impossible? Yeah, sorry. Yeah, sorry. Good evening Sorry! Go around a little more. Hormone prep It’s still going to take much, much longer. I’ve added onions. Cabbage is put in Add salt A good amount of salt Pepper is added

Pepper is done Everybody’s family here. (Staff) Why did you start the restaurant? It’s already raising children Because I want my parents to feed me home-cooked food than to eat here and there. I want them to eat what I made for them. That’s what I’m trying to do Vegetable omelet 380 yen

Curry udon noodles 500 yen Preparation of stewed cubes Hair cut? I cut it, I cut it today Cut it today? I don’t want to see you guys. That’s what I’m talking about. Gray hair, messed up. You can’t see his face if you take it off. It’s not like that, sir.

I could tell right away that he cut it off. I paid 8,000 yen to go there. That’s a lot of money, huh? She didn’t think she was 83 years old. Right? You’ve been fooled by this. I’m dyeing this place This place is bare skin as it is Eh, I can’t see!

I can’t see… I’ll eat your chicken wings Thank you very much (Staff) Are you from Kurume? Kurume. It’s very delicious, but It’s so delicious, isn’t it? Workplace get-togethers? Gathering at work Second house? 3rd house I’ve had a proper drink. chicken wings Have you ever eaten yaki udon? I’ve never had yaki udon

I don’t mind having two or three. OK? Thank you. Eater! you look like a million bucks! Yes, that’s right. Would you like to eat with us? Yaki udon I’m an outsider now. This is so good! When you come here, you’re not an outsider, you’re nothing. Can I eat? Thank you very much. Delicious

Thank you You should definitely eat it. Yaki Udon Nyumen Yes! Here it comes, Nyumen for 2 people For two people! I ordered for one, but mom made it for two. I’ll take it! Delicious! Very tasty! Making side dishes Stir-fried hormone with garlic chive

Strongly seasoned puripuri hormone. It goes well with both rice and alcohol. Closed at 0:00 See ya. Thanks, it was fun. Thank you very much. Good luck to you too, brother. good luck to you! See you soon. Have a good day! See you later, auntie! Bye-bye Thank you very much. I’m done.

Yokane, the young man is. I wish I was younger. (Staff) Thank you so much! Thank you very much. Thank you very much. I’m going to give you a reason to keep going when you get hurt or sick. I’d like to know. What do you think the reason is?

If you do it, it will work. If you want to do anything, you can do it And all kinds of emotional stuff from there. I’m so happy to see you all like this. I’m happy, I’m happy, I’m happy… Pain or sadness after passing through. Glad to see you all. And everyone comforts me.

It’s better than sitting on your hands and knees. I don’t care if it hurts. Everyone is waiting for you. Brothers and sisters, young people… If you close the door after you’ve come all this way, it’s not a good idea. It’s not about the money anymore. heart All are hearts It’s not money, right?

It’s not money. Not any The money comes from behind. As long as your body is healthy Thanks from all of you like that. I take it from the heart That’s the most profit for me Profit of life I’ve never thought about money in my life.

I’m sure you’ve all been told it’s cheap, cheap, cheap… And they keep telling me that it’s going up now. How long have you not been able to raise it? Not raised at all Not at all? You can go up. If it makes everyone happy, so be it.

Curry and other things are 450 yen. In 48 years, we’ve only raised prices once only once on some menu items. 0:25 I’m just about to clean up the restaurant. Home cooking grabs your heart and stomach and won’t let go It was a late night diner run by good friends and sisters

Japan Fukuoka Udon Wasuke Popular Udon shop with long line Japan Fukuoka Belonging to “Tsudaya style Toyozen Udon shop Employees Ready Kashiwa gohan Cooking rice Adjusting water level Make soup stock from bonito, sardine, mackerel and kelp First, kelp Put the fire on Remove kelp After taking out soup stock with shavings soy sauce

Kae-Shi (soy sauce) Dashi is completed! Preparing cutlets Grated radish Beef, onions, burdock root cooked Making udon noodles 2nd owner salt water Kneaded dough Manager sprinkles water It’s my father’s store. I haven’t taken over yet. I plan to take over Did you help out or anything like that from your childhood? Not at all.

We did go out to eat. I thought it was delicious. I like cooking myself. Because I like udon I can make what I like. that’s one of the reasons. I can make something that people will like. that will please everyone. I have confidence in that. I can see my customers eating deliciously

It’s fun to watch. Rice is cooked Tempura powder Vinegared rice Inari Kashiwa-meshi break up the rice with a rice scoop the burnt rice looks delicious Steady soup stock By taking I can make it taste insanely good. with dried shiitake mushrooms and kelp And dried bonito flakes Dashi broth.

I use it for kashiwa gohan. And ingredients and stuff. Stick to it I knew it was the size of the ingredients to be cut, but It is easy for customers to eat. and the size of the ingredients. Easy to eat And still have a proper presence.

