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일본 브이로그. 도쿄 츄오센 동네들과 킷사텐 투어(feat.피노텐 바지 사장). 일본 플레이리스트. pinot vlog

일본 브이로그. 도쿄 츄오센 동네들과 킷사텐 투어(feat.피노텐 바지 사장). 일본 플레이리스트. pinot vlog

일본 브이로그. 도쿄 츄오센 동네들과 킷사텐 투어(feat.피노텐 바지 사장). 일본 플레이리스트. pinot vlog

Good morning, everyone. Today, I will show you my favorite village, Kitsaten, on the Central Line. Today we have the commentator, the CEO of Pinoten… Please give us a warm welcome… The CEO of Pinoten greets you while lying down with ridiculously warm corrections… I will be doing my best commentary while lying down, so

Please watch the video till the end~ This is what I listen to while showering in the morning these days. It’s a playlist. I’ll make coffee while you listen to my playlist. So, what about the video we prepared for Part 2 of Kissaten? I’ve collected some of my favorite neighborhoods. Koenji, Kichijoji, Nishiogi…See more

These villages are on the Chuo Line, the orange line, that starts from Tokyo Station, passes Shinjuku , and goes to Hachioji and Takao. Many artists have lived in the Jungang Line since ancient times, so it is rich in art, music, and literature.

In addition to the main culture, the subculture unique to the Jungang Line is well developed. When it comes to Seoul… I think it’s similar to Hongdae in the early days. A place where many artists lived and created a unique culture… Anyway, I love you, Chuosen. – yogurt. – Frozen strawberries, berries. – Granola.

Oh, and the school I went to was also adjacent to the central line. One way or another, I feel at ease… Anyway, I love you. This video is for people like me who avoid crowded places, people who want to see the hippie culture of Tokyo rather than the well-known Tokyo,

People who want to quietly take a walk while looking for treasure… Just gather everyone~ The song is over, but… wouldn’t it be okay to continue chatting…? Oh, the playlist is from the highlights of Instagram… It’s awkward because there are no songs… Say hello to the CEO of Pinoten one more time…

I’m embarrassed to wave my finger in the silence. I guess I should play a song. I felt a little more at ease. What do you consider most important when traveling? For example… 1. Visiting the must-see attractions before you die 2. Touring famous restaurants 3. Relaxing while swimming at a resort 4. Enjoying activities

5. Walking here and there without a plan When I was at school. , My sister has traveled to Tokyo alone a few times. My younger brother is ‘swimming and active at resorts’, and I am ‘walking around without a plan’. – quickly. – No no. My hands are on fire. – Puli…

– Oh my. – Oh, it’s hot. So, I walked around and showed my sister a lot of spots where she could go on a treasure hunt , and her face was gradually turning the color of cement… At that time, did you think, “Has anyone pooped on you?” …

I said that, but we just had different travel styles. But you really didn’t eat poop at that time, right? It’s just that… my complexion looked a bit bad… later, mbti became popular, and I shared the test results,

And he was ENFP, and I was INTJ. Yes, that’s right. From then on, I started to believe in mbti… A scene where we were talking about travel while talking about something else… Nakano’s Mandarake. Used books, animation, games, idol goods… It’s a culmination of subcultures.

I don’t play games, I’m not a person who likes idols, I only like used books… If you come out to Nakano’s shopping street and turn to the side, the atmosphere is completely different. I’m thinking of having lunch at a small kissaten in a small alley next to the shopping street. Carbonara, maro style…?

This place is run by a middle-aged couple. -Are you spraying too much powder? When I was told to give a commentary, Boss Baji just acted foolishly and disappeared. First, let’s eat the part without the cheese powder sprinkled on it. What? It’s delicious. I ate it slowly, like I always do, and

The spaghetti is gradually becoming more like an eraser. ※Warning for slow walking※ I will leave after drinking a cup of sweet coffee with plenty of milk and sugar. – Finished with coffee at Dabang. – Haha. – lol. – Chane, – rrrrrrrrrrr. – Hahaha. – lol.

Koenji is a neighborhood famous for its collection of vintage shops. Shimokitazawa Koenji is the most famous vintage shop, but I always think I have more success shopping at Koenji than Shimokitazawa. The shopping street has a lot of vintage clothes, miscellaneous goods, and tableware. There are also stores that specialize in Fire King.

There is also a vintage shop that only sells Ralph Lauren. From pole, country, denim, … to the purple line. I spent some time trying on clothes at a vintage shop… a mysterious shop that you would never know just by looking at its exterior.

