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日本最長 / 東京 – 福岡間1000kmを14時間かけて夜行バスで移動 | はかた号

日本最長 / 東京 - 福岡間1000kmを14時間かけて夜行バスで移動 | はかた号

日本最長 / 東京 – 福岡間1000kmを14時間かけて夜行バスで移動 | はかた号

This time, we will board the King of Night Buses, the ” Hakata Express”. More than 14 hours ride. Worried that my butt will be taken off. Relax and watch. How do you do? I am now at Numazu Port, a sushi restaurant near Shinjuku station.

After this, I board the Hakata Express, known as the King of Night Buses. Long distance bus, or long war bus. According to some information, riding this night bus can take the butts off. Maybe this will be my last supper. It’s very emotional to think so. Delicious.

When my stomach is full, I head to the battlefield. Gochisousama. Kaitenzushi Numazu Port is about 3 minutes walk from Shinjuku station. It was delicious and can be recommended. Now Shinjuku station arrived at Basta Shinjuku. This time, we will move from Basta Shinjuku to Hakata Bus Terminal.

Our current location is in the center of the metropolis, Tokyo. Shinjuku, the city that never sleeps. Destination is Hakata station. Famous for Mentaiko (spicy cod roe), Tonkotsu Ramen (pork bone ramen), and Motsu-nabe (hot pot with vegetables). This is my first visit to Hakata. The cost of this trip is 16,000JPY(110USD).

This is about 6000JPY (41.4USD) cheaper than unreserved seat of Shinkansen. Over 1000km Oops, it is time to go. Heading out. Departure at 21:00. A few empty seats; D10 stop. Shinjuku Express Bus Terminal. Very large bus terminal, but the information is friendly and easy to understand. Straight ahead, understood. I see that already arrived.

Is this the ride that’s going to destroy my butt? Kawahara. I am a suspicious person. 6A. There are 4 semi-private seats in the front of the Hakata Express. That one was occupied this time and I couldn’t reserve it, so I will sit here next time.

There are 19 seats in 3 rows of independent seats. Due to 3 rows, it is difficult to pass through the back of 2 seat side. This time, apparently there is a female passenger next to me, so I have to bother her when she gets off at SA. View from seat 6A.

The seal is almost peeled off. I guess stress from a pain in the buttocks did this. Slippers, travel bookmark, and other information such as Wi-Fi. And an etiquette bag. Lights that are questionable to use. Footrests are available. Drink holders are in this position.

Toilet is there. Right side of the front of the bus. Air conditioning is not working now. It will be on when it starts running. The lights come on with no problem. Apparently there were quite a few empty seats, so everyone is seated at the window.

Now I can use the seat next to me without hesitation. Lucky. There is a USB charging outlet in the lower left corner of the seat. Press this button to flip up the other footrest. Not bad. This is perfect. By far the most comfortable. Curtains are fastened with Velcro. It feels old.

So that’s the time to leave. 14 hours later I’m at Hakata station, right? Fukuoka Prefecture is famous for its many beautiful women. I would be happy if I could meet a good one. A folding table is stored in the left armrest. It is slightly slanted. It feels old. lol Seat looks like this.

Not bad, but it would be nice to have a cushion in the lumbar area. Well, it is OK. It’s nice to have a blanket. It seems to stop at Shizuoka SA for a break before lights out. The next morning, they will stop at Mito SA in Yamaguchi Prefecture.

The armrests over here are supposed to be movable. It does not move due to someone’s grudge. That is a curtain that divides the space between the seats. It is a curtain that divides the space between the seats.

And I also thought, the sound quality of the speakers is so bad, it’s hard to understand what they’re saying. lol The crew is going around giving something to the passengers. Hot eye mask. Tea. 10 second charge. Gochisousama. It was delicious. Now this time we are going to Fukuoka, and look at this.

It’s supposed to rain all the time. It’s a little bit depressing, isn’t it? Can I go to Cat Island? Let’s try Wi-Fi for a bit. busfreewifi. OK. Measurement starts! Download, 4.74Mbps; upload, 4.75Mbps. Well, it is slow. Can I surf the net just barely? I’d rather use a mobile connection and not be stressed.

I’ve finished introducing the seating area, so I’m free until the Shizuoka SA area. So I would like to watch a TV drama that I have been watching recently. The drama called ichiban suki na hana has my favorite actress in it. Mikako Tabe.

It is broadcast from 22:00, so it can be seen in real time. I downloaded it because I can watch it on an application called TVer. That’s my favorite. It is always fascinating to watch. The signal is a little bad. She looks and acts very good.

It’s kind of primitive cuteness. There is no decoration. It’s so cute that it’s hard to look at it without thinking about the story of the drama. I heard that they came near my house for the filming of this drama. I missed you ahhhhh! LOL! This drama is interesting, everyone should watch it.

Well, it looks like we are about to arrive at Shizuoka SA area. Departure time is 23:30, so we have about 20 minutes of rest time. While filming, it will be departure time in no time. When I come to a place like this, I have to eat local specialties and famous sweets.