We have a lot of gobo-ten udon but there are a lot of udon noodles. The thickness of this is cut very thin. By cutting it thinner Like your child Elderly people can easily eat it. Tables, Counters 21 seats in total Opening at 11:00 Meal ticket next to the entrance

Meat udon 730yen Burdock udon 650yen Ebi-ten udon 850yen Tempura udon 930yen Inari (2 pcs) 200 yen Kashiwa gohan 300 yen Sasami (white meat) deep-fried with tatsuta sauce and ume plum paste 400 yen Tanuki tofu 300 yen Udon noodle making Wassuke’s udon noodles are thin Tonkatsu (pork cutlet)

Mini Bowl of rice topped with pork cutlet Tempura Two prawn tempura are fried at the same time Arrange beautifully and colorfully Udon noodles boiled for about 3 minutes Tighten with cold water Divide into portions Serve long udon noodles Udon noodles with a slight yellow tinge Glossy and shiny udon noodles are ready

Tenzaru udon Burdock tempura Batter looks thin, crispy, delicious. Udon heated and drained Pour soup stock heated by boiling water Tempura udon Tempura is served separately with salt Orders keep coming in Fryer is full of gobo-ten Tempura orders concentrate Carefully fried tempura looks delicious Calm atmosphere in the kitchen Tempura bukkake

Carefully drain off the hot water Pour soup stock Quickly serving Customer from New York Tempura is delicious 11:53 Inside the crowded restaurant Some customers waiting for an empty seat The birthplace of Udon Udon noodles in Fukuoka are very special. The owner calmly taking orders Udon noodles Maruten Udon Udon noodles

Local customer says he hasn’t been here for a long time Sipping udon noodles with elasticity and firmness Eating crispy tempura Vegetable tempura bukkake Sipping warm udon Flavor of light dashi broth soaks through Slippery noodle slides down my throat Udon noodles with a lot of ingredients

Mini katsudon (pork cutlet served on top of rice) is popular as a set dish By heating the yolk and white without mixing them together, the yolk and the white are cooked without mixing them. Serving orders quickly and efficiently Owner checking customer’s expression Meat and burdock udon Tempura on a separate plate

Udon noodles and rice bowl to fill stomach Udon noodles with mentaida yam bukkake Soup with bukkake Sipping noodles! Food arrives A sip of broth… Delicious Zaru Udon No leftovers Freshly cut udon Boiling time to be 3 minutes Noodles are aged for 3 minutes

Always serve freshly made One of the reasons why Wasuke is so popular Tightened with ice water Eggplant with minced meat Tempura of shiso leaves Vegetable tempura bukkake Vegetable tempura boukkake Shiso tempura is popped It was very delicious! The udon noodles are very firm. It’s very good! Very tasty! Noodles and soup

It was a very hot day on the day of shooting. Cold udon sold well. 13:52 Customers never stop coming Mentaiko Toro Tama Fuku Gone Udon Make Katsu-Tomi-Don (Bowl of rice topped with pork cutlet) 2 eggs Bowl of rice topped with pork cutlet and simmered pork cutlet 850yen Kuppa style Udon noodles

Tempura overlaid one by one in a circle A ring shape with a bold visual Burdock udon noodles 650yen Tempura is crispy and delicious as it is. You can eat it with soup stock. Noodles are slippery and smooth, Dashi broth is refreshing and easy to drink. Closes at 15:30 (Lunch time)

Udon dough kneaded in morning Manager kneads udon dough Udon noodles are kneaded by hand without using a machine The important process of making firmness Ripening the dough Resting to prepare for opening at 5:30 p.m. We caught up with a young udon craftsman struggling in Fukuoka.


00:00 – うどん箱太郎
34:37 – 麺や おの食堂
1:01:21 – あっぱれ食堂
1:36:41 – かわむら食堂
1:54:10 – うどん 和助


#うどん #ラーメン #カツ丼 #福岡グルメ


  1. I really admire the fact he works so close to the customers yet has such poise and precision with each meal. A true master chef.

  2. 肉うどん、玉子葱肉うどん、美味しそうですね。炒飯、麻婆豆腐、麻婆茄子、ラーメン、もやしにら炒め、鯵フライ、鶏の唐揚げ、焼豚、肉もやし炒め、担々麺、焼き鯖、美味しそうですね。ちゃんぽん、焼きちゃんぽん、冷やし中華、とんかつのせ焼きちゃんぽん、美味しそうですね。カツ丼、きんぴらごぼう、オムライス、肉じゃが、オムレツ、豚の角煮、手羽先、焼きうどん、ラーメン、酢豚、美味しそうですね。天麩羅うどん、とろろうどん、きつねうどん、冷やしうどん、天麩羅きつねうどん、カツ丼、わかめうどん、ざるうどん、卵とじうどん、ごぼう天うどん、美味しそうですね。

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