It’s a small kissaten run by the owner alone, and the menu has a lot of options. – This was really a kissaten, – (the manic atmosphere) matched well with Koenji . It looks like a cartoon movie, right? It doesn’t add anything. It is filled with only the scent of cinnamon.

The cheese is incredibly concentrated. – (It’s good.) – (Good) – (Good) – (Good) What is this? It’s so delicious. A green cherry that seems okay to eat. It has rich chocolate mint cheese, and the flooring is a crisp flooring like a cacao cookie. Boss, it’s so delicious… I read a book while drinking cinnamon latte. The menu and visuals are a bit like something out of a cruel fairy tale… – Onegaishima~su. It smells like mint chocolate in my mouth. I hear the sound of mint chocolate in my ears. Hehe, the boss gave me a candy. Ah, it’s dazzling… I feel like I’ve been released from prison. Real world. I want to eat tofu. A small little Kissaten near Koenji Station. There are only six counter seats surrounding the owner.

– It could be seven figures. With glorious BGM… warm coffee topped with gracious cream and a little alcohol. Coffee and alcohol are so extravagant. I guess… it was a bit too much…? I’ll turn off the song… tissue paper and foam kisses. CHU. Too much… Stop…

Let’s finish this before the drunks start behaving rudely. On a bright summer day, let’s go eat a fruit sandwich. – At this time, I was really into fruit sandwiches. – So, I made it at home and ate it, – … It was that time. – With peaches. – It’s a peach. – yes.

– and … – … – … … – … … … ※Slow walking warning※ – Oat Mac Milk Café au Lare… – Yes. It’s Oat Mac Milk Cafe O’Lay. Perfect visual, 100,000 in taste. This is food you can’t help but like, right? I ate it all in an instant.

I have to eat it all, not even 1 gram left. Collect dust, dust, dust. It would have been better to eat something off my finger. Another fruit sandwich… adorable strawberries. Who on earth made fruit sandwiches? My fruit sandwich looks so cute and tastes great.

Japan is known to be the best when it comes to fruit sandwiches. At the end of the Showa era, fruits were very popular as souvenirs in Japan, so there were definitely fruit shops in shopping districts in front of Japanese stations. From the Taisho era to the Showa era, these stores also served as kissaten “Fruit Para”, which provided cakes and juices using the fruits they were selling, and fruit sandwiches were offered as one of the menus. As a result, Fruit Sando became a steady menu item at the long-established Fruit Parr. -Wikipedia-

Ah… I see… There’s strawberries on my face, my face is getting redder. Even though everything else is slow, I can easily eat the fruit sandwich. ThAnnk yOu, JapaNEse oL..d mer,cHants. reeEallyY… A small kissaten surrounded by vintage shops. There are some types of black tea. Marijuana black tea, branditi, Russian tea… I don’t know much about tea, so I have no idea what it tastes like. – Excuse me. – Please eat. Even when I listen to it again, my grandmother’s voice is beautiful…

– It tastes like milk… Grandma, I want to drink sweet Pinot. … Pinot… melt and disappear like sugar… – It warms my heart. Unlike the word choice, the robot brother smells like plastic somewhere… Grandma, isn’t she looking for a part-time job? Something like dividing snacks in half for guests…

– quite a bit. Mr. Som . You have it . Refreshment time with my robot-like younger brother. – It is one thousand one hundred and ninety yen. – This is… – the… – alley where supermarkets and restaurants are gathered . Kissaten in Koenji Alley.

It’s been a few months since I went here, but it’s closed now… I’m so sad. Still, I’m glad I went there before it closed. This is my first time trying ramen sold at Kissaten. Cute, right? Fast forward, he seems like a good noodle eater, right? ~Flutter~ I ate it all.

The cheers of elementary school students I don’t know… Stop~ But I’m so sorry to hear about the closure… Grandmas and grandfathers, stay healthy for a long, long time. Asagaya’s tree-lined streets rival even Omotesan. I came to Asagaya, a place that cannot be missed in the Jungang Line culture.

And from large chain stores to small, long-established stores. It’s a great neighborhood to live in. Boss, I’m welcome. Kitsa Gion has unique colorful lights and objects. A texture that makes it seem like the brothers in the next room are singing izi’s emergency room, echo jjangjjang… I’m in Tokyo It’s my favorite Neapolitan. I think I heard Neapolitan Satan… hah hah hah The egg salad is delicious. hah hah hah hah hah it’s delicious. Sometimes… I shed tears… I like it when I cry with my heart, not with my head… If it’s good, that’s fine…

Cry in peace, I’ll be eating this. Guys, if you are a slow person like me, don’t order spaghetti and cream soda together. Order the spaghetti first, then eat it, and then order it when you feel like you are choking up… I ate it all. My stomach exploded. It’s a lie…

So you all cried? I guess everyone cried. The kind Pinoten owner wipes away my tears. Cream soda is so good. I feel much better when I give up. Okay, everyone run away. But is it just me… Everyone, can you have cream soda here…?