If I say Shizuoka, it would be Eel Pie. Eel pie is an evening snack. Why? Why is it an eel in the first place? Apparently, it is called “eel pie” because it is finished with sauce like broiled eel.

It is said that the name “evening snack” is based on the hope that the family will spend a happy time together at dinner time with eel pie. You have learned a lot. A vending machine with live video of the cooking scene. Order an iced cocoa. Huh? That’s strange. It’s almost done.

Looks like the photographer has left. lol Well, if the cook hasn’t left, let’s say it’s OK. Oh, I didn’t buy an eye mask for normal use. Sleep is the only way to win. I don’t need these things. She says it’s time to go back.

The seat next to me is empty, so I can move around without any worries. From here, it looks like the curtains are going to come down. The crew does all the work and we just cheer them on. What the hell is this part?

I was having trouble and the passenger in front of me showed me a sample. If I hook it up here, I can also partition it from the seat in front of me like this. This way you can eat your eel pie in peace. I haven’t had it in a while, but it’s delicious.

That cook seems to be top notch. The time will soon be 24:00. How comfortable will I be sleeping? An eerie light illuminates my feet lol Thank goodness for hot eye masks. Now I wish a good night’s sleep and go to sleep. Good night. Good morning. Time is 8:00.

I had a good sleep for 8 hours without waking up once. Now we are going south in Yamaguchi prefecture. After this, we will spend another 3 hours to Hakata station. I didn’t even get my butt off lol A little after 8:00, the crew puts away the curtains.

If passengers have to do it by themselves, they may feel unnecessary. Next SA leaves at 23:30? Time slip? Forgot to update program. Departure at 8:40. Rest time of about 15 minutes. That’s short. Please take a proper break, driver. Mito SA. Thank you for your work in the morning. Very beautiful SA.

This is the kind of building. Anyway, my body is stiff, so I exercise. I say “comfortable”, but it is only a seat. It is not as good as a bed. Champon is famous. I wish I had time to eat it. I wish I had time to eat it. Sakiika no Tempura.

I don’t have much time, so I’ll take this. I like ” Sakiika” and “Tempura”, so there is no hassle. Well then, Itadakimasu. Well, it’s hard to eat. And the tempura is taking all the goodness out of the sakiika. I’m learning that it’s not enough to cross what I like with what I like.

Oh, I saw the ocean. It’s a little bit disturbing. This is Kanmon bridge connecting Yamaguchi prefecture and Fukuoka prefecture. This is an important bridge connecting Honshu and Kyushu, but it can be crossed in an instant by expressway. I would like to go to Yamaguchi prefecture to eat fugu (blowfish).

I just started to urinate, so I use the restroom in the car. Watch out for the shaking of the bus. Compact toilet. Nothing seems to be forgotten lol A washroom about the size of an armchair. Mirror that reflects fools properly. Press the yellow button after use. Shuko.

I guess the crew will collect this. Thanks. It is refreshed. Buses also stop at Kokura Station, a rather large station. By the way, this is the first time I have heard of this station.

It is quite convenient for traveling when I check it out, so I will be using it more often in the future. Hakata Express is a long distance overnight bus connecting Tokyo and Fukuoka.

If you want to go beyond Fukuoka, you have to take a bus because there are no direct flights as far as I checked. It takes about 14 hours from Tokyo to Fukuoka, but it takes only 5 hours by Shinkansen. By plane, it takes 2 hours. Very fast.

So if you want more time, I recommend you to fly. If you can afford it, night bus is also interesting. And so we entered Fukuoka city. There are two bus terminals in Fukuoka City. This is Nishitetsu Tenjin Express Bus Terminal.

And the next is the last stop, Hakata Bus Terminal. Choose your drop-off point according to your destination. I will not get off here because I will stay at accommodation near Hakata station after this. I will arrive at Hakata bus terminal at 11:17.

11:11. This time there were no irregularities in the traffic situation, so we will arrive on time. No forgotten items. Surprisingly, 14 hours went by very quickly. Personally, I appreciated the hot eye mask. Next time I will try to board a premium seat in the front of this bus. Arigatogozimashita!

Okay, let’s end this video after we see Hakata Station. That’s all for this video. Thank you for watching until the end. If you like it, please comment, like, share, and subscribe to our channel. See you in the next video. Bye.



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0:00 ごきげんよう
0:20 回転寿司 沼津港
2:31 はかた号
9:23 静岡サービスエリア
12:41 おはようございます
13:44 美東サービスエリア


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[ 他の旅人の関連動画 ]
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Most Expensive Private Room on Japan's NEW Night Bus 😴🚌 15 Hour Trip to Tokyo VLOG はかた号 キングオブ深夜バス
【日本最長バス】完全個室シートで14時間半を快適に移動【夜行バス】/Longest Bus Travel 14.5 hours in a completely private room
Sleeping on Japan’s Overnight $200 CAPSULE Bus | Hakata Express
Trying First Class Private Room on Japan's Night Bus | Fukuoka - Tokyo


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  1. Congratulations on passing 100 subscribers! Your videos are always the perfect balance of relaxing and fascinating. Thanks for sharing this experience with us. 🙂

  2. 今回の映像もとても楽しく見ました。

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