Please report whether you burst into tears when drinking cream soda. Nishiogikubo is a place where treasure-like shops are hidden in every nook and cranny. There are many vintage and antique shops here and there. Dust mirror too. Of course, there is also a used bookstore. There is also a place selling African miscellaneous goods.

There are also transparent people. In addition, there are restaurants from all over the world, kissaten, bakeries…see more Nishiogi’s small Sarangbang. The name is Acorn House (Donggu Risha). You can choose from coffee beans from various producing regions, and there are three types of blended coffee: mocha, slightly bitter, and sour.

The walls and furniture are all made of wood. I felt like I was in a cabin. I think I’ll wait for my coffee while reading the magazines on the bookshelf. What I brought out was the Kissaten special feature. There are many Kissaten I haven’t been to yet.

Please continue to be a Tokyo correspondent in 2024~ Banana cake at Acorn House. All I can see is brown. A large hand that sweeps up all the moisture from my mouth, with a faintly sweet taste. Please give me everything from moisture here to moisture there… – That’s a lie. – Not that much.

I will finish gathering information about Kissaten and leave the acorn house. In spring, when flower petals are fluttering, let’s go drink a warm and soft matcha latte. This tea shop has been open for about 5 years. You can eat delicious matcha and matcha teasants. 1. Finely strain the matcha powder through a strainer.

2. Pour hot water. 3. Add (air) and stir. A system where the performance is done by the boss and boss Pino is condescending. A refreshing matcha latte that is clean and bitter without being sweet. It’s plated so beautifully, I’m having a hard time deciding how to eat it.

I think you have to break it down and eat it. – This is delicious… – It’s delicious. – They also sell teacups. – But, after watching the video, – I wanted to eat toast… – wait a minute. – Be quick… – Why is he moving like this… – Quick. – The end~

– AH…. – Should I just eat it? – Let’s just eat. I’m going to put a lot of margarine on it. – Like this? – Is this enough? – And this. Night jam. – one. – two. – three. – Four. – five. – Six. – seven. – eight. – nine. – heat. – eleven. – twelve. Thank you for your patience. Then, I will try editing the video again. This is a place where you can enjoy dishes , desserts, and drinks with spices . Is it India, the Middle East, or Africa? (It’s India)

Unique, mysterious, and cozy. (That’s right) There are a lot of different spices on the shelves. There are 5 types of curry for the meal. But I’m going to eat dessert. – Masala… – I’ll do it with Masala. The song keeps making me impatient, so I sprinkle sugar to the beat.

Like a snake entering a sandy desert… Is it Aladdin? The song gets louder and louder. (I was busy talking to Jun-ki, so I missed the timing to react, so the Pinoten president reacts instead) I keep working on this. With all the spices mixed together, my mouth was so excited.

– I think it would have been nice to order an apple tart. Where, where. – Ah, ah~ ah~ – Does it look okay? It’s the last piece. It must be more delicious. This fork looks pretty, but it doesn’t float well. The moment when I was able to anchor my reaction. I’m the beat guy in this neighborhood.

Delicious food for the people next to you and the people next to you. We all formed the UMM band together. You may have heard this… Kichijoji, the town I love the most. There is also a quiet lake park. (Ho Taryeong from Ilsan) Indian general stores have cute sauna pants.

There are many vintage shops, and they also sell eco bags with three brothers greeting you. I also have my own jewelry box that sells props and vintage clothes. In front of the station, there is Harmonica Yokocho, where you can hear wind chime sounds like this. And even Pinot’s granary and German bakery LINDE.

Linde, should I give it to the boss? Should I not? Performance… Performance giving… On the second floor of a building in the alley at the entrance to the park, there is a coffee shop that I like. While fighting over what kind of video to make, I ended up crossing my eyes.

It’s crazy trying to see both screens. Just pick one and take a look. Well… when it’s a rainy day here, it’s nice to hear the sound of rain falling on the eaves, and the coffee is really delicious. The oil from the beans is fragrant,

It’s heavy, but it’s also light, and oh, uh… and… there are so many types of black tea, and I don’t know much about black tea, but I really liked the scent. Oh, I don’t know. it is delicious. This was MC Pino. One fall day. (It might have been winter…)

I eat baked apples with whipped cream. I ate a soft apple and it was very delicious. I can’t think much after this… Black tea with fruit is really delicious. If you don’t drink it with milk, you’ll be disappointed. Old subtitles… There are a lot of sad things.

Instead, the curry here is delicious, so I think I’ll give it a try. We sell these thick ceramic mugs. – It doesn’t look like there are many people. It’s a small semi-basement kisaten. It was a very hot summer. Iced cafe latte. – It’s delicious… here. – The cafe latte is really delicious.

– Yes… it’s delicious. – I don’t know what to say… – – Oh, it’s delicious. – Oh, it’s so delicious. – huh. Pecan pie is also delicious. It’s delicious, Robot… I’d like to recommend this cafe, but I’m in such a dark mood that I can’t remember the comments. – Let’s go outside.

– Behind me… – I tried to wear that jumper…, (story of not wearing it) It’s not that I have a headache… I’m not the Little Mermaid… I came to the cave-like Kissaten. There were no seats, so I was guided to a rocking chair and had a great time.

Don’t you get kicked out just because you behave loudly? Since it was a recently uploaded video, I was worried about not including it, but many people saw this kissaten, so I narrowed my eyes and added it. You didn’t think it was easy to make a video, right? It’s not like that… really… I see. Rum cocoa made with rum in a small bottle. It’s not cocoa with lots of sugar. It is a cocoa made by melting raw cacao, such as 72% cacao. Even with all the rum in it, it’s still this thick. The scene where he cheats with rum that isn’t in it…

Why is he like that? Okay, stir well. Everyone is calmly drinking their coffee, but I am the only one who acts noisily, like I am a person at a theme park. Play, play, do things, and drink alcohol in the form of cocoa.

Take the Chuo Line from Shinjuku Station and go to Kokubunji, 30 minutes away. It’s been a while since I came to Kokubunji. It’s changed so much… It wasn’t this flashy. Although it is located on the outskirts of Tokyo, Kissaten is selected as one of the top 100 restaurants in Tabelog.

The drink is ginger cafe latte. This is another delicacy. – The ginger cider here is also very delicious. – Ginger ale…like…%&%$ ginger cider…isn’t that ginger ale? Ginger ale? Ginger cider? Well, it’s delicious. Kokubunji. I feel reassured when I visit once in a while…

Whether it was in the past or now, the history has only gotten better, but once you leave the station, it’s the same. – It’s already getting dark. – This was the kitsaten on the central line… – – Lastly… – It’s not the central line, but – Shimokitazawa. – I’ll show you

Some more kissaten in … and then I’ll finish. – An extra edition of the Central Preface… A person appears while listening to classy music. The sight of me looking up from the ceiling… Is that a bit scary…? This is the face of a person who has been lying down all day.

– This is… – There are only smoking seats, – so if you are sensitive to the smell of cigarettes , – (NO, NO) – it may not be so good. The owner of Pinoten wants to eat chocolate or talk. I ordered coffee and a sandwich.

I want to drink coffee quickly, I want to drink coffee quickly. This store is so old that the ceiling is black from the lighting. After eating ramen for lunch, I was planning to have dessert. Somehow, it was time for our second meal. Everyone, how was today’s LAN Kitsaten tour?

I’m not sure if the charm of the central line was well conveyed to everyone. Among you, those of you who have a travel style like my sister… haven’t your complexion changed to the color of cement? Just in case, please check in the mirror once in a while…

I hope your complexion is bright, and I’ll come back to you with a daily video. Good night~

일본 도쿄의 카페와 킷사텐 모음집, 2탄.
킷사텐 모음집 만들겠다던 약속을 이번 영상을 마무리로 지켜냈어요!
좋은 건 공유하고 싶은 저의 마음 …

오늘은 도쿄의 JR 노선, 츄오센(중앙선)의 동네들을 모아봤어요.
저의 지난 한 해의 행적들을 마무으리 ..

중앙선은 도쿄역을 시작으로 하치조지를 지나 타카오로 이어지는
도쿄의 오렌지색 노선이에요.
이 동네들은 저에게 익숙하면서도, 가장 좋아하는 동네들이 밀집되어있어요.

여러분들에게도 이 곳의 좋은 점들이 잘 전달되었으면 좋겠어요.
아, 그리고 막간의 플레이리스트도 공유해드려요!







ぽえむ Mano A Mano Coffee



킷사 기온




카페 오케스트라


Musashino Coffee

사보우 무사시노분코

Tsukinami Coffee & Bar

Coffee Hall Kugutsusō




Café Trois Chambres

여러분들, 지난 한 해 함께 해준 시간들 정말 감사드리구요.
올 한 해도 잘 부탁드려요!
부디 건강한 한해 보내셨으면 좋겠어요.

그럼 잘자용.

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#일본브이로그 #도쿄일상 #플레이리스트


  1. 지난주 병원 검사 결과는 적당히 잘 나왔습니다.감사합니다.ㅎ
    나폴리탄 사탄 너무 재미나
    퇴근길에 혼자 눈치보며 웃고 있네요.
    너무 재미나요..❤❤❤

  2. 너덜너덜한 하루 끝에 피노로그라니❤ 피노님 영상 보면 제 일상도 덩달아 재밌어져요. 마치 영화 ‘거북이는 의외로 빨리 헤엄친다’ 처럼요. 오늘도 무척 감사합니다 : )

  3. gion 진즉에 구글맵에 추가해두고 일본 갈날만을 기다리는…! 이전 영상들에서 본 기억나는 장면들 나오면 괜히 반갑고 그러네여 ㅎ.ㅎ 올해도 다채로운 킷사텐 영상들 기대할게요! 얍:)

  4. わー!ピノさ〜ん!!(笑)喫茶店特集どうもありがとうございます🤣💕💕💕

  5. 여러가지 시도 너무좋아요. 갑자기 토스트먹고 설명화면도 넣고 (일본방송인줄 ㅋㅋ)
    역시 잔잔한 웃음. 재밌었어요

  6. 우앗… 아즈마 문을 닫았다니 아쉬워요… 예전 영상 보고 갔을때 너무 좋았는데…! 😢

  7. 기다렸어요! 올라올때가 된 것 같은데 하던 찰나 업데이트 피드 보고 기뻐했어요🌝
    저도 여행스타일이 피노님과 비슷하네요:)
    도심여행 좋아하는데 또 사람에 치이는 건 기가 쪽 빨려서 싫고(시부야 못/안 가는 사람🙋🏻‍♀️) 산책하듯 걸으면서 맘에드는 가게 찾아가는 재미 너무 좋지 않나요🌝
    휴양지는 또 휴양지대로 좋고요!

    ㅋㅋ그나저나 봉투 속 ‘신당동떡볶이’과자 왜이렇게 반갑죠ㅋㅋ 그 과자 저는 한 번씩 주기적으로 생각나거든요 크크

    피노님 영상 잘 봤어요! 또 길-게 부탁드려요☺️

  8. お茶の時間が大好きなのでとても楽しかったです♡お酒飲めないですがラム×チョコと聞けばついつい選び、チャイもスパイス煮詰めて自宅でも楽しんでます🫖ミントのチーズケーキ美味しそうですね!食べてみたい

  9. 바지사장ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 중간중간 등장하는거 너무 웃겨요 ㅋㅋㅋ 귀엽🤗💕

  10. 요즘 바빠서 아침식사를 피노 영상과 함께 하지 못했는데 크리스마스 시즌 끝나고 조금 시간이 생겨서 오늘은 여유롭게 식사하면서 피노님 영상을 보았어요. 여전히 따뜻하고 잔잔한 영상 너무 좋네요.. 좋은 영상 남겨주셔서, 일 핑계(?)로 가보지 못하는 일본의 일상을 공유해주셔서 너무 감사한 마음입니다..:)

  11. 왼쪽위에 나타나시면 뭔가 말씀하시려나 하는데 그냥 들어갈때 진짜… 웃겼어여.. 해설사 말을 하란 말이에요!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  12. 츄오센 정말 보석 같은 동네들이 많아서 저도 좋아해요, 피노님! saten은 의외로 호지차가 더 맛있더라구요~. 담번에 가신다면 추천드려요, 피노님. 그리고 녹차푸딩을 수량한정으로 팔았는데 그거도 맛있었어요. 지금도 그럴라나 몰르겠네요. ㅎㅎ 이렇게 묶어주시니까 보기 좋고 편하네요~ 안 가본곳들이 정말 많아요😆

  13. ピノ店長のおすすめ喫茶店巡り、楽しかったです😊フルーツサンドって日本発祥なんですね!桃と苺美味しそう。


  14. 오늘은 색다른 영상편집 바지사장님💙진짜 바지사장 같은 면모를 ㅋㅋㅋ 뭐 드시거나 이불속이야🙈
    커피와 디저트 드실때 환장하겄어요. 에너지바를 씹어먹으며 대리만족했네요.

  15. 나폴리탄 먹으러 킷사텐 투어하러 일본 다시 가야겠어요ㅜㅜㅜ(사실 목적은 따로있음 후르츠산도…❤)

  16. 지난주에 도쿄 갔을 때 무사시노 카페 나왔는데 여기서 보니 반갑네요.